Lore of Another History; the actual lore
The year is 1939. After Finland started taking hits from the Soviets, Sweden jumped on helping them out in their war of terror against the Soviet Union.
The year  is 1941. Germany has told Sweden and Finland that no help can arrive, and that a massive offensive comes next year. This prompts Sweden to call for peace with the Soviet Union, but Finland's leaders and government officials were stubborn. The fighting increased from that point until both Swedish and Finnish supplies were drastically depleted, and they were forced into surrender.
At the conferences, no one took any land. Near the end of the conference, Sweden suggests something unlikely; a union with Finland. After the war, with all these supplies drained, they figured Sweden would be a great part of a union thanks to their natural riches. They take this offer to the King, who later realizes the same things the officials did.
In a conference room, on May 14th, 1941, Sweden and Finland worked together to sign through all sorts of treaties in order to fully organize the existance of Sweden-Finland. This addition to the Axis Powers made Britain a little uneasy, so they call to French nationalists in Africa to help take over the land. From here... something just, changes.
In 1942, the Axis  invasion of the Soviet Union is cancelled thanks to the massive effect Sweden-Finland had on the stability of Western regions. Instead, a national-socialist revolution is sparked by the German Reich, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Sweden-Finland, and even Japan. The Soviet Union collapses, and a swift takeover of the weakened lands follows. Germany puppets White Ruthenia, Ukraine, and Caucasia. Romania annexes Bessarabia from Ukraine. Sweden-Finland annex Estonia, Karelia, and Livonian regions from the USSR, as well as establishing a puppet of Novgorod. Japan annexed Vladivostok and practically the entirety of the Eastern lands. At this point, China makes peace with Japan and Japan moves to refocus on the Southern front.
Britain realizes the situation and calls out for help from the United States. Of course, the United States is also seeing the issue, and joins the war against the Axis.
The year... is 1943. Germany has constructed the first atom bomb, and threatens to nuke London if the United States doesn't leave the war. Stubborn American morale was way too high for this, so they in turn deny it, calling it a bluff.
Explosions rip through London. all sorts of heavy bombers are dropping thousands upon thousands of kilograms of bombs. Buildings reduced to rubble, hundreds of thousands of people die. American morale just... drops. Peace negotiations are held between Japan, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, the Croatian fascist and Serbian fascist puppets, Great Britain, British rag, Australia, the Netherlands, and the United States, among many others.
German demands;
Annexation of Belgium, Czechia from Czachoslovakia, northern France, occupied lands from Poland, and Denmark
Vassalization of Switzerland, Vichy France, the Netherlands, Ukraine, White Ruthenia, Caucasia, and the Russian Fascist state
Establishment of the old colonies of Kamerun, German East Africa, German Southwest Africa and Togoland.
Establishment of new colonies; German Egypt, German Newfoundland, German Algeria, German South Africa, and German Equatorial Africa.
The Dominion of Canada shall be come the Reichskommisariat der Kanada, and Quebec will be granted its freedom under German reign as a vassal state.
All other Allies' colonies are to be given independence.
Dissolution of the United Kingdom, into England, Wales and Scotland. Northern Ireland is returned to Ireland.
War reparations paid by France and England.
Slovakian demands;
Hungarian demands;
Romanian demands;
Establishment of new colonies; Romanian Tunis
Italian demands;
Annexation of Monaco, Spain, Portugal, Spanish Morocco, French Morocco, Spanish Sahara, Greece, Albania, Turkey, Iran and British/French holdings in the Middle East
Establishment of new colonies; Italian Somalia (annexed British Somaliland, French Somaliland), Italian Ethiopia, Italian Sudan and Italian Nigeria
Bulgarian demands;
Annexation of Serbian, Macedonian and Montenegrin lands except for Vojvodina
Dobrich becomes a split-vassal of Romania and Bulgaria
Swedish-Finnish demands;
Annexation of Norway, Karelia, Livonia and Estonia
Vassalization of Novgorod, Iceland, and Greenland
British demands;
American demands;
The Nazi regime will be disbanded in exchange for a German monarchy.
These terms are all agreed on May 16th, 1943.
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