I'm pleasantly surprised that the internet drew the line at Sophie Turner. Now can we please address how a lot of y'all have made a hobbies out of obsessively following a woman for the express purpose of hating her. The "anti" fandom trend is unhealthy and reeks of internalized misogyny. That type of stuff on the internet is why Joe Jonas's team thought they could get away with it in the first place.
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howling over this reddit comment from the HoTD thread
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Vhagar trying to understand why Visenya has only one eye and since when Dornish have a dragon
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the way everyone’s just showing their support for sophie and not a single bad comment about her exists i used to pray for times like these, i spent a huge time in my life defending sansa stark from weirdos on the internet and i’m finally getting the payback this has been a dream really
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Joseph Adam Jonas you did this to yourself 💀😭
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Invitation is still extended to the universe.  Restore my faith in men please.
I looked at my old shipping post and realized I’m not as much of a romantic anymore.  But it’s because men on the internet have been determined to be terrible.  I cordially invite the universe to restore my faith in men.  
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The climax of Glass Onion is so perfect. From every character's reaction, it's just... *chefs kiss* All the 'disrupters' are horrified at Helen starting to smash the glass - they think she's done, over, finished, no where left to turn. But Helen makes her own path forward - by breaking shit.
Whiskey is the first to say 'HELL yeah!' She's the newest member, the one who has aspirations that she already saw might diverge from the rest of the group. She's ready to leave, and after Duke's death, she's not tied to them. So yeah, she's down for some destruction.
Then Bridie is the first to actually join in. She's the one with no impulse control. This is what we're doing right now? Cool! I'll join and trash some shit.
Then Lionel and Claire shrug and say, 'you know what? Why not?' And they start smashing too. Whiskey flicks off Miles, destroys shit, they're all having fun. Peg looks absolutely shocked that she joined - she's wanted to steer Birdie away from all the controversy, but never had the commitment to actually get out of the controversy herself. Peg is still just following along and only willing to rock the boat just a little - but if it can still help her keep in the group, she'll toss her own morals to the wind and go along with the crowd.
Then the interesting part happens: all the 'disrupters' laugh and sigh in relief. They smashed some glass! Aren't they cool! So disruptive! They sure showed Miles! But Helen - Helen keeps going. They all stumble back in shock. Haven't we accomplished what we wanted? We smashed a few things. that's enough, right?
No. They did some weak ass performative destruction. Helen is out for real disruption. She grabs a damn weapon of war and says 'fuck you' to propriety. She says 'oh, this piano? get fucked.' Birdie is concerned - that piano belonged to Liberace! You can't destroy that! But Helen says yes you can. Everyone thinks she's going overboard now - you've made your point, walk away. But Helen knows that's bullshit. The point isn't made yet.
She destroys the piano. She destroys the bar, beating at it until it collapses, alcohol spilling onto the floor. And this is what she's gunning for - real destruction. She lights the booze and feeds the fire while the 'disrupters' try to stop her, begging her to disrupt just a little less. But Helen knows what needs to be done. You can clean up a bunch of glass, that's not hard to do. But fire, fire in a place filled with hydrogen gas? That'll really make an impression. Burning Miles' own home with his own faulty (stolen) invention.
She's willing to risk her own life. The explosion rocks the Glass Onion, destroys it completely, including Miles' precious Baby Blue. But you can brush off an explosion when you're as rich as Miles. This is a private island. He can just have the place bulldozed and hide the evidence. Which is when he realizes Helen has one last thing to destroy. Something even he can't hide.
The Mona Lisa.
The one thing that NO ONE wants you to break.
The most famous painting in the world, that Miles rented because he's a rich asshole and thinks he's above every rule, including the security features of her case. He thinks he's so damn important he gets to look her in the eyes regardless of the danger it puts the painting in. He decides he's so damn important his fuel should be everywhere regardless of the danger it puts the consumers in.
So Helen does what none of the group dares to - she truly disrupts. She MAKES people listen.
She burns the Mona Lisa.
Does she burn it so her name will go down in history - for good or ill? Does she burn it just to see Miles' face? Does she burn it because she thinks that's what a 'good disrupter' does?
She burns it because breaking the one thing no one wants you to break is the only way to get people to pay attention to something even more important. She disrupts for a purpose. To help people, to protect them, to finish the job her sister started - to stop a dangerous product from going to market and killing countless people.
Something that should be a no brainer for ANYONE involved, yet THREE 'disrupters' would rather toe the party line, go with the program, not cause a stir, and send out into the world, knowing its dangers.
Because those 'disrupters' are nothing of the sort. They don't want to break the system - they want to run the system. Helen is the only one ready to risk it all and blow up the damn boat.
The others thought they were down to disrupt. They were fine smashing some glass, but once shit got real, when it didn't stop at the 'palatable' protest, they backed out, they couldn't hang. It was too disruptive for them. Respectability politics won out over justice - and you saw that with watcher responses too. You can protest - to a point. But know when to sit down and shut up. Protest in pretty nice ways that don't make people feel bad. Don't block traffic, don't vandalize, don't make noise. March, but do it during approved times and then get off the road. Disrupt in non-disruptive ways.
Helen understood that disruption wasn't just for your own satisfaction, it needed to be for a purpose. To help people. To bring justice. To hold people accountable.
THAT'S true disruption.
And Helen is beautiful while doing it.
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I feel like fans are slow to appreciate complexity in female characters. The trend I’ve noticed is female characters who have a disagreement with a beloved male hero, whether they’re wrong or right.  The fans have a disproportionate amount of hate.
You know those fics where Catelyn Tully Stark is depicted as this evil bitch who disrespect the North, its people, its culture, its Gods? That the Northmen hate her because she's one of the southern ladies throughout centuries that become the Lady of Winterfell and believe in the Faith of the Seven? That she somehow always insists for her children to stay away from their direwolves till the end? Where, I ask? Where tf those craps ever written in canon?! WHERE?!
Because I tell you I'm reading A Storm of Swords right now, and I find nothing of those shits. She's always courteous to the Northmen, even those who are huge-rawdy-closer to wildling type and don't give a shit about propriety like Greatjon Umber. She doesn't look down on Maege Mormont who fights just as good as men like those crap fics suggest. When Robb comes back to Riverrun from his campaign in Westerlands and they learn about what she's done, Maege sympathizes with Cat and tells her that she would've done the same if it were her daughters that's been taken. The Greatjon lifts her in the air and tells her some optimistic motivational words about how Robb gonna beat Jaime again. What else, she's horrified when Robb tells her that Grey Wind is not allowed inside the keep because he doesn't like Jeyne Westerling's uncle. She REMINDS Robb that Grey Wind is part of him, and BELIEVES that the Old Gods has sent the direwolves for her children to be their protectors. A chill literally "went through her" when she believes that Jeyne's uncle is not good for her son, all because Grey Wind also doesn't trust him (or as Robb says, "doesn't like the smell of him). She has to beg Robb to send Jeyne's uncle away.
All I'm saying is that, I won't give any Catelyn haters a minute of my life if I can help it. Just say you are a misogynist and be done with it. The fandom really hates her all because she refuses to mother a child that is not her responsiblity, that she owes nothing of. They hate her because she's just trying to save her remaining children--two little girls whom in the eyes of her eldest son worth next to nothing. Robb refuses to save his sisters, and when his mother takes matter in her own hands, they condemn her, as if they wouldn't have done the same thing in her position. It's so easy to see her as the obstacle to Robb's campaign, yet people tend to forget that any decent parent would do the exact same thing. Especially when ASOIAF universe is filled with murdered children.
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I feel like if we see any character from south of the wall appear, it would be Sansa Stark. 
The fact that the girl who asked Kit the question leading to him saying the Jonsa reunion was one of his favorite moments was dressed as A*ya is so KJNSDNFSDNN. I just know the A*ya fans and J*nrya shippers are FUMING. LMFAO.
It's too funny, really.
Here is the full transcription:
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Question (by a girl cosplaying fave sister): Hi! So, I was wondering, one of the coolest moments for us was seeing, torwards the end of the series, getting to reunite all the Stark kids, getting to reunite again. What was it like getting to actually reunite with these actors and getting to play with now these well developed characters, and on set, how did that, how did that feel to kind of play together?
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Kit Harington: I remember the Sansa reunion especially. It was one of my favorite moments. And I think that for me it was the fact that I haven't seen Sophie, on camera being Sansa in the flesh, since she was... well, she's about the same height as me then.... [laughs] Since she was my height. But It was, you know, I remember that hug that we had, and it was genuinely emotional for both of us I think, because we have genuinely like, our characters have been through horrific things and we have been through this journey of the show getting bigger and bigger and bigger, and then we met at the courtyard of Castle Black, and it wasn't hard to act, it was like, it was a beautiful kind of moment. I remember that especially.
Yeah, there was a nice moment at the end of the whole show where there's all four of them, right? And you forget that they lost another brother.... You kinda forget that in the middle of everything. But yeah, those were nice moments. They almost felt too big to act sometimes. You're like, there's too much, you had to kind of get out of the idea of it being this big thing and fans watching it and looking forward to it.
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