projectpredling · 6 months
Aaand just like that, this has become Molten's new favorite Big Person. She shifts under his fingers, so the scratches hit just the right spots, and trills happily. More metallic feathers fan out all down the length of her tail - lifted but not opened, so the stranger doesn't risk cutting himself on the razor sharp filaments.
Still trilling, Moltenwing coils up the lower portion of her frame and settles in to enjoy the attention while it lasts. And she won't get greedy with it, not like some of her siblings; when the stranger is done, that will be that.
...unless she snakes up to drape around his shoulders. Just to remain available if he'd care to offer more scritches later.
@faultfindingfirebot started following you
This one is red! That's Moltenwing's favorite color so far. She slithers across the ground to get closer, as quietly as a three-week old predacon can manage.
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projectpredling · 6 months
(Sometimes it pays to have three heads)
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projectpredling · 7 months
Are they playing that human game, Statues in the Park?
Serrate obediently pauses mid-step, head tipped to one side as she studies the newcomer below. That's a weird toy he's holding. Not for throwing- maybe for shooting? Like the skeet disks that she and her siblings compete to snatch out of the air?
Despite the command to hold still, her wings raise slightly, ready to drive downward and lift the little predacon into the air if need be.
🗡️ + reverse
Meme [x] | Send 🗡️ or ‘weapon’ for the sender to point a weapon at the receiver! | @projectpredling
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"Fall back to my six." The order came with a level of calm and seriousness that was present in his more recent field outings. His operatives gave no protest as they did as commanded, weapons lifted and at the ready.
With his finger hovering beside the trigger, Silas edged forward, eyes flicking about to take in any available details. The shower of disturbed stone within the canyon had him on edge. Nothing smaller than a car could possibly make that much of a shift.
When a shadow shifted, he lifted his rifle. "Freeze!"
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projectpredling · 7 months
Play-chase-hunt! Serrate's FAVORITE game!!
Shrieking with delight, the predling throws herself after the moving target. Micro-transformations widen her pedes for greater purchase against the ground, and a triggered subroutine folds her wings back in such a way to better streamline her entire frame as it runs.
Who cares if she's the smallest member of her pack? Serrate is fastest, and right now that's all that matters.
@remixofpraxus started following you
Ooh! This newcomer has wings! ...sort of. But close enough!
Serrate bounds forward, her own wings and tail raised high, chirping with an invitation to play.
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projectpredling · 7 months
Growling, Darksteel continues to attempt to wrest control of the stick. Nevermind that he's biting it hard enough to be pulled off the ground - it will be his, and then he'll take it and retreat back into his new lair.
Apparently, all dragons are supposed to have individual lairs. And no matter that his frame doesn't quite exactly match Serrate or 'King, he is a dragon!
So that crevice cave is Darksteel's lair now. Big enough for him but no one else.
As the stick is pulled out, a predling emerges with it.
Lots of little spiky horns, dark blue plating highlighted by golden biolights. Small claws that scrabble at the rocks, a pair of stubby wings that flap repeatedly once they're free of the crevice. And last but not least, a short, thick tail, gleefully smacking against the ground with every inch.
Congrats! Derecho has caught a Darksteel!
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projectpredling · 7 months
At the first shout, Darksteel's head swings up, and if his mouth weren't otherwise occupied the little predacon with shriek with alarm.
It's just some bits and pieces! Honest! Scraps no one would miss!
Then the shouty-person is pouncing at him, grabbing at his jaws, and panic takes over. Darksteel drops the metal he'd been munching, and instead bites down hard on the fingers directly in front of his mouth.
*crunching noises*
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projectpredling · 7 months
@remixofpraxus started following you
Ooh! This newcomer has wings! ...sort of. But close enough!
Serrate bounds forward, her own wings and tail raised high, chirping with an invitation to play.
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projectpredling · 7 months
@thisthingflies started following you
Twisting through the air and clouds, Moltenwing chirps, optics locked onto an odd shape down and to her left. It... is flying? Yes. Oddly, but yes. The small predacon drops closer, incredibly curious.
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projectpredling · 7 months
No, Serrate does not crave cuddles. Pouncing isn't for those- pouncing is for hunting.
And so the little predacon proceeds to stalk a wide circle around her prey, inching closer with each step, tail whipping back and forth gleefully.
King has been trying to teach her patience, though. She can be patient before pouncing. She can.
Oh, no.
It's belly up, paws all tucked and sweet.
Yes, perfect to pet.
And totally not a trap.
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projectpredling · 7 months
What about pouncing?
Is it perfect to pounce?
Oh, no.
It's belly up, paws all tucked and sweet.
Yes, perfect to pet.
And totally not a trap.
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projectpredling · 7 months
my love language is the same as a crow. if you’re nice to me i’ll bring you useless little trinkets from my travels that made me think of you
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projectpredling · 7 months
As the stick is pulled out, a predling emerges with it.
Lots of little spiky horns, dark blue plating highlighted by golden biolights. Small claws that scrabble at the rocks, a pair of stubby wings that flap repeatedly once they're free of the crevice. And last but not least, a short, thick tail, gleefully smacking against the ground with every inch.
Congrats! Derecho has caught a Darksteel!
Stick? Toy!
There is a chirp. And chomp. And the stick is tugged, very insistently by whoever is on the other end. Unless Derecho is gripping appropriately, it's getting pulled out of his hand.
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projectpredling · 7 months
Stick? Toy!
There is a chirp. And chomp. And the stick is tugged, very insistently by whoever is on the other end. Unless Derecho is gripping appropriately, it's getting pulled out of his hand.
Optics are glowing from inside a dark crevice. Too small for Predaking, but otherwise there's no way of telling which bitlet is hiding inside. (@projectpredling)
He's creeping closer to investigate. There shouldn't be any creatures peering at him through cracks. That was his job!
But he knows this comes with the inherent risk of being jumped on. So he stares back, into the abyss, and refuses to take his optics away. For good measure, he's got a stick to help prod the Mystery Creature out of the crevice. Just in case it was a tinviper, or anything else venomous.
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projectpredling · 7 months
↖️ Achievement: Headbutt
🏆: Smashes head into Yours. “Its how I show affection!”
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projectpredling · 7 months
The treats will be thoroughly enjoyed later, but for now-
A plague of dying wails and rubberized shrieks
The sort of unending cacophony that could overwhelm an army or bring a cityformer to its knees
Five little predacons go on their merry way, unintentionally adding a new layer of horror to the night, as each happily munches on multiple chickens at once.
(Predaking will very much regret turning them loose once they return home with their hunting trophies)
Well, there’s a thought…
“Anybody want a rubber chicken (or five) along with their treats for Halloween???”
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projectpredling · 7 months
Another chirp, more delighted than before. He settles down right here to start munching on the goodies, rather than risk carrying them off and being told to share with his siblings.
This newcomer shall be added to the growing list of big-friendlies.
The young predacons have not yet come to understand the main tradition of this 'Halloween'. Or maybe they just don't care. Either way, Darksteel is tentatively creeping towards the newcomer, and deposits in front of her half a plastic skeleton.
He chirps. Trick-treat?
She very much had to restrain her squeals of delight at seeing a youngling.
"That is a wonderful treat, in return here's some energon candies!"
There's plenty to share and these candy's are safe for little one's to consume.
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projectpredling · 7 months
The predlings swarm, optics wide open and ready to beg.
Give them all the squishy-squeakies.
Well, there’s a thought…
“Anybody want a rubber chicken (or five) along with their treats for Halloween???”
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