"Have either of your Moms had the talk with you yet buddy?"
The talk? Like the one Rumple, Snow and David should have had with you and mom? *snickers*
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How are things going with Grace?
Very well, she’s the one thing that’s held me together.
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Do you have any long-term goals for yourself?
Graduating High school, seeing my parents and Grace happy........not sure beyond that.
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TMI Tuesday!
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I only have time for a few questions, before going out on a date with Grace so make them count.
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I heard you and your dad ate my leftover pizza...
If it’s in the fridge, and it doesn’t have your name on it.....it’s fair game.....isn’t that the rule? *laughs*
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"If you could be a knight, a pirate or a prince, which one would you choose?"
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"Do you believe in ghosts, kid?"
What kind of Ghosts?
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The voice came from the shadows making the boy on the bed wince and whimper in his sleep. “You destroy me you destroy the boy, you think i care if I die? If I disappear? I’ll take the boy with me, and you as well. The question is not about this ending well for me, it’s about how you will live after you go mad over what you have done to your own flesh and blood.” The shadow moved around the room before finally reaching out with dark fingers to touch the sleeping child, making him cry out in fear and pain.
“You know your son will never forgive you if you kill him, he might even kill himself. Your murderess wife will hate you for using magic, and will never really trust you with your own children again, and you will be haunted every night by his last screams of terror. And that’s not even taking into account what will happen to sweet little Grace......you know they thought true love’s kiss could free him?” The shadow’s form touched the boy’s hair, an almost caring gesture, but it obviously sinister, making Henry start to thrash on the bed.
“Fools, but she is.......tenacious that one.....stronger mind then Henry, then even you. You know she figured it out first? Took her only a few days to see right through me, makes her smarter than you and all the rest of your family.” Henry murmured in his sleep, crying out for his father, his mother, for Grace. “He’s mine now, there’s no fight left in him, the only reason he doesn’t kill himself is because Grace made him promise not to, and you think that you can beat me? You couldn’t when you were a child, and you are all alone again, no family, no friends, sneaking in the middle of the night to your grandson’s room.” The shadow challenged him. 
Dark is Night, But Darker the Soul - [Rumpel/Henry/Tinkerbell]
He had been delaying this event for as long as possible; not because he hadn’t wanted to save his grandson, but rather that he had naively thought that perhaps The Shadow might grow bored of him and dispense with it’s ridiculous games. Unfortunately, Henry’s condition had only worsened, until the boy could no longer leave the house without fear of an ‘attack’. It seemed to Rumpel that the boy’s mind was no longer his own; that every word from the boy’s mouth was a falsehood spoken by the demon that dwelt within him. He of all people knew what it was to have one’s mind and soul puppeteered by something dark and powerful; to be a slave to forces far beyond your comprehension. He would not allow Henry to suffer for centuries as he had. He had asked Tinkerbell to wait downstairs while he secured the boy, who he knew would be sleeping now. Entering Henry’s room as silently as the shades he controlled, he hovered over the boy’s bed, a grim expression on his face. He could feel The Shadow’s presence lingering just beyond his line of sight, drawing off the boy’s energy like the parasite that it was. “I take that you know why I’m here, and if you know that… Then you know that this cannot end well for you…”
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Do you think you shall ever recover from what you've been through?
I don’t know......I hope with Grace’s help......with her with me.......She’s the only reason I’m still sane. The only reason I’m still fighting..........recovery......I don’t know about that....
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Whats the best time of the day?
The evening, when Mom and Dad are both home, usually one heading out and one heading in, but sometimes I get some time with them. 
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"Do you wish you could travel between worlds?"
Not all the worlds, but to explore a few would be nice.
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TMI Tuesday
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“It’s all in the blood.....” Henry laughed. “I come from some pretty wise people,most of the time they just don’t realize it.”
"A castle huh? is that something you think about a lot?"
Sometimes. I mean, I am the grandson of a prince, and both of my Grandparents had castles, Mama had a few castles, and well, wouldn’t you like that? To be back home, no longer a peasant, but a knight, married to a princess in our own castle?
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*grins* Fairytales used to be metaphors, dragons being things we had to overcome in ourselves and around out. You don’t think that over coming your drinking is a dragon in your life? Or risking rejection from Mom? Or facing Pan and your past? I see those as your personal dragons, don’t you?
"A castle huh? is that something you think about a lot?"
Sometimes. I mean, I am the grandson of a prince, and both of my Grandparents had castles, Mama had a few castles, and well, wouldn’t you like that? To be back home, no longer a peasant, but a knight, married to a princess in our own castle?
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Yeah, the way it should have been. And Dad, you have risked your life for us, you have fought the demons, real and in your mind, and if you don’t think that makes you a Knight........you haven’t been seeing the dragons...
"A castle huh? is that something you think about a lot?"
Sometimes. I mean, I am the grandson of a prince, and both of my Grandparents had castles, Mama had a few castles, and well, wouldn’t you like that? To be back home, no longer a peasant, but a knight, married to a princess in our own castle?
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"A castle huh? is that something you think about a lot?"
Sometimes. I mean, I am the grandson of a prince, and both of my Grandparents had castles, Mama had a few castles, and well, wouldn’t you like that? To be back home, no longer a peasant, but a knight, married to a princess in our own castle?
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