Wondering where our lives went…
We let go of the steering wheel…
Forgot about time…
And today…
We see…
Even less…
Wish for more..
Yet walk alone,
Door to door…
No matter the obstacles…
Where are the ones we care for?
Constant reminder…
Our path is our own.
#guillermolabrador #theoryOfLife #gl
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Missed Caller ID
Missed day,
Missed hours..
Climbed enough steps…
Our smiles never seemed to be ours.
You and I more than a fling.
Stronger than diamonds on a ring.
Not just yours.
But ours.
I was serious. You knew.
Flipping pages on a calendar,
It was a thing.
Don’t forget infinity has a nice ring.
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Glowing Curtains.
Sun rises,
You wake.
Look out the locked window,
Over the water…
Seems fake.
Do not become one who never knows when good is good enough.
Do not become the person that has everything, yet has nothing.
Have you succeeded in the days past?
…..Surely you wonder…
If you have a choice…
Always giving more than taking.
With elegance,
and Grace.
Make your voice heard at a steady…
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#Scarlet #Path; #Broken #Promises.
#guillermolabrador #life ==> #gl #theoryOfLife #cool #morning #lost #memories #wishing #for #better #hoping #for #more #where #are #you, #show #me #our #door.
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#Scarlet #Path; #Broken #Promises. #guillermolabrador #life ==> #gl #theoryOfLife #cool #morning #lost #memories #wishing #for #better…
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Morning Fog
What Reason…
What Thoughts…
What Dreams…
of YOU and I…
When I knew nothing…
Only when I closed my eyes.
A shape,
a Feeling,
In the Morning,
a mist…
Your thoughts like fog,
A shadow with an outline,
A vision.
Most cannot fathom to see.
I knew…
I saw…
Who you are to me.
You knew not of who you were…
Stood in front of menus,
Didn’t know why you chose…
Lost trust in this world,
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Open Minds, Open Books ...
Open Minds, Open Books …
Open minds, we’re open books..
One day… while stopped at a rest stop.. I said hello to someone.. as they walked by… they responded with… “I have a different faith ”. I took a step back and wondered why I received this response…
I don’t tell anyone to change their beliefs… I believe there is something more…
I have my standards. I do believe there is something beyond what we see everyday..
Yes I…
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“Cereal bowls.”
We are slaves to our lives,
tethers to our souls…
Our dreams may be impossible…
Mine are simple…
To wake.
To share.
with you.
Sometimes within silence…
in this room… in my ears…
I contemplate the days..
wonder if you.. just might share a few…
a few minutes,
a few days…
who knows… they could turn into years.
If I could help it…..
you’ll never shed another tear…
never another thought,
a moment…
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Our day. Our past. Our today…
Experiences have changed our future.
Survival determined our distance.
Our conversations with each other are a stone skipping in a river. Seems like the words get mixed with the current and nothing more than an uninhabited expression arrives to the destination.
Doing the best I can… With the cards I have at hand.. With the cards I’ve been dealt… Hoping my feelings,…
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Just another cute “bot”...
Just another cute “bot”…
What I mean…
Without a team…
Without a dream..
Lost.. listening for a response…
Haven’t heard from you…
Can’t see you.
Can’t hear you…
Can’t touch you…
Electrons on a broken screen…
Broken glass… broken dreams..
Words on message.. No emotions..
Fewer words…
Without time..
Without tone…
Where are you…
Who are you…
Are you real…
You can’t be… I refuse to believe…
My dream… is on a screen…
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What’s your story?
When this book was first in my hands… I never thought I would be able to write like this… I can now.. I will… most expensive price ever paid for anything..
Anyone have a story to tell… I would love to hear it !
#guillermolabrador ==> #gl #life
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“French Fries”
Have a single #memory that you would never forget?
I didn’t realize why I always #enjoyed #French #Fries… however it may have something to do with my family…
When I was about 2 years old…
on Sunday’s..
My family would take me to the park in front of the church… My uncle would buy a small bag of fries… for everyone.. yup a bag of fries…nothing fancy by any means… it was a brown paper bag… filled…
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Let’s start marking a difference. #guillermolabrador #gl
Today I was reminded once again how poorly some people treat each other… While on the phone with customer service… as usual a call center thousands of miles away.
…the young lady expressed how most customers are rude, scream, curse at them… not right to affect a person in that manner. Those emotions.. they take it home at the end of their workday.
Everyone should be more appreciative of the…
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Don’t drink n drive! #guillermolabrador
One more thing about my life…
You don’t know who you are till someone breaks your heart… heard that song…
But what happens when your heart gets ripped out of you?
I’ll tell you something else …when I was about 16 or 17 yrs old at the time (silly by adult standards, but the world to me at the time) she was run over by a drunk driver.. (behind the wheel of a dump truck or so I was told. )didn’t…
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#Leisure or #Rally?
Our life’s #purpose..
The #lifestyle we #choose…
Do so to #guide the #youth..
Do so to #help your #family, and #everyone you consider family…
#Friends #are the #family we choose…
If you’re #blessed and #lucky 🍀 enough to still have your #parents… #uncles, #aunts, #cousins, #brothers, #sisters, #godparents, #teachers, #neighbors …
Do so to #help the #good #people that aren’t as lucky.
#Do so to…
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“Perceptions” #guillermolabrador
Imagine a life where your rights are stripped.
Your way of being completely changed.
A 180 degree turn about…
a reality where the only conversations you will ever have are with strangers…
A reality in which you loose trust of the people and the ones you care about only because of what they thought.
Some days…
just wanting…
To be.
To work.
To enjoy the experience.
How is it possible that one…
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Good intentions.
I know you are exhausted of my failures…
So am I.
It wasn’t always like this.
Remember the times I didn’t.
Remember the days I succeeded.
Think of the moments where our excitement was unmeasurable.
Our memories.. Our feelings…
Vacations… a daydream.
That stopped in a dozen cities,
in a dozen days…
Seemed like a fantasy.
Planted hundreds of seeds…
Couldn’t water them all..
Deepest apologies.
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Remembering the possibilities.
When I think,
Day dreaming..
wondering what a day together might be.
All I hear is a missing voice..
Now our conversations are short.
If any at all.
Our faces show emotion.
Our memories aren’t available.
Our future isn’t written..
simply because our past determined it.
With a thousand reasons not to..
With an avalanche of thoughts building…
A wall that could part an ocean.
Will you find a little…
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