promises-fanfic · 9 years
Noooo 😭😭 I really liked it but if you want of course it's your choice but if you do can you make another fanfic with a darkskin character and the main guy maybe be Odell or Chris brown if you do and can do Odell I can promo it a lot because I run an Odell blog and there are like no Odell fanfics let me know what you think and I'll come off anon😘❤️❤️❤️
Hahaha You're so sweet✨I was thinking maybe If I revamp the whole storyline it may attract more readers …So I will put your suggestion into consideration 😘Thanks 4 the support love
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promises-fanfic · 9 years
Wow!!!! I really like the story so far...what days will you be updating this ❤️👏🏾
Honestly, I felt as though since no one was reading,reblogging, and leaving feedback etc. I was just going to delete the blog
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promises-fanfic · 9 years
This Is Only The Beginning
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As I boarded my plane, I couldn’t believe I was actually leaving Chicago. Even though I didn’t have many friends here, I loved it here. Gangs, Prostitution, and and several crimes happen here but this is were I grew up and spent my childhood. Not everybody here in Chicago is an angel but we all looked out for one another. This was going to be hard leaving the few people I had gotten close too my Sophomore year. But, leaving Chicago and moving to California was a better opportunity for me and my future.
~2 Months Later~
As I sat in my fourth period History class my phone suddenly vibrated indicating that I had a text message. “Turn your phone off please I’m tryna get my education” Chris said sarcastically. The one thing I hated about Cali Creek High School was that I shared almost all of my classes with the class clown Christopher Collins. It’s almost like he wakes up in the morning to just come to school to annoy everyone. For example, one afternoon at lunch he comes up to my table and takes my last chicken nugget then takes a bite out of it and puts it back on my tray. Although sometimes I want to strangle him he keeps me smiling throughout the day. Somehow I’ve managed to have a crush on him since the beginning of my Senior year at Cali Creek High School. From my judgement I don’t think he ever realized it, but I couldn’t help but like him because he’s so understanding and non-judgemental. Besides Christopher surprisingly I’ve made tons of friends compared to my last school in Chicago. Everybody at Cali Creek is so down to earth and don’t even get me started on how much the white boys are in love with every darkskin girl, and the teachers are very laid back but sometimes strict. Walking the opposite direction from the school to go home I noticed a blue lambo slowly driving on the side of me. As the vehicle came to a stop Chris rolled his window down “Sequoia, you want a ride ?” “No thank you, I’m okay” I yelled over the loud rain. “Girl, get yo crazy ass in the car.” Chris replied. Thirty minutes later we pulled up to my house as I turned my head to thank him our lips touched which eventually turned into a three minute make-out session. Once the kiss ended I cleared my throat and silently thanked him, although this was only the beginning.
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promises-fanfic · 10 years
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promises-fanfic · 10 years
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The prisoner defiantly stares down Heinrich Himmler, Hitler’s right-hand-man, who was responsible for the Holocaust. Greasley’s confrontation with Himmler took place during an inspection of the camp he was confined to. The inmates were ordered to remain seated, but Greasley refused. Horace Greasley also escaped the death camp, but sneaked back in to rescue a German woman whom he had fallen in love with.
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promises-fanfic · 10 years
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promises-fanfic · 10 years
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promises-fanfic · 10 years
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and if ya don’t know… 🍯
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promises-fanfic · 10 years
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#BlackOut. #Me
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promises-fanfic · 10 years
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BLACKOUT😎💨✌️my favs
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promises-fanfic · 10 years
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promises-fanfic · 10 years
How do I get put on here ?
ASAP Rocky
Phoenix: Shades of Black
August Alsina
After August
Her Love
B Smyth
Arranged Hearts
Blu & Xile: The Bloody Opera
Chris Brown
Deadly Love
The Deal
The Nanny
One Life to Live
See No...
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promises-fanfic · 10 years
I'm here for this. I can't wait to find out what led to his death
Thankss..glad you like it boo
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promises-fanfic · 10 years
stretch marks because the booty grew too fast too fierce too furious
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promises-fanfic · 10 years
Bruhhhh, my heart just sank.. Okay, okay ready for more.
lol..🙌thank you boo😘
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promises-fanfic · 10 years
oh shittt, you got a bitch in tears and its only the prologue lol, keep it up !!!
lol💁thanks babe🙌🙌
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promises-fanfic · 10 years
I like this .. i want to read but then i dont because i dont want Chris to die but i can tell this will be a great story
Gurllaaa😂i feel you babes!!
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