Timeline for PP W/b 14th February 2022-Mid-week Break * prepare for route-map presentations W/b 22nd February *route-map presentations * use of workshop * reading/library W/b 29th February * embroidery and testing material * contacting/arranging site display * tutorial discussion before break Easter Break Mon.4th April - Monday 18th April 2022.
Tuesday 19th of April 2022 - Group catch up - Tutorials.
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These are my ten photographs chosen above for the final.
The top one is a development of a drawing I had done before which I took a print from  then cut it out  and placed on top of the original to get the double picture. I used black ink and then added colour, but decided to use the black and white one as I thought that looked more cultural, like aboriginal art, as I wanted it to represent culture, the communication of culture passed down and for the future.
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Artist Statement
Appropriation in Art is the use of pre-existing objects or images with little or no transformation applied to them. The use of appropriation has played a significant role in history of the arts. In the visual arts, to appropriate  means to properly adopt, borrow, recycle or sample aspects (or then entire form) of human made visual culture. Notable in this respect are the Readymades of Marcel Duchamp.
Other artists that used appropriation in their artwork was Andy Warhol with his famous Campbell’s soup cans in his 1962 paintings which involved a ‘picture like’ painting not changing the text or design of the cans, also the giant Brillo (pad) boxes were another famous success representing the new age of 60′s Pop Art. I thought that I could do similar using a Andy Warhol type of base design with coloured squares, with TVs on each one. Proceeding to add images in a collage formation, thus making it my own.
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I wanted to add a ‘Dear John’ letter to show how people can be hurt with - nowadays - dumped by text, but in the older days it was a letter. Just a bit of humour. These are some of my dipping ceramics.
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We have a society of children that have hang-ups about how many likes or instagram followers they have and how good they look on camera. This can lead to mental health problems and self-harm as people don’t think they are good enough. It is meant to be tongue and cheek and humourous, but there is a sad reality of it that is hauntingly true. There is the chain around the neck with ‘Slave to Tech’. The wires representing that we as humans need to be plugged into our phones and gadgets to function.  I used bandages, tomato sauce (the colour looked more like blood than paint) and pins with fragile tape to show the pain of how people feel about not being good enough. So the maniquinn has no hands - we can still communicate without hands.
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Exhibition wall. Bus and train tickets. An ink drawing with all the nerve and communication lines running wild from the person. Below that picture is a collage on music.
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Experimenting before the exhibition.(Above) and the Fruitmarket Gallery Exhibition. Howardena Pindell (1943), born in Philadelphia is an writer, activist, teacher, curator and artist. Her work ‘ Untitled (Stencil) 1970, is one of a number she created by punching holes in strips cut from file folders, causing dense clusters of perforations through which she worked her paint coloured by years of use. She uses the punched-out chads, along with thread, glitter and powder. This creates a mixture of layers that slowly unfolds, she then numbers the chads which must have took such an age to do, so clearly, a lady with much patience and determination. When we see videos of her past, we see how she is the strong person for what she is, always standing up for her rights and other peoples. The painting, Columbus (2020) and the video Rope/Fire/Water of the same age, is all about racism against black and indigenous people dating back since the transatlantic slave trade.
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Above, Louise’s sculpture.
My braille blind.
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Above was some of my tutor, Louise Ritchie’s work. I have more photos but these are just two of them to show the development of the work, the detail and the fragility of  how delicate and pretty this object has been portrayed. It obviously shows how much love and affection she had for a plate that belonged to a female family member who is no longer with us - but the memory is still alive in this art. Louise folds and casts objects with porcelain that express form and surface in unconventional ways. The exhibition was called, ‘Presence of Absence..’ 
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Above was some of Leena Nammari’s work which was a reflection on her life in Palestine and thoughts and people that were missing, proud of her heritage. And as you can see, a part of it has gone.....
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We were lucky to have a day out in Edinburgh organised by our tutor and got shown round the Edinburgh Printmakers which was interesting to see that they had a whole floor space dedicated to the art of Printmaking and a part of Edinburgh’s history. March 2022.
We were accompanied by Leena Nammari, a Palestinian artist printmaker based in Scotland who was very knowledgeable in that area. Also taking part in exhibitions in Europe, Australia and her home in Palestine as a group and solo artist. Her own collaborative exhibition with our tutor Louise Ritchie was also displayed on the top floor, so we were excited to see that and also have a personal tour from both artists!
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I liked the feel of the material of the blinds. These are some close-up shots of a 3D picture that I framed showing we are looking in, looking out. The stripy material made it easy to cut in a straight line. There were also hooks at the top that I could hang up for display purposes.
We close the blinds/ curtains so strangers or neighbours can’t look in. This is a form of communication within it’s self. The first set-up of the signalling (morse- code) was the opening and shutting of blinds.
Above, a table of the Braille alphabet. I used an office punch to make holes in the blinds as they were paper based so I could do that. We visited the Fruitmarket Gallery where we seen lots of work similar, with the hole punching technic.
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Me watching you, watching me.
 Close-ups of 3D frame, using polystyrene, ribbon, paper and strip of blind. We use blinds for privacy - to see out and in. To block out people, day-light, operating the slants from our homes. Sometimes, we look out if we hear a noise and we lift the blind to show our eyes..
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Communicating with the  letters of the alphabet. Experimenting with different shapes of the blinds from above, rather than flattened.
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