psiithuriism · 4 months
This was her one chance at a new life and running away had been easy, even if barely planned. Hitchiking was not ideal, but it was all she could do, barely having any money to her name. Gia knew this could be in end, she heard enough horror stories that started exactly like this to know it could happen. But there was more than just that to make her tense as she sat straight in the front with the stranger. She was wondering if he would try anything and has she stole glances at him, she came to the conclusion that she wouldn't mind if his hand was to wander to her knee or leg. "There's nothing here," she said with a hint of panic in her voice. It was also getting dark and if he dropped her off here, she knew she wouldn't be safe. "I don't have money." The words were said as she bit her lower lip. "If you want money, I can try to get some from some poor guy in a shit bar in the next town." She was young and she was pretty, getting money wouldn't be hard. "But if you had something else in mind, I'd be open to hearing it," she said, eyes heavy as moved her shoulder just enough for the strap of her top to fall down.
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open to: females. plot: big p.ervy trucker picks up hot little hitchhiker in the middle of nowhere and would like some payment for his kindness. up to you whether she's into it or not. i'm down to explore any k.inks from my list for this so feel free to hit me up if there's anything specific you'd like to include. connection: stranger. additional: do not like this starter. made with beta editor.
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she'd been sitting pretty in the truck's passenger seat for nearly an hour now and had yet to offer up any physical form of gratitude to billy for pulling over and picking her up. maybe she was just shy, or maybe she was hoping to scam him of what he was rightfully owed, but either way, he didn't intend to leave the matter festering for much longer. ❝ i'm taking a big risk having you in here, you know. ❞ his husky voice was stark against the silence that had developed between the pair, his pale blues kept locked on the pitch black road that stretched ahead for miles. ❝ if something were to happen, i could lose my job. ❞ heavy sigh rattled out from the blond, shaking his head as he continued to lead the topic of discussion. ❝ i don't know... maybe this is as far as i can take you. ❞
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psiithuriism · 7 months
THE WORLD she was in was one of deceit. That much Cecilia knew. It was her birth right, just as the status she held. She wanted no part in her family's dealings, didn't have the stomach for it. The less she knew, the better she slept. Some would called her a spoiled brat, her older sister had often done it, but it didn't matter to her. She knew the cost of her last name and she wanted to take part in only the good things it could offer. And that was more money and status than many could imagine. Dingy dinners were not her usual scene, which is why the shock of seeing the other woman there had been felt like an earthquake. A quick burger was all she wanted but instead it was deception she had found. "Why would I do that?" Spoiled, vapid, hurt, Lia was not happy. "God, you must have laughed at us so much when alone. That color does nothing for you by the way," Cecilia said referring to the uniform Mattie wore at work. "Give me one good reason I shouldn't tell the others?" She had bought it, Mattie's story, maybe too easily. The other had been welcomed like one of their own and Lia had found herself eager to spend time with Mattie, found someone she thought understood her.
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character: mattie open: m/f/nb plot: mattie is a socialite-in-waiting, a pauper trying to turn princess. she’s been lying to all her rich friends that she’s rich too, only for your muse to randomly come into the diner she works at days before and discover she’s nothing more than a poor waitress. it’s up to you on what they do with that information! as for now, mattie’s groveling.
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okay. shit. two days ago, she’d innocently being working the night shift, when her world suddenly shattered. well, the fake world she crafted for herself had shattered. no one in the city of new york knew that mattie was lying about everything: her family, where she came from, the fact that she was nearly two hundred thousand dollars in credit card debt. as far as her rich friends knew, she fit right in with them, a hotel heiress from brazil that never had to work for a thing in her life. mattie feared her stomach was going to be permanently clenched from anxiety, waiting for all her friends to drop her. when they would figure out mattie was technically stealing from them, letting them pay for all the parties and expensive trips and clothes, just about everything. how she’d use take their credit cards because she knew they had no limit and her friends wouldn’t ever see the statements anyways. it was all working so perfectly—until that one damn shift. now the person in front of her held her fate and future in manhattan in their hands, and matilde doubted they’d just brush it off. “please… i know you don’t owe me anything, but i’m begging you. please. do not tell anyone about the other day. i’ll do anything you want, just don’t let the others know!”
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psiithuriism · 7 months
the crime muses are all done. working on the rest. looking for new partners and threads. like this for me to look at your opens!
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psiithuriism · 7 months
indie multi-muse penned by fia. 25+. she/her. selective & medium activity.
drafts: queue:
muses. guidelines.
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psiithuriism · 7 months
tag drop; verses
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