prof-zooms-lab · 3 years
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Key: 1=Platonic | 2=Romantic | 3=Rival | 4=Enemy | 5=Neutral / No Relationship | 6=Smut | 7=They/Them | 8=He/Him | 9=No Pronouns | 10=Trans Reader | 11=Teen Reader | 12=Fluff | 13=Angst | 14=Comedy | 15=Horror | 16=Gore | 17=Yandere | 18=Headcanons | 19=Full Fic | 20=Prompt
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🔴|| HEROES...
(Vic Sage) general dating hcs [2 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 14 | 18]
(Nabu / Doctor Fate) with an apprentice [1 | 7 | 11 | 12 | 15 | 16 | 18]
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(Eobard Thawne) general dating hcs [2 | 6 | 9 | 17 | 18]
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🔴|| GROUPS...
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prof-zooms-lab · 3 years
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This list is subject to change, I may add more characters when I get the chance or confidence to write for them. Credit of the idea belongs to kyberphilosopher​, make sure to check out their stuff!
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DC Heroes Masterlist #1
DC Villains Masterlist #1
DC Anti-Heroes / Unaligned Masterlist #1
DC Civilians Masterlist #1
DC Groups Masterlist #1
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Watchmen Heroes Masterlist #1
Watchmen Villains Masterlist #1
Watchmen Anti-Heroes / Unaligned Masterlist #1
Watchmen Civilians Masterlist #1
Watchmen Groups Masterlist #1
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Marvel Heroes Masterlist #1
Marvel Villains Masterlist #1
Marvel Anti-Heroes / Unaligned Masterlist #1
Marvel Civilians Masterlist #1
Marvel Groups Masterlist #1
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Invincible Heroes Masterlist #1
Invincible Villains Masterlist #1
Invincible Anti-Heroes / Unaligned Masterlist #1
Invincible Civilians Masterlist #1
Invincible Groups Masterlist #1
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prof-zooms-lab · 3 years
|| F.A.Q.
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“Why won’t you write for female readers?”
Writing for women makes me uncomfortable. If that’s an issue for you, I don’t care. Block me and move on.
“Why won’t you write for body type specific readers?”
“Why won’t you write for race / nationality specific readers?”
I’m not a POC, I don’t think it would be appropriate for me to write about the experiences of a community I’m not apart of. In all of my stories, the reader’s race will remain ambiguous. As for nationality, I’ve never traveled outside of my country so I don’t know anything about the social culture of any country other than the US.
“Why won’t you write for disabled / mentally ill readers?”
Disabilities and mental illness shows in different ways for everyone. I don’t want to inaccurately portray a disability or illness and offend a requestor. I am largely ignorant to most symptoms of disabilities and mental illnesses.
“Why won’t you write for religious readers?”
I grew up practically non-religious, so I know nothing about religion.
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prof-zooms-lab · 3 years
|| DC PROMPTS... [wip]
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Read my DNI before interacting. Anyone is free to use these, just make sure to reblog this and give credit if you do. More parts will be added when the inspiration strikes me.
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🔴|| Dialogue Prompts
“Aw, I didn’t know that you collected figurines of me!”
“Is...that a poster of me?”
“Can I get an autograph!?”
“...Give me back my batarang, you’re a civilian.”
“No, we cannot take a photo. I’m working.”
"Stop telling people I’m your grandparent. I’m not that old.”
“Is that my shirt?”
“Take my shoes off, your big ass toes are gonna stretch them out!”
“You know, I hated you for the first 10 years of your life. Your cool now though.”
“When you said that we’d be joining an elite evil team, I was expecting more than...this.”
“My life isn’t as glamourous as my wanted poster makes it seem.”
“Hello, you old bitch.”
“Fuck, you live like this?”
“Wanna break into [MENTOR]’s room?”
“Curb your savior complex.”
“Don’t worry, the bullying is consensual.”
“Dude, I have school in the morning. I’m not going on a 7 hour patrol with you.”
“Wow, the Watchtower is so pr- aRE WE IN SPACE!?”
“I was born for politics! I have great hair and I love lying!”
“No, you cannot eat Kryptonite.”
“Yes, my chosen family is a 6′7 green Martian and his niece.”
“Are you telling me a dog out ranks me?”
“I’m wearing a dead mans ring. This is rock bottom.”
“I thought this was secret base? We’re just in the middle of a swamp.”
“You’ll have a hard time believing this because it never happens, but I made a mistake.”
“Green is not your color.”
“That’s literally the stupidest plan I’ve ever heard. I’m in.”
“You actually came?”
“I skipped training today, cover for me!”
“What did you do to the base?!”
“Do I really have to sign [CHARACTER]’s birthday card? I hate that guy...”
“Just because it’s normal to give a child a sword where your from, doesn’t it’s normal here.”
“Did you really take up an off planet mission to avoid going to class?”
“Why would you give teenagers unrestricted access to the watchtower!?”
“’Fortress Of Solitude’? Ok, sigma-man.”
“Is that seriously the database password? Who picked that?”
“Is it the fun kind of acid that gives you superpowers?”
“What part about covert do you not understand!?”
“Someone sounds bitter...”
“I’m still cuter than you.”
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🔴|| Setting Prompts
Wayne manor’s cemetery.
After hours at S.T.A.R. Labs.
The Fortress of Solitude.
An interrogation room.
Lex Luthor’s office
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🔴|| Situation Prompts
You’re a reporter at the Daily Planet that’s running a story on Superman. During an interview with the man of steel, you happen to mention your endearment for your coworker Clark Kent.
You’re an alien conspiracy theorist who thinks that aliens are living among humans in plain site. Most people find you and your theories annoying, all except your very normal and very human friend John Jones, who is more than happy to listen to your ramblings.
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🔴|| Object Prompts
A hero’s memorial statue.
An old batarang.
A torn cape.
A lantern ring.
A shard of kryptonite.
An invitation to join a mysterious group.
A bomb.
A bloody joke book,
A vail of fear toxin.
A snow globe.
A Justice League keycard.
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prof-zooms-lab · 3 years
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🔴Requesting Etiquette:
First and foremost, be polite. When you request something from me. It’s just that, a request. It isn’t a paid commission or a demand. Don't blow up my DMs or inbox because I didn’t take your request.
Going off of that, don’t try arguing with me over my rules. You typing out an entire essay won’t make me rewrite them.
Do not use pet names for me, unless you are a mutual, I don’t know you.
Don’t push your weird ass kinks on me, you’ll just get blocked. Also, don’t try to sneak your kinks into a request, I can tell.
Feel free to ask questions or just chat about anything in my inbox, I’m always happy to talk. Just please be respectful of my time and don’t think I’m ignoring you on purpose if I don’t answer you immediately. My memory is unbelievably bad.
When requesting, please put as much detail as you can into the request, The chances of me getting inspired and motivated to write for it will be increased if you do.
Send request through my inbox, please! It’s easier for me to have them all in one place. [+ tumblr loves to not send me notifications when I get messaged through the replies.]
If you need to send a series of questions before your request, do it in my DMs. It’s easier for me and it won’t clog my page for other readers.
If I don’t accept a request, for whatever reason, I’ll make a notice of it so you can resend it to someone else. If I don’t make a notice of it, I either didn’t get your request or it made me uncomfortable and I deleted it.
If you want to make sure I got your request, feel free to ask.
That’s pretty much it, thank you for requesting!
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🔴I Will Not Write:
NSFW [I’ll write it on my own time but not for a request.]
Female / Fem-Aligned Readers [If you request this anyway, you’re getting blocked.]
“Motherly” Readers
Poly Readers
Body Type Specific Readers
Race / Nationality Specific Readers
Disabled / Mentally Ill Readers
Religious Readers
Yandere Readers
Readers Who Enjoy Having A Yandere
Self Harm [Past or present.]
Sexualized Gore / Goru
Heavy Dark Content [I’ll write this on my own terms.]
Soulmate AU
Song Fic
Comfort Fic
Genderbent Characters
Out Of Character Requests
Requests That Contradict Cannon
Requests That Go Against A Characters Sexuality
Requests That Romanticize Any Of The Characters Bad Actions
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🔴I Will Write:
Character X Reader
Yandere Character X Reader
Asexual Readers
Aromantic Readers
Trans Readers [This includes non-binary and gender nonconforming people.]  
Teen Readers [18-19 & platonic only.]
Platonic Relationships
Familial Relationships
Romantic Relationships
Rival Relationships
Enemy Relationships
Queer Relationships
Requests Based Off A Specific Episode / Scene
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Imagines [Long fic, usually 1K+ words, 1 character per request.]
Headcannons [Can vary in length and word count, usually on the longer side, 4 characters per request.]
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|| Character List ||
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prof-zooms-lab · 3 years
|| TAGS...
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lab assistant hazy [maintenance posts, upcoming events, general rambling.]
rejected requests
accepted requests
they/them pronouns
he/him pronouns
no pronouns
tw: yandere
tw: gore
tw: horror
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prof-zooms-lab · 3 years
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Basic DNI Criteria [Racist, Misogynist, Transphobic, Homophobic, etc.]
Pro-shippers [This includes batfamily shippers.]
MAPS / Pedos
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