privatelyfoxed · 3 years
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privatelyfoxed · 3 years
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 This thread is gold… make your own here: https://htck.github.io/bayeux/#!/
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privatelyfoxed · 3 years
gentle reminder that saying you have no friends is a self fulfilling prophecy. your friends will hear that and feel undervalued and your connections will strain.
say what you mean: i want more close connections in my life. i am sad that i don’t have many people in person to talk to. i feel lonely even around people i care about, and who care about me.
by saying what you mean, instead of defaulting to “i have no friends”, it makes you think about what the real issue is. and knowing the real issue is the first step to fixing it, and your friends will be glad to help you now that they aren’t feeling like you’re dismissing them.
and for those of you who truly have no friends, you will find some. i promise, but it truly helps to frame it as “i want more friends” rather than i have no friends. your mindset dictates how you act around other people, so making it more positive invites positivity to your life.
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privatelyfoxed · 3 years
How to make a green pumpkin 紫砂壶 zishahu (Chinese boccaro teapot/ Yixing clay teapot)
cr: 利休手作
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privatelyfoxed · 3 years
I didn’t trawl the notes for this already being said but stalagmites MIGHT grow big enough to reach the ceiling and stalactites are hanging on TIGHT to said ceiling to stay up there.
my great uncle who was a geologist explained the difference between stalagmites and stalactites as such: stalactite has tit in them and like tits, they hang. I haven’t gotten them mixed up ever since, boobs are great
This is perhaps a little bit Ironic because the most tiddy-like cave formation I've ever seen is the "Breast of Venus" in Carlsbad Caverns:
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...Which is a Stalagmite.
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privatelyfoxed · 3 years
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truly a gay icon
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privatelyfoxed · 3 years
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privatelyfoxed · 3 years
“I’m so happy for them”
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privatelyfoxed · 3 years
Black sheep
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privatelyfoxed · 3 years
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For @gedsparrowhawk ♡
Every man has his torments. Demons born of past wrongs that hound and harass him. You perceive the effects of Captain Flint’s demons, echoes of their voices. But I know their names. I was there when they were born. I know the things they whisper to him at night.
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privatelyfoxed · 3 years
Maybe it’s just my soup-loving instincts, but food in a bowl is so much better than food on a plate. Why eat a salad on a plate when I can eat it in a bowl? Why eat pasta on a plate when I can eat it in a bowl? Mashed potatoes and gravy! Pie and ice cream! Curry! Soups and stews! Beans! Bowls are Round and Good and shaped for your hands! Hold bowl close and feel warmth!! Heck yeah!!
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privatelyfoxed · 3 years
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privatelyfoxed · 3 years
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remake of this edit (x) 
quote by me.
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privatelyfoxed · 3 years
hey, question.
where did all that shit in Miranda’s house come from? The tea cups and the wash basin and the harpsichord and the books. Did Flint get them for her? How much do you think she wanted to break those lovely delicate tea cups? If Flint did get her all these things, how much of it was Flints dream for domesticity and how much of it did she want? How much of his vengeance was hers?
She said she encouraged his rage, but do you think… they just… exchanged expression of their respective emotions. She, acting a grieving widow when in reality she wants to Rip Things Apart Brick By Brick, He, acting a pirate captain, fuelled by hate and rage, when all he wants to do is lie back and weep.
He can’t express sadness can he? She can’t express rage. Gender norms really are a bitch huh.
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privatelyfoxed · 3 years
If you're ever asking an autistic person to do something, be sure to explain why you want them to do it.
When I was a kid, I always kept the windows open when it rained. I saw no reason to close them even though my mom kept asking me to. She never gave a reason, so I never listened. She'd say it let the rain in and I'd think "no shit" and continue to keep them open. Eventually, she explained that it could cause mold. That made sense to me, so I started closing the windows. Simple as that.
When we first got cats, they kept jumping onto the counters. Once again, I saw no issue with this. My mom kept chasing them down and I couldn't figure out why. She'd get annoyed whenever I let them stay up there. Once she told me that it was unsanitary, I thought that made sense so I stopped letting them stay on the counter.
To an outsider (and probably to my mom at the time) it may have seemed like I didn't understand the instructions or was being intentionally difficult. But I can't just follow an order without a reason. I must decide for myself if the order makes sense before I follow it, and I need the logic behind it to do that.
So if you're asking an autistic person to do something, explain why it needs to be done. It's very hard for a lot of us to override that part of our brains.
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privatelyfoxed · 3 years
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Van-Gogh’s “Wheat Field with Cypresses” as a living painting at the National-Gallery 
Trafalgar Square
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privatelyfoxed · 3 years
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Dinosaur Carousel
I started this about a month ago when I saw some illustrations of some fantasy-inspired carousel horses, and thought I’d like to try and draw some dinosaur themed ones. I was going to post this yesterday, but a friend asked me to draw a Dilophosaurus for him, so I obliged.
I started off with the herbivores/ornithischians first since they’d be easier to translate design ideas, but luckily I found examples of all kinds of animals that have been turned into fancy carousel creatures- including a Dinotopia themed set, that too my knowledge wasn’t used, but was simply on display. 
The dinosaur species are on the pictures if clicked on, but if that doesn’t work, or it doesn’t display we have: Maiasaurus, Gallimimus, Pachycephalosaurus, Pachyrhinosaurus, Iguanodon,  Lambeosaurus, Carnotaurus, Torvosaurus, Deltadromeus, Caudipteryx and Dilophosaurus.
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