professorgwydion · 10 years
{ I'm here, but I probably will not be active very often through Wednesday, and I apologize for this delay and inconvenience! }
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professorgwydion · 10 years
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Alex. I'm Professor Gwydion, I teach ancient languages and runes." He held his hand out to her. "Could I get you some coffee? There's a fresh pot made up."
Coffee Break - Closed RP
"Good Morning!" Alex smiled, pleased that he seemed to be in good enough of a mood for being social. "I’m Alex, I don’t think we’ve been antiquated." She continued, for some reason compelled by the somewhat dashing figure in front of her to use longer words than normal.
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professorgwydion · 10 years
"Me? No, I'm a professor who studies ancient languages and runes. There is nothing attractive about that profession. It's not like being a doctor or a lawyer, or something of that sorts." He took another drink. "And what about yourself, you are obviously quite attractive, not to mention wonderfully nice and caring."
She looked down at her glass, smiling. “You’re a pretty charismatic guy, aren’t you? I’m sure you’ve got lot’s of women vying for your attention.” She said, curious.
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professorgwydion · 10 years
He nodded. "That sounds lovely, really. I hope that you'll enjoy our nice little island, and our even nicer yet even smaller community. We might be few in number, but we're all great in heart." He raised his glass, taking another sip.
She folded her hands and rested her chin on them. “I’ve been here… 6, 7 months now? I’m just now getting acquainted with everyone now that… Well, what with everything that’s been going on lately.” She sighed and sat back up, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. 
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professorgwydion · 10 years
Gwydion pushed the door open, humming softly to himself as he walked over to the coffee pot, pouring himself a gracious cupfull and taking a quick drink. The staff room was one he tended not to spend too much time in unless he was working with another professor or waiting for classes to start. He turned around, offering a warm smile towards the other occupant of the room. "Good morning."
Coffee Break - Closed RP
In all her years at the academy, both a student and an employee Alex had only been in the staff room a few times, preferring mostly to spend what free time she had working on personal projects in her office. It was an intimidating room for her, filled with people who actually got use out of their academic achievements outside of framing them in their office. But on her first day back since the incident, she was reluctant to spend any time alone. Not that she’d have any luck there though, as the room was empty. She sighed, placing her coffee on a table and taking a seat. Silently willing someone to walk through the door. Much to her surprise, it worked. Jumping slightly as the door swung open.
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professorgwydion · 10 years
"I would like to say that I'm more than well associated with the community, but I'd hate to be overstepping my bounds in such measures." The waiter poured their drinks and left with a nod of the head. Gwydion picked up his glass, taking a small sip. "And what about yourself? How long have you been on Mamono?"
She could tell he was nervous at this question. And there was obviously more to ‘a long while’ than he was letting on, but hey, don’t dish on the first date, right?
"Oh, that’s nice, so you’re pretty well associated with the community then?"
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professorgwydion · 10 years
He licked his lips. There was the truth, which would not be entirely horrible given that Eden was also a super, but there was also the lie, and maybe there could be a semblance of a proper relationship starting. "Uh, well, I've lived here quite a while, to be honest." Gwydion gave a laugh. "A long while."
"Well, for starters, how long have you lived on Mamono? You seem to know everyone pretty well!" She asked.
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professorgwydion · 10 years
He gave a nod. "Well, what would you like to know? You already know I'm a professor of ancient studies and languages. And that I spend too much time in the library or in my office."
"The lemon dumpling soup with a side salad, thanks," She said, handing over her menu. "So, Percival, tell me about yourself."
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professorgwydion · 10 years
He smiled. "We'll have the 2008 Cabernet, thanks," he nodded to the waiter. "And I'll have the pesto and mozzarella pasta." Gwydion handed the menu to the server.
"Ah, that would be great actually," just the thought of wine relaxed her. "I’m fine with anything, really. Just none of that arbor mist fruity stuff," She grimaced.
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professorgwydion · 10 years
He closed the menu. "Would you want any wine with dinner? My treat." He leaned back in the chair, clasping his hands in his lap.
She nodded, scanning the menu. "Hmm. I think I'm going to have the lemon dumpling soup. It comes with a choice of garlic bread our a Cesar salad... Hmm" She replied absentmindedly.
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professorgwydion · 10 years
Gwydion nodded. "I tend to spend most of my time around the other teachers and students and--" He stopped midsentence, smiling. "It's just nice to be out with company." He flipped through the menu, "Well, I've heard that just about anything is edible, though I myself will have to go with the pesto and mozzarella pasta."
Eden sat and scooted in, waving her hand. “Really, it’s a pleasure to be here. I haven’t really spent time with many people other than Zacharie and Rei,” She replied, laughing nervously. “Amaranth and Rei are always so busy what with-” She paused and grabbed the menu. “Anyways, what’s good here?”
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professorgwydion · 10 years
"Aboslutely perfect." He smiled kindly. "Table for two, please." The hostess led them to their table and he pulled the chair out for her before taking his seat. "Honestly, this is such a change of pace, I can't thank you enough."
Her eyes scanned the room and settled on a small round table beneath a blown glass hanging lamp. She pointed, “Is that one okay?”
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professorgwydion · 10 years
Gwydion left his umbrella in the small rack at the front, hanging his coat up on the peg. "Completely up to you my dear."
"So gentlemanly," she said, entering the café. It was a warm atmosphere, and she smiled at all the aromas mingling together. "Booth or table?" Eden asked, turning back to him.
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professorgwydion · 10 years
"Please, being with you could hardly tarnish my reputation. It's better than spending nights fiddling around with books and things into the late hours of the night." Gwydion stepped under the overhang of the Kahi Cafe, closing his umbrella and holding the door open for Eden. "After you."
"Tsk tsk, you should get out more professor, make some friends. Hanging out with the likes of me could damage your reputation." She said dramatically. She smiled, "I think tonight will be the best I’ve had in a long time."
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professorgwydion · 10 years
"Fantastic. I think that you and I are going to have a fantastic evening." He smiled in return, leading her down the sidewalk and towards the Kahi Cafe. "I do honestly have to thank you for this opportunity to go out. It is definitely a lot more fun than spending more hours in the academy."
Eden took his offered arm, and smiled. “I enjoy both, but I usually go for tea. Coffee can be so boring unless you can find the right roast. Tea comes in all sorts of varieties!” She replied.
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professorgwydion · 10 years
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professorgwydion · 10 years
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