psychiccartman · 5 years
South Park Phone Destroyer Game App
This is a page for people interested in playing the South Park Phone Destroyer game app and joining our team “Psychic Cartman.”
Included are pages on the nav bar at the top of the screen: general rules, advice, and gaming tips.
This is already mentioned in the pages the major ones are:
Be chill: We just want relaxed gaming.
No explicit pictures or nudity: Let’s keep it PG. Occasional swearing is fine, but if we’re keeping the Chat Forum more for just game tips, there’s no need to be spamming Chat showing off your wide vocabulary of swear words.
No underage content: This is just a game. Don’t be creepy.
Keep the Chat Forum restricted to game tips: While there’s no rule against posting stuff in Chat since it’s there, I personally don’t care to see someone flag us down in Chat just to say “hi”
No toxic game players: Let’s all just get along. There are enough asshole teams out there. Let’s just not be one of them.
While it sounds Anti-Social, I’m not playing South Park Phone Destroyer to make deep meaningful connections with other players.
I just want to play the game South Park, collect some cool cards, pat myself on the back for having done some fun PvP game play, and then go back to my normal life.
The last one is kind of a big deal. South Park is funny because it’s crass so you’ll naturally get people who are snarky or snide. But South Park has enough “asshole teams” and I think there’s a happy (Psychic?) medium where we can enjoy South Park but we don’t have to be a dick towards other people to have fun.
We’re not serious gamers. While there are events and team competitions, this group is more for people who like South Park, like collecting cards, and want to take advantage of perks only available through a team but don’t want to be hassled about being an active member.
If you’re using your phone to log into Tumblr, the navigation bar may not be visible, only the Blog Entries.
If that’s the case, you may want to log into an actual computer or desktop PC to be able to view the pages.
If you’re from Tumblr and come across this page and want to look for our group and join us, feel free to do so.
Right now, I’m using the general page layout where all the pages are listed at the top of the screen under the title.
You can swipe right for the rest of the list of entries I’ve made on this game.
Aside from promoting the benefits of friendly card exchange, our mission is to have no mission.
We’re not trying to compete against other teams. This is for people who want to play the South Park app and tap the perks only offered to those who are in a team and not get hassled about being an active member.
I just spent 500 coins to make my own group because I didn’t care for any of the other group names and thought I’d be thematic with a “South Park” Season 8 Episode 13 about Cartman as a Psychic.
That’s it.
I really don’t want to be an administrator or have to police others on the team asking them to behave or stop bothering teammates or other players.
There are sections in this team page that really have nothing to do with South Park Phone Destroyer that I just threw in there for amusement and entertainment.
“South Park” Is really a show about nothing and just a bunch of kids messing around making fun of the absurdity of society.
Whey Trey Parker and Matt Stone of “South Park” made the 2004 film “Team America: World Police,” it seemed like a silly movie with gratuitous puppet porn where a whole scene was dedicated to two puppets having sex.
However, forgetting the perverted puppetry, if you really took a look at the message of the movie about North Korea, some of it is actually relevant to events that have unfolded in 2019.
While it was a raunchy gag of a movie, it still had some lessons about the world. It was just perverted storytelling.
I guess I’d just like to see that people who choose to join our team see a world of possibilities of being more than just team members, but actually using this recreational gaming app to do just that little bit extra in enriching their lives outside of this gaming app.
It’s like that saying, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.”
If I was able to entertain you and you were able to learn something, then my work is done.
Some critics may even say that reading this Page was a waste of time.
Oh really?
Like sitting around on gaming apps hours a day isn’t a waste of time? 
There are a lot of things we all could be doing besides sitting around on our mobile phones tinkering around with a gaming app. However, I’m just trying to change it up a bit with this team where you kind of think about things outside of this gaming app.
I just figured if we’re all going to be hanging around here on a gaming app, why not use my gift of gab to be artistic or creative and actually use this gaming app as a platform to actually say something different or meaningful.
Bear in mind, I’m just being introspective since most of this page was written around Christmas 2019. During the holidays, you can’t help but reflect on your Life.
In this case, Christmas 2019 is nearing the end of the decade from 2010 to 2019. We’re now moving into 2020 to 2019. So you think about the end of a decade and what you were doing 10 years ago in 2009.
For me, my maternal grandmother passed away 12/6 of 2009. A week before that, my Godfather had died 11/28 of 2009. I was literally at the funeral of my Godfather in San Diego, California when I got news that my grandmother was rushed to the hospital up in Washington State.
I really felt bad for my aunt who had just lost a husband and then lost her mother a week later.
I’m 44 years old and there are fewer days ahead of me than there are behind. I have an 82 year old stepdad and a 76 year old mother. I doubt both or either of them will be around by the time 2029 comes around.
2019 was much different than 2009. Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube were all just fledgling companies. Fortnite didn’t exist till about 2017. SnapChat only came around in 2011.
For those of you who are young whether you’re teenagers or in your 20s playing this gaming app, ever think about where you’ll be 10 years from now in 2029?
Thanks in advance for helping make this game enjoyable and fun for everyone by abiding by these rules as well as humoring someone who is rambling on about nothing.
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