princessmagsy-blog · 6 years
Fuck you, hoe.
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princessmagsy-blog · 6 years
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princessmagsy-blog · 6 years
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I honestly believe in true love, and soul mates. This person right here is my soul mate, my back bone, my rider, my partner in crime, my BEST FUCKING FRIEND. We have been lovers for almost 3 years, it has been a roller coaster ride with many ups, downs, twists and turns.. but we have stuck together through it all, and came out even stronger in the end. Both of us have made little, and big mistakes, hurt each other, yet still have given each other the greatest happiness in this life. We are only human and have made mistakes because we are growing up and learning, we are doing it together..We both are sorry for the things we have done to hurt each other, but what matters is that we LEARNED from our mishaps, we don’t let them happen again. We talk about the wrong and right things, we compromise, and we move on. We leave the past where it belongs, and every new day we try harder then the day before to be better, for ourselves and for each other. We have come such a long, long way these last few years, and I am so proud of the both of us. We have blossomed from being jerky teenagers who used drugs, didn’t not take care of responsibilities, and a couple who made decisions that risked this love without thinking of what we had to lose, into responsible young adults who put priorities, and this love before anything. We just used to be so immature and almost risked this beautiful, serene relationship because of our own selfishness and careless ways.. I wouldn’t change our rocky past even if I could though, because those hardships are what made us both open our eyes & minds, made us realize what we risked to lose and made us into better people, and into a better couple.. when outsiders look at us, they wonder why we are still together because of the pain we have brought to each other, but when we look at each other we know and see the strength it took us as a couple to overcome and forgive each other’s mistakes. We see the effort that the other puts into being better for this love, we see the regret we hold due to the pain we caused for each other, we look at each other and know that those mistakes DO NOT DEFINE the connection or love we share. When I look at Robert Daniel, my future flashes before me. I see myself becoming YOUR Mrs. Maggie Mae Keech and vowing my very soul and being to you, I see experiencing my first pregnancy with you by my side supporting me,loving me, caring for me and being strong for me when I’m weak and cannot support myself emotionally, mentally or spiritually. I see you holding my hand and comforting me during the birth of our first.. I see the joy in your eyes when we see our first born take his/her first steps, when we are blessed enough to hear mommy and daddy for the first time, when we send our blessings to school for the first time, when we see our babies off to high school for the first time, I see the the joy and excitement in your eyes when our baby girl comes down the stairs and is all ready for prom, I can imagine the tears in your eyes due to her magnificent beauty, and because the feelings and emotions you will be feeling are overwhelming, but in a good way.. I see the way your eyes are going to light up when our children graduate HS and College.. I see the love you are going to have for our future grandchildren, I see the roller coaster of overwhelming feelings you will have walking our daughter down the aisle, or standing by our son when our little babies are grown up and decide to marry their soul mates. I see the adventures, passion and pure happiness you will give me, and that I will give you along this crazy journey called life, when we are sitting in our rocking chairs reminiscing and thinking about our love, relationship, pure connection, the beauty of our accomplishments as husband and wife I will look at the life that we built as one soul, I will look at our beautiful children, I will look at our journey and time together, & I WILL be truly satisfied, at peace, passionate and grateful that EVERY day, minute and second, good or bad I was blessed to spend, grow learn and love with you since January 25th 2016 was beyond worth it. I will have no regrets for anything, every single tear drop, painful moment, smile, laughter, adventure, argument, heart to heart, breakup, mistake, every time we made love, and things like that... just everything we have experienced, learned, and fought for, every goal we busted our asses for and accomplished, every selfish, or wrong choice/risk and every good or right one every goal or idea we have failed at, every misunderstanding, every romantic moment and, most importantly every deep and pure action of true love is what makes this the story of us. The story of Mr. and Mrs. Keech. I would never change a thing about us or our story. Robert and I have a unique, deep, passionate and PERFECT story, that will only keep getting stronger and more and more beautiful. This is the realest connection i have ever felt or witnessed, and no matter what could or will happen in the future , or how others feel, & how they perceive us and our love in, I will never give up on this man, I will always chase him, even while he is mine. I will never stop appreciating, taking care of, supporting, loving and giving my all to this hardworking working, beautiful, precious man of mine. My biggest wish is that the people we love & care about the most could see and recognize the love, potential & future this man; Robert Daniel Keech and I have together now and forever.. I will always love you too the moon & back my Charming.. Do not ever doubt or think my love for you could cease or disappear, you are the sun, sky, stars and moon to me. You are my home, my safety and my life. 💕😍😭✨💍🌷
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princessmagsy-blog · 6 years
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Send me your gamertag
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princessmagsy-blog · 7 years
Do not listen to people who think they have all the answers. Nobody is your savior, except YOU and perhaps a God you do or do not pray to. Read things that make you feel, that challenge what you think you know. Get fired up. Push yourself beyond those ten feet in front of you. Let yourself be pissed the fuck off. Maybe if you get angry enough, you’ll change your damn life. Maybe if you let yourself be consumed by envy or anger or frustration or disappointment, you will finally do what it takes to make yourself happy.
Maggie Mae
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princessmagsy-blog · 7 years
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Charcoal masks with babe before bed. 🤗
He’s the best. 💘
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princessmagsy-blog · 7 years
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Add my new Snap 👸 Females only, please 🤷🏼‍♀️🤞🏼
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princessmagsy-blog · 7 years
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princessmagsy-blog · 7 years
Feel a fluctuation
These dirty long faraway thoughts that still come crawling back into my ear like a little worm that wants to whisper something like “I’m still out there, come find me,” yeah come find you with a key to your apartment between my teeth and a razorblade under my tongue, are you still out there, am I still invited, or will I bump up against the barrier of your own indifference and be forced out to find other wells in which to plummet into like a diver who specializes into splash into darkness and down and beyond and maybe that’s where I’ll really find you, the real you, the you I knew that you showed to me in that time and space that more of an idea than any real tangible sort of location.
Deep breath
I’m just saying that sometimes I feel, not your eyes on me, but your thoughts, like they’re lingering over something I once implied or meant to hint at when I was making bold declarations of my own innate brilliance, so shiny and new was my every proclamation that I had to stop the whole city to have a celebration of my capabilities, and I knew you’d show up because you can’t really turn down free cake, but it was more than just sweets, it was the sweetest trap of all, and now you’re in it, my words mingling in your brain, getting my juices all looses where your wild thoughts originate.
This is that time.
Right now.
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princessmagsy-blog · 7 years
If only
If only
he could love himself
they way he loves
everything else
in the entire
if only
he could clearly see
the brilliance
that radiates from
the depths
of his own
if only
this unfiltered glow
could illuminate
his shrouded mind
and heavy
if only
he was free from pain
the misery of life
see that he is worthy
of so much more
than living on the edge
of self reflections
if only
he could know
what I have learned
after all this time
about the man I see
and have come
to absolutely
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princessmagsy-blog · 7 years
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princessmagsy-blog · 7 years
one more line,
the addict says
as he leans over
the dirty table 
and stares
one more line,
and my story is
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princessmagsy-blog · 7 years
That special place
Why of all do I come here?
I try and try but I end up at this place
Wearing nothing but my own tears
Two stones lay here looking at my face
I have shed the stars in the sky i fear
I gaze into the stones and them in me
A second sooner and I wouldn’t be here
But there are many stones I can see
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princessmagsy-blog · 7 years
I suppose I am happy,
Like when I’m with my friends,
Laughing at a joke,
A smile on my face.
But then day turns to night,
And my carefree grin
Turns into an unexplainable sadness.
And I lay in bed
Thinking about all the things I wish I could say,
All the things I’m too afraid to admit.
It’s nights like these when I realise
I am many things,
I am both happy and sad,
I am both outgoing and shy,
I am both funny and quiet,
But mostly,
I’m just empty..
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princessmagsy-blog · 7 years
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My boy, Oliver a.k.a Ollie-oops.
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princessmagsy-blog · 7 years
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This is the crystal hand of prosperity. Reblog in 300 seconds to have a year of good money management and raises. ⬆💱⬆💲💰💲⬆💱���
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princessmagsy-blog · 7 years
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King of the jungle! (Source: http://ift.tt/2zXYtjS)
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