Kaladin: You ever get so tired you start seeing cremlings?
Adolin: Me, after 17 bottles of NyQuil I start seeing the Hat Man.
Kaladin: THE WHO
Adolin: Oh so suddenly this isn’t a safe space anymore.
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Adolin: Who the fuck-
Adolin: WHOM the fuck-
Navani: No!
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Kaladin, picking up the phone: Lift, I’m busy. This had better be important.
Lift: Do you think drinking 36 cans of red bull back to back would make my senses heightened or would I just die.
Kaladin: I’m on my way.
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Adolin: Oh look, we’re standing under mistletoe!
Kaladin, glancing up: That’s not mistletoe Adolin, that’s a leaf.
Kaladin, sitting bolt upright at 4am: Oh my god! He was flirting with me!
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The Pursuer: I’m going to destroy your happiness, whatever the cost!
Kaladin: My happiness?
Kaladin, to Syl: Am I happy?
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A Masked One fused, disguised as Kaladin: *pointing to Kaladin* Kill him, HE’S the impostor.
Adolin, pointing Maya at the Fused: the REAL Kaladin would never pass up an opportunity to die.
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Dalinar: Taravangian, are you… leading a cult?
Taravangian, hastily shoving the Diagram designs under his bed: Me? A cult? Whatever gave you that idea?
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Kaladin: I want to show you one of Shallan’s sketches from last night that really upset me.
The Lopen: Alright, but in my defence, Syl bet me two diamond chips I couldn’t drink all that shampoo.
Kaladin: That’s not what I- You drank shampoo?
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Hi there.
I normally don’t try to spread posts aggressively, but we need to get the word around.
The climate crises is peaking. America and Canada aren’t doing anything.
We need a general strike.
And it can’t happen without you. Come October 15th, we need to stand together and show the one percent and Congress that we mean business.
If you can help in ANY way, be it reblogging, spreading this info to other sites, or participating come the fifteenth, please do.
We’re all in this together.
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Shallan: I mean, small creatures way more vicious. It's because their anger has less space to be bottled up in
Jasnah: That's ridiculous! Give me one example
Renarin: Spiders
Navani: Wasps
Kaladin: Lift
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Szeth: You want something to eat?
Nightblood: The souls of the malificent.
Lift: A bagel.
Nightblood: NO-
Lift: Two bagels.
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Kaladin: Would you rather fight kindergarteners or-
Moash: I wanna fight kindergarteners.
Kaladin: See that’s not the whole-
Moash: Those kids are getting SLAPPED-
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Jasnah: What’s the plan Stormblessed?
Kaladin: Usually I just scream at the sky until something goes my way.
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Jasnah, entering Urithiru: What’s Hoid teaching you Shallan?
Shallan, scribbling on her sketch pad: Tax evasion!
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Lift: Does anyone have any questions?
Wyndle: Is this legal?
Lift: Does anyone have any relevant questions?
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Evi: You don’t need alcohol to have fun!
The Blackthorn: You also don’t need a Rhysadium to get around places but it certainly helps.
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Jasnah: Bottling up negative emotions is bad for your health, so you shouldn’t do it.
Shallan: I know, that’s why I bottle up all my emotions, positive and negative, so it cancels out.
Kaladin: I like her thinking.
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