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#repost @rvhealing: “You are not alone in your suffering. Find #hope and #healing after #abortion at #RachelsVineyard. Visit RachelsVineyard.org or call 1-877-HOPE-4-ME.” #abortion #healingafterabortion #prolife #retreat #help
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What they said. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
#Repost @dtfa ・・・ Every child deserves a #family and a #home.
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#repost @frfrankpavone : “Freedom of conscience and religion are not just for religious groups. They are a right of every American, indeed, every human being. Every employer, every insurer, every person has a conscience, and has to be free to live in a way consistent with it. . Visit IStandwithPFL.com and learn more about how you can stand for #ReligiousFreedom and against the evils of #abortion! . #IstandwithPFL (at E. Barrett Prettyman United States Courthouse)
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My Generation Will End Abortion.
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Today, I stood with my school, my Church, and the unborn in the Walk for Life West Coast (http://www.walkforlifewc.com/).
On average, about 1 million lives are lost every year to abortion. Today, in San Francisco, California, thousands of men and women marched to voice their view that that number should be 0. Thank you to pro-life people everywhere who make a commitment to life.
After posting a picture on Instagram, I got some criticism from my liberal friends, which I expected, but it just reminds me of Matthew 5:11:
“Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.”
You can see the post here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BA5hkGfjawu/
Remember to pray for those who disagree with you, to love your enemies, and to keep fighting for a world where all of God’s children get a chance at life (and that means providing care and resources for mothers too!).
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Reblog if you are pro-life and do not condone violence against abortion supporters
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You cannot be upset about the killing of animals if you are not firmly disgusted by the murder of innocent human life.
Well, you can, but not with any sense of reason or coherence. You cannot, as a sane adult, find animal killing to be morally offensive but abortion to be morally neutral.
Sure, many of the folks infuriated by the dog shootings (I’m one of them) might also be firmly against the extermination of unborn humans. But, statistically, a good portion of the anti-animal abuse crusaders are likely not — when it comes to homo sapiens — pro-life.
That’s probably why, in any particular 24 hour span, you’re more likely to see media reports about tragic canine killings than the tragic homicide of the over 100 thousand babies that were aborted worldwide — that day.
That’s right: in the last 30 years, well over a billion babies have been slaughtered across the globe. A billion.
There is something deeply, deeply confused and disordered about a society that gets more worked up about a dead mutt than a billion murdered kids.
This is a symptom of a culture that has lost both its soul and its mind.
In the days of slavery, a horse was granted a higher legal status than an African slave. Abortion has returned us to a similar dynamic, only we haven’t dehumanized a race or ethnicity — we’ve dehumanized an entire stage of life.
So, rather than shake my head over this sorry state of affairs, I’m going to attempt to explain why one cannot reasonably take a position of pro-animal rights AND pro-“choice.” *Visit http://goo.gl/TT1ZkM to read the full article* #CatholicConnect #WhyWeMarch (at The White House)
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Bringing his life into the world should be your greatest honor.
His existence is not a hindrance to your life, but will open a world of new opportunities unbeknownst to you before he was created.
Welcome the new doors that have been opened to you, choose to see him as a gift. Via @Online4Life #CatholicConnect (at University of Houston)
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#prolife #voteprolife whywemarch #prolifegeneration #prolifegen #life #americaisprolife #chooselove #chooselife #humanrights #civilrights ##unitedstates #humanity #humans #savethebabies #praytoendabortion #prowoman #profamily #antiabortion #prayer #pray #family #baby . Go follow: @janetmorana . Go follow: @alvedaking . Go follow: @bryankemper . Go follow: @dgw1031 . Go follow: @standtrueprolife . Go follow: @protest_priest . Go follow: @frfrankpavone . PoliticalResponsibility.com (at Priests for Life)
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#repost: @frfrankpavone: “I am saddened today to learn of the passing of a great man, a great American, and a great Justice of the Court. I have been privileged to know Antonin Scalia, and some of his family. And he was blessed with a wonderful family. He once told his sons that he would consider it such a blessing if one of them were to become a priest. His son, Father Paul, is an exemplary Catholic priest today. Justice Scalia had a profound understanding of how our government – and in particular the Supreme Court – is supposed to work. He did not want the Court to create public policy– whether it was policy he agreed with or not. He urged people to use the political and legislative process to bring about change.
In the days to come, let us pray for him, for his family, and for the Court and the nation he served so well. In his memory, let us strive to attain his understanding of this great Republic and to work tirelessly to preserve and expand the blessings it can be for the world. – Fr Frank Pavone” #prolife #prolifer #life
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Daily Pro-Life Media Report
NEWS SUMMARY February 2, 2016
1)  Sarah Terzo at Live Action News quotes from Fr. Frank’s book Abolishing Abortion in her latest column “Abortionists justify themselves by claiming preborn don’t have souls.”  Her article begins, “In his book Abolishing Abortion: How You Can Play a Part in Ending the Greatest Evil of Our Day, Father Frank Pavone writes about conversations he has had with abortionists.  Pavone is the head of Priests for Life, and his travels and speaking engagements have brought him face-to-face with different abortion doctors.  He’s come to identify some of the strategies abortionists use to justify their work. One strategy he has observed is the tendency to deny that the preborn baby has a soul.” Link:  http://liveactionnews.org/abortionists-justify-claiming-preborn-dont-souls/
2)  The Kentucky Senate voted 33-5 to approve and send to pro-life Governor Matt Bevin’s desk a bill that amends the state’s informed consent for abortion law.  Currently, women need only hear a recorded message about abortion  over the phone 24 hours before having the procedure.  The legislation would require that women have an in-person meeting or a real-time online video meeting with the abortionist instead.  The bill marks the first time in 12 years that the Republican-controlled Senate and Democrat-controlled House have agreed on a pro-life measure. Link:  http://www.wkyt.com/content/news/Informed-consent-bill-heads-to-Gov-Bevins-desk-367302251.html
3)  Two pro-life bills were filed in the Arizona Senate before last night’s deadline for introducing new legislation.  One measure would prohibit the sale or transfer of the remains of an aborted human fetus or embryo for research.  The other would place into law an administrative rule issued by Governor Doug Ducey last September that removes Planned Parenthood from the list of groups to which state employees may make donations from their payroll checks. Link:  http://azdailysun.com/news/state-and-regional/abortion-bills-emerge-at-arizona-senate-filing-deadline/article_de6a0e6e-5754-59df-9f59-353c29046397.html
4)  For the 30th time since 2009, a woman has been transported from the St. Louis Planned Parenthood abortion clinic by ambulance.  Operation Rescue calls the St. Louis abortion mill the most dangerous in America. Link:  http://www.lifenews.com/2016/02/02/planned-parenthood-clinic-injures-30th-woman-in-botched-abortion-hides-victim-with-sheet/
5)  Two pro-abortion Cornell University law professors write at CNN.com, “… we decry the national campaign of defamation that [David] Daleiden and his political allies have unleashed against Planned Parenthood. But we also oppose efforts to criminalize undercover investigations, regardless of the investigators’ ultimate motives.”  They call the indictments of two Center for Medical Progress activists “deeply disturbing” and “a stunning act of legal jujitsu.” Link:  http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/29/opinions/planned-parenthood-colb-dorf/index.html
6)  A pro-abortion vandal threw a large piece of cinder block through the window of Jill Stanek’s home.  Attached to the block was a note that said, “Stop the pro-life bull****.”  No one was home at the time of the incident. Link:  http://liveactionnews.org/breaking-jill-staneks-home-vandalized-by-violent-abortion-supporters/
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#VoteProLife #CatholicConnect (at The White House)
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A pro-life organization has released documents that may show Planned Parenthood illegally profited from the sale of aborted babies’ body parts, furthering a Texas state investigation and possibly triggering a new grand jury in Harris County.
The new receipts show that Planned Parethood charges for each body part obtained, as pro-life advocates had maintained all along. They also contain a line charging $150 for each “consent” obtained - something lawyers say proves that PPGC charged a fee per specimen.
That designation is how Farrell was able to hide its profit in “line items,” as she told CMP investigators on film. “Farrell admitted on camera to undercover investigators that PPGC ‘worded’ the per-specimen charges for fetal specimens as 'per consent’ in order to 'frame’ the project budget in a way that will look legal 'on paper,’” David Daleiden said. “Whether the 'consent fee’ for fetal tissue is $25” - the amount Farrell mentioned on film - “or $150, it is completely outside the letter and spirit of Texas Penal Code 48.02.” There is also an aspect of public funding for Planned Parenthood in the UTMB study. “Because Planned Parenthood was selling to publicly funded universities, this means that our tax dollars went to buy aborted baby remains and ended up in the pockets of Planned Parenthood executives,” said Operation Rescue Senior Vice President Cheryl Sullenger. Yet, she said, Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson “turned a blind eye to this crime while charging the people that reported the crimes. This injustice must not be allowed to stand.” “Because of this new evidence, we renew our call for a new grand jury to investigate Planned Parenthood to be directed by an independent special prosecutor not related in any way to Devon Anderson, anyone in the Harris County District Attorney’s office, or Anderson’s friend, Chip Lewis,” the attorney for Houston abortionist Douglas Karpen and a longtime Anderson ally, she said.
They also hope to bolster the ongoing Texas state investigation into PPGC, which paid $4.3 million to settle allegations of Medicaid fraud in 2013.
#PPSellsBodyParts #WhyWeMarch #DefundPP #ProsecutePP #CatholicConnect (at University of Texas Medical Branch)
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I just read this powerful article on the Washington Post about how Down syndrome testing is being used to eliminate a group of people under the guise of “public health” and “women’s health.” This can be a place of common-ground between pro-life and pro-choice advocates. A human’s worth and right to live should not be based on disability or genetic disorders. Every life is worth living and protection.
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Daily Pro-life Media Report
February 1, 2016
1)  Fr. Frank is mentioned as a past recipient of Legatus’s Cardinal John J. O’Connor Pro-Life Award in a LifeSiteNews.com article on the recipients of this year’s award, Life Site News co-founders John-Henry Westen and Steve Jalsevac.
Link:  https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/lifesitenews-founders-receive-top-pro-life-award-for-unlocking-the-power-of
2)  Fr. Stephen is mentioned in an Albuquerque Journal feature article on local pro-life activists Bud and Tara Shaver.  The story states in part, “In 2013, Imbarrato formed Protest ABQ. He has since stepped back from that to devote more time to working with the national organization, Priests for Life. Bud is now the executive director of Protest ABQ, and Tara is the senior policy adviser. They have a core group of 20 to 30 people who can quickly mobilize, and a base of up to 100 people.”
Link:  http://www.abqjournal.com/715311/news/couple-are-albuquerques-antiabortion-crusaders.html
3)  The Houston grand jury that indicted David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress allegedly did not even vote on the criminal liability of Planned Parenthood.  Planned Parenthood attorney Josh Schaffer told the Associated Press that a prosecutor for the Houston district attorney’s office told him that the jury never took such a vote.  Cheryl Sullenger of Operation Rescue says, “No vote means no investigation [occurred].”
Link:  http://www.christiantoday.com/article/grand.jury.that.indicted.anti.abortion.probers.did.not.even.vote.on.planned.parenthoods.liability/78224.htm
4)  Federal Judge William Orrick, an Obama appointee, on Friday refused to allow David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress to attach three hours of video recordings made at National Abortion Federation meetings to an amicus brief he will file with the U.S. Supreme Court in the Whole Women’s Health v. Cole case.  The recordings are currently restricted by a restraining order issued by Judge Orrick last July.
Link: http://www.sfgate.com/nation/article/Setback-in-S-F-for-abortion-opponent-facing-6797202.php
5)  Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky says that it received authorization to perform abortions at its Louisville clinic from the administration of outgoing Democratic Governor Steve Beshear.  The administration of new Republican Governor Matt Bevin says that the advice PP received from Gov. Beshear’s administration was wrong and that the abortion business still has not gone through the proper procedures to obtain a license to perform surgical abortions.  The Planned Parenthood clinic agreed Friday night to stop performing abortions for now.
Links:  http://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2016/01/31/planned-parenthood-kentucky-authorized-abortions/79606258/
        6)  A federal judge ordered North Carolina to pay over $1 million in legal fees to Planned Parenthood, the Center for Reproductive Rights, the ACLU, and others who successfully challenged the state’s pre-abortion ultrasound law.  The law’s requirement that an abortionist describe to a woman her unborn baby’s ultrasound image prior to an abortion was held to violate the right to free speech.
  Link:  https://enewspf.com/2016/01/29/planned-parenthood-yet-another-blow-to-anti-abortion-politicians-and-extremists/
        7)  About 5,000 pro-lifers took part in the Nebraska Walk for Life Saturday outside the state capitol in Lincoln.  Speakers included Governor Pete Ricketts, Lieutenant Governor Mike Foley, U.S. Senator Deb Fischer, and Congressman Jeff Fortenberry.
  Link:  http://norfolkdailynews.com/news/join-in-long-fight-against-abortion/article_29e32dcc-c85d-11e5-b481-a32a02955242.html
        8)  The Louisiana Life March between Pineville and Alexandria drew 1,200 people on Saturday.  The event was the first of its kind for the central Louisiana cities.
  Link:  http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jan/31/1200-join-alexandria-pineville-anti-abortion-march/
Story attached in separate file.
        9)  About 800 pro-lifers attended Saturday’s Midwest March for Life in Jefferson City, Missouri.  Speakers at a pre-march rally in the State Capitol Rotunda urged Missouri’s Democratic attorney general to pursue a vigorous appeal of a court decision that is allowing a Columbia abortion clinic to remain open after the state revoked its abortion license.
  Link:  http://www.columbiatribune.com/news/politics/activists-push-at-capitol-rally-to-eliminate-abortion/article_049e6555-5e5f-5ffe-9ae4-59784cc3cf40.html?comments=focus
        10)  About 250 parishioners gathered at Holy Name Church in Mt. Auburn, Ohio, Saturday for Mass followed by a “mini-march” to a Planned Parenthood clinic.  The Mass was led by Cincinnati Archbishop Dennis Schnurr.
  Link:  http://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2016/01/30/archbishop-leads-prayer-march-against-abortion/79563052/
        11)  Celebrity restauranteur Joshua Woodward was sentenced to nine years in prison Friday morning in Los Angeles after pleading no contest to killing his unborn child by giving his pregnant girlfriend misoprostol without her knowledge.  Woodward was engaged to another woman when his girlfriend of six years announced she was pregnant with his child.
  Link:  https://broadly.vice.com/en_us/article/what-do-you-say-to-the-man-who-gave-you-an-abortion-against-your-will
        12)  A British commission today gave permission to the Francis Crick Institute to begin the world’s first authorized experiments involving the genetic modification of existing human embryos.  Scientists will use between 30 and 120 “spare” embryos from IVF clinics around Great Britain in order to try to understand the causes of miscarriage and infertility.  Critics say the move will open the door to designer babies.  A Chinese team of scientists began such work last year, but it did not have the permission of government regulators.
  Link:  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/12133410/British-scientists-granted-permission-to-genetically-modify-human-embryos.html
13)  Women on Web, an offshoot of Women on Waves, is offering free abortion pills to women in Latin American countries where the Zika virus is prevalent.  Women in countries such as Columbia, Argentina, and El Salvador who say they are less than nine weeks pregnant can participate in an online consultation which will be reviewed by doctors.  The women are then sent the pills through the mail.  The Zika virus, which is spread through mosquito bites, is said to increase the risk of microcephaly in unborn babies.
Link:  http://www.marieclaire.co.uk/news/health/551726/women-on-web-offer-free-abortions-to-women-in-the-zika-zone.html
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This should NOT be an excuse to liberalize abortion laws in these countries!
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Here are links to the Gosnell movie, showing February 15 and 17.  ALL tix must be purchased through these links, none available at box office!  Don’t miss out.
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Please visit our website to see how you can help.  Volunteers are always needed.  If you are in need of help, please call our help line and we can put you in touch with pregnancy crisis centers.
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