promoverreviews · 3 years
Betta Constipation (How to cure)
One way you could tell if your fish might have constipation would be noting any change in behavior or appetite—they'll start getting sluggish soon after their last feeding time (or “feedings”). Another clue may just show up as piles around where they live; fishes like hiding spots so this sure won't go unnoticed by anyone who cares about how much space its own territory provides.
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promoverreviews · 3 years
How to Tell If My Betta is Constipated
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Betta fish are becoming more and more popular, but many people don't know the basics about betta constipation. I'm going to tell you everything that a new or experienced owner needs be aware of when it comes to their aquatic friend's bowels!
What is constipation in betta fish?
Your betta fish may be suffering from constipation if it has a difficultly passing stool. There are several different symptoms and causes that can lead to this condition, including improper diet or too many chemicals in their environment, such as medication, which you should remove ASAP!
Is constipation fatal in betta fish?
You might not think that constipation is much of a big deal, but the side effects it causes can be dangerous to your fish if you don't take steps to remedy this problem.
Symptoms of constipation in bettas
When your betta fish has been suffering from constipation, there are a few tell-tale signs to look out for. However, we advise that you take note of all his symptoms as he could have other illnesses much more severe than just this one! 
To be on the safe side and catch it early before things get worse; make sure you watch what comes up when they poo because if not treated quickly enough then these can lead into major diseases such respiratory problems or even death in some cases so keep an eye open at first glance!
Stringy Feces
You may notice your betta's feces is stringy and hanging from him, or he might be constipated if you pay close attention. You can start treatment as soon as possible, so don't miss anything happening in order take good care of these adorable little guys. 
Not Eating
You may think that your betta is constipated because he’s ignoring the food and spitting it out. But this could just be an indicator of other symptoms! If you notice any sign along with those two big clues, then there's no harm in investigating further before deciding whether to treat or not (because getting rid their bowels can sometimes really bother fish).
Not Swimming
When your stomach is full, the last thing you want to do it lie down for a while. You should check how energetic or lethargic your betta looks and see if he has been swimming around as much lately--or whether it's just a sign that something else might be wrong with him!
A lot of people think constipation causes this symptom because they assume fish can't poop when there are so many other causes out there for anilingus diseases but don't forget: all these symptoms could also indicate another illness rather than what we think at first glance.
Swollen, bloated belly
When you see your betta fish’s belly swollen and full of poop, it may be a sign that he has constipation. Or her! Blockages most likely cause a bloated abdomen in their digestive tract, which will cause food waste to gradually build up until eventually, they back up on top of each other with no way out but through unnatural methods such as diarrhea or self-digestion (gill eating).
Trouble Swimming
When it comes to constipation, the condition has caused your betta not just to swim improperly but has also developed a disease that can't be missed. This extremely severe form of bowel obstruction is known as swim bladder disorder and must receive immediate attention if you want this little fishy back on his feet again!
Swim Bladder Disorder
Betta fish with swim bladder disorder can be caused by severe constipation or injury. The bloaty appearance of these Bettas, coupled with difficulty swimming upright and balancing themselves in the water makes them appear drastically different than their healthy counterparts
The SBD is most often passed on through breeding because it's highly contagious between members within a population but even just coming into contact poses serious risks for those who already suffer from this condition.
You may notice your betta flapping around when you put it into a tank, trying desperately not to go under due to its lack-of ability and an inflamed stomach from being fed too much protein - if so, tapering down what they eat might improve matters over time but also treat any wounds accordingly before applying aquarium salt which helps prevent infection while raising levels gradually after adding 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons until desired salinity level has been cured.
The Difference Between Dropsy and Constipation?
Bettas with dropsy have swollen stomachs, but this condition afflicts not all bettas. Dropsies is caused when there's too much water in your fish and constipation happens because of food blockages that lead to an obstruction or narrowing of the digestive tract due to solid material being unable to passage through it at times causing pain for the animal, which then leads them into trying unsafe behaviors such as hiding under leaves etc., though both can result from other causes aside just poor caretaking practices.
Is It Good To Fast My Betta Fish?
One way to keep your betta fish happy and healthy is by fast-feeding them. This will not only make him feel better, but it can also reduce the odds of him getting constipated since his system works more efficiently with less waste build up inside!
Final thoughts
If you want to prevent constipation in your betta fish, feed him a balanced diet that includes vegetables and any type of meat or food. To avoid this condition altogether start by giving them only one day without eating so their digestive tract gets used to being regular again before adding something else back into the equation for an additional serving each week as desired!
What to do for a constipated betta fish? Check out the guide on aquariumfishcity.com
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promoverreviews · 3 years
Small Fish Tank For Bettas
What is the best small fish tank for bettas?
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Well, the answer is it depends. If your kid is too small for working hardly on a bigger tank and want to starting take care a small one for himself, a smaller one will be better. Moreover, the aquarium should be made of acrylic or break-resistant plastics. This helps your kid to avoid any accidents or wounds caused by any mistake. Acrylic or plastics tank is also much lighter, which is easy for handling.
Also keep in mind that the long and wide tank will help fish to have more space to swim and it is also easier for your kids to change water.
The LED colors should also be another key concern for the brightness and colorful sight it brings to your children’s eyes.
What is the best tank for bettas?
Well, the answer is it depends. If your kid is too small for working hardly on a bigger tank and want to starting take care a small one for himself, a smaller one will be better. Moreover, the aquarium should be made of acrylic or break-resistant plastics. This helps your kid to avoid any accidents or wounds caused by any mistake. Acrylic or plastics tank is also much lighter, which is easy for handling.
Also keep in mind that the long and wide tank will help fish to have more space to swim and it is also easier for your kids to change water.
The LED colors should also be another key concern for the brightness and colorful sight it brings to your children’s eyes.
Tetra Bubbling LED aquarium Kit
This kit includes one acrylic hexagon 1-gallon tank, an air pump, an internal filter, small filter cartridge, 3 LED airstone, airline tubing and airline connector valve. You will need to buy a water heater, one tropical fish at suitable small size or some small betta fishes. Ask the local fish store for more advices on the fish size and fish food. Goldfish is not recommended for such a tiny bowl.
Outstanding features:
It is a small acrylic aquarium, neatly designed and in hexagon shape, which is perfectly a gift for your children and will not take up too much space at your working desk.
Putting there some betta fish after well-setup and your kids will be very happy looking at those happy fishes under the rainbow LED light.
The air pump both creates funny-looking bubbles and drives the internal power filter.
Great price for a nice compact under $30.
Minus points but not deal-breakers:
The LED light is a little bit dim. You may add or replace the light if there is not enough sunshine in your kid room.
Goldfish is not recommended and the filtration system is also suitable for a small amount of waste. If this tank is heavily stocked, you may need to add filtration system.
Penn Plax Rite-Bite Educational Tank
The kit includes a plastic 1.13-gallon tank, gravel for decorations, bottom drainage system, 2 LED lights (white and blue). What you need to buy more is fish, fish food and AA batteries for the lights.
Outstanding features:
The tank is engaged with the Easy Feed System, which will remind your kid to feed every day. Your kids themselves can also avoid overfeeding by using the scoop and pre-portioned compartments which hold every day’s feeding level.
This tank is really suitable for kids which are under 7 year-olds who want to take care the fish themselves. They could read the instructions, then use crayons to color the background picture to make it their own masterpieces and stick it to the back of the tank. Then put the pro-V crystal gravel at the bottom of the tank and pour the water and introduce fish into the tank. I am sure they will do that work with a lot of fun.
Minus points but not deal-breakers:
This is quite a very simple tank without filtration, which you have change water frequently. It is small and is recommended for betta fish only.
What is the best fish for kids to take care of?
A single small betta fish should the best fit for a small tank and also for aquarium beginners as for your kids.  They have colorful appearance and are very easy to take care of.
Moreover, if you have a bigger than 3-gallon aquarium, a small common goldfish could be suitable for a few weeks because they are very quickly adaptable to the new environment and are very forgiving for water parameters.
How to clean an acrylic aquarium?
Despite the fact that an acrylic aquarium has many advantages for your kids as described above, it is way more sensitive than glass. Thus, you should use soft cloth after spraying water and use a lighter effort compared to glass cleaning. For the algae the edges of the tank, soft cloth may not help, you will have to use plastic scraper and gently remove the algae so that it will not cause any scratches on the edge.
The second way for cleaning an acrylic tank on busy days is to use magnet float cleaner. Use it after your tank has been gently cleaned by cloth to make a final wipe in a medium-sized or larger tank.
Another way of cleaning acrylic tank is to use magic eraser. It is a very simple tool. Let imagine you only have to put some water into the magic eraser and wipe your tank up and down and then it will remove all the waste and algae.
How to clean a plastic aquarium?
With the sensitivity nearly the same as acrylic, a plastic aquarium needs to be cleaned gently with specific scrubbers which are used for plastic only. Use the algae magnet to remove the algae. Especially, you could use a mixture of half cup of vinegar and a half gallon distilled water for spraying on the tank before scrubbing to remove calcium buildup.
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