If you read this
and I know you will, I want you to know that I'm sorry. I'm sorry I disconnected like that. I now realize that I've done the one thing you said not to do. And I'm going to fix it, but I want to share my thinking with you first. It's hard to already be so far and have to decide to take the final step and I guess I just wasn't focusing the right way. I love you. It's almost 13 months and I'm still bad at making that decision. I'm still bad at noticing the help I provide, whether it's big or small. I'm bad at love still. I know you'd disagree but I know where I come from on that. I'm bad at it. And I'm sorry. I love you with all my heart and soul. Please forgive me..
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I dunno if anyone knows, but this beautiful girl who I cherish and hold so dear to my heart is also my little. If you don't know what that means, then I recommend you read about it because it's amazing. She's amazing. When she's in little space, I feel like I have this little bundle of joy and giggles and pastel colors and stuffed animals all to myself. She is everything good in the world and so much more. I never thought I could ever be such a lucky dom, but here I am showing you the adorable little girl I hit the jackpot with. I appreciate her and adore her and want to be with her forever. I feel lucky and honored to care for her and be hers, and I know she's happy to be mine when I see that beautiful, big, bright smile. I love you princess❤️ I hope that this makes you really happy and giggly, it always makes me happy to see my little girl happy as can be💖💖💖
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I dunno about you, but I think I have the most beautiful and most adorable princess in the whole universe and the next one over. I love you baby, one year is comin up fast and I can't wait to spend it all with you😘❤️
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When I say "I'm sorry" it's me wanting to scream it to an open field and and then silence myself so I can hug you and never let go. I'm sorry.
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It hurt so bad then. I'm sorry it has to hurt now.
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Can't find the words
I'm on this track So I can run to them I lift these weights So I can carry them But sometimes... I don't think they feel the same
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I need air
But I Would Rather Suffocate In Love
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One day, I'll drive you around in a nice car while everyone else watches like the Cathy's they are
Screw you, Cathy
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I really fucking miss you and my mind will never stop racing until I am calmed with your voice and face because I've never loved someone this much and minutes might as well be years when you're gone
Me, because I guess I have feelings
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The Big Promise
We did it. I'm so excited that we finally did it. When we first talked about it, I was so happy. This ring fits so well and when I look at it I can't help but imagine our wedding day. I see your dress, and holy cow it's off the charts. In fact, you shine with such an angelic light that I can't quite see the details. Maybe that's because I haven't seen it yet, but that doesn't matter. This is my third draft of this string of thoughts and I just want to make the message clear: I love you. I love you so much that the words can't even come out. Like, there's so much to say and do just so I can express my extremely strong and passionate love for you that it's all clogged up. But even still, I will try. The message is that I love you, but it's deeper than that. Love these days is tricky, and I hate it but it's such a loose word now. We are true love, that's without a doubt. We're so young, yet we've made a promise to each other to get married someday and that's incredible. It says a lot about how deeply connected we are. But then you get the girls who Mike sometimes catches feeling for, and they'll say they love him one day and drop him the next. They never loved him. Now, don't you worry, I'm helping him find a real keeper so that we can get two front row seats at his wedding (maybe I'll be his best man, I'd love that so much). But regardless, we are love. We are what love is and not these other girls and guys looking for some attention. We are in love and truly love each other for everything that each other is. I'm lucky. It's not just that I feel lucky, it's that I AM lucky. You are a 1/1000000000 (one billion) kind of girl, and with only 7-8 billion people worldwide it just makes me feel like I was touched by a leprechaun. No, not that way, get your mind or of the gutter. "What? My mind wasn't in the gutter! Hmph!" Yeah yeah, that's what they all say😏. But anyways haha, you're mine. Being 1 of 7 or 8 girls on existence means I'm going to keep you. But then again I won't just keep you, I'm going to marry you and do my best to make us an amazing life just like the one we dream of. I'm going to guard you with my life to make sure that no guys, whether they're like Bolby, er, Bruce, or someone better than me, ever have a chance at taking you away. You're mine, okay? And I know you like it when I say it but I want you to know you're mine. Mine, mine, mine. All mine. Nobody else's, just mine. I love you so much princess, I'm so happy that we made this promise of forever because I've always wanted forever. And you being the most beautiful girl in existence is like the most perfect cherry ever on top of this masterfully crafted sundae. I can't wait to see you, I'm going to make you smile every second, just sayin😊 Love, Your Future Husband💖
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I’m in love but I’m addicted to falling in love with you over and over and over again…I want us to lay in the rain…is that okay?..
-My favorite words that i’ve heard today (via stormclouds-we)
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Dear Will,
Where do i begin? the past 7-going on 8 months have been magical with you. completely magical. and i know you get mad at me sometimes and i know you get upset when i don’t listen. but i know that you love me and i love you too(more). Will, i honestly don’t know where i would be without you. i would be so terribly lost. i need you in my life. i will always love you. don’t ever forget that. and just think! maybe next valentine’s day we can see eachother!!! idk. that’d be cool though. anyway. Happy Valentine’s day. i love you so much.
love, little bunny bear
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Elizabeth, my love,
Starting this is hard…there’s so much to say and the words are trying to escape my mind all at once. I love you, that’s a good start. I love you so much and in the time I’ve known you I’ve learned what true love is. You allow me to experience the intense and amazing feelings that come with love and I don’t think I could ever be happier. You are my person; the love of my life; my everything. You make me happier than anyone else and you’re able to do it every day with almost no effort. Just you being you makes me incredibly happy, and I think that’s a big reason why this is true love. When you get your ring, I want you to think about a few things: -where you were and where you are now -why you are where you are now -my promise to you that I’m going to give you forever -our future It’s important that you always remember the promise. The ring is the promise. Other promises can be secured with our pinkies but this one..this promise is secured by a ring (that I REALLY hope you like by the way), a physical object that you can have with you every day. I love you so much. So so so so so much. I will always love you. Forever. I promise to love you forever and ever. *yoink*
Love, Big Bunny Bear
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What about when daddy misses you?
All he can think about is you. You're so cute princess, he tells you every day. You're so cute that he always misses those rosy cheeks and glowing eyes and beautiful smile. He imagines holding you and letting you suck on his thumb while you lay back on him. He imagines story time and you falling asleep randomly because daddy's voice soothes you. Daddy loves you, babygirl. When he tells you that you mean the world to him and that you're his everything and that he needs you, he's telling the truth. Come back soon please, because he misses you just the same as you miss him. Let's go to Neverland Love, Daddy💖
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First pic: we were laying down and I called you pretty. Someone texted you, so you went to respond to them and surprised me with a bunch of your bomb-ass selfies, this being one of them. You were 15 years old. Second pic: Today, whilst my phone had shoved its head so far up its own ass that it couldn’t even turn on, you sent me that. It was one of your many beautiful selfies that I couldn't help screenshotting. You turned 16 today. The 6 1/2ish months I knew you as a 15 year old were spectacular. I've already seen you grow and change for the better in so many ways that it makes me happy to even think about it. And now you're 16. For me, and well, everyone, 16 is/was a big milestone. So many big things will happen to you and for you, and there's already a long list for just us. But for you, it'll seem never ending. And it won't ever really end. You'll always be growing and changing for the better, and baby I hope to be by your side for every second of it. You make me happy. So, so happy. I'm proud to call you mine. All mine😘 Happy birthday princess💖
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ibuprofen and titties
Will when i’m on my period (via stormclouds-we)
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