publicaroline · 4 years
Change our lifestyles, post-corona
Change our lifestyles, post-corona
The sky has never been bluer, nature hasn´t been heard for so long. ”Is that an owl?” “What´s that? Silence?” The air has been filled with scents, that for long have been in oblivion. ”Umm, is that a new flower?”  The latter possibly due to what caused all these new discoveries – the non-scent side of Covid 19.
This late spring brought us all to new experiences. Scary and frightening ones,…
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publicaroline · 5 years
Det tysta svinnet
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Min man bygger hus. Det har han gjort sedan han var ung, uppväxt i en hantverkande Londonfamilj som han är. Han har svårt att tro sina ögon, förstå det han dagligen ser där vi bor i Stockholm suburbia. Här byggs det nytt och rivs lika snabbt som en post försvinner på Facebook. Ett, enligt honom vansinnigt slöseri med nytt byggmaterial och gamla, fullt beboeliga hus som alla får stryka på foten…
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publicaroline · 5 years
All it takes is one leader who starts - today!
All it takes is one leader who starts – today!
All we need is one leader! One courageuos leader. One strong, influencial and persistent leader. One that dares telling the truth and take action with it. One that does not worry about eventual bad polls or elections that follows impopular decisions and laws. A leader that dares to execute radical and immediate laws that will force us all into a u-turn. We need laws and restrictions, guidelines…
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publicaroline · 5 years
BBC News: The Amazon in Brazil is on fire - how bad is it?
BBC News: The Amazon in Brazil is on fire – how bad is it?
BBC News – The Amazon in Brazil is on fire – how bad is it? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-49433767
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publicaroline · 5 years
BBC News: UK Parliament declares climate change emergency
BBC News – UK Parliament declares climate change emergency https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-48126677
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publicaroline · 5 years
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Notre Monde What if our forests, oceans, glaciers and endangered wildlife would draw the same attention to get "restored" as a 850 Year old cathedral.. That would be a brave new world.
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publicaroline · 5 years
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Följa säsongerna? Vi byter kläder, tid och humör efter årstidernas växlingar. Så varför kan vi inte följa matens årstider?
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publicaroline · 5 years
Us grown-ups
She is right Greta, they are all right. Our children shouldn’t really be doing this. They should be children, go to school, have fun and dream about their future.
It is us grown-ups, who must use our power in demanding the politicians to take the right decisions in order to solve the climate crisis. That’s what governments are for.
Just as it is us parents that should put pressure as citizens and…
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publicaroline · 5 years
Tjäna pengar på klimatkrisen – såklart!
Tjäna pengar på klimatkrisen – såklart!
Jag sätter morgonkaffet i halsen när jag ser rubrikerna i den allt som oftast konservativa tidningen SvD som äntligen har reagerat. Vad har hänt med allt vad vettiga värderingar och levnadssätt egentligen? När allt, precis allt vi gör går ut på att göra business och att profitera på så viktiga ämnen som berör oss alla. ”Skit i klimatet och världen vi lever i och av” typ.
Läs nedan utdrag av…
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publicaroline · 5 years
BBC News: Climate change: Warming threatens Himalayan glaciers
BBC News – Climate change: Warming threatens Himalayan glaciers http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-47122641
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publicaroline · 5 years
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publicaroline · 5 years
Reseskribenten som tog en paus i flygandet
Reseskribenten som tog en paus i flygandet
Jag vet, jag har flugit runt världen de senaste decennierna utan minsta skrupler och nu, nu kommer jag här och tycker. Saken är den att det som har accelererat bara de senaste åren, nej dagarna, har fått mig att tänka om. Att omprioritera. Visst, det är toppenbra att källsortera, köpa gårdsgris och ekologiskt, bli vegetarian och byta ut bilen mot en el dito, men det hjälper liksom inte. Vi måste…
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publicaroline · 5 years
Changing our lifestyles
It´s all very confusing and yet very simple. We´ve got to pull the handbreak. We´ve got to look at ourselves and our consumption behaviours. If not – no point in carrying on having families, dreams, fun, passing this beautiful planet on to the coming generations. It would be a bit dumb to stop civilization now wouldn´t it?
So what can we do? First of all keeping it simple, understandable. It…
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publicaroline · 5 years
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Hur lurar man barn? Vi borde bli vegetarianer, åtminstone äta mindre kött. Jag vet, jag vet. Men hur gör man när man har fött köttälskande barn?
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publicaroline · 5 years
BBC summary of Hope and action
Climate crisis – how can I help? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/ampstories/climatesteps/index.html
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publicaroline · 5 years
De plastfyllda haven. Our oceans full of plastic
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The garbage patch in the Pacific Ocean… 💧Is now three times the size of France 💧Contains 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic. 💧Is the largest accumulation of plastic in the world This threatens all life on earth & in the ocean; ❌ Sea turtles  around the patch have up to 74% plastic diets ❌… and 84% of the plastic found had at least 1…
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publicaroline · 5 years
BBC News: Sir David Attenborough: Climate change 'our greatest threat'
BBC News: Sir David Attenborough: Climate change ‘our greatest threat’
I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it:
Sir David Attenborough: Climate change ‘our greatest threat’ – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-46398057
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