prison-of-time · 4 years
city of sins -ch02-
                   I’m a human being yeah you will ask me why I’m telling you this but this answer will come soon, I woke up in a middle of nowhere all I remember is the red moon in a street it’s apparently a city but it has an old fashion like I don’t know maybe Roman or Grace building but it’s false, I can see elves dwarfs monsters it’s like a dream <<am I hallucinating or what??>>I told myself, soon a voice raised :<< get out of my way human (with an angry tongue) >>, I looked to his direction and I regret doing that he was large 4m maybe or more with horns in his head it was terrifying so I quickly bowed my head saying: <<I’m so sorry mister (with fear in my face)>>, he replied : <<so how are you going to pay for that, how about 2 gold coins… no I meant 3 or 4 maybe (he was laughing at first) , I’m doing you huge favor by forgiving you, do understand human?(suddenly with a strict face) >> I was in shocked and terrified so I couldn’t run then I shouted : <<help please help anyone?>>, no respond, nothing, no one even bothered to look in my direction it wasn’t fear but they didn’t care , like there’s no law here and locked again to him and he laughed : << did you ask for help, are you dumb or what? Did you really think that anyone will come to help you? Humans are going insane or what? (and he changed his expression again), if you don’t pay me now you will wish death!>> I froze  in my spot like a snowman and when he was about to punch me a long black hair woman a beauty no a goddesses behind him threw a sac to him and said : <<take this and get out from my sight !>> are she stupid or what she is going to die even males didn’t dare to interfere , he shouted with anger : << you dare! Courting death in front of m… (When he turned he stopped immediately) you’re … ahhh tha..thanks for your charity , I’m taking my leave( while running away)>>,and without saying any word she walked away so run to her and said : <<thank you so much miss( with all respect) >>then she turned to me and nodded and kept walking like nothing happened there, I decided to follow her so I said to her : <<I know that I’m bothering you miss but please can you help out here? I really don’t know what to do I…(I cried like a baby )>>, and before I finish talking she grabbed my hand and walked it was warm but I fell that…(lost conscious).          
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prison-of-time · 4 years
city of sins -ch01-
            Red it’s all red this moon is so red like blood that’s all I remember, where I’m now is not your regular place it’s a big city that’s governed by the law of forest, I don’t know how I ended up here but I must survive, the problem is how to do that ? Here is hell I can’t even get out from here because if you go in any direction out of here you will die, north there’s only snow , south Sahara , west a large forest, and east the big wall , and here in the middle of nowhere the city of sins is located.
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prison-of-time · 4 years
prison of time -ch02-
<<pfff…, what’s this light? A man? >> a man was facing me said : <<hello! Number 1917 to The prison of time , and before anything I’m very sorry about my underlings behavior I will discipline them probably, but next time you should know your place (with a serious expression), ok let’s skip formality and talk about business like you say you’re assigned in my block E and I’m the chief here let’s be clear I have 3 rules here , first you don’t try anything funny mean I don’t interfere otherwise you will wish death , secondly you see that in your right hand there’s a ring it’s part of you don’t ever try to separate it , and third rule don’t misbehave with my underling , ok you got it any question?>> when I was listening I felt frozen I didn’t dare to even look in his eyes so how can I ask him I shut my mouth and locked down , he laughed : <<no question , ok good , you guys can take him and show him around>> they take me and before we get out he said : << ahhh I almost forgot to tell you, I quiet like so as an advice the less the number the more dangerous so don’t trust anyone , ok chao>> he always change his expression but It was not an advice it was more likely a rule that I shouldn’t cross .
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prison-of-time · 4 years
prison of time -ch01-
                  <<hmmm…, why is the sound so loud, why I’m tied with chains? Where am I? >>I said while am walking a man pushed me from behind saying <<move! Prisoner >> so I walked without even noticing it’s like my body is out of control but it wasn’t that it was fear! Another sound come from behind me saying : << number 1917 , block E , male , grade C+, crime type 25, what 25? Not bad not bad at all !!! you’re something else you know that 1917 ?>> I didn’t dare to replay and he talked again with a terrifying voice : << did you just ignore me ?are you sure about what you’re doing >> I tried to talk but I couldn’t I don’t know why but I must talk I have to talk or I will die for sure please my mouth just talk already and finally I whispered : <<thanks >>, a moment of silence occurred and than a punch stick in my face another come faster and the punches didn’t stop why he’s hitting me? Why? I just thanked him why? I didn’t even complain about being called a prisoner without telling me my crime so why is this happening to me? And he raised his voice :<< you dare to answer me insect!!!>> What? he just!! I don’t understand but it’s getting red it’s hard to see now, I think I’m going to…
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