princessofall · 6 months
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Seye by Dykhamor
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princessofall · 6 months
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seye by dykhamor
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princessofall · 9 months
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princessofall · 7 years
mcu m’baku is honestly one of the greatest aspects of black panther. he respects and honors the customs of his people and of the crown. he was defeated and accepted the outcome, and even when he was offered the throne, he honorably declined because t’challa is still alive. When ramonda, shuri and nakia give t’challa the heart shaped herb, he turned around…. this has to do with the crown of wakanda, and it’s not something he should be privy too, and he respectfully turns away (unlike ross who was wide mouth gaping at the ritual of it all).  
ALSO t’challa asks him to look after his mother, and he promises that no harm will come to her, and YOU BELIEVE HIM BECAUSE HE’S ALL ABOUT HONOR…. BUT he makes it clear that he’s doing this out of respect for Wakanda and the crown, not really out of respect to t’challa himself. He also doesn’t waste an opportunity to remind t’challa that this is the first time the king has come to the Jabaris in years, that his tribe is often dismissed and overlooked by the rest of the nation. 
To find M’Baku’s voice, he researched and imitated Nigerian accents, further separating the character from the South African-inspired T’Challa. It’s just one of many ways the Jabari differ from the city-based Wakandans, who largely worship the panther god Bast. “The panther is sleek, the panther is sneaky, the panther is covert—meanwhile, the gorilla will show up and bang on his chest and make noises to warn you about what is about to happen if you continue to cross the line,” Duke says. “We don’t hide, we don’t sneak. We come through the front door.” (x)
I love this detail! You can all be considered Wakandan, but there is clearly a perceived hierarchy and a tier of importance here, an “othering” of people despite the same allegiance to your country, and I love that M’Baku sticks it to T’Challa this way. And also to to Everett Ross. No fucks given there- About the Jabaris, Winston Duke says… 
“They haven’t been affected by colonialism and all the narratives that are associated with developing a sense of inferiority and people comparing them to animals”[…] “To them, this is just who they pray to, and they find their strength and agency in this religion. So being a bit gorilla-influenced was a sense of pride for them.”
He grunts at Ross to silence him. Ross is kind of an interloper. He has no say in Wakandan traditions, and has no place in his court. Even if Ross thinks of M’Baku as an animal, it literally means nothing because his opinion does not matter.  Later when M’Baku and the Jabari show up, it was in the nick of time but also  it’s him announcing that they will want a greater say in the future of their country. And you’re hinted that this might be the case because M’baku is in the last council scene next to T’Challa. 
This is not to say that M’Baku is without fault. He scoffs at Shuri and is dismissive of her ability and ridicules T’Challa for putting a 16 year old girl in charge of the technological future of the country. It will be very interesting to see how he and Shuri interact in future installments. I WOULD REALLY REALLY LIKE TO SEE THIS, especially since they both got jokes, generally at the expense of the colonizer. It is not like tradition and technology cannot co-exist, although finding that balance can be extremely difficult. I think this is a really interesting sub-theme that runs through the movie. 
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princessofall · 7 years
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Seafood soup, Nigerian style. A common delicacy among people of the Niger Delta, with Eba, a meal made from cassava. One of my favorites! #bonappetit #nigeriangirl
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princessofall · 7 years
Tw: Domestic abuse. Please take time to read this
I don't have many followers, but if anyone finds this, please share. I'm a Nigerian Teenager. I want to keep myself anonymous for several reasons. When I first joined Tumblr, I was overwhelmed by all the posts abt feminism, women's rights, condemning rape and domestic abuse. In about three weeks, I agreed we should all be feminists. My father is an abusive husband. Not just to my mom. But even to his kids. They've been married for 19 years, and I can tell u, my mom has gone through hell and back. It even got worse when his parents both died, because they'd always take her side. Yesterday evening my mom went out. Now we're Christians and since its the beginning of they year, most of us engage in a 21-day fast, to pray and prepare for the new year. Then at the end of every day, we go to church to pray, worship, praise God and then we eat, most times together. My mom has always been a devout Christian to a fault. And that's her biggest problem. Don't get me wrong, I'm a Christian myself, but you see, whenever my mom objects to a decision my dad makes, he would shut her up by saying that the Bible commands her to submit to him. When I became a feminist, I kept on warning her that this mentality was going to kill her one day. She just smiles and says its her duty as a wife. My dad doesn't lift a finger at home. And I fucking mean it, we cook for him, serve him, prepare bath water for him, do his laundry etc. He's the 'man of the house' so to speak. When I entered university, and my mom didn't have anyone to help her at home, it was even more stressful. She had to clean that big house all on her own, cook, take care of my younger sibling. My dad calls me almost everyday in school to report my mom's 'bad behavior' (meaning she didn't prepare his food in time). He also warns me not to be a 'bad wife' like her because I wouldn't last a week in my husband's house. Now let ke tell u, my mother is one of the most patient, enduring women I know. My dad's sisters (one of them has refused to see him till today) even ask my mom how she copes with such a monster. The day my sister got reported falsely in school, (and I say falsely because the teacher later admitted to wrong judgment) my dad almost kicked her out of the house. She was 15 then, last year. He treated her like an outcast at home and it was so heartbreaking to watch a grown man do this to his child. My sister will never forgive him for that. Even when he beat her with a belt. We don't talk abt it anymore but I know she will never forget it. My father is a dictator, meaning that when he makes a decision in the House, no other person's opinion matter. I couldn't live with this one. I'd always ask my mom if she didn't talk with him. She'd shrug and say that's his final decision. I'd be mad and tell her to speak up for herself but I think the mentality of a submissive wife has been ingrained to her head. My mom isn't a housewife just so u know. She works at the state government as a high-ranking official. We're not poor. I live in a big house. My father has three expensive cars, and a hotel he's been running for years. He's an influential man, a politician. I found out last year, he controls my mom's salary, meaning the money my mom works for, he decided how she spends it. Maybe I should have noticed this sooner, but my mom was such a good pretender, smiling to our faces. But now I realize that I was very stupid. Of course he's been abusive all this while. Do you know what's more painful? He's the leader of the Christian men's fellowship in church, very 'friendly' and full of smiles. Every other day of the week, he'd be shouting, insulting, and probably hitting my mom, then on Sunday he puts a smile on his face, holds my mom's hand and pretends like they're the perfect Christian couple. Its terrible I hate it I hate it. My brother keeps in saying that he will never be like my father. I pray so too. Back to the reason why I'm actually posting this. My Dad declared that everyone including my mom should be home by 7pm, no matter where they are. Everyone tries their best to obey this rule and is always back by 7. But you see. We're humans, and no matter what, there'll always be that one mishap that will stop u from reaching home after the curfew. My mom couldn't leave church by 6:30 and start coming because the parking space was full and many cars were blocking her from driving out. She had no option but to wait till the service was over. Its not like, the rest of us weren't worried back at home. We were. Because she doesn't stay that late. But my dad called me and started ranting abt how disobedient my mom was and how she's a terrible wife and I shouldn't be like her. I listened quietly like I normally do, not saying anything, my father frightens me so I don't object his opinions out loud. When my mom finally came back, I heard her car engine as she parked in the compound but I was taking my bath. I sent abt 30 mins in my room, before I came back, ready to greet my mom and ask her what kept her out late. She was nowhere to be seen. Then my aunt(who lives with us) told me that my dad had locked my mom outside. I was horrified. It was 9:45. Remember this is Africa, mosquitoes were everywhere, and it was a cold night. And also remember we were fasting my mom hadn't eaten all day. My mom was locked outside her home by her husband for staying in church. I and my aunty begged my daddy for more than two hours, he ignored us and went to sleep. It was by 12:45, he told us to bring her in. My aunty and I rushed outside to get her. I walked slowly outside. It was too painful to watch. Here was my 50 year old mother, sobbing outside her home by 12:45 midnight. I couldn't bear it. She came inside and we started to make food for her. When my aunt left the kitchen to get her phone, my mom told my dad had beaten her outside before locking her out for 'disobeying' him, she said it with a smile on her face, like it was the most random thing ever. She even tried to take the soup bowl from me, that she could do it herself. I was angry. How could she just come in and behave like everything was okay? She had been doing this throughout her marriage behaving like this was how marriages go. She didn't sleep with my dad yesterday night. She slept in the living room. I remember before she told me to go to bed last night, she said, with a smile on her face and a shrug, "Well, let me go upstairs and face the rest of my punishment". I was horrified. Later that night, my dad called me to tell me that my mom wasn't going to sleep in our house again. He was kicking her out till her dad and siblings come, then they'll talk about how my mother can live here again. What he really wanted was an apology and for people to scold my mom for being disobedient, since most of them take her side. While he was telling me this, I should have said something, begged, pleaded, but I couldn't. My father terrifies me. Sometimes I get mini-panic attack when he calls me at home. Maybe I'm a coward for not speaking up yesterday, but it would have been worse on my mom because he would blame her for my 'bad' behavior. This morning, he expects to have his food prepared for him to go to work. I couldn't. My aunty made breakfast for him. I can never respect that man again. Now as I type this, my mom can't go to work. My dad locked their room and took the keys. She hasn't taken her bath and has no clothes to wear. I heard her laughing to herself like an insane person. Most of my dad's abuse over the years has been mentally and emotionally, and m afraid my mom is on the verge of losing it I told my sister this morning what happened and she laughed painfully and asked me why I was surprised. I will quote her: "After what daddy did to me, do you think I will be surprised about anything you tell me? Or have u been blind all these years?" I felt so silly because I have been blind. My mom turned 50 on Monday and my dad threw a 'party' for her. He invited more than 20 of his friends and only 1 of my mother's friend. Yes, one. My mom did most of the serving and work that day, she was only invited to cut the cake, my dad and his friends spent the day drinking and eating. And it was supposed to be HER birthday party. I dont know what to do. I want to leave this house buy I can't because we all depend on my dad for income. I'm a good writer but I haven't been able to to find a way to earn money with writing and still be in school. I want my mom to leave that place with my siblings. I'm tired. My father is a monster. What's worse is that. He doesn't drink. No, he doesn't. He does all thus things with a conscious mind. I could go on and on and on. How he ruined Christmas for my siblings and I, he cares about his friends, status and reputation than his family, how he brings friends over without telling us then starts barking at us to serve food. If my dad wants something, you have to stop whatever it is ur doing to attend to him. I've burnt food, paused in the middle of a meal, skipped class, abandoned my chores to attend to him. He also banned us from receiving male visitors no matter the reason. My brother is a terrible singer but he forced him to join the church choir because it looks good for his image. He almost stopped me from living in school because I came home late. (We had lectures by 5-6:30. And its an almost two hour journey from school to my home. My father wanted me to go through that stress everyday because he realized he could not monitor and control me from school. I'm ashamed of myself too. For not realizing he's been beating mummy for years. I don't want my brothers to be like him. My brother keeps on saying he'll be nothing like him, but I worry sometimes because he's the only father figure he's known. I remember when a man from our church was tutoring my sister and one day he advised her to be a good woman so she could marry a man like my father. She was horrified but kept silent. She told me that evening. Thats shows how much my dad has the whole world fooled. I wish I had the money to leave this place. I can't bear to see my mom live the rest of her life with this monster. Because I'll definitely leave one day, as with the rest of my siblings, but she's stuck with him till she dies because people preach that "marriage is a lifetime commitment". I'm trapped in a big house, with no love where we live in fear everyday. Please reblog. Thank you
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princessofall · 7 years
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Singer-Songwriter Angelique Kidjo interviewed by Matt Frei
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princessofall · 7 years
These two are sooo
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princessofall · 7 years
I'm Nigerian ❤️
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A scene from an amazing movie from Senegal : Touki Bouki. I wish West African movies (other than Nigerian (you guys rock !) Were more popular.
Artist: @saudade.drawings
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princessofall · 7 years
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princessofall · 7 years
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Portrait practice by Dmitry-Dolmatov
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princessofall · 7 years
I heard she was black
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BOOP BOOP BE DOOP!! by Tori Hunter
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princessofall · 7 years
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‘As someone very wise once said:’
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princessofall · 7 years
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At a rally of the nation’s top neo-Nazi coalition in Tennessee on Saturday, one noise drowned out the violent calls for a whites-only ethno-state in America: Beyoncé. Across the barricades, the highway and lines of heavily armed police officers, a coalition of counterprotesters were dancing and deriding the white nationalists, taunting them with a sound system that drowned out the neo-Nazis’ own set of speakers.
“This is what your kids are listening to at home right now,” a counterprotester shouted through a song from Beyoncé’s album Lemonade. “Hope you hired a white nationalist babysitter!”
As the white nationalists began their rally in Shelbyville, setting up the sound system and struggling to gather the 100 or so white nationalists around so that they could all hear the speakers, the counterprotesters blasted the speeches of Martin Luther King Jr. over their heads.
“I just want to say how beautiful it is that Nazis and the KKK got together to listen to Martin Luther King in silence,” Irwin said on the bullhorn.
The white nationalists shouted back, “Fuck you,” and “Jews will not replace us!”
“What’s that you’re saying?” Irwin asked. “You’re saying you want more Martin Luther King? Well, ok then.”
“They want people to be afraid of them, but really they’re just objects of ridicule,” Chris Irwin, a local lawyer who led many of the derisive chants, said at the rally. “Their kids hate them, and they’re exiled by their own family.”
King’s “I Have a Dream” speech is perhaps the most famous rallying cry against fascism and racism in America, but there are many more slogans that have been deployed throughout the century-long history of anti-fascist protest. On Saturday, the counterprotesters added “Y’all wild” and “Send nudes” to that storied list.
“You’re sexy! You’re cute! Take off the Nazi suit!” they cheered.
// since antifa only gets mentioned in the news when shit turns violent, this is a side of antifa you might not have seen a lot. remember, if scaring off nazis with beyoncé works, there’s no need for a punch. violence is only used as a last resort.
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princessofall · 7 years
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i can’t stop laughing 😂
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princessofall · 7 years
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princessofall · 7 years
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something to keep in mind
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