princess--cynthia · 6 years
Due to reasons mostly related to this blog being an unorganized mess and the major dip in activity that came with it, Cynthia (and @forgetful-morgan) are getting moved over to my multimuse @caraidean. It’s just less of a pain for me this way
Thanks for sticking with her for over 3 years at this point, and hopefully she’ll stay around in some form or another for at least one more!
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princess--cynthia · 6 years
“I’m so sorry I’m late, father. But...”
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“Happy Birthday. I love you.”
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princess--cynthia · 6 years
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@crispytp commissioned this lovely pic of Lucina and Cynthia with their mother Sumia :’) 🧡
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princess--cynthia · 6 years
"Happy day of birth, pet. Kehe..." Valter, please leave.
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“I need an adult.”
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princess--cynthia · 6 years
There he is, after debating what he should get for her, he decided it would be something useful. chrom knocks on her door and let himself in, "Hey... You are looking great, dear so uh.. Happy birthday, Cindi.. Here" hands her a book about leadership that he was given when he was a child to study and between the pages there would be an envelope with a letter and a hairpin shape of a flower with blue and purple petals "I hope you find these erm, good"
“...thanks, father.” Cynthia giggled eventually, slipping the hairpin on haphazardly without paying attention to if it actually made sense there or not. The book would take her forever to get to, and she could tell it was dull - perhaps Robin could help her with it.
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“Say...what’s in the letter?”
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princess--cynthia · 6 years
"Lucina came up to me and told me I'm not allowed to offer to do your hair today. Alright, what did the other timeline's me do to mess it up on your birthday?"
“Oh, wow, I haven’t thought about that in years.”
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“Okay, you know how my hair is like, super unruly and just won’t stay straight?” She babbled, just glad her father had remembered her birthday in general if she was telling the truth. “Long story short...you tried to make me look like Auntie Emm used to, back when I still kept it long and girly. It didn’t take. It took mother like, I think two hours to put back to normal?”
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princess--cynthia · 6 years
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princess--cynthia · 6 years
just one week until Cynthia Day--
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princess--cynthia · 6 years
"Right." Cynthia said distantly as her aunt worked on her hair, eyes not really focused on anything at the moment. Eventually she forced herself to look back in the mirror and judge her aunt's hard work, a light gasp escaping her.
She wasn't used to looking good, not anymore. She frowned at the intrusive thought, trying to focus on the positives rather than the negatives. She always *used* to be girly, she remembered that much, bows in her hair and fancy dresses, but these days it was all uniforms and pigtails - going for cutesy at best. Some days she'd even thought about cutting it to look more like Kjelle's.
But like this...she could see the *point* of this. She looked beautiful, regal - like a *princess*. Like she *belonged* in her family for the first time in a very long time. It was taking an awful lot not to start crying as her fingers traced the crown on her head, turning back to her aunt with a wide, honest smile.
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"I look wonderful, right?" She said, a hand moving to bounce a few blue locks that had draped over her shoulder in one hand. "I'm not used to that. Not really."
“You’re not mad?” She asked nervously, relaxing once it became clear that she wasn’t. She was ready to take the crown off when Emmeryn walked into the room, but she froze up as she got closer, shrinking back at first from pure reflex before steadying herself. She let her aunt fiddle with the crown, adjusting it and playing with her pigtails until it fit right - and she looked at herself in the mirror, and almost felt like crying. She looked like how she’d always hoped she would, like a royal rather than an outcast with the same hair, and she had to blink a few times as she got herself under control. The thing was heavier than she’d expected, and here she’d thought that heavy lays the crown was strictly a metaphor.
“I think so too.” She said eventually. Her hair normally got too unruly to let down for long, but she took the crown off for a few seconds. It wasn’t just the unruly nature, she thought as she tugged at one band carelessly, but it made her look more like Lucina than she cared to admit - as if someone had taken a curling iron to the elder princess’ hair in a haphazard manner, making it wavy and twisted rather than straight. “It’s getting caught.”
Emmeryn carefully worked Cynthia’s hair around the crown until the side Cynthia let down concealled the golden band without getting tangled up in her locks. Her hair was so much more like Lissa’s or Sumia’s than Lucina’s, but thought it was beautiful all the same.
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”I’ll do… the other side too… okay…? Even my hair… gets caught… if I’m not careful…” Waiting for Cynthia’s permission before getting started, the former Exalt followed the same steps she had before until Cynthia’s hair was free from her pigtails and flowing freely. “There… You look… beautiful, Cynthia… I think this… suits you…”
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princess--cynthia · 6 years
“Where is Morgan, anyway?” The princess frowned as she tried to think of where her daughter could be, arms crossed. Vanishing on her own birthday? Odd. And...suspicious. She’d have to check the grounds for traps later. Eventually she let out a sigh and a shrug, deciding to let things be.
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“Ah, well, she’ll show up.” She said to herself, stretching. Maybe she could even turn the tables on her kid and lay a trap of her own for her? Bait it with the girl’s very own birthday presents?
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“Gotta love that little squirt, right?”
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princess--cynthia · 6 years
“I know I can be a...brat, but...happy birthday, sis.”
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“I mean it, promise.”
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princess--cynthia · 6 years
"I wouldn't describe my 'world of experience' as a good thing." Cynthia grumbled, her voice turning a little sour. Truth be told, Adelaide's words about the time she had come from always irritated her a little. She could understand the poor girl feeling left out given she hadn't existed in their time, but Cynthia believed her cousin should just consider herself lucky to have avoided the future and upbringing they had. "Settling down was more - getting rid of some of that experience, really. For the better."
She shook her head frantically, forcing the thoughts out of her head and nodding eventually. "I get what you mean, though. But at the same time, it's silly to expect all relationships to work out immediately. I still think you should get out there, have a couple of flings, mess around a bit. You're young! Have some fun, Adelaide, let me live vicariously through you!"
That last bit had been a joke, accompanied by her elbow bumping up against Adelaide's arm just to make sure she knew it was. "Relax."
“I wasn’t harassing you. I was being playfully teasing.” Cynthia joked, batting Adelaide lightly on the shoulder as she pouted at her. She joined the girl in her laughs, shaking her head and slowly guiding her out of the room with a roll of her eyes. “Geez, grow a thicker skin. It’s like living with a - I don’t know, someone with thin skin, I can’t think of anything right now.”
She glanced back at the room, raising an eyebrow. “I don’t know about laying off the books, Adelaide. Sure, maybe they’re not good for your self-esteem, but maybe at the same time it’s really helping your imagination. You sure seemed to be imagining pretty vividly when I showed up - and look at me! Trust me, a good imagination only leads to good things.”
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This sage advice may have been better received if it was delivered by someone other than a girl obsessed with heroes and fairy tales to an almost comical degree, but Cynthia seemed completely lacking in the self-awareness such a statement would need to stay true for that moment. “Look, if you’re that beat up about never finding anyone, let me help you. Or if you refuse to have anything to do with me and my choice of men at all, spend some time with Haley again - maybe she can even come up with a different uniform to fix that ‘knight in a short skirt’ problem.”
Adelaide rolled her eyes at Cynthia, unable to keep herself from smiling. As if the teasing wasn’t bad enough, she was now being accused of being unimaginative… or overly-imaginative. She wasn’t entirely sure. Or perhaps her cousin was implying that she was developing a different kind of imagination. Whatever the case, she thanked her lucky stars that her father sent Cynthia up to get her instead of coming up himself. Gods, what would he have thought?
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“I appreciate the offer, Cynthia, but… ehehe, well, I think I’m better off taking my chances,” Adelaide chuckled. “Besides, I think I want to find myself before I start trying to look for someone else. You, your parents, my parents… you all had a world of experience behind you before you settled down. I’m beginning to believe that if I managed to go and actually accomplish something, I’d feel good enough about myself to put these silly feelings behind me. That makes sense, doesn’t it?”
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princess--cynthia · 6 years
"It's fine." Cynthia's words were a little more curt than they had to be, she knew that much. But the memory of everything she had been through, juxtaposed with the happier and more peaceful memories that Say'ri had spoken of, hadn't just dredged up traumas and fears. It had made her jealous, almost overwhelmingly so, and she hated herself for that much. Who was she to act as if others couldn't have had their childhoods? Say'ri had been through her own share of difficulty later in life, lashing out and getting defensive was petty and stupid. She gave her a weak smile, trying to diffuse the tension that the topic had brought to their table. 
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"I can talk about it if you want." She said eventually, finding herself unable to take Say'ri's clumsily offered change of topic. Her voice was quiet, and she turned her spoon  over in her hands a few times, staring at her reflection in the dirtied metal. Perhaps speaking of it would help her, actually - maybe if she established just what her early life was like, to the full extent that none of them had really told their parents out of concern for how they would treat them, the other queen might respect her some more. The newly-crowned Exalt found herself hungry for that respect, although she wasn't quite sure why. Maybe she just thought it would help temper her inexperience and clumsiness if they knew that if nothing else, her spirit was strong. 
"It might ruin your appetite, though." She admitted with a chuckle, a real one this time, as she turned back to her food. "But, really, everything else that I talk about is just - a mix of old stories and Pegasi. Apparently I'm meant to talk about state matters over dinners with other rulers, but honestly I've had more than enough of that for the day."
She'd leave it up to Say'ri what direction the evening turned. Hopefully, that would look kind instead of indecisive.
Help Me. || Say’Ri & Exalt!Cynthia
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princess--cynthia · 6 years
Plotting Call!
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princess--cynthia · 6 years
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{Lucina’s dash is very empty, could you please like or reblog this if you’re interested in RPing with her?}
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princess--cynthia · 6 years
"You know I am." Cynthia growled at his newest choice of taunts, pausing to shake her head slightly. Of course she'd dealt with not yet created Risen before, back when they traveled in the caravan from the ruins of Ylisstol. Every man, woman and child who died of starvation, infection or illness they had to take care of, destroying the brain or burning the body. She had thought she'd grown numb to a lot of things, but her time after coming back to the past had resurrected a spark of hope in her chest and started to push those memories away.
Now they were all coming back, and she just hung her head as he mentioned children, wincing slightly. He had her pegged, and she refused to give him the satisfaction of rising to taunts that they both already knew were true, instead turning away from him and the Revenant. She heard Owain's corpse drag away, shuddering at the sound and forcing herself to blink away tears.
There wasn't any point in asking him why he was doing this, she knew that much. A shaking breath brought her shoulders to a still and she looked at him through wet-framed eyes, most of her defiance gone save for a brief spark of stubborn refusal to give him more than she absolutely had to.
"Maybe you'd like to save the rest of the speech for when we're upstairs." She hissed, weak confidence in the 'heroic taunts' as she tried to figure out what Owain would have said. "We'll put on a fireplace, hang a chandelier. Find you a cat to stroke as you gloat. Something like that."
Checklist || Princess--Cynthia
“Haven’t you done enough?!”
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Keep reading
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Mirth spreads his grin wide, nearly showing his teeth as a faint chuckle threatens to leave him. Such a display! How sickening and dreadful, that Cynthia took it upon herself to bash her cousin’s skull open. But she had indeed saved him from further indecency. Owain would have rose once more, and Grima had a stray thought in placing the zombie into another cell. Let the new Risen feast upon those he once called friends. 
Alas, the corpse is no longer useful for such entertainment. Snapping his fingers, he returns his hand in clasping his wrists. Gaze set on the princess, he wonders if he could push her anger further. “Oh? You seem quite experienced in dealing with possible Risen. Tell me, how many times have you skewed one’s brains?” He asks, ignoring her pitiful insult. “Were any of them children, perchance?” 
As he finishes his question, a pool of sludge slinks into the cell. A Revenant claws its way onto the surface, dragging a hellish stench along with it. The creature lurches forward, claws gripping Owain’s ankle. With unstable, teetering steps, the Revenant drags the boy’s body. Bloody viscera trails along its path, what’s left of the boy’s head chattering as teeth clack against stone. 
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princess--cynthia · 6 years
"His problem is that he's too patient, though. He's not done anything impulsive in like a week." Cynthia objected, running a hand through her hair as they walked away - and flinching a little at the bows. As much as she wanted to look and feel like she belonged to the royal family, watching the reverence that commoners showed them just felt wrong considering all she'd been through with some of them. She could actually recognize a few faces these days, younger and less worn than when they'd been in the caravan fleeing Ylisstol, but all the same she recognized them.
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She laughed, forcing herself away from that train of thought as she passed someone who had once been a night guard that liked to play his lute whenever he was on fishing duty, focusing on her father's words instead. "I guess I do need to practice, though. It's not something that can just happen, huh?"
“I dunno if I’m cut out to be a teacher.” Cynthia mumbled at that idea, leaning back in her chair. Robin moved into some conversation with Sumia, the girl not really paying that much attention as she looked over at her father. “You really think I could, huh? ..you think I could be patient enough?”
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Instead of waiting for him to answer she chuckled, leaning forwards and polishing off the last of her meal. “Yeah, a walk sounds nice. It’s no beach but, hey, I don’t really know my way around the capital that well anyway.”
Chrom chuckled seeing her reaction. She got a long way to become patient but there is always hope and surely with Robin by her side she is going to be a good teacher; he believes it.
Was she being…sarcastic? She is supposed to know her town but then again, what Lucina have told him about everything being destroyed flashed back and just nodded to her, “Alright.”
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Once they finished their meal, they got up and walked into the main road, ylisseans stopping to bow and greet the royal family. “To answer what to you asked before–yes. with enough training, you are going to be patient. You already have a husband who is quite a handful at times.”
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