project-perfiful · 3 days
reblog if it's okay for your mutuals to message you and create an actual friendship, not just interactions
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project-perfiful · 3 days
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Hey jsyk it’s 2018 and if you’re still drawing characters with big lips like THIS, even if they’re pale/not black, it’s fucking racist. Stop doing it.
No excuses. “It’s a stylistic choice!” It’s a RACIST stylistic choice.
“Idk how else to draw big lips!” That’s because you relied on racist caricatures and are a bad artist. Teach yourself. Learn. If you’re not willing to do that, then you are a bad, racist artist.
“But it’s part of the character design!” Yeah, and it’s racist. If it’s your OC, then change it. If it’s not your OC, make the right choice and draw them with normal looking bigger lips instead of this racist monstrosity.
And if this post makes you uncomfortable because it’s calling you out for stuff you’ve done, good. Fix it. Own up to it. Grow.
If you see this and you’re first thought is to defend this: you are racist. You are part of the problem. Congrats. Now work on yourself and unlearn that.
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project-perfiful · 5 days
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project-perfiful · 9 days
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Please ask me about headcanons, plssss.
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project-perfiful · 15 days
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A small experimental and messy comic about the queer hate to queer pipeline that seems to affect a lot of people, and since it’s pride month and I don’t see a lot of artistic commentary on this…here you go? I’m a baby gay, not even able to legally drink even and only recently realized my sexuality so I’m sure there’s people who have suffered from being raised in bigotry much longer and much worse and I’m willing for this post to be the place they can share their stories! I’d be honored to hear stories from people like me. Happy pride month!
(Writers Note for page two- I am aware of sexualities that stem from trauma like Caedsexual exist and are 100% valid! I am referring to the belief that ALL under the LGBTQ+ umbrella are sick and are just ‘confused victims of abuse’ in a not so nice sense.)
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project-perfiful · 17 days
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project-perfiful · 18 days
I LOVE YOU *genderfluids your ibex*
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Epic pride month drawing finally!!! I’ve been debating on and off abt making Ibex gender-fluid for like 3 years and I finally gave in. He’s babygirl, he needs to use all the pronouns. (Also MLM flag cuz he just identified as gay before discovering gender doesn’t exist and he’s still okay with the MLM label)
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project-perfiful · 22 days
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I’m obsessed with Hatsune Miku now lmao. This is my absolute favvv song rn and it inspired me so much that it pulled me out of a months long art block :D!!
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project-perfiful · 26 days
Look up a local animal rescue and call them dawg, they'll tell you what to do. From my experience, don't try to give it food or water, just put it in a dark comfy box to minimize stress.
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hey my dad found a lost baby bird after a huge storm WHAT DO WE DO????????!?
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project-perfiful · 1 month
To all my Bugsnax followers: I've turned this account into a main account and made a new Bugsnax-only side account.
I absolutely hate Instagram and I get NO reach on there (and I love attention <3). I feel like Tumblr has a way better algorithm and community so I want to post more OC stuff on here. But I want OC stuff to be my main account and the only way I've found to do that is to change the URL for this acc and then make a new side acc 🤷‍♂️. If there's a better way then PLEASE tell me bc I would hate to have to restart this acc from scratch.
I plan to either leave up all my Bugsnax posts and just start posting like it's my main, or just leave up a few posts with the highest amts of notes and then repost most everything else onto my new side acc.
TL;DR: If you see an account called "project-perfiful" in your notifs, that's me I just changed my URL :3. So if you care to keep following just my Bugsnax stuff, that has its own side acc now.
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project-perfiful · 1 month
It's important to me that everyone understands that if you've got an autistic friend who periodically sends you pictures/videos/whatever of your Thing, because they know you're into it... They love you.
Now don't get me wrong, It may not necessarily be romantic love, they might not want to run off to a little farm in Montana where you'll be married forever and raise little sheeps...
But they definitely love you. And they're so happy when they spot a post about X and go "ooh, my friend likes X! I'll send it to them!".
Because they love you and want you to be happy.
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project-perfiful · 1 month
Someone in an autism facebook group I'm in just asked "How am I supposed to earn enough to make a living without burning out?"
Someone replied: "You're not. Even neurotypicals can't right now in the system designed for them. We're the canaries in the coalmine. When we start failing, they know something is wrong."
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project-perfiful · 2 months
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It took a lot of editing and drawing, but here it is! I'll be using it for my own creations. Please do credit me if you use it.
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project-perfiful · 2 months
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I used the same template as everyone else :3. When I imported in into Procreate the text got all fucked up tho and idk why 💀. I tried to fix it best I could.
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project-perfiful · 2 months
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uhhh double post.. went kookoo bananas when i realized my hc was a real canon HELP
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project-perfiful · 2 months
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* She grew on me more when I watched the DLC
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project-perfiful · 3 months
Sonic brainrot took me over for a few months but Bugsnax will always be a looming presence in my life lol. Anyway I doodled some grumpsona lore :3.
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This takes place during the final fight of the game. While everyone else is fighting back against the bugsnax, Peebles ran back to zir hut. Zie tries to save as many of zir precious belongings as possible. Floofty runs past zir hut on the way to the ship. As they do, they see the kid frozen in the middle of this hut that about to collapse in on itself.
I know that floofty should be fully snackified but trying to draw that would be so frustrating that I didn't even try 💀
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