problemanate · 5 years
*pulls up a chair and sits in it dramatically* So, tell me more about this...Akechi Palace AU.
ha ha hfksjdg SURE
So first of all, I think that Akechi’s shadow self being a child is the most fitting choice for his personality, I guess? His Crow image comes across as very youthful and innocent in how earnest it seems, with his weapons being specifically described as children’s toys, and even Robin Hood as his persona, who feels to me like the kind of superhero a kid would dream up. I think the reason that Akechi is the way he is ultimately comes back around to being caught up in the traumas of his childhood, and that motivates everything about his current self… both in his desperation to be seen as valid and valuable, but also his long con revenge scheme. Keeping all of that in mind, to me it makes sense that his shadow would be stuck as a literal child version of himself.
The basic premise of Akechi’s palace in my AU is that it’s just one big party that never ends inside of a giant labyrinthine mansion… it’s his birthday, every day, and he’s always the centre of everyone’s praise and attention. All of the shadows are his party guests, and they’re constantly bringing him food and gifts, and so on. However, I think that ultimately the way Akechi wants to be seen by the world, and the way he views it, are a big cover for what’s really underneath the surface, and I wanted his palace to reflect that if that makes sense? Even inside of his own palace he can’t really be himself, so he presents a fake version of what he wishes the world were actually like. Sort of like: Shido or Madarame’s palace on the outside, but Futaba’s palace on the inside.
All of the food is actually inedible (it’s just to look nice) and the boxes of presents are all empty. Akechi wants to be celebrated and acknowledged, but he also feels as though it’s only possible so long as he’s putting up a front of being cheerful and pleasant — essentially, being someone he really isn’t. I think the children’s birthday party theme works well in this case, because even though it’s his party, there’s always an expectation that he has to be on his best behaviour, and that he can’t ruin the fun by showing just how sad and afraid and alone he really is. I like the idea that the more upset he becomes by the Phantom Thieves showing up to steal his treasure, and the more he starts to fall apart as a result, the more his own shadows start to get angry and even begin to turn against him.
To elaborate more on the palace itself, it’s meant to look beautiful and pristine on the outside, and it does on the inside as well, but only up to a certain point. If you travel too deep inside of it, things get really confusing — I imagine it becomes somewhat like the Winchester Mansion, with staircases that go nowhere, doors that are just a part of the wall or open up to nothing, and so on. All of those puzzles and tricks are meant to prevent his “guests” from going any further inside, which is where things start to resemble places from his real childhood… an orphanage, his foster homes, even the tiny apartment he lived in once upon a time with his mother. Speaking of his mother… I’m sure you can guess what the haunting creature in the bathtub might represent
As a little aside: spearofroute4 on twitter brought up the idea that (similar to Shido’s palace) for one part of the infiltration, the Phantom Thieves might be turned into child versions of themselves and have to make nice with Akechi, or pretend to bring him presents to pacify him, or something like that. I love that idea and I’d really like to draw it, so I might end up doing that next!
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problemanate · 6 years
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The Women Of Zero Escape - Phi
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i mean,
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problemanate · 6 years
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problemanate · 6 years
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[safe ending]
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