magic anon: you're ten years older (until 11/16)
“Did this dress just get a lot more risque-er?”
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“Oh my gosh, I never thought about it like that before. Poor September. It’s uh, the start of Fall maybe? There’s the whole thing with the leaves or is that more October? Oh my gods, Abbie... You’ve totally existential-ed September up for me here. September needs more sparkle, more glitter, more...confetti?”
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“Is it just me or does September feel like a bland in between time of not being able to enjoy summertime anymore and patiently waiting for Halloween. Honestly, besides the onslaught of pumpkin spice products, I cant think of any redeemable qualities about it. Can you?”
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“hey, where’s a good place to get some tea? the high caffeine amounts i’ve been drinking lately isn’t doing me any favors, and i don’t trust that coffee place.”
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“hi! oh my gosh, what a good question. what’s low caffeine tea? is it chamomile? do you want flavours? this is a lot of questions, i’m sorry. i’m a big caramel latte gal so i don’t know a lot about the tea.”
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Now that Kane is back in this universe, all is good in the world. Nothing can bother me anymore. I mean, it would be nice if I could remember where home was, but like? You can’t have it all, I guess.
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Uh huh. Still sticking with that I can’t remember stuff? It’s fine, it’s cool. Impressive really that at no point you’ve faltered in your story. ... But yes, I’m really glad that Kane’s back too. He was significantly less shady than you on the island.
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You’re right. You’re right, we need to talk things through. Gods, I’m just so glad you’re back safe.
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The other him? You’re saying he was dead? Holy shit, I’m so sorry, Charlie. I-I know we took a while to straighten things out, I’m sorry. I promise we were working hard though, we were always going to get you back.
I am too. And we will, I promise. My mom might have implanted a tracking chip on me by that time but we will.
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I- Yes. It’s... I don’t know what it is, actually. It’s just weird. When I found out I was- But I knew that Jake was here so it was just...a lot. I just wanted to go home. No, no you don’t have to be sorry. I know you were, all of you, like always. I just--- I wish our dance hadn’t got interrupted, you know? Gods that sounds so dumb considering everything but I do.
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Oh, well, I hope she reads it and doesn’t immediately throw it in a fire– she’s done that before. I’m sure this experience helped her in some way though. Thank gods you’re actually understanding, unlike some people here. Like, that one mopey dude with the bad haircut– Rick? I dunno.
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Good to know, but that sucks for me since I love dancing.
Oh my gods, wow. I mean, me too... I can’t believe the one defining quality between all realities I have is being dramatic. If anything, I thought that would have been my brother’s. Like, how are you supposed to feel about that? Anyways. Here’s hoping it was a positive experience, in the end. Of course! It’s not like you woke up one day like ‘I think I’ll open a portal in the middle of a dance and vacuum up some campers’. I’m sure it was a massive shock for you too! And like, overall inconvenient. Definitely not your fault. Oh uh, me neither actually. But I wouldn’t worry, everyone’s hair is usually pretty on point here.
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You really have to take your life into your own hands sometimes for the sake of having fun.
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There’s too many to name, but I brought my dog, Guda. I have a barn at home and other animals that are usually chillin’ inside the house. I used to have my alligator, Rex, inside until a few incidents happened and my sisters had me take him outside. I also have little babes like mice, a crested gecko, and a guinea pig.
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Guda! That’s so cute, oh my gosh. A barn? Oh my gods! Okay just... I think I need like, a minute to process all of this awesome information right now. An alligator! Like, a real-life alligator? [ gasps ] Did Rex scratch up your new eggshell white carpet too? That’s what our cat did once- Kitty Dior II- she’s a menace. That’s just so cool! You have the whole protected wildlife centre. I’d love to see the crested gecko. But wait, how come you’re here and your pets are there? Are you like, vacaying from HBI?
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Okay, but if you mention it in the future, I’ll refuse to acknowledge it. Yeah, yeah, I’m sure it was— Oh. Right. I forgot the less evil Olivia did say I had, uh, kicked the bucket over on that side. That must have been rough. I- I love you, too, Charlotte. I’m glad you’re back.
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Don’t worry, if I ever want an admission from you, it’ll be via a ten year drawn out court case. We’ll both have a team of lawyers, someone will have a breakdown, punch a paparazzo... It’ll be a whole big thing. Oh you- You know about that, huh? It was. I mean, knew you weren’t but... Yeah, it was rough. Well, good. You should be, I’m pretty delightful.
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... Okay but don’t hate me? I mean, I know you just allegedly admitted you love me but maybe not after I tell you this. It’s about our parents. Y’know, from over there.
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Charlotte, what is the purpose of an ice cleanse? What good does it do? Is it really necessary? I think I’m fine, or I will be. I’ll take the stone massage if you’re the one giving it to me. 
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It is totally necessary. For the sake of my own peace of mind, I need to like, lowkey distance myself from HBI Charlotte. She had icy powers. Kinda like Elsa! But more mean... More mean. Anyways, I’m glad you’re okay and none of your toes are going to fall off from frostbite. Huh? Oh, no. I’m not a professional but I could totally rec you some awesome spa veterans that’ll change your life.
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I shouldn’t– It’s not fair to you, I just… Gods, I missed you…
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Jacob? He-He’s fine, Charlie– just worried about you. Like I am. What is it?
Peter, it’s okay. Really we--- I know we have to talk but things just keep...keeping. You know? And this is just, it’s nice. Knowing you’re here and things are semi-okay, at least. I just...
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I--- [ takes a breath ] He... Something happened to him. Well, not him but- Other Jake. He...died. Oh gods- He just... Wasn’t there. He was gone. And mom- mom sent me, her, to that island and I was like, her and Uncle Drake’s love baby but everything was just... Not okay. There. And just- just for a little while I thought maybe we weren’t gonna make it back...
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Oh— Oh my gods. Just– Just let this happen, okay?
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… Good, now we can pretend it never happened. I just needed a moment. One where I could be the only emo in the family once again.
I--- Yeah. Of course, Jacob. Jake. I’m letting it happen.
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Hey, you can. Well you might need to give me a minute or something before you go reclaiming that title, champ. It was--- Things were not the same, there. With us. With you--- I’m just really happy to see you again, okay? I love you, big brother. Pouty, emo face and all.
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Oh, yeah, no offense, but I’m kind of glad I’m at this camp, and the other Charlotte is at the island, because she’s kind of, well… a bitch. No offense. Oh. Um. Yes, that was, uh, me, but again, I didn’t mean to.
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Woah. You guys are pretty wild over here, huh?
Uh, that’s... I mean, no offence taken! Would it be weird to take offence? I mean, I don’t really know her. Or- I don’t know. I left her a letter so I’m hoping that helps. Like, I don’t know. I might be pretty iffy too if my mom had actually hooked up with Uncle Drake and like, produced me. ---Ew. Okay, forget I said that. Of course you didn’t! It’s okay. Everything’s okay now.
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Well... Only during organised dances?
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“Why did the gods let Hamilton get made? I swear people make playlists for the sole purpose of annoying me. Stop sharing them publicly. DM’s exist for a reason, guys. I know we’re demi-gods, and by nature we have to be bad with technology, but we aren’t idiots. Come on.”
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“Tatiana!” Charlotte came immediately bounding over at the grumpier-than-thou tones of her fave little cousin. If there was one thing being trapped away in another dimension had done for Charlie, it was make her miss her family. Not the messy and broken other version but this one. Gods, she just wouldn’t have it any other way.
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“Oh my gods, sorry. Were you complaining about something? Was it a musical? It’s always a musical, right? And the internet. Ohmygods, I haven’t updated any of my statuses in forever, it feels like anyways. I missed you! Did... Was uh, icy Charlotte okay with you?”
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