projectingressio · 13 years
Remyl’s colors. Still open to some adjustments though.. Gonna work on Baxter’s later.
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projectingressio · 13 years
We decided to make our magical priest/healer/cleric a manly man LOL 
never as manly as manree but…. manly enough i think orzorzorz
color schemes are not set. 
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projectingressio · 13 years
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ugly reference, will draw a better one later
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projectingressio · 13 years
Ingressio doodle time with le main characters~ Characters are mine and Shannon’s!
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projectingressio · 13 years
History of Ciala Part 2
The War Amongst the Divine
Centuries after the departure of the Winians and their land Wincrauss, the Ristos, who also felt the need to protect their blood, decided to hide into the far and unknown corners of Ciala to live amongst themselves. Though having much trouble at first adapting to the loss of the wise Winians and the strong Ristos, the Humians and Sipernos split out into the Ciala as well to find areas of potential worth. After settling down to the different continents of the world, they began producing and trading ideas, goods, and valuables. Culture began to develop as they adapted to the different environment around them. They started their own religions, with each culture choosing their favorite gods and praising their blessings.
As nations blossomed and prosperity flourished all around, so did the tensions between nations. How the first skirmishes started was never recorded by royal scribes, but soon small skirmishes began to erupt into full blown wars. Self-proclaimed Kings and Emperors butted heads against each other for land and for glory. They prayed to their god for victory and the gods who loved their own nations so much, could not refuse their prayers.
After the destruction of major cities and the countless casualties of innocent lives, the gods finally decided that perhaps if they loved their people so much, it would be best to leave them and let them fend for themselves. The nations realized how powerless they were without the gods, seized their fighting and resented their gods for leaving them. Only 2 major cities survived the war, and directing their anger at the gods, they vowed to grow prosper once again both in wealth and in strength without the help of the gods.
Those who knew the gods' intention gathered together and was guided by the gods to Senoma, in hopes that the legacy of their love would not be forgetten in the eyes of Humains and Sipernos.
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projectingressio · 13 years
History of Ciala Part 1
Seperation of the Winians
Thousands of years prior to the story of Ingressio, it was said that in the world of Ciala the gods created their first sentient creatures, Winians, who were called the golden race, the winged wonders, the race that would bring prosperity to the world of Ciala with the image of the gods themselves. The Winians were given wings and plentiful amounts of mana to flourish in the new land of Ciala. Shortly after creating the Winians, the gods then created the Ristos, who were meant to protect the Winians against harm. While many Winian's were pleased with the protection of the Ristos, other more conservative Winians despised the gods for not trusting in the Winian's powers.
It was said that as time passed on, the Winians and the Ristos interracially procreated, creating a variety of new races, known as the Humians and the Sipernos. The traditionalist Winians knew that their pure blood was beginning to thin out due to the interracial procreation. They plead to the gods to give them a land where only the purest of them may live isolated from all those who they deemed inferior. The gods, although disheartened at the Winians for wanting to remain isolated, granted them their own land and lifted that land into the high skies so that they would live forever at peace with their own kin.
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projectingressio · 13 years
Religion in Ciala
The dominant religions of Ciala all started with the Church of Liem, also known as the Church of Mercy. The practice of this religion started in Senoma after the Divine War, but soon the hopes of the gods returning someday to bring happiness to the citizens of Ciala spread out to all continents. The Church of Liem was then split into different factions, some more radical than others. Today, only few of the true practioners of Liem exist in the world, most of them residing in Senoma.
The group Cialabene or the Good People of Ciala is another dominant religion that branched off of the Church of Liem. They believe that one day the gods will bring judgement to the people of Ciala and those who have been righteous will be saved and those who do not follow the "words of the gods" will perish. The monarchy of the grand city of Roscetine residing on the coasts of Tuels uses Cialabene to control their people.
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projectingressio · 13 years
Races of Ciala
a mixed species created millenias ago through the genetic mixture of Ristos and Winian. They have some of the bodily traits of the Ristos, but with the faces and appearance of Winians. Though most have lost plentiful mana that the Winian's carried, some are born with more mana than others. The dominating race of Ciala.
also a mixed species created millenias ago through the genetic mixture of Ristos and Winian. However the Sipernos are less common than the Humians, having more physical traits and animal instincts of the Ristos, yet having the wisdom of the Winians.
One of the pure races hidden away from the world. They are pure beastmen, who live on instinct and have much loyalty and pride in themselves. It is not known whether they still exist today.
One of the pure races hidden away from the world. They are full of mana, and was created by the "gods" to create a world full of wealth and happiness. They were never able to achieve this goal and isolated themselves from the world.
Wild animals. nuff said.
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projectingressio · 13 years
Geography of Ciala
Wincrauss: The floating continent of the Winians.
Senoma : The island continent of Senoma is the birth place of the Church of Liem. The island continent is filled with ancient ruins that hide secret scripture and grimoires important to the people of the church.
Tuels : The resourceful and flourish land of Tuels is the home of the capitol city Roscetine. In the heart of Tuels is the deep and dark jungle of Coures that no one dares to enter.
Fercolt: Desert Country (REE UPDATE PLZ)
Algidoir: Wintery Country (REE UPDATE PLZ) 
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projectingressio · 13 years
The World of Ciala
Ciala is divided into two, the above-world and the below-world. In the below world, the geography is diverse ranging from arid and scorching deserts of DesertContinent(rename), blistering frigid cold of SnowContinent(rename), to the mild and temperate climates on the islands of Senoma.
The above-world is most peculiar in that it is a very xenophobic and isolated continent of Wincrauss. Little is known about this floating continent. Most of the knowledge that the below-world has is occult sightings and ancient stories that are almost lost through out time.
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