princess-london · 4 years
Just an update regarding the original Interactive humiliation task, and proof I’m following it. I hope some of youlosers have also used it. And yes, please keep feeling fee to keep editing and adding, there is stuff on there that I do need to add to my CV and I will do it ASAP.  For now, thank you for helping ruin my professional work life.
Link to edit the CV is here:
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princess-london · 4 years
Let’s keep editing this until this loser has no choice but to work the streets as a cheap sissy hooker to earn money
Interactive Humiliation Task (Update)
Recently I uploaded my CV online, and asked other betas on Tumblr to edit it to make me sound like a sissy loser to the point that one would hire me, and I would be stuck at home, just gooning my life away instead of being a productive normal person. I have been using the new CV to apply, so far I’m getting rejections, I goon over a hot independent female boss reading it and knowing what a freak I am, getting disgusted that a loser like me exists. I edge over the thought someone interviews me just to see what sort of loser would even send that CV in, conducting the most humiliating interview ever. Maybe that will happen eventually. Each time I apply for a job, whatever is currently my CV is what I send, regardless of how much of a fucked up loser it makes me sound like.  Please feel free to continue to edit it, add stuff etc, make it as humiliating as possible by clicking on the link below to access it. And if any other losers want the same humiliation, knowing no company will ever hire you, feel free to copy and paste whatever is currently on there and use it as your own CV.
https://shrib.com/#Gordon-7pkXDY So you can see just how fucked up this has become, here was my original CV
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And here is the one I am using as it is on Shrib right now:
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I can’t wait to keep gooning over my professional work life being turned into a messed up failure like myself. Thank you for all the edits so far! (If having difficulty reading the images, click on the image to view, then right click and select open in new tab. Then click on the image in the new tab to view it in full size)
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princess-london · 4 years
Interactive Personal Humiliation
Hey gooners. I’m currently applying for new jobs, but I’ve decided to instead turn the process into something that will humiliate me and ruin my chances of ever getting a respectable job again, and leave me gooning over the failure I have become, thanks to online strangers ruining my reputation. I’ve uploaded my CV online, to the below link, and edited it to make me sound like a sissy loser. No one would hire me, and I will be stuck, just gooning like a porn addict I am. Please feel free to edit, add stuff etc, make it as humiliating as possible. Each time I apply for a job, whatever is on the link (it auto saves whatever is typed) is what I will send, regardless of how much of a fucked up loser it makes me sound like. And if any other losers want the same humiliation, knowing no company will ever hire you, feel free to copy and paste whatever is currently on there and use it as your own CV.
I can’t wait to goon over my professional work life being turned into a messed up failure like myself.
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princess-london · 4 years
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princess-london · 4 years
Humiliation Task.
Time to make you sound dumb. No one takes you seriously anyway, lets help reinforce their beliefs about you. You should be abandoning all your friends for porn anyway, they distract you.. This will help them distance themselves from a dumb loser like you. 
Go to your phone. Click on settings, then general, then keyboard. You’re going to sound so so dumb after this, no one will want to hang out with a loser like you. 
Firstly, click off to auto-capitalization, auto-correct, check spelling, predictive and smart punctuation. You’ve relied on these aids for so long, your punctuation and spelling are going to seem piss poor compared to normal people. But maybe you’re naturally good at spelling, even with auto correct etc providing assistance etc. People won’t think you’re dumb, you just made a mistake or two. That won’t do. We need to punish you for spelling correctly, for not being dumb. 
Click on text replacement. We’re going to change your vocabulary so that if you choose to spell a word properly, your phone will change it into something dumb sounding. The only way not to change it is to spell it wrong. You’ll have to choose, send a text that sounds like it was written by a 16 year old girl, or a text by someone who doesn’t know how to spell or use basic English. Either way, people will be laughing about you behind your back, judging you. And you’ll be jerking off to the thought of it. Oh, and as you write, some things that change wont be grammatically correct. Don’t delete it. If you wrote “if you want to” and it comes out “if u wanna 2″ then that’s how it is. So dumb sounding. Perfect for a dumb loser like you. Never use delete any more. Keep all your mistakes in.
In the phrase section, you’ll write the new replacement word. In shortcut, you’ll type the correct spelling of the word you meant to type.
Tour list of words to input are below. Once you’re done, jerk until your almost leaking. Write a text to the hottest girl in your contacts, choosing whether to spell a word wrong and sound  like an illegible idiot or spell it right and sound like a brainless bimbo. Then hit send. Goon knowing she’s confused as fuck deciphering your text. Phrase          Shortcut
amazee   -   amazing ny   -   any ny1   -   anyone r   -   are 8   -   ate b   -   be hawt   -   beautiful bcuz   -   because thinkin bout boys n stuff   -   bored booooring   -   boring kewl   -   cool deffo   -   definitely stoopid   -   dumb evry   -   every evry1   -   everyone 4   -   for gawd   -   god hiii   -   hey ewww, gross   -   horrible well jel   -   jealous no   -   know lil’   -   little liek   -   like luv   -   love #blessed   -   lucky $$$   -   money KK   -   OK 1   -   one bae   -   partner/wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend (|Do it for each one) ppl   -   people purr-fect   -   perfect pix   -   picture plz   -   please probs   -   probably rando   -   random super   -   really was like   -   said so like   -   so sum   -   some soz   -   sorry totes   -   such thnx   -   thanks the, um,    -   the 2   -   to ur   -   your fugly   -   ugly wanna   -   want wat   -   what wiv   -   with u   -   you ,like OMG!!!!   -   ! ?????   -   ?
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princess-london · 4 years
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princess-london · 4 years
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princess-london · 4 years
No nudity. Not even near nudity. Just an advert for hair products. Nothing even remotely close to porn. No real man would even think about gooning to this advert, let alone try.
You though? You probably made a mess in your panties before the advert even ended.  Adverts are enough to trigger you now. Accept how pathetic you are. Get worse.
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princess-london · 4 years
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princess-london · 4 years
My hot crush turned into porn for strangers to goon over and comment and use for captions…
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princess-london · 4 years
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My ex-gf
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princess-london · 4 years
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Fantasy Humiliation Caption using real life crush, Danielle
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princess-london · 4 years
If you work with a hot girl, know you already creep her out. You can try and pretend you’re normal but you’re so fucked up and perverted girls can tell you’re beta from the moment they see you and their repulsiveness will only grow the more they see you. Instead do what you can to make their life’s easier. Buy them coffee every morning, sacrafice your own performance if it means you can assist them in any way, from menial tasks to doing their entire workload. Take no credit, make sure they get 100% of the credit. Encourage their promotion and make sure you don’t. If something goes right for you, tell your boss it was all because of the hot girl, not because of you. Do whatever it takes to make her the star and you the pass over.
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My hawt ex work colleague I had a crush on Kym B
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princess-london · 4 years
Bimbofy every girl you know into jerk material no matter how hot they might be. Natural beauty will never be as good as plastic fake purrfection
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Which version of my ex do you prefer to goon over? Normal or bimbofied?
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princess-london · 4 years
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My ex-gf’s BFF Gina G.
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princess-london · 4 years
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princess-london · 4 years
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