Happy Birthday to Me!
Happy June 2nd, everyone! Also known as Ladonian Indepedence Day!
Also also known as MY birthday! I'm now 17 years old and counting! Awesome!
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-High five.- This is going to be truly spectacular!
netnationladonia replied to your post: Another me?
Ja, of course.
Excellent. Since...
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-Laughs with.- Hehe...sounds perfect. If you need any scientific backup, weapons and the like, I could probably help you there.
netnationladonia replied to your post: Another me?
Ja, of course.
Excellent. Since there are two of us, would you be interested in teaming up to fight him? We’re obviously two separate...
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I can take care of that. What'll you be doing?
netnationladonia replied to your post: Another me?
Ja, of course.
Excellent. Since there are two of us, would you be interested in teaming up to fight him? We’re obviously two separate entities of the same personification, and after all, two heads are better than one.
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netnationladonia replied to your post: Another me?
Ja, of course.
Excellent. Since there are two of us, would you be interested in teaming up to fight him? We're obviously two separate entities of the same personification, and after all, two heads are better than one.
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Another me?
This is strange. Are you still in the war against Sweden?
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Back for the Weekend!
Ha ha, hey peasants! I'm kidding, I love all of my followers and citizens!
Anyways, I had a heck of an annoying week dealing with Sir Steel-for-Brains and Mr. You-Wife-Me-IKEA. But I'm back for the weekend! Aaaaand guess what Sunday is?
Break out the cake and the Glorious Green, peasants! June 2nd is the foundation day of Ladonia, and my birthday! 
And on that day, your great overlord ME will take over Sweden!
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Scream of a Child
(( Based on a Nordic Oni/HetaOni RP. ))
This is what happens when you give the admin sadness fodder and leave him to his own devices. Plus, he hasn't practiced writing in a while.
Warning!! Character death and a lot of emotional hot air written in the space of about half an hour on very, very little inspiration!
~ + ~
Loki sighed softly, surveying the trap he had set. With any luck, having broken away from the main group for good, this would help even the slightest bit. He held his laptop gingerly for the last time, admiring the resilience of the old thing that had brought him into the physical world. But alas, a device, even one so technologically upgraded at this, had limitations. His was a borrowed existence, technically not a part of anything in the real world. He could talk, and walk, and have emotions…he could love, hate, follow fruitless ambition, and endeavor to be a nation worth respect and fear…But this house, it derailed any dreams he might have had at any point.
Who was he to dream in this place?
Who was he to dream in any place?
He wasn’t real. At best, he was a highly sophisticated android. He had flesh, could bleed, could feel pain and joy and anger, but it wasn’t real in the sense he wanted it to be. Everything about his physical self was a fake, a clever manifestation of the deepest, weakest, most vulnerable wishes of a scared little boy from a terrifying digital world.
For all his gumption and big talk, he realized he was really nothing; an infinitesimal speck in a huge, painfully real world.  It was a world that wasn’t his. None of the people on this world were his. Not Sweden, not Finland, not Norway, Sealand, or Kugelmugel…
Kugelmugel…Oh, just how selfish could he be? Leading that poor, sweet Austrian boy to believing that the boy whom he had called “his” was anything more than data! And it was all because…secretly…Ladonia had wanted to be his as well.
But…that wasn’t to be.
And sitting here, in the dark recesses of a cursed house bent on despair and destruction, perpetually alone in a room similar to his existence on this same laptop he loved and despised, he realized just how alone he was. It was a painful thought, one he was glad to be rid of forever, very, very soon.
He could hear the beast coming now, heatedly following the bloody trail Ladonia had left for it. Cut from his own hand, he was amazed he could actually bleed. The laptop had been running on battery power for ages…Maybe it had realized that its owner would be dead in all aspects very soon? Was that how this worked?
Unable to know or to ever know for sure, Ladonia resigned himself to the mystery and stroked the friendly yet heinous screen for one last time. How many scientific ventures had he taken with this device? Too many to count, name, or recall.
With a sigh, he set the laptop down directly in the center of the path the monster would take. Halfway between the open cell door and the far stone wall, where the monster would come raging in, destroy the computer, and then be free to dismember the remains of Ladonia’s semi-pixellated body.
Would he feel pain in those precious few moments? He knew that the laptop’s death meant his own, and that was alright. He was ready to die. Curious to die, even. He had always wondered how death would be.
As a last resort to collect his thoughts, Ladonia sat down and began to take a mental log of his entire physical life. Battling with Sweden, then burying his grudge to become a member of his family. That had been wonderful, believing that someone in the world really cared about him and wanted him around. Truthfully, Loki knew he had never had anything like that, but he was complacent in accepting his falsified memories as a final comfort.
 Oh, the years had gone by, and Loki had grown possessive of Sweden in that he was hostile to new members joining the family, wanting the powerful nation to still see him as the son he had been. He remembered throwing himself almost carelessly into his work with science, trying to impress Berwald and keep himself at the top of his father’s priority list. He was forever plagued by a lack of self-esteem and respect in his loud nature and aggressive ways, always coming off as crass, disobedient, and rude, yet still expecting a familial affection from the Swede. Who had he been kidding ? That was no way to secure a family, not that Berwald was ever “his” to begin with. To him, Loki was probably an extra mouth to feed, and a cruel and rowdy one at that. To him, the redheaded Swede was probably just a nuisance, not worth his or anyone else’s precious time.
And Loki was not fine with that.
Faced with his impending death, he felt he had no other choice than to be fine with every other fault and problem in his life, letting go of his dreams and desires and the love he had for others. But…this kind of adoring, son-to-father love he had with Sweden, apparently unreturned, was something he could never forgive himself for.
He had always believed that “love conquered all” but had he not given enough love? Obviously he hadn’t. Sweden’s heart was large enough for maybe fifty kids and more, while Loki’s heart had always been closed off and restricted. But…If Loki had taken more than one or two leaves out of Sweden’s book, would things have changed? He would always be haunted by the regret and the “what ifs.”
What if he had listened to Sweden when he was supposed to?
What if he had been more welcoming to the new family members?
What if he had been just a little kinder…
Just a little calmer…
Just a little more loving…
Would things have been different?
He would never know.
This elaborate suicide mission would ensure that.
With a sigh, Loki looked up as the rumbling that had previously been shaking the dungeon ceased. He was unsurprised to see the great ugly monster standing in the doorway, taking stock of the situation. After all, he had led it here, hadn’t he?
“Do your worst.” He said softly.
Heeding his word, STEVE tore into the dungeon cell as expected.
He destroyed the laptop underneath his furious predatorial feet as expected.
Loki felt a stabbing pain spread through his heart at the death of his laptop as expected.
And in a flash of gray-filled sight, blood leaked into the dungeon floor as a single, heartbroken scream wrought through the dungeon, only to be cut off a moment later…all as expected.
And as expected, the monster made short work of his grisly murder. Loki’s body was torn apart, his last scream hovering in the echoing dungeon, forever coming back to his deadened ears. It was a scream of fleeting hope someone would come, a scream of anger when no one would, and a scream of sadness at the thought of leaving both of his worlds all alone, without even a goodbye.
It was the scream of a scared little boy, calling desperately for a deaf father to save him.
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Ugh, I Blame Sealand for This!
Sorry everyone. May 22, two days ago, was Waaal-Day and my flighty "brother" wouldn't stop being annoying and I forgot to post a notice!
So, here's my belated celebration of the Ladonian language. Blame Peter.
And everyone else who is a Ladonian or is thinking of being a Ladonian, or just thinks I'm totally awesome...
Waal, and thank you!
Happy Waal-Day everyone!
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Hey Sve, while you're at it, can you mail him to Timbuktu?
Or Pluto?
I think Pluto would be better.
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The wild Swede hunts for prey that he will soon take back to his family at IKEA.
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Japan, England.
Answer the Hetalia Asks thing?
Alright, I'll try.
Japan: Sairor Moon, Furrmetar Archemist, and Kuroshitsuji.
(( Idon'tknowwhatyouwantfrommePortyIjustnamedanimesIhearalot. ))
England: My cooking is amazing, thank you! That pig America has no taste!
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Hetalia Asks?
Italy: Do you ever give up without trying?
Germany: Is there someone you feel obligated to look after, even if you don’t want to?
Japan: Your top 3 animes?
America: A heroic deed you've done?
England: How are your cooking skills?
France: Do you believe in love at first sight?
Russia: Are people sometimes intimidated by you?
China: Are you superstitious?
Canada: Do you still have any stuffed animals? Have you got a favourite?
Belgium: Do you ever feel plain in comparison to others around you?
The Netherlands: Tell us about your spending habits?
Austria: What is your favourite song?
Hungary: What are your views on feminism?
Lichtenstein: Someone you look up to?
Poland: Are you shy around new people?
Switzerland: Do you try to save money? What are you saving it for?
Belarus: Do you have an infatuation with someone? (Real, fictional, alive or dead?)
Estonia: Do you consider yourself to be intelligent?
Latvia: How well do you hold your alcohol?
Lithuania: Are you openhearted?
Ukraine: Tell us about your siblings? (Or people you consider as siblings?)
Denmark: Your weapon of choice?
Finland: What is your favourite holiday? (e.g. Christmas, valentines, Easter...)
Iceland: Do you have any pets?
Norway: Do you believe in mythical creatures?
Sweden: Do you embarrass easily?
Egypt: What is your relationship with your family like?
Greece: How many hours a day do you sleep?
Monaco: How stylish do you consider yourself to be?
Turkey: How may sugars?
Cyprus: Do you consider yourself a peace-lover?
TRNC: Do you style yourself after someone?
Romano: Are you scared of getting to close to people?
Spain: Are you easy to get along with?
Hong Kong: Are you afraid of the dark?
Taiwan: have you got a smart mouth?
South Korea: What is your favourite video game?
Cuba: What is your favourite ice-cream flavour?
Sealand: Do you try to hard?
Seborga: Give us your best chat-up line?
Wy: Do you poses any artistic skills? - Show us your best/favourite piece of art?
Grandpa Rome: How is your sex life?
Australia: What is your favourite animal?
Germania: Do you know how to fight?
Holy Rome: Tell us about a childhood crush?
Prussia: Are you scared of dying?
Seychelles: Can you dance?
Bulgaria: Do you have any bad habits?
Cameroon: Are you sporty?
Croatia: Do you tend to go unnoticed by people?
Hutt River: Do you ever feel like you're ahead of other people?
India: are you good at maths?
Kugelmugel: Have you ever been mistaken for the opposite sex?
Ladonia: Do you ever think you're better than other people?
Macau: Do you wear glasses?
Mongolia: Ever used a bow and arrow?
Molossia: Are you though shit?
New Zealand: What is your opinion on sheep?
Nikko Nikko Republic: Tell us the story behind your name/blog/url?
Oaska: Do you/have you dyed your hair?
Picardy: Are you impatient?
Romania: Your favourite folklore story?
Thailand: Do you like spicy food?
Tibet: Have you ever considered giving up your life for a more peaceful one? Would you?
Vietnam: Are you photogenic?
2P Italy: A weird food combination you enjoy? (e.g. Chili and chocolate or strawberries and marmite.)
2P Germany: One of your kinks?
2P Japan: Do you have any tattoos? (If not) do you want any?
2P America: Are you a vegetarian?
2P England: One thing you love about yourself?
2P France: Do you believe in God?
2P Russia: Are you straightforward with people about your feelings?
2P China: Have you ever cheated on a partner?
2P Canada: Do you prefer to be in the limelight?
2P Prussia: One thing you hate about yourself?
General Winter: Your favourite season?
God: Do you forgive easily?
Howard: Have you ever been trapped somewhere?
Lisa: Tell us about someone extraordinary that you've met?
Mr Newspaper(s): Do you enjoy gossiping?
Noto-Sama: A life changing event?
Shiatty-Chan: Your favourite costume?
Yamato: Talk about your best friend?
Aster, Berlitz and Blackie: Are you a dog or a cat person?
Hanatamago: Are you sarcastic by nature?
Kumajiro: Are you forgetful?
Netherland Rabbit: Do you like sharing?
Mr Puffin: Do you swear a lot?
Perlutze: Are you happy with your weight?
Pochi: Are you a leader of a follower?
Gilbird and Pierre: Is it really good luck to be shat on by a bird? Really?
Tony: Do you believe in life on other planets?
Toto: Tell us about the last time you went to the zoo?
Charles VI: Have you got any nicknames? What are they?
Charles VII: Have you ever betrayed someone?
Elizabeth Christine: How do you feel about relationships with age gaps?
Fredrick the Great: Tell us something great about you?
Jeanne D'Arc: Are you patriotic?
Joanne of Castile: If you were King/Queen of Spain for the day, what would you do?
Kurt Waldheim: Have you ever won something?
Leonardo Da Vinci: What was/is your favourite school subject?
Maria Theresa: If you could have any title, what would it be? (e.g. Duchess of tumblr.)
Michelangelo: Have you ever sculpted anything?
Napoleon Bonaparte: Your views on war?
Pocahontas: Can you paint with all the colours of the wind?
Princess Sophie: How many people do you know with the same name as you?
Queen Christina: Have you ever given something up for the greater good?
Saint Aubert: What do you want your gravestone to say?
Silvio Berlusconi: Have you ever abused power?
Spartacus: Who is your favourite Gladiator?
Sugita Genpaku: Are you interested in writing? Show us something you wrote?
Togo Heihachiro: Would you ever consider joining the Navy?
Veronica Lario: Do you believe in divorce?
Waldysaw II Jagiello: If you could move to any country, where would you go?
Wulfstan: Do you cosplay?
Zheng He: Do you travel to lots of different countries? Which was your favourite?
Quebec: Where you born in a different country to the one you live in?
Kanazawa: Do you like the rain?
Mito: Have you even broke the law?
Sendai: Complete the sentence. Rules are...?
To answer your question, because I want to,
I am Ladonia.
There is no one above me. >3
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Wait...Sweden is the bottom?!
Nothing you can do about it
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((Sometimes I think to myself, “Okay, I’m gonna go without a magic curse for a while.”  But then anons like this pop up, and suddenly I have no self-restraint, because omg, this is fantastic.  Whoever you are, my dear Anon, I love you.  I’m such a pervert omg.))
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Where's my present :D
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"Finland's not a force to be reckon'd with. Y'should not try anythin' funny with 'im."
I think. It's so hard to type his truncation.
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