prythianfm · 1 year
You should probably look @courtshq
hello and thank you for messaging us. we have had multiple parties approach us now and will be making a clarification post on this shortly whilst we reach out to the party in question, but please know we are not affiliated with @courtshq and will be doing everything in our power to address roleplay similarities and other stolen characters / information. we find it disheartening that a prior friend and member of prythianfm would open courtshq in this manner.
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prythianfm · 1 year
please let us know when the jcink is open :eyes:
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we  will  !  members  are  working  on  their  member  directory  posts  and  will  begin  their  shippers  shortly  (  the  last  step  )  while  the  admins  are  in  the  process  of  fixing  up  our  discord.
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prythianfm · 1 year
hi ! so are people no longer able to join at all ?
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not  until  we  open  the  jcink  to  the  public  !
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prythianfm · 1 year
hi i apologize for the strange question, but is this the same admin svet that ran the dogs of war rp? which i absolutely adored, btw! if so, is there a chance of the rp ever making a comeback? loving this one aswell btw!
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hello,  and  it  is  !  honestly  there  are  so  many  that  still  ask  me  and  talk  about  dow,  and  it  always  delights  me  to  hear  it's  missed  throughout  the  years.  it's  very  near  and  dear  to  me,  but  i  do  not  believe  it  is  a  roleplay  i  would  host  on  tumblr  again  (  with  the  rpc  being  so  hit  or  miss  these  days  with  activity,  tumblr  consistently  doing  updates  that  make  roleplaying  here  impossible,  etc  ).  however,  i'm  very  interested  in  turning  it  into  an  invite  only  /  private  group  on  jcink,  so  you  can  definitely  expect  it  to  return  to  that  platform  !  in  the  meantime,  i  hope  you  consider  joining  our  jcink  for  prythian  :)
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prythianfm · 1 year
Update? :eyes:
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today  is  our  last  day  for  current  members  to  register  accounts,  and  then  we  will  be  moving  onto  character  registration  (  census  )  and  threading  practice  for  those  that  are  new  to  the  platform  !  after  our  members  complete  these  parts  and  familiarize  themselves  with  jcink,  we  will  then  either  open  prythian  to  the  public  once  again  or  begin  official  site  buzz  for  its  continuation  /  reopening  on  jcink.  hang  in  there  —  you're  almost  there  !
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prythianfm · 1 year
this looks lovely! I'm just always intimidated with big groups:( how welcoming would you say this is?
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hello  !  i  can  promise  you  that  we  are  a  very  welcoming  group,  but  are  about  to  start  our  process  of  moving  to  our  jcink  site  and  will  be  operating  as  a  closed  group  until  then.  however,  we  do  hope  your  interest  may  follow  us  there  come  time  !
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prythianfm · 1 year
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kazakir  ehekatl.
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prythianfm · 1 year
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to  the  stars  who  listen  and  the  dreams  that  are  answered  —  welcome  to prythianfm  !  please  review  our  checklist  and  report  to  your  high  lord  within  the  next  twenty - four  hours.  the  following  character(s)  and  faceclaim(s)  are  now  closed  for  application:
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✧ ˚  ·    .   the  continent  welcomes  KAZAKIR EHEKATL of  ADRIATA,  the  NAVAL COMMANDER  of  THE SUMMER COURT.   when  the  HIGH FAE  is  glamoured,  he  bears  a  resemblance  to  TENOCH HUERTA.   the  40  /  712  year  old  CISGENDER MALE  is  reputed  to  be  PERSONABLE  and  INCISIVE,  but  a  decade  of  war  has  left  them  CALCULATING  and TEMPESTUOUS .   if  created  by  the  cauldron,  they  would  be  made  in  the  likeness  of  THE LOW HUM OF A MOURNING SEASONG, THE PRESSURE OF THE SEA AGAINST ONE'S THROAT, THE DISSONANCE BETWEEN SOFT EYES AND BLOODIED HANDS.   whispers  throughout  prythian  claim  that  their  allegiance  lies  with  THE SUMMER COURT,  where  they  conspire  to  PREVENT MORE LOSSES THROUGH WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY.     (  casper,   28,   cst,   she/her. )     *  wc for naval commander of summer court
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prythianfm · 1 year
what timezone(s) are the admins in? :3
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cst  and  gmt  +8,  but  neither  of  us  actually  adhere  to  these  timezones  as  we  should.  we're  both  chaotic  and  tend  to  be  around  at  ungodly  hours  !
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prythianfm · 1 year
is there an age limit for charries?
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hello  'non  !  there  is  no  age  limit  for  characters  but  you  can  find  our  aging  guide  on  our  application  page  ─  it  currently  goes  up  to  55  (  physical  age  )  /  1000  (  fae  age  )  but  certain  fae  may  be  older  than  that.  we  do  ask  that  if  you  are  making  your  character  older  than  60+  (  physical  age  ),  to  please  contact  the  main  beforehand  for  any  assistance  with  the  fae  age  !  as  for  faceclaims,  we  allow  an  age  bend  of  + / -  five  years  unless  requested  otherwise  ─  this  is  mostly  in  the  case  of  using  a  resource  of  an  actor  from  years  ago  and  wishing  to  adhere  to  the  age  the  actor  was  at  the  point  of  filming.
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prythianfm · 1 year
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nezir  atakan.
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prythianfm · 1 year
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to  the  stars  who  listen  and  the  dreams  that  are  answered  —  welcome  to prythianfm  !  please  review  our  checklist  and  report  to  your  high  lord  within  the  next  twenty - four  hours.  the  following  character(s)  and  faceclaim(s)  are  now  closed  for  application:
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✧ ˚  ·    .   the  continent  welcomes  NEZIR  ATAKAN  of  THE  COURT  OF  NIGHTMARES,  the  SPYMASTER  of  THE  NIGHT  COURT.   when  the  ILLYRIAN  is  glamoured,  he  bear(s)  a  resemblance  to  KUBILAY  AKA.   the  30  /  575  year  old  CIS  MAN  is  reputed  to  be  DISCIPLINED  and  VISIONARY,  but  a  decade  of  war  has  left  them  DISSOLUTE  and  MORDANT.   if  created  by  the  cauldron,  they  would  be  made  in  the  likeness  of  A  HUNTER’S  MOON,  SWOLLEN  WITH  BLOOD  AND  POISED  BENEATH  THE  ABYSS  ;  A  DEATH-KNOT  OF  MEMORY,  MOONRISE,  AND  MACHINE  ;  TRADITION  AS  A  CARCASS  ON  WHICH  DUTY  HAS  CAUGHT  ITS  TEETH  ;  THE  GRAVEN  HARBINGER,  SHEDDING  THE  SCOURGE  OF  NIGHTMARES  TO  DEPART  FOR  A  SANCTUARY  OF  STARS  —  AT  LAST,  HE  IS  HOMEBOUND.  whispers  throughout  prythian  claim  that  their  allegiance  lies  with  THE  COURT  OF  DREAMS,  where  they  conspire  to  SAFEGUARD  VELARIS,  TAKE  VENGEANCE  ON  HIS  CAPTORS,  AND  AID  IN  THE  REFORMATION  OF  THE  HEWN  CITY.   (  vesper,   21,   gmt+8,   she/her.   )
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prythianfm · 1 year
Hello! I’m very interested in applying! I have a lot of roleplay experience, but no experience roleplaying on tumblr. Do you accept newbies? I was also wondering what “utp” means, I’ve seen it a few times while browsing your page. Thanks you :))
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hello  sweet  ‘non  !  we  are  definitely  open  to  newbies  and  would  like  to  direct  you  towards  this  very  extensive  and  helpful  guide  that  explains  the  basics  of  writing  on  tumblr  and  the  tools  and  tips  that  will  make  your  tumblr  experience  a  little  bit  more  easier.  as  for  your  second  question,  “utp”  is  the  shortened  form  of  “up  to  player”  ─  basically  meaning  that  the  issue,  be  it  faceclaims  or  character  backgrounds,  is  up  to  the  writer  who  picks  the  connection  up  !
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prythianfm · 1 year
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the  following  account(s)  have  gone  inactive;  please  unfollow  them  and  know  that  you  are  always  welcome  to  reapply  at  prythian:
ofthycourts  ⸻  dominic  mordecai,  malik  erdogan  and  nesri  sessondal.
jamboreez  ⸻  demir  saylak,  leon  rojas  and  nari  byeon.
valiathan  ⸻  nitya  valiathan.
due  to  player  request,  please  unfollow:
ofthethroned  ⸻  koray  aksakal.
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prythianfm · 1 year
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the  following  accounts  have  twenty - four  hours  to  post  in - character  or  are  at  risk  of  being  reopened  if  they  don’t  resume  activity:
ofthycourts  ⸻  dominic  mordecai,  malik  erdogan  and  nesri  sessondal.
ofthethroned  ⸻  koray  aksakal.
jamboreez  ⸻  demir  saylak,  leon  rojas  and  nari  byeon.
valiathan  ⸻  nitya  valiathan.
the  following  accounts  are  on  hiatus:
wnterstcrms  ⸻  clove  pennyroyal,  hayal  durmaz  and  tristan  hao.
azraehl,  acaentha  ⸻  azrael  mazhar  and  acantha  valiathan.
epithvts  ⸻  adrius  kachrylion  and  cerys  perceval.
xstarforged  ⸻  seren.
dcybrck  ⸻  deron  han,  iona  ruhn  and  neve  aurelius.
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prythianfm · 1 year
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izara  thaumas.
tyrian  aurelius.
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prythianfm · 1 year
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good  evening  tags  !  we’ve  just  had  a  heavy  chapter  drop  that  now  opens  our  group  into  an  open - world  state,  allowing  travel  between  courts  as  our  characters  attempt  to  relocate  the  cauldron,  appease  the  frightened  mortal  queens  and  stop  hybern  from  reigniting  the  flames  of  war.  now  would  be  a  great  time  to  join  in  on  the  fun,  so  if  you’re  interested,  look  to  our  masterlist  or  our  wanted  connections  for  further  inspiration  !
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