prince-of-arcana · 4 years
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prince-of-arcana · 4 years
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Statue of the goddess Aphrodite (Venus) bathing in the garden of the Royal Palace: Caserta, Italy.
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prince-of-arcana · 4 years
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prince-of-arcana · 4 years
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Inner strength, courage, self awareness
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prince-of-arcana · 4 years
The Delphic Maxims
The Delphic Maxims are aphorisms believed to have been spoken by Apollo through the Pythia at Delphi in response to queries. 
The first three maxims were inscribed on the walls and/or columns* of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi as early as the 6th century BCE. It seems that the lettering was probably duplicated each time the temple was rebuilt (it was destroyed in the 4th century BCE, in the 1st century BCE, and again in the 1st century BCE) because Pliny and Plutarch describe the inscriptions as having been engraved in letters of gold. Ancient Greek writers were recording and interpreting the Maxims by the second half of the 6th century BCE.
*Ancient sources disagree on the location - the walls? the columns? the doors? the gate?
1.  Follow God 2.  Obey the law 3.  Worship the Gods 4.  Respect your parents 5.  Be overcome by justice 6.  Know what you have learned 7.  Perceive what you have heard 8.  Know yourself 9.  Intend to get married 10.  Know your opportunity 11.  Think as a mortal 12.  If you are a stranger, act like one 13.  Honor the hearth (or Hestia) 14.  Control yourself 15.  Help your friends 16.  Control anger 17.  Exercise prudence 18.  Honor providence 19.  Do not use an oath 20.  Love friendship 21.  Cling to discipline 22.  Pursue honor 23.  Long for wisdom 24.  Praise the good 25.  Find fault with no one 26.  Praise virtue 27.  Practice what is just 28.  Be kind to friends 29.  Watch out for your enemies 30.  Exercise nobility of character 31.  Shun evil 32.  Be impartial 33.  Guard what is yours 34.  Shun what belongs to others 35.  Listen to everyone 36.  Be (religiously) silent 37.  Do a favor for a friend 38.  Nothing to excess 39.  Use time sparingly 40.  Foresee the future 41.  Despise insolence 42.  Have respect for suppliants 43.  Be accommodating in everything 44.  Educate your children 45.  Give what you have 46.  Fear deceit 47.  Speak well of everyone 48.  Be a seeker of wisdom 49.  Choose what is holy 50.  Act when you know 51.  Shun murder 52.  Pray for things possible 53.  Consult the wise 54.  Test the character 55.  Give back what you have received 56.  Look down on no one 57.  Use your skill 58.  Do what you mean to do 59.  Honor a benefaction 60.  Be jealous of no one 61.  Be on your guard 62.  Praise hope 63.  Despise a slanderer 64.  Gain possessions justly 65.  Honor those who are good  66.  Know the judge 67.  Master wedding-feasts 68.  Recognize fortune 69.  Flee a pledge 70.  Speak plainly 71   Associate with your peers 72.  Govern your expenses 73.  Be happy with what you have 74.  Revere a sense of shame 75   Fulfill a favor 76.  Pray for happiness 77.  Be fond of fortune 78.  Observe what you have heard 79.  Work for what you can own 80.  Despise strife 81.  Detest disgrace 82 . Restrain the tongue 83.  Keep yourself from insolence 84.  Make just judgments 85.  Use what you have 86.  Judge incorruptibly 87.  Accuse only one who is present 88.  Tell when you know 89.  Eschew force 90.  Live without sorrow 91.  Live kindly among others 92.  Finish the race with confidence 93.  Deal kindly with everyone 94.  Do not curse your children 95.  Guide your spouse 96.  Benefit yourself 97.  Be courteous 98.  Give a timely response 99.  Struggle with glory 100.  Act without repenting 101.  Repent of your errors 102   Control the eye 103.  Give a timely counsel 104.  Act quickly 105.  Guard friendship 106.  Be grateful 107.  Pursue harmony 108.  Keep secret what should be secret 109.  Fear ruling 110.  Pursue what is profitable 111.  Accept due measure 112.  Do away with enmities 113.  Accept old age 114.  Do not boast in might 115.  Exercise (religious) silence 116.  Flee enmity 117.  Acquire wealth justly 118.  Do not abandon honor 119.  Despise evil 120.  Venture into danger prudently 121.  Do not tire of learning 122.  Do not stop to be thrifty 123.  Admire oracles 124.  Love whom you rear 125.  Do not oppose someone who is absent 126.  Respect the elderly 127.  Instruct the youngs 128.  Do not put your trust in wealth 129.  Respect yourself 130.  Do not begin to be insolent 131.  Crown your ancestors 132.  Die for your country 133.  Do not be discontented by life 134.  Do not ridicule the dead 135.  Share the load of the unfortunate 136.  Gratify without harming 137.  Grieve for no one 138.  Beget from noble routes 139.  Make promises to no one 140.  Do not wrong the dead 141.  Be well off as a mortal 142.  Do not trust fortune 143.  As a child be well-behaved 144.  As a youth, be self-disciplined 145.  As of middle-age be just 146.  As of old -age, be sensible 147.  On reaching the end, be without sorrow
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prince-of-arcana · 4 years
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Calcite ‘rose’ with Fluorite & Quartz, Yaogangxian, China, photography Thomas Spann
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prince-of-arcana · 4 years
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Daily reminder to respect the deities you are working / devoted to.
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prince-of-arcana · 4 years
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“I Banish You From My Life”
Draw this sigil on a picture of your target (or just a piece of paper with their name and date of birth on it) Then burn it or activate it in another way that destroys it.
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prince-of-arcana · 4 years
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(INFO BY @woodlandcleric​) 
Incense like Sandalwood + Patchouli
Art of him
Playlists in his honor
Camel imagery, specifically Dromedary camels
Spreading his name and your experiences with him, as he loves attention
Wearing his sigil
King Paimon appears as the ninth spirit in the Goetia
the twenty-second spirit in the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum
the twenty-second spirit in the Dictionnaire Infernal
First of the sixth spirit in the Liber Officiorum (became the third king later on)
(quoted from wikipedia)
Paimon (also Paimonia, Paymon) is one of the Kings of Hell, more obedient to Lucifer than other kings are, and has two hundred legions of demons under his rule. He has a great voice and roars as soon as he comes, speaking in this manner for a while, until the conjurer compels him and then he answers clearly the questions he is asked. When a conjurer invokes this demon he must look towards the northwest, the direction of Paimon’s house, and when Paimon appears he must be allowed to ask the conjurer what he wishes and be answered, in order to obtain the same from him.
Paimon teaches all arts, philosophies and sciences, and secret things; he can reveal all mysteries of the Earth, wind and water, what the mind is, and where it is, and everything the conjurer wants to know. He gives good familiars, dignities and confirms them, and binds men to the conjurer’s will.
If Paimon is cited alone, some offering or sacrifice must be done, and he will accept it; then two kings called Beball (Bebal or Labal) and Abalam (Abalim) will go to him together with other spirits, often twenty-five legions; but these other spirits do not always come unless the conjurer call upon them.
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Paimon is depicted as a man with an effeminate face, wearing a precious crown, and riding a dromedary. Before him often goes a host demons with the shape of men, playing trumpets, cymbals, and any other sort of musical instrument.
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he can also be depicted as an old man sitting on a throne of serpents.
(includes more information you can delve into if you wish to know more about king paimon)
Working with king paimon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYpxR3IcrIU
KING PAIMON: His Sorcery, The Djinn Kings & The Azazel Connection: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vv3-UmSEycI
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prince-of-arcana · 4 years
a lot of people desire growth but aren’t willing to accept the pain that comes with it. growth and discomfort are synonymous. if you want change in your life, heart, and world, you have to befriend the things that make you uncomfortable. ✨
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prince-of-arcana · 4 years
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the statues of apollo and athena, at the academy athens, in a full moon night.
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prince-of-arcana · 4 years
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“Waves crash in time with her heartbeat and her blood is stinging salt water and her tears rob men of their lives.
They are swallowed by the sea dragged down the depths to a ruinous kingdom of shipwrecks.
There is something so awful and beautiful about destruction.
And there is nothing more so than the queen of the sea.”
© Madeleine C. | @mythaelogy
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prince-of-arcana · 4 years
Ascendant + Descendant
Most know that your rising sign or your ascendant plays a role in how you come across to people but often, some fail to take into account your descendant that’ll tweak your first impressions and appearance. You’re observed by both sister signs that lay on your 1st and 7th cusp. 
♈︎/ ♎︎
Aries Ascendant: Appears strong, exudes exuberant energy. Often will open their mouth to speak first. Communicates with passion.
Libra Descendant: Dignified and poised. Their words are fueled by love. Absorbs energy and takes in the thoughts and ideas that are being built around them. 
Taurus Ascendant: Can come off as steady (may be slow) and reliable. Grounded and certain of their desires & what they want. 
Scorpio Descendant: Intenser energy that’s focused and heartfelt. Chaos yearning to break through and feelings meant to be heard & absorbed. 
Gemini Ascendant: Comes off as joyous, social. Easily able to charm others with their words and their strategic language
Sagittarius Descendant: Their words hold intense humor that sticks with you for a while, they actually think about what they’re going to say, but quickly. Higher meaning to their presence. 
Cancer Ascendant: Soft-spoken, gentle. Warm auras and angel eyes. Unsure of when to speak or when to be heard. Indecisive. 
Capricorn Descendant: Hidden power that’s eventually revealed in times of need. Easily can take control of situations if necessary. Commanding energy. 
Leo Ascendant: Strong & fierce, they know who they are and will flaunt it as such. Alluring and attention-grabbing. 
Aquarius Descendant: A weird quirkiness to them that has everyone puzzled. A realization that they are strong and sure because they’re smart and educated. 
Virgo Ascendant: Poised with natural beauty to them. Doe eyes that make them seem innocent and absolutely incapable of harm
Pisces Descendant: Angelic but with a darkness to them. Sweet but hiding something from the rest of the world. Like a siren.  
Libra Ascendant: Sweet and kind. A yearn for balance amongst their life as well as others. A need to “fix” whatever is wrong with the world. 
Aries Descendant: A dedication to achieving equality that might be harsh. They can become more passionate when discussing the things they love. 
Scorpio Ascendant: Mysteriously dark. A hard look to them that still displays soft eyes. Observant of their surroundings and a need to truly know everything. 
Taurus Descendant: Simply wants to be able to relax in their setting. Yearns to feel comfort in the presence of others. Is actually, truly, soft. 
Sagittarius Ascendant: spontaneous and adventurous. Passionate and knowledge filled on topics of the world. Big personalities and large presence. 
Gemini Descendant: Calculating their actions in their head. Seems to know what they’re doing and what effect it’ll have on others. Intelligent. 
Capricorn Ascendant: Stone presence, firm, and guiding. Seems to know what they want from life and presents themselves as educated and unkind.
Cancer Descendant: Sweet angels who love to smile they’re just waiting for a reason too. Parental nature and often takes care of those around them.
Aquarius Ascendant: Eccentric people who present themselves with individuality and independence. They easily rely on themselves for what they need. 
Leo Descendant: Warm humanitarians who truly want to make the world a better place through love & light. Powered by passion. 
Pisces Ascendant: Eyes filled with dreams and desires. Moving through the world like a fish through a pond, calculated and carefully. 
Virgo Descendant: Moving with purpose and powered by want. Can communicate their needs if absolutely necessary and won’t mind doing so.
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prince-of-arcana · 4 years
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Modern Statues of Olympians
- Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna.
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prince-of-arcana · 4 years
The three virtues of the Magician
Ever since I started studying magic, I’ve apprehended everything in a very scattered way. No head and no toes. With time I started understanding in my own way how to sort everything in my head. This is how I arrange everything while I study. 
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The Virtue of Knowing (Gnosis) 
The passive Virtue. It does not talk about knowledge in the superficial sense of the word. Knowing here is related to the acknowledgement, understanding and observing of the realities, not just cognitive learning. I divide this Virtue in two Hylegnosis, Aithergnosis.
Hylegnosis relates to the knowledge of all things material. Here the studies of Astronomy, Herbology, chemistry and others apply.
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Aithergnosis relates to all that can be known and observed within the Astral Light (in Qabalistic terms, from Tipheret to Yesod). This virtue is related with Clairvoyance.
Meditations within this Virtue deal with passive observance.
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The Virtue of Daring (Thaumaturgy)
The active Virtue is related to the performing of magical deeds. From the performing of visualization and manipulation of energy to the most complex ceremonial magic. Invoking, evoking, transfiguration, transmutation, projection and manipulation.
Meditations within this virtue deal with active visualizations, astral projection and creation.
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The Virtue of Being (Theurgy)
Perhaps the most important Virtue, deals with the sublimation of the self and building the Body of Light. This is the true area of the Magician. It appears as the basis for the expansion and growing of Consciousness.
It’s tools include active and passive meditation, ceremonial magic and daily behaviour.
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prince-of-arcana · 4 years
A Brief History of Reiki
Reiki is an often misunderstood healing modality since its conflation with New Age spirituality and the increased number of Western practitioners who unfortunately whitewash the practice. Some like to turn their nose up at Reiki because their only experience or knowledge of it comes from these charlatans wishing to make a quick buck or come across as more "spiritual." I've seen this many times within the Witchblr community in particular, which is what caused me to make this post.
Back in the late 1800s, a man by the name of Dr. Mikao Usui was born in Japan to wealthy Buddhist parents. As Usui aged, he studied in a Buddhist monastery where he practiced Kiko and other martial arts, eventually becoming a Tendai monk himself. Due to his fascination with the flow of energy within the body and his desire to create a "laying of the hands" style healing method that could be used by anyone and adapted to fit any religious or cultural system. He wanted something that would be an accessible practice to help individuals heal themselves and others.
Usui discovered Reiki during Isyu Guo, which was a Buddhist Tendai training course where he lived in a cave and spent 21 days fasting, praying, and chanting. During this time, he experienced a vision of different symbols that helped him form the basis of Reiki. (And, certain sacred symbols remain a central part of Reiki today.)
In his generosity, Usui shared Reiki with those who sought him for free or relatively cheaply, and also taught others so they would be able to pass on this healing modality.
One of his students was a man named Dr. Chujiro Hayashi. Hayashi made a few additions to the practice of Reiki, including specific hand positions to ensure the most efficient and total dispersal of the Reiki energy. Eventually, Hayashi took on students of his own, including Hawayo Takata. Originally from Hawaii, Takata first learned about Reiki after visiting Japan for medical treatment. Instead of seeking the surgery her doctors ordered, she turned to daily Reiki treatments which were administered over a period of several months until her illness disappeared. So inspired by the success of the treatment, Takata asked to be trained in Reiki under Hayashi.
It is because of Takata that we even have Reiki in the West, as she brought the practice with her when she returned to Hawaii. However, since this was during WWII and the height of anti-Japanese sentiment, Takata made several changes to the practice to appeal more to an American audience. Though, more and more people are trying to return to the original version of Reiki. From there, other branches of Reiki sprouted up. At first, Reiki was practiced by a select few, but now there are thousands of practitioners in the world.
This is a very simplistic explanation of the history of Reiki, but there are some points that I would like to highlight:
Reiki is a Japanese healing modality, and is heavily influenced by Buddhist philosophy and traditional Japanese medicine. To fully understand and appreciate Reiki, you should study its influences as well.
Reiki is a holistic healing modality that works on a physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual level. The term "Reiki" can be translated in English to mean "universal life-force," and it works by stimulating the flow of energy, or ki, within the body.
Reiki is not "New Age." Reiki was founded in the 1920s while the New Age movement was during the 1970s.
Anyone can learn Reiki, but it can be seen as a semi-closed tradition in that you need to be attuned to Reiki in order to practice it. You can only receive an attunement from a Reiki Master.
Hopefully this post clears up some of the misconceptions that you may have about Reiki and inspires you to look into it more! If you feel called to practice Reiki, I recommend searching your local community or even check your local hospital; some hospitals now have Reiki programs for complementary care and sometimes offer training sessions. I, myself, am a Reiki 2 practitioner so I can't attune or train anyone yet, but I'm always happy to answer questions when I can or direct you to other sources when I can't!
I'm thinking about making more posts about Reiki in the future, so if this interests you, please let me know!
Source: https://www.thereikiguild.co.uk/topics/13-history-of-reiki
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prince-of-arcana · 4 years
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Milli Proust | @milliproust
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