“Well, for starters your suit’s not fifty years outta date. Not like I pay a buck’s worth of attention, but vamps? Tend to be kinda behind.” The vampire she’s been tussling with notes her distraction with a gleeful grin packed with fangs that are just a bit too big for it’s mouth.
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It goes in for a massive bite as Faith motions to the newbie with the butt of her stake, “Unless you’re broadcasting your vampiness? I mean, I wouldn’t-” she casually turns the stake in her hand and punches it through the breastbone of that yellow-eyed moron who doesn’t seem to realize he’s not the big draw, tonight. He starts to shake to dust and Faith wipes the stake’s point on her sleeve, “But, hey. Some guys get off on gettin’ smacked around.”
There are vampires that refuse to evolve with the times, refuse to embrace the countless things evolution brings with it, in Matthews opinion immortality is wasted on them, what reason is there to live an eternity if you aren’t going to change. But there’s that familiar sense of amusement given her words, he’s very versed in fashion, his family after all bears quite the position. “Astute observation.”
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 It’s deliberate the almost taunting like word choices. 
There’s little surprise on his face as he leans against the building doing what it is he does these days, research well in this case observation. A singular brow ticks upwards as much like the fairytales of old the vampire dies at the hand of the stake, it surprises even him, a researching geneticist that so many of their species different in such ways. “Brute force has never been much of a draw.” In truth his father had used him as a weapon, his blood rage made brute force a way of life almost, well, that is before he’d learned to control it. But these days, not entirely interested. “Matthew De Clermont.” He offered his name as he looked at her. 
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                  “Gonna go out on a limb, here… not a vampire, right? Boy howdy, are you ever in the wrong place at the wrong damn time.“
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There a cockiness about Matthew that few people are ignorant of, perhaps it’s owing to his age or the fact he possess the De Clermont name but it shines through even in those moments that could be considered less opportune. It’s slight but his eyes roll none the less, the faintest of smiles leave a trace upon his lips as he turns to look at the stranger. “And what leads you to your observation?” He was a scientist after all, a professor no less, why not question her conclusion. 
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                  “Gonna go out on a limb, here… not a vampire, right? Boy howdy, are you ever in the wrong place at the wrong damn time.“
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There a cockiness about Matthew that few people are ignorant of, perhaps it’s owing to his age or the fact he possess the De Clermont name but it shines through even in those moments that could be considered less opportune. It’s slight but his eyes roll none the less, the faintest of smiles leave a trace upon his lips as he turns to look at the stranger. “And what leads you to your observation?” He was a scientist after all, a professor no less, why not question her conclusion. 
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                  “Gonna go out on a limb, here… not a vampire, right? Boy howdy, are you ever in the wrong place at the wrong damn time.“
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“you brought the devil back to town, marcus. what did you expect?”
— a discovery of witches, 2018
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MATTHEW GOODE Silent Night (2021) dir. Camille Griffin
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// My books came 🎉
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                               Matthew de Clermont
                           An Independent All Souls/ADOW RP Blog
                          Multi-ship, OC Friendly, Crossover Friendly.
                                      Rules| Memes| About
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                                                    born: 1757, reborn: 1781
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add context   &   change gendered language to your needs .   happy roleplaying !!
“   great .  just  fucking  great .   ” “   any  ideas  on  how  to  get  us  out  of  this  mess ??   ” “   this  is  the  last  time  i  go  anywhere  with  you .   ” “   haven’t  you  done  enough  already ??   ” “   don’t  worry ,   i  have  a  plan .   ” “   well ,   that  didn’t  work .   any  plan  c ,   genius ??   ” “   you  know ,   i  genuinely  don’t  think  this  could  get  any  worse .   ” “   how  did  you  manage  to  do  everything   incorrectly ??   ” “   this  is  wrong .   all  of  this  is  wrong .   ” “   looks  like  we’re  stuck  here .   ” “   admit  it ;   you  have  no  idea  where  you’re  going ,   do  you ??   ” “   we’re  completely  lost .   ” “   of  all  the  people  in  the  world  i  could  end  up  stuck  with  …   ” “   well .   was   this   your  idea  of  a  fun  vacation ??   ” “   how  is  the  tank  almost  empty ??   i  thought  you  said  you  got  gas  before  we  left !!   ” “   there’s  a  gas  station   five  miles  /   eight   kilometers   from  here .   we’re  just  gonna  have  to  push  the  car  there .   ” “   the  good  news  is ,   i  found  someone  who  i  think  can  help  us .   the  bad  news  is ,   i  don’t  think  they  speak   [ language ] .   ” “   thank  god ,   it’s  about  time  you  showed  up  to  help !!   ” “   could  you  run  any  fucking  slower ?!   ” “   i  can’t  get  any  signal  out  here .   ” “   someone  stole  my  fucking  wallet .   ” “   we  are  below  rock  bottom  right  now .   we’re ,  like ,  in  hell .   ” “   are  you  really  just  going  to  leave  me  here ??   ” “   okay ,   you  being  dramatic  is  not  going  to  help  us  find  a  way  to  fix  this .   ” “   are  you  bleeding ??   ” “   i’ll  try  to  find  us  somewhere  to  spend  the  night .   ” “   i  don’t  know  what  to  do !!   i’m  not  a  doctor !!   ” “   of  course  this  happens  to  me .  i  can’t  even  be  surprised .   ” “   i  can’t  walk  …  you’re  gonna  have  to  carry  me .   ” “   things  could  always  be  worse .   at  least  you  don’t  have  flesh - eating  bacteria ,   right ??   ” “   don’t  panic ,   but  i’m  pretty  sure  we’re  being  followed .   ” “   maybe  some  music  will  help  you  calm  down .   ” “   my  glasses  are  broken  …   ” “   i  didn’t  have  enough  rocks  to  write  out   ‘ help ’   so  i  just  spelled  out  ‘ hell ’ .   ” “   maybe  we  can  play  a  game  to  pass  the  time  until  someone  notices  we’re  missing .   ” “   okay ,   i  swear  this  is  not  what  it  looks  like .   ” “   there’s  a  killer  storm  going  on  outside ,   so   unless  you  want  to  disappear  under  mysterious  circumstances ,   i  suggest  you  get  comfortable .   ” “   how  long  was  i  out ??   ” “   well ,   at  least  i’m  trapped  here  with  you .   ”
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            shadows. there were too many shadows that had fallen over their family recently. emily’s death had devastated all of them, even ysabeau felt it. ‘ you saw phillipe, though? he approved of diana. ‘ not that he was particularly surprised by that. he remembered phillipe’s unfailing loyalty to his family, to doing what was best for them. and it was easy to see that diana was what was best for matthew. now, he could have sat down, could have leaned against a wall or some furniture. instead, with his own glass in hand, he stood nearly at attention in front of his sire. ‘ matthew, i want to ask you, as my sire and my father, for your blessing. ‘ not for permission, a line of distinction. after all, he’d always had a reputation for flouting traditions. always a revolutionary. ‘ i’d like to ask phoebe to marry me. ‘
Matthew feels an immense amount of guilt in regards to Emily’s death, he blamed himself for Knox gaining access to Sept-Tours. He felt Diana’s pain, his mates pain in terms of her grief and it only made his own anger more amplified and direct at the witch who’d taken a woman that was like Diana’s mother from her. But slowly the anger slips from his mind, fades to the background when Marcus brings up Phillipe, inquires about his approval of Diana, already he knows where his son is going to steer this conversation. 
“When we first arrived he wasn’t entirely thrilled but yes, in time, he approved.” His blood vow alone was a testament to the fact that even Phillipe could see past his prejudice. Matthew has always been astutely aware of what Marcus is feeling, he knows him as well as he knows himself so it doesn’t go unnoticed that the younger man seems to stand at attention, the boy waiting for his fathers approval.
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“You love her.” It’s not a question but rather a statement, a fact that holds a truth within its tone, he knows what Phoebe and Marcus are to one another, he’d known the second he’d first seen them when he’d returned. Just as he knows as unconventional as it seems to the outside world so too is his own relationship with Diana.
His nod is subtle, a slight movement of his head, short as he looks to his son and stands from where he was leaning against the desk, he takes a moment to set the glass down before moving forward. “You have my blessing for you are my son and she your chosen mate. You are my family and so too now is she.” 
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father & son in ep.1 vs ep.8 - requested by  jacelightwood
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            more than anything, he wanted answers. why matthew never told him– never mentioned that he was a carrier for blood rage. ysabeau could only tell him so much, family though he was. matthew was his sire. matthew was his second father. and matthew had hidden the truth from him. and yet marcus wasn’t sure that now was the time to demand answers, not with the two of them just now getting back. instead, he offered out a glass of whiskey, a peace offering. ‘ was it strange? reliving that portion of your life? ‘
@professormatthewclairmont​ asked for marcus
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Their steps back into the present weren’t met with joyous welcome but rather grief, despair, and mountainous issues that only seemed to grow more daunting as the hours passed them by. It’s within reason that Matthew is perhaps more tense than usual, his desire to protect Diana, to protect his family presents itself in a more stern mood than usual. His gaze follows Marcus, his son, around the room before the other extends the whisky, an offering of peace even despite his own rudeness directed at the younger. There’s no hesitation as he takes the glass from him and brings it to his lips before leaning back against the desk. “It was surreal, stepping into my own shadow.” 
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/ okay I love how cocky Matthew is when he knows he’s the smarter one in the room. “Why don’t you tell me.” 
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                               Matthew de Clermont
                           An Independent All Souls/ADOW RP Blog
                          Multi-ship, OC Friendly, Crossover Friendly.
                                      Rules| Memes| About
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right in the guts. angst sentences.
“It always comes back to this with you, doesn’t it?”
“Why can’t you just learn to let the fuck go.”
“Did it over occur to you that I never wanted this to begin with?”
“Why can’t you just look at me for one god damn second!”
“Let go of my hand.”
“I don’t want to talk to you right now.”
“Why are you — saying all these things —”
“You know what? I was wrong. You never really meant anything to me. You’re broken, you’re beyond fixing, you’re not something I want to take the time to handle. Simple as that.”
“You’re a god damn mistake, that’s what you are.”
“I never wanted anything to do with you to begin with.”
“This, us, was a fucking mistake and I should have known the second things went further than planned.”
“I can’t do this anymore.”
“I don’t want anything to do with you anymore.”
“If anything, you were a fucking waste of time.”
“I just don’t feel anything anymore.”
“Looking at you I see nothing but something I need to put an end to.”
“Oh? Really? You thought we had a future? What gave you that idea.”
“Is this even going anywhere?”
“Why can’t we just talk about it —”
“Does it ever occur to you that I am done talking? That I am done with reflecting upon my words and action? Can’t you just take a fucking hint that I’m done with you? I don’t want anything to do with you anymore.”
“We’re through. I don’t want to do this anymore.”
“You were broken to begin with.”
“How am I supposed to ‘love you’ when I never had feelings to being with.”
“Haha, I don’t know who gave you THAT idea, but we’re not an item. We never were.”
“I’d like for you to leave now.”
“Just get out. Get out and leave me alone.”
“Why are you — saying all these things??? Where did they come from???”
“If you never were happy to begin with, how come you never told me?! I would have listened, I would have helped —”
“I don’t need, or want help, what I want is for you to get the fuck away from me.”
“You’re damaged goods and I can’t find the patience to take on you as a project.”
“You’re the kind of crazy I don’t want to deal with.”
“Lately you’ve become a burden, and I can’t handle it anymore.”
“If you’d just leave me alone, that’d be great.”
“Oh come on, the second we got to know each other, the due date were already set on us. We were never meant to last forever. Our relationship had a deadline, and now we’re at it; so, what you gonna do?”
“This is all on you.”
“Save your tears. I’m done here.”
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A Discovery of Witches  |  1x02
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Alright. New Matthew de Clermont rp blog just working on some icons but otherwise ready 
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