psyc2210 · 3 years
Hey Mr. D.J. Play My Song, Please!!!!
Introvert? Extrovert? Nerd? Weirdo? I’ve been all of these. I’m also rather loud and boisterous. Except for four people in my life, I have never really felt like I was on the inside, even within my own family. Once I became a stay-at-home mother, my desire for connection...or distraction, depending on how you look at it, became so much more. I definitely turned to social media for the simple concept of being “in the loop.” My cousin had a baby, and somebody went on vacation, or that they are alive and well. So that you know, the only calls or texts I get are from my husband and bill collectors. Why I even have a phone is beyond me. However, with social media, I don’t have to wait for someone to remember me. I can find my own world to slip into. A world that I can create based on what I am missing otherwise. A place that makes me feel like I matter. A place that I can be more than a wife, mother, maid, and chef. They say that social connection can increase life expectancy up to 50 percent…my chances are wavering.
As much as we have in common, my husband and I don’t always see eye-to-eye on music. I am a product of the ’90s and 2000s, otherwise known as the most depressing, whiny period of music ever. On the other hand, Pantera is music to my husbands' ears. Sorry for the pun. About a year ago, I discovered an artist by the name of Lil Peep. You could call me obsessed. My husband does. While he will listen to it respectfully, it irritates the bejeesus out of him. One hundred of the accounts I follow on Instagram would beg to differ. The concept of homophily allows me to proclaim my status of Lil Peep fandom and be accepted wholly for it.
Have you heard of this band? Do you watch this show? You gotta try this! Recommendations, suggestions, tips, testimonies. Gimmicks. Algorithms. As stated above, people want to be validated and belong. It is the constant in the equation. How people achieve these things is no national secret. We are reliant upon (electronic) word of mouth. To be honest, how much time have you invested in research to figure out what you like? Isn’t it easier to let others do the leg work? Not to mention, how would social media platforms continue to expand? How would the next superstar be discovered? The next model? Come on; you can find infinite tutorials on how to maximize these algorithms to your advantage. If you are an attention-seeking person, that is. Or a small business owner. I dare you to deny that we live in symbiosis?
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psyc2210 · 3 years
Now Hiring: Qualified candidates must possess a degree in gullibility
By definition, to capture attention via social media means to keep a user scrolling, following, and kept in anticipation of what is next (……….). On a basic level, we can view TV, radio, magazines, etc., in the same way. Commercials, ads, images. The solicitation game is strong. People want to make money, cut time off chores, and look like royalty doing it. I am no exception. I have definitely purchased more things than necessary because of a creative campaign ad. What can I say, I like pretty things?! Occasionally, I am just oblivious. The twenty-five-dollar set of art instruction books turned out to be a digital copy. Yeah, I didn't see that. Guess what? No refunds on digital purchases. Yay! Go me! Mostly, though, I am realistic. I know that every image I like, comment on or scroll past is Pandora’s box to every site (real or fake) within ten miles of the subject. While being a sucker is at the hands of us all, it also is a recipe for predators of every kind.
Giveaway! Take 10% off your first order! Gift with first purchase! Human nature is not “rocket science.” We certainly do gravitate to the things that perceptibly give us some joy, explanation. However, out of a hypothetical 10 advertisements, how many have you actually purchased an item from? Images can be crazy flashy, generational slang, and sense of “having my back,” companies do not guarantee a purchase, let alone a repeat customer. User bombardment of exact and similar content is all they have.
So let me ask, what email did you use? Sign up for text messages? Did you like and follow all thirty-five accounts?
What level of manipulation are you comfortable with?
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