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I cannot believe that my classmate sitting in front of me for an hour and half had the birdie in her hair. I did not even notice it the entire time. It did not chirp or flap around. What a good bird.
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What my boss gives me for Halloween. :) I love my job. :)
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Midnight walk to CVS for something halloweenie but was closed :(. Than we went on a longer walk to WAWAs got there got some milk and than snuck into Sheraton to eat/ drink our food. Long live midnight walks. Though now we are both close to getting sick. :(.
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Tumbling with my roomie the brown riding hood
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NO INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cannot get internet in my dorm room. It sucks. :(((. I am currently doing laundry in the laundry room which has internt, SO WHY DOESNT MY ROOM HAVE INTERNET?!?!?!?!? -_-. I pay for good internet and service! ~sigh~ what if I had an important paper to upload and I had no internet. Than what?  a F!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. okay maybe not an F but a B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! That is even worse than and a F. I would stay up all night tossing and turning and not get any sleep and be cranky in the morning and snap at everyone because I would be like I totally could have get an A if I handed it on time. Stupid internet. -_____-
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Guys always are wondering what girls think of them. Here are the two sides described by a group of females. Yeah we are conflicting, but GUYS you are just as confusing as you think us girls are. :P
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When someone says liking Disney is childish:
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“I heard you were having a party but you didn’t invite me, that’s okay, I’ll just go watch some tv.”
So cute. No wonder my brother wants a Siberian Husky.
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When your parents call you:
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When your crush calls you:
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When a random number calls you:
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When your ex calls you:
When your work calls you:
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When no one calls you:
So true!
Your reaction when someone calls your phone.
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Angry cat
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Sleepy cat
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‘I’m interested, please continue’ cat
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Fancy cat
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Dancing cat
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Silly cat
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Disagreeing cat
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Ninja cat
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Surprised cat
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*5 more minutes mom* cat
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Sexy cat
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Sup?! cat
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Sneaky cat
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‘WUT’ cat
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Hyper cat
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Bless this post cat
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And this one just because
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 Which one is charlie at this moment?
Cat Moods
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so  legit!!!!!!!!!!!
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Damn.... Even Bieber gets burned by his own friends. Really, I laughed in class.
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Sometimes, I feel I should go up to my teachers and do the same thing!
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Why I hate Pharm Orientation
It's not that it's horrible. I just don't want to do it :( 
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reminded of MiJpants
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You know it is true!
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