principessadeipanda · 5 years
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This means something. An anonymous fear submitted to Deep Dark Fears - thanks!
Check out my two Deep Dark Fears books, they’re available online, at your local library, and wherever books are sold!
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principessadeipanda · 5 years
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Fax 100
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principessadeipanda · 5 years
Gay culture needs to get genuinely freakish and weird again. There’s tremendous liberation to be had in that spirit. Fuck up gender binaries! Write weird erudite dramas and stage them in strange nightclubs and have drag queens star in them! Embrace both beauty and grotesquerie—in fact crush them together! See what happens! Experiment! Love the ugly, the unpolished, the imperfect, the clownish! Mock at the heterosexuals! Imagine new worlds and new ways of being! Imagine old worlds in new ways! Transmute yourself! Ridicule yourself! Everything’s wrecked, so take the pieces and build yourself a house or an erotic monument or a library or a garden or a bordello! More life! More life!
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principessadeipanda · 6 years
I’m in the awkward situation that wile I’m in my 20s, I’m on a personal level doing what I was supposed to do in my teenage years; figuring out who I am, forming an identity ect. Stuff that comes with puberty. But as time has passed on, and I’ve entered my “2nd puberty” trying to fix things up as best I can, everyone my age is already grown up. Wile they are busy working long hours, starting families, buying their first apartment ect., I sit here, trying to figure out the mystery of being me. Pretty much alone - I’ve never been good at keeping friends. It is so damn frustrating, depressing.
The feeling of powerlessness.
The feeling of time wasted.
The feeling of youth fleeting.
The world moved on and left me in its wake. Please send me 10 years back in time.
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principessadeipanda · 6 years
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A couple of days ago I finished watching the original Sailor Moon for the first time ever. I’ve fallen deeply in love with it over the past 2.5 years, and now it’s over and I don’t know what to do with myself, so I draw. This is kind of a redesign of Sailor Starlights, whom I’ve come to love dearly, especially Seiya ♥
Expect more Sailor Moon fanart in the near future, I am obsessed.
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principessadeipanda · 6 years
also I learned about this project called “queering the map.” the idea is that in the past gay neighborhoods and gay spaces were very clearly defined bc it just wasn’t safe to be yourself anywhere else. as lgbt+ people become more visible and accepted many feel that we are losing our connection to those spaces
so every dot on this map is basically someone’s queer experience: coming out, meeting their future wife, seeing another gay man in public for the first time, anything you can think of that truly left a mark on them
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it started in Montreal and is primarily English-language with most pins dropped in the US, Canada, and Europe, but there are people all over the world who’ve shared their experiences. it’s great to look at places near you but it’s also great to see that even people in places you thought were the middle of nowhere are happy with themselves and finding community and living their lives
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principessadeipanda · 6 years
the pre KH 3 experience be like
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I Am Not Fucking Around
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principessadeipanda · 6 years
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for my coworker. she requested “Big Dick Energy” but I wanted her to be able to hang it up in her cubicle… 😇
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principessadeipanda · 6 years
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This fake yarn is supposedly better for sheep.
Aimed at people who don’t know where wool comes from, it’s 100% plastic. Yes, plastic.
So any garment you wash will release microfibres into the sea. It’ll never decompose.
You’re supposed to believe that sheep shearing is violent and cruel. There are imbeciles out there that work in an unprofessional manner while shearing, but that’s not the case overall.
Sheep don’t suffer from having their fleece removed.
Left on, the fleece can become a home for fly eggs and the subsequent maggots which can eat the sheep. Chemical treatments are available to prevent that happening. It’s much better for the sheep, the land and the farmer to avoid chemical use.
Don’t be fooled. Wool is a sustainable material, one we should make more and better use of.
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principessadeipanda · 6 years
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principessadeipanda · 6 years
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principessadeipanda · 6 years
KH3 Back Cover Text (English Translation)
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光が紡ぐ心は、(ひ���りがつむぐこころは、)(Hikari ga tsumugu kokoro wa,)
A heart that nurtures LIGHT,
情熱となり (じょうねつとなり)(jyounetsu to nari)
becomes a PASSION
誓いと果たすー (ちかいとはたすー)(chikai to hatasu —)
to fulfill an OATH— (The rest of the text is too small and blurry for me to properly translate). (Image Source)
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principessadeipanda · 6 years
Cross stitch to the next level
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A labour of love, a handmade crochet blanket of eeveevolutions I made for my sister.
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principessadeipanda · 6 years
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Face My Fears
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principessadeipanda · 6 years
Let Roxas finally be happy 2k19
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principessadeipanda · 6 years
Having Tumblr in my 20s helped me learn so much more about sexuality than I ever could have on my own. Game-changing. Learning to love my body, seeing different bodies, bodies that looked like mine, bodies I desired. No place else on the internet was as encouraging about it.
It was really special to grow alongside friends who were learning the same lessons as well.
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principessadeipanda · 6 years
one of my favorite things about the pokemon universe is how the humans are esp. the bad guys 
like mob boss giovonni can pull out a glock and waste my 10 y/o ass but he doesn’t he just accepts that i knocked out his cat and hands me money
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