prodigalfonist · 8 years
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“What can I say? I learned from the best…or should I say worst?” He’s talking about you, Jade.
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“Oh?” That smile means you should be very afraid. “So you do listen when I talk to you~! How flattering!”
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prodigalfonist · 8 years
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“I’d rather you didn’t. I find myself becoming rather jaded.”
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“That’s the best you can come up with? I’m ashamed, Dist.” Can he get any more deadpan? A question for the ages.
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prodigalfonist · 8 years
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“DISTurbing, DISTgraceful, DISTant, inDISTinguished, ....I can go on, if you like?”
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prodigalfonist · 8 years
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“It’s Rose, you–” Dist starts, before he interrupts himself with a beautiful shriek as Jade strikes. Why. Just why. What did he do to deserve this? Not that much Jade does seems to have any rhyme or reason anyways…
Dist at least has enough grace to take his embarrassment in stride, fixing Jade with a stern look. “One of these days, you’re going to actually make me break something, and then you’ll be sorry!” 
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Look at this face. Can you stay mad at this face? He’s pouting dramatically, you know. “Oh, dear, are you saying you’re that incompetent that a little surprise will cause you to break something?” He drops the pout because they both know it’s full of shit, and puts on an innocent smile instead.
“Now, now, getting worked up is bad for your heart, Dist the Runny,” he says, completely ignoring the correction and patting the other man on the cheek. “So,” he says, leaning around him. “What are you working on?”
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prodigalfonist · 8 years
hc; basics
Mostly just to get a handle on how I interpret Jade’s personality and way of thinking, I’m sort of....banging my head against the keyboard until things make sense. Writing it out always helps.
The most fundamental part of Jade, I think, is that he was --is -- a prodigy. That sort of vast gap in intellect between him and almost everyone else served to distance him quite a bit from people as a whole, and even now it makes it hard for him to really understand how people work. It’s not like an arte or fontech; people aren’t logical and don’t follow set rules, and it’s a bit difficult for him to really grasp that. He’s a lot better than he was as a child, though, mostly thanks to experience and trial and error, but still sometimes he just doesn’t get why someone would do or say or react in a certain way.  (Sometimes he says something and it’s ‘oh wait that actually hurt someone’s feelings, oops’ but sometimes he does it on purpose. No one knows which one at any given time, though.)
He feels like he knows best, of course he does, but then people just do things that don’t make logical sense and it’s annoying. For a long time he just assumed ‘if I can do something, why shouldn’t I?’ and it took him a while to get that it doesn’t work that way, though he still doesn’t entirely grasp what normal people tend to see as ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. Objectively, from a scientist’s point of view, he does get it, but...that’s not the same as understanding it subjectively.
It also feeds into why he didn’t understand why the fomicry was so wrong until the thing with Nebilim -- to him of course someone wouldn’t mind having something back, right, even if it’s not the original it’s still identical. What’s the difference? It didn’t make sense until shit hit the fan and it was like ‘oh’. 
(It’s why he was so attached to Nebilim in general, too; she was able to understand him at his level, instead of just not getting it like most other people.)
Figuring people out is something that gives him a hard time, but he doesn’t mind -- he’s well aware he’s not a very likable person, and this doesn’t bother him at all. It’s a fact. The sky is blue, the grass is green, and he, Jade Curtiss, is an asshole. And the people who still like him in spite of that are weird.
This is kinda why Dist makes no sense to him at all -- after everything he’s done to the man, he’s 100% sure he’d hate him, and yet he’s still not doing that. It’s infuriating and endlessly annoying that the man refuses to make logical sense, but he’s also weirdly fond of the guy.
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prodigalfonist · 8 years
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“Oh, there you are~!” Of course he’s here, where else would he be? He knows Saphir well enough to know he’d probably fuse himself to the workshop if he could (and he probably actually would if Jade didn’t come to bother him regularly). 
Unfortunately for Dist, Jade happens to say this from about half a foot behind him, and accompanies it with knuckles digging into Dist’s sides in that childish gesture meant to give someone goosebumps. “And what are we up to today, Dist the Runny?”
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