What You Need to Know About Inheriting Real Estate in Pueblo Colorado
Inheriting a house is rarely as wonderful as it may appear in movies. The massive amount of responsibilities that come along with this gift can be extremely intimidating, stressful and very overwhelming, especially if it is an older house that needs a lot of repairs and upgrades. While your loved one or close friend may have had the best of intentions giving this property to you, often the property is an emotional and financial burden and is unwanted. If you have inherited a property, here is some important information you need to know about inheriting real estate in Pueblo.
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Financial Responsibility
One thing you should know about inheriting real estate in Pueblo is that the recipient of an inheritance of real estate is financially responsible for the property. This includes any outstanding debts attached to the property, including liens. Additionally, you are now responsible for all upkeep, cleaning and landscaping. If the property is an investment for rental income you may now also be taking on the duties of being a landlord, which brings along more responsibilities and demands on your time. Plus what happens if you have to go through an eviction? You will also owe property taxes and possible homeowner’s or property owner’s association fees if they live in an area that requires that cost. Often these associations have strict guidelines that must be adhered to regarding the maintenance and appearance of the property. It is just one more thing that you have to be aware of. 
The frequency and expense of repairs begin to increase at a quicker pace as homes age that rule is true no matter what part of the county you are in. This in turn increases the risks and expenses involved with inheriting real estate in Pueblo that is not new or in pristine condition. Whether your intent is to live in the property or list the property for sale, you should take steps to educate yourself on the condition of the home from the foundation to the top of the roof.You should possibly look into hiring a local real estate inspector. You will want to save yourself from catastrophe by investing in hiring a professional inspector to fully understand the task that lay ahead. It is highly recommended that you contact at least three professionals for each type of repair. That is for you to get a couple different opinions which is always nice. Keeping in mind the costs of holding a property continue despite the status of the repairs, be certain to get estimates of both the time frame and total overall cost involved. And just like with the inspector any bids you get from contractors get a minimum of three.
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Clearing Personal Property
Inheriting real estate in Pueblo Colorado can be a very emotional time and may even make it difficult or impossible for some to even enter the property. There may be a lot of things that remind that person of the deceased person and some people cannot handle that aspect of it.Regrettably, you will need to either remove all of the personal property of the deceased from the property yourself or hire professionals such as a local junk removal company. Depending on the condition of the property, and the tendencies of your benefactor, this could literally mean going through mountains, clutter and decades with of belongings. Or what if the house has been vacant for awhile and hasn't been cleaned out? That could potentially be something disgusting you have to deal with. Delaying the process to avoid painful memories can be extremely costly, delaying repairs on the property lowers the value as it continues to deteriorate. And it seems to cause a little more stress because the problem doesn't go away on its own.
Whether or not you believe you will personally ever inherit real estate, it is one of the most common items passed on and the tax implications are something everyone should have at least general knowledge about it.Under the Unified Gift and Estate Tax system, estate tax is based on the value of property transferred through inheritance, which is calculated based on specific guidelines and includes possible deductions.If this is all very confusing to you, you need to find a local Pueblo accountant that can help clear this all up for you. While often no federal estate tax is owed as the beneficiary (person who gets the house), this is not always the case. Every American currently is allowed to inherit up to 11.18 million. You will also want to be certain to investigate gift tax as well with your local Pueblo Colorado accountant. Additionally, there are more than a few states which do not have to deal with estate taxes, so familiarizing yourself with these laws may be helpful in the future.
Purchasing Other Property
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Because you incur the financial responsibilities along with the house, if you were on target to purchase your dream home, everything may have just changed pretty drastically. One of the major changes may just be in the eyes of your lender when inheriting real estate in Pueblo. Depending on the remainder of the mortgage balance and any other expenses that are now in your name as the result of inheriting the house, your debt to income ratio may now mean you no longer meet the guidelines to qualify for a loan. This is where having a local mortgage broker on your side can really help. Additionally, the outlay for repairs is likely to diminish whatever savings you have managed to gather in anticipation of your plans.
For most people, holding onto an inheritance of real property is much too time-consuming or simply not possible at all financially. There is a simple and quick solution that will easily eliminate any concerns about inheriting real estate in Pueblo. Working with a Cash House Buying company such as I Buy Pueblo Houses means total convenience, with no showings or open houses. Just pack what you want and leave the rest behind. they will help you with the paperwork for the sale of the house and make the entire process easy, explaining every step along the way. The price they offer is what you will receive at closing. Just send them a message here or call 719-299-0741 to discuss the market value of the property and the possible options of selling your unwanted inherited property.
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Why Selling To A Cash Home Buyer Makes Better Sense Than A Realtor
According to recent statistics, 95% of people selling their homes find the entire selling experience stressful. One of the primary factors in the stress is the uncertainty that comes with trying to sell a property.
Do you want to sell your house, or do you NEED to sell your home?
If you want to sell your house without the stress, work, and uncertainty, find a cash home buyer.
Selling your home to a cash house buyer is the simplest method you can find, and it’s a guaranteed method.
Would you like to simplify the process of selling your house? You can by locating a cash buyer and asking for an offer.
To understand why this is the best option you have, you’ll benefit by reading this guide as it explains precisely why selling through this method is better than selling through a realtor.
A Cash House Buyer Buys Any Home
Do you know what cash home buyers do? Cash house buyers are companies that advertise, “We buy homes for cash.” These companies specialize in buying all kinds of homes, but they often focus on ugly homes and houses that need work.
These companies have one purpose. They are real estate investors who buy properties, fix them up, and sell them for profits. Some investors also purchase properties to rent out to earn long-term incomes.
In any case, cash buyers buy homes as-is. You can sell any house to a cash buyer, whether it’s in perfect condition or if it needs a lot of work.
Some people compare the differences with selling as-is to making the needed repairs before selling. If your house needs work, you might want to compare these things before deciding how to proceed.
After comparing the differences, you might see that repairing your home before selling it is a lot more costly and time-consuming. Selling to a cash buyer provides a simple way to sell any house.
You Can Skip the Staging Process
Selling your house for cash also means that you can skip the staging process. One step that realtors often recommend to homeowners before selling is staging.
Home staging is a process that takes time and money. The primary goal of staging is to prepare your house to make every buyer want to purchase it.
When you stage a home properly, you’ll probably find a buyer quickly. You won’t close on the deal for at least four to six weeks, but you would at least have a buyer for the property.
Do you want to go through the process of staging? Do you even know how to do it, or would you have to hire a company to do it for you?
Staging is never free, especially if you hire it out. The good news about cash buyers is that they don’t expect you to stage the house. They won’t care if you do, but they will never require or expect it.
You Won’t Have to Clean, Declutter, and Fix Things
A cash buyer will also not expect you to clean, declutter, or fix things around your home. There are virtually no steps required for preparing a home for sale when you sell to a cash home buyer.
Instead of cleaning your house and removing all the clutter, you can instead focus on packing your things. Think of how much less work you’d have if you didn’t have to do anything to your house to sell it.
People who sell their homes through realtors have many extra steps to complete to sell their properties. Cleaning and decluttering are just a few.
Many homeowners will go through other steps, too, though. They will hire a contractor to fix things around their home. They will upgrade their kitchens or bathrooms to make them more appealing.
The amount of money you can spend on improving the looks of a house is hard to determine without getting quotes, but you can assume that it is costly in most cases.
There’s No Need for Showings or to Keep a Show-Ready Home
Consider another challenge of selling a house through a realtor. Once you get your home clean, decluttered, and staged, you’ll have to keep it this way until you find a buyer.
Some homeowners find a buyer within a few days of listing their properties. Other homeowners spend the next few months living in their homes while waiting for a buyer to come around.
Trying to live in a home and keep it show-ready is extremely challenging and stressful. You’ll spend hours cleaning your house and picking up clutter. You’ll be afraid to let your kids play in the home for fear that they will mess it up.
Living in a show-ready home is not fun for most people.
Selling to a cash buyer eliminates the need to keep a house show-ready and live in it simultaneously. You won’t even have to get your house to the point where it is show-ready, let alone keep it that way.
You Skip the Criticism
Another difficult part of selling a house through a real estate agent is the criticism you might receive from buyers. It’s often more challenging to find buyers who want to purchase homes that need work.
As a result, people might come to your home to view it, but they might not like it. These buyers will tell their agents all the things they didn’t like about your house, and you will get to hear all this information – whether you want to or not.
If your home needs work, you are probably well-aware of the fact. You probably do not need to hear it from every person that walks through your home, but you should expect to hear things that you might not like.
Buyers tend to tell their agents many details about their opinions on homes they view. These agents are required to provide feedback to your agent, even if the feedback is adverse.
Do you want to avoid hearing negative feedback about your home? You can prevent this by contacting a cash home buyer.
A real estate investor will not offer you feedback about your property. Instead, the investor will give you an offer to consider.
There Is No Negotiating or Contingencies
When you find a buyer that offers to pay cash for your home, you will have no negotiating. The buyer makes the offer; you consider it and respond to the buyer. There is absolutely no negotiating that needs to take place.
Additionally, the cash buyer will not place any contingencies on the contract. Contingencies are costly for home sellers, and they require work and time.
For example, if you sell your home through a realtor, you can expect the buyer to ask for several contingencies. One might be that your home must pass a home inspection.
Another might be that you must get title work on your home. All traditional real estate deals must go through a title company. The title company verifies the title of the house and views the title to look for liens and other problems.
Cash buyers skip all these steps. They generally do not get title work completed, and they do not ask homeowners to do anything. They buy the homes as-is.
You Don’t Need an Appraisal or Inspections
In addition to not having any contingencies to meet, a cash buyer will not require an appraisal or any inspections.
Some homeowners hire inspection companies to perform pre sale inspections. These cost money, and they do not eliminate the need for the person buying the home also to get a home inspection.
The trouble with home inspections is that they reveal problems. That’s the purpose of a home inspection. The buyer hires the company to locate every issue with the property, and that’s exactly what the inspectors do.
If you already know that your home needs work, getting a home inspection might frighten you. Wouldn’t you rather skip these things?
You can skip them by selling to a cash home buyer. Cash home buyers inspect the properties themselves and purchase the homes just as they are.
You won’t have work to do or money to spend, and you won’t have to worry about what the inspectors will find.
You Won’t Pay Any Fees or Commissions
One of the best parts of selling to a real estate investor is that you won’t have to pay any fees or commissions.
Think about how much money you can save by not having to repair things or stage your home. Then, add in the money you’ll save by not paying a commission on the deal.
On average, realtors charge around 6% commission rates on home sales. The rate applies to the selling price of the home. Therefore, if you sell your house for $250,000, you’ll pay your agent $15,000 for the commission.
You won’t have any commissions to pay when selling to an investor. The offer they make is the amount you’ll receive. There will be no deductions that you have to pay. You’ll know precisely how much you’ll receive before you close on the deal.
You Have an Instant Buyer With a Fast Closing
Companies that buy houses for cash also offer a few additional benefits to homeowners.
The first is an instant sale. When you ask for an offer, they will provide it quickly. In fact, you’ll most likely have an offer the same day that you request it.
Having an instant offer gives you a chance to consider it for a while before deciding how to respond.
Secondly, a cash buyer offers a fast closing. Do you know how long it takes to sell a house through a realtor? For some people, it may take around a month. Others, though, find that it takes much longer than a month.
Would you prefer an instant sale with a closing that takes around one to two weeks? The biggest challenge you might have in this situation is getting your household packed up that quickly.
There is no way to sell a house any faster than the timing in which a cash buyer offers. If you need to sell right away, this is your solution.
There Is No Uncertainty
The final thing to consider is the uncertainty you face when hiring a realtor to sell your house. As mentioned at the beginning of this article, uncertainty with selling a home is one of the leading causes of stress for homeowners.
A homeowner that lists their house with an agent has many types of uncertainties:
Will people be interested in the house?
Did we price it right?
What kinds of work will a person ask you to make?
Will the contingencies be fair and reasonable?
When will we sell this house?
How long will the closing take?
Think about these things. Would you have questions like these? Would you feel anxious and stressed about these issues?
If you want to sell your house and not have to deal with uncertainty in the deal, find a cash buyer today.
Ready to Get a Cash Offer?
As you can see in this guide, selling your property to a cash house buyer is the way to go if you want a hassle-free, quick sale. There is no other method for selling a house that provides all the benefits listed here.
You can research selling a house for cash more if you need additional details or contact us.
We buy all types of houses for cash, and we offer guaranteed sales. Would you like a cash offer today? If so, fill out this form or call us to learn more.
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Benefits Of Selling Your House To Cash House Buyers
Are you looking to sell your house in Colorado Springs as quickly and efficiently as possible? Unfortunately, the upgrading, listing, and selling process can cause your family much unwanted stress, particularly when you are in a hurry to move. When selling your home via traditional routes such as real estate agents or listing “for sale by owner,” you are faced with the cumbersome task of staging and inconvenient walkthroughs. If you have small children or pets, you can go ahead and check that off the list of chaos as well.
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Thankfully, there is another option which you may not have considered. Selling your home to cash house buyers might be one of the most underrated selling methods. You have probably seen “I buy houses for cash” signs on the side of the road or at least heard about the concept. Many people don’t consider this option their first time around because it may seem scammy or suspicious. It seems too good to be true, right? The truth is that while you may not get the highest return in equity when selling for cash, it is still a reputable and profitable process.
Advantages Of Selling Your Home For Cash
I Need to Sell My House Fast! One of the worst parts of waiting for offers on your home is the possibility that you will have to pay two mortgages or rental fees on your old and new home until final sales fall through. You may also be forced to move your belongings into a pricey storage facility where your most cherished possessions are cramped into a unit for an unforeseeable amount of time. In addition to these costs, you also have to consider if you are willing to move that many times with the help of friends, or if you are able to pay a pricey moving company several times.  
Zero Repairs
Is your home riddled with issues that require extensive repair? Even worse, does your home have numerous small repairs that just seem to add up to unreasonable costs? The beauty of selling your house for cash is that the buyers will take your house as-is. You no longer need to worry that your home will not pass an inspection or that an inspector will find hidden costly repairs that you didn’t even know about. The cash house buyers will make repairs, or “flip,” your home to a desired condition for the market. Unless you are an aspiring home improvement guru, this is one of the greatest perks of selling your house for cash.
Avoid Realtor Fees While realtors undoubtedly earn their keep, as they are generally hard working individuals, it may not be a fee that you are willing to pay. In fact, realtors charge up to five or six percent commission of the final selling price. If you are selling in a slow market where people are not paying over the asking price, a realtor fee can cause you to lose more money than you would when using an instant cash buyer. The other benefit to avoiding a realtor is that your home is guaranteed to sell immediately despite what the market and buyers are doing. No matter how hard your realtor works, they cannot change the market.
Avoid Banks One of the reasons the home selling and buying process takes so long is because of the banks getting involved. All of the paperwork and approval processes that go into underwriting loans are the bank’s responsibility. On average, closing on a house can take 45 to 50 days. That is a long time to wait in addition to the amount of time it took to get a buyer for your house. If the banks reject any part of the process, that is 45 to 50 precious days wasted that you’ll have to repeat all over again with a new buyer. With a cash buyer, the sale is immediate and you only have to sign a fraction of the paperwork.
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Forget about Staging and Showings One of the most dreaded aspects of selling a home is the level of cleanliness and staging required that can make you feel out of place in your own home. If you have small children or pets, you are forced to clean up your home in a rush and stay out of the house until showings are over. What if you have company over for an extended stay? You are then forced to shove everyone out of the house to a nearby restaurant or park until showings are over. There is no denying the stress in these situations, which are altogether avoided when selling your home as-is.
Avoid Last Minute Financing Failures One of the main reasons a house does not sell after receiving an offer is the buyer’s financing fell through. This happens after weeks or sometimes months of a grueling selling process and mountains of dreaded paperwork. At this point, you’ll probably become well acquainted with the bank and loan office employees. Nothing is more defeating than the thrill and relief of finding a buyer for your home, only to find out their financing fell through. Begrudgingly, you’re back to square one. The chances of this happening with a cash buyer company are little to none. It is very rare that financing is rejected with a reputable company.
Quick Moving The timing of selling a home often leaves the seller in a situation where they become homeless for weeks or even months. If you do not have family or friends close by, you could be stuck renting and moving all of your belongings multiple times before you can move into your new place. Although extra moving may be required depending on the timing of your new home, you don’t have to worry about an extra inconvenience of waiting for your current home to sell.  
Avoid Nitpicky Buyers Depending on what type of person decides to buy your home, they may find even more things wrong with your house than an inspector. If you are not in the position to turn down their demands, you may be stuck with additional home repairs in order to please your buyers. For instance, if your floors are outdated and less than aesthetically appealing, a buyer may request a flooring allowance, which can deduct anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000 from the asking price. This depends on the square footage and condition of your home, but instances like this are extra money, time, and inconvenience.  
Immediate Financial Recovery You may find yourself in a time where you are going through a divorce, or have been faced with a job loss or sudden illness. Perhaps you just got a new job and do not have time to deal with the stress of relocating and adjusting to your new role at work. Selling your home may be your only form of liquid cash to help you avoid taking out loans or lines of credit. Whatever your circumstances, selling your home as quick as possible may be the best financial option for your family.  
Cons to Selling your Home Quickly for Cash
Hidden Costs Be aware of every detail that goes into selling, especially when it comes to final hidden fees. Some cash home buyers will rack up the price towards the end of the process due to home repairs and other costs. They may also surprise you with offering you even less than they initially did after the inspector pays a visit. While you still get a lump sum of cash, it may not be worth losing extra equity and more. However, if you are in a rush to move, the overall cost may still be worth it to you in desperate circumstances.
Last Minute Price Dropping Although this is uncommon for larger reputable companies, there are some buyers who will drop the price on your home at the very last minute. They will do this after they have made the offer, signed contracts, and usually wait until it is too late for you to dispute the change.
Selling Experience While realtors are often professional, flexible, and accommodating, you may not find such satisfactory customer service when going through a cash buyer. Realtors are often warm, inviting, and usually care about building lasting relationships with their clients so that they will either repeat or refer their business to friends and family. To a cash buyer, it is simply about the numbers and you are just one of thousands of seller requests they may receive online. While there are certainly a good amount of friendly and professional cash buyers out there, they are notorious for merely getting the job done. If you’re in this process to make friends, selling for cash may not be your favorite option.
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False Property Values Unfortunately, people are cheated out of their home’s full earning potential by some cash buyers. Some companies will go so far as to provide a false property value, risking your market value and your wallet.
Non-Compete Contracts It seems like common sense to shop around for the best cash home buyers; however, many buyers require you to sign a contract that will bind you to just one buyer. This eliminates all competition for other quick sell buyers and locks you into whatever offer they make. Make sure to inquire ahead of time as to whether or not your buyer requires a zero competition contract.
Beware of Scammers
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While there are numerous reputable cash buyers out there with a simple internet search, there are an equal amount of crooked individuals who may not even possess proper licensing and credentials to buy your home. A sure sign you are being scammed is being forced to fill out detailed applications and paying fees before the process even begins. It is always a good idea to protect your credit and your identity by ensuring you have investigated every company you contact. A great way is to look them up on the Better Business Bureau website.  
More Research on your End While you may have to do a bit of research to initially find your own realtor, they will do most of the remaining work for you. They research market costs, list your house on the web with fancy marketing and verbiage to attract competing buyers, and so on. However, without the leg work of a realtor, you are confined to one home buyer and there is little room for haggling on your end. The upside of selling your home traditionally here is the fact that you can attract several, if not hundreds, of interested buyers who are willing to pay over asking price depending on the location and desirability of your home. You have to be meticulous when researching the home buyer’s credentials and credibility. Thankfully, many large real estate companies have turned to buying homes for cash so you can rest easy knowing you are less likely to be scammed.  
Find the Fun in Moving
After weighing all pros and cons of using a cash home buyer, selling your home for cash can help you focus on the carefree and exciting moments of finding a new home. Why relinquish all of your mental focus towards selling your house when someone else can easily do the work for you? The last thing someone needs during a divorce, relocation, or financially stressful occurrence is the hassle of listing and selling their home. With a reputable cash home buyer, you can continue to make memories in your old home while dreaming of your future in the new one.  
If you live in Colorado Springs and need to sell your home fast during these uncertain times, it may benefit you to consider a cash house buyer. With the right amount of research and knowledge of your home values, selling your house for cash may prove to be an excellent choice.
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What To Do With Your House While In A Divorce
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What To Do With Your House While Going Through Divorce
Check out a blog from I Buy Pueblo Houses!
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Selling Your House Fast In Pueblo Co
Sell Your House Fast? As Is?
Are you looking for a way to sell your fixer-upper house for top dollar? Perhaps you’re also wondering, “How do I sell my house fast?” Worse, you’ve heard lots of people telling you, “We buy houses” but none has helped you so far. Or you found out that they were just glorified middlemen.
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Well, you don’t have to get upset. We’ve got you. You’ve just landed at the right place. What’s more, we understand that it can be a daunting task to choose the best option through which you can sell your house. And more importantly, we can’t forget the insecurity you have about frauds in the house buying industry.
As such, we have created actionable tips to help you with various ways that you can be able to sell your fixer-upper house at higher prices safely. You can either choose to work with an agent or deal directly with cash buyers. So, let’s discuss the two strategies in details.
1. Hire a Real Estate Agent
This is the conventional way of selling your fixer-upper house. It involves signing an agreement with an authorized real estate agent. The agent will handle the marketing of your house. Besides, the agent will advise you throughout the house selling process.
What’s more, he/she will tell you how you should spruce up your house so that you may get high paying buyers. Additionally, the agent will make your house’s photos and information available to your potential buyers. More importantly, real estate agents will take a 6% commission from the sales price of your house.
Pros of Hiring a Real estate agent
A real estate agent will enable you to reach more potential buyers. This is an advantage over selling your house through a cash buyer. And consequently, you might gain higher net proceeds from your fixer-upper house.
Besides, a real estate agent will help you make an informed decision about the selling of your house. Consequently, he/she will advise you on how to price your house. What’s more, the agent will provide you with possible options and opportunities concerning the selling of your house.
Cons of Hiring a Real Estate Agent
Despite paying the agent the 6 % commission, the agent might not be able to get the right buyers for your house. This may especially happen if your house needs much improvements. What’s more, you have to pay the agent the commission even if he/she won’t find the buyer of your house.
You must pay the agent closing costs. The closing costs are 1 to 2% of your house’s sale price. And additionally, while waiting for a buyer of your house, you have to pay the agent holding costs. And these holding costs are typically for two months or more.
You also need to sign a listing contract with the agent. The contract gives the agent the fringe benefit to sell your house within six months. Additionally, in most cases, the agent deals with many buyers offering different prices for your house. As a result, the process of selling your house might have lots of unpredictable outcomes.
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2. Find a Cash Buyer
Most cash house buyers will buy your house As-Is. Therefore, you don’t have to repair or renovate your house when you sell your house to cash buyers. Why this? Most of them buy the fixer-upper houses intending to resell them after repairing and renovating the houses.
Pros of Selling Your House to Cash Buyers
With cash buyers, you don’t pay any commission. What’s more, they pay you within days. As such, you can sell your house real-fast when you sell to cash house buyers. More importantly, you can request a cash advance before closing the sale.
Moreover, with cash buyers, you will experience fewer sales falls through. If you are selling your house privately, you may find buyers who may accept your offer, but later they get cold feet; they lose interest in your house. But with accredited house cash buyers, you are almost 100% guaranteed that they will fulfill their “We buy houses” claims.
Cons of Selling Your House to Cash Buyers
Unlike working with real estate agents, with cash buyers, you have to do lots of tasks on your own. You have to shop around for multiple offers. Next, you compare offers from different cash buyers. Then you vet the cash buyers. What’s more, cash buyers offer lower net proceeds as compared to selling your house through a real estate agent.
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Determine Your Best Option
We’ve seen the cons and pros of the two options available to you. The challenge now is choosing the option that will best suit you. However, to determine this, you need to determine the amount of time and money that you are willing to invest in your house before you sell it.
As such, if you’ve less time or money, selling your house to an investor is your best option. Why this? An investor can repair or renovate and resell your house quicker than you can at your current situation.
However, if you have adequate money and can wait for some more time before selling your house, consider doing some minor repairs to your house. Afterward, you can explore the two options and opt for the opportunity that will yield more profit since the renovations will allow you to demand higher prices.
The following are two main factors to consider as you choose the best house selling option:
Amount of Repair Work Your House Needs
If your house needs significant repairs or a complete renovation, then it may mostly attract investors or cash house buyers. Other families may not want to buy the house since it may not be fit for habitation. So, instead of trying to sell it to individuals, sell your house to cash buyers.
Most importantly, what may happen if your house is in a condition where it is not likely to sell in the market? Well, your agent may be forced to find cash buyers or developers and sell your house to. As such, if you know that your home is in that state, sell the house to the cash buyers directly without involving the agent—it’s more economical.
The Estimated Net Proceedings of Each Scenario
In this section, first, we need to calculate the net proceeds of our two options. Then we will be able to use the results from the calculations to determine which among our options has higher net profits. But generally, the real estate agent option involves more costs than the cash buyers option.
However, the traditional sale (the real estate agent option) might give you higher returns than the cash buyer option. But sometimes the net proceeds of the two options may be closer than you think. So, use the net proceeds estimates from your calculations and see which option suits you better.
Over to You
For a recap, we’ve seen that you have two options for selling your fixer-upper house. One option is to hire a real estate agent. And the other option is to sell your house to cash buyers. Besides, we’ve looked at the cons and pros of each option.
What’s more, we’ve also seen how you can choose an option that best suits you. To determine the best option, you need to estimate the amount of repairing your house needs. And also, you have to evaluate the net proceeds of each selling option.
Now it’s up to you to apply the advice from this article and attend your “sell my house fast” request.
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Should I Stay or Should I Go?: What You Should Know About Selling Your House During a Divorce In Pueblo Colorado
Some instances in life hit you harder than anything else. Not only are their emotional implications, but also legal and life-changing implications to a decision.
Such is the circumstance when going through a divorce.
Even if you saw it coming, there are details that didn't cross your mind until you had to start dealing with them such as the home you were living in together.
Not an easy thing to deal with. There's a lot of gray areas that could solidify your decision either way.
Here's what you need to know and consider when selling your house during a divorce and especially if you need to sell your house fast.
1. Take Your Time
Depending on the situation of your divorce and whether or not you and your ex are on speaking terms, you may want to move out of the house as quickly as possible.
You both are just looking to move on from that phase of life and on to the next phase. That's completely understandable.
However, there's more to be considered than just how you're feeling at the moment. Letting your current emotions (which will be complicated) get the best of you may not pan out for your long term well-being.
If both of you move out, then you're more than likely going to take all of your belongings with you as you go. Thus leaving behind a barren home.
Considering that you'll want to sell the home, a house without furniture or decorations in the home is a major turn off to interested buyers.
Leave the emotions at the door (no pun intended) and discuss with your ex which one of you should live in the house for the time being. It will pay off in a major way once the home is sold.
2. Can You Keep the House?
Perhaps you're leaning towards the option of keeping the home. You have no interest in selling it.
If so, you need to know the crucial steps to take with your ex. They have as many rights to the home as you do.
You'll need to start the buyout process in which you (you guessed it!) buy out the rest of the ownership on the house from your ex-spouse.
To do that, you both need to come to an agreement on things like the buyout amount, when that will happen, mortgage loan details, etc. Do some research on all of these factors and lay them out for your ex to reach a decision on how to proceed.
3. Work out the Details Together
If you and your ex have both decided it's best to sell the home, then view that as a major win. You both reached a decision together.
Now there are other major decisions you both should make in order for as amicable of a house sale as possible.
What will the price be? How will you sell your home? Who will be the main communicator among the selling process that you decide on? Who's overseeing a majority of the selling process?
Don't let pride stand in the way of making the best decision for your current home.
If your ex is better at overseeing processes such as this, let them take the reigns on it. You'll receive a higher return if the process is done right.
4. How Will the Profit Be Divided?
Once you've decided how you'll go about selling your home, it's just as important to look ahead to other factors.
One of the most important factors, and possibly the one that matters most, is how the profits will be split once the sale is finalized.
Different states handle this situation in different ways. The state of Colorado is not a community property state, it's an equitable distribution state.
That means that the marital property will be distributed by the court. That does not mean that the division will be equal, it will be what the court considers to be fair.
Because of that, your situation might have already been decided for you.
If so, be sure to make all decisions on the home based on the divisions given by the court so as not to complicate matters further.
5. Don't Let Your Emotions Blind You
This decision for whether to stay in your home or sell your home is first and foremost a business decision. The result will have a major impact on the new life you're attempting to start for yourself.
Because of that, it's important to remember to never let your emotions get the best of you during this time.
Don't get it twisted, emotions will be high throughout this entire process. You and your ex are only human. It's completely natural. Just don't let it interfere with your involvement in the decision.
This isn't the time to try and get back at them. View it as the final stage of closing this chapter of your life.
Try to be as amicable as possible, lay out all of your options, and communicate what option(s) you feel are best and why.
Know All Your Options of Selling Your House During a Divorce
Selling your house during a divorce may very well be the most difficult aspect of the entire process.
However, it's a necessary part of moving on with your life and getting both you and your ex into the best position moving forward.
Be sure to read this article on how to sell your home faster so that you can both move on quicker.
For more inquiries, please feel free to reach out to us via our contact us page and we'll be delighted to assist you further.
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Want to Sell Your House Now? Here’s What You Should Do!
In 2019, Pueblo, Colorado’s housing market was performing better than just about anywhere else in the state. This is both good news and bad news if you’re looking to sell your house now.
Why? Because buyers are turning to Pueblo, rather than bigger cities, for affordable housing. In other words, it can be difficult to get a big chunk of change when you’re selling to the Pueblo market.
Don’t sweat! There are simple ways to improve the appeal of your home and raise the value of your property. No matter what, you’ll be able to sell your house now.
Read on to find out more about what you should do to make it happen.
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Determine Your House’s Value
The easiest way to slow down your sale is to list at an asking price that’s too darn high. A smart buyer shops around and it won’t take long for them to find a house that’s comparable to yours but going for way less.
Find out the cost that other houses in the area are going for so that you can stay competitive. When you’re comparing your house to other listings, take into account the size of your property, the proximity of conveniences like grocery stores and shopping centers, and any recent updates you’ve made to your house. You can afford to go a bit over market price as long as your property has more to offer than others.
Clean, Clean, Clean
Whether you’re listing your house while it’s still being lived in or you’ve cleared it of all personal belongings and furniture, you want to make it clean.
That means clean floors and carpets, clean walls, and clean appliances. There’s nothing appealing about inheriting the previous tenant’s microwave splatter or scuffed up walls.
In the event that you will still be living there when it’s time to photograph and show your house, you’ll have a little extra work to do. Primarily, you’ll need to declutter (that means toss the junk mail and put away the dishes) and depersonalize (that means start packing up your eclectic decor that not everyone appreciates). The goal here is to give any potential buyer’s the opportunity to envision their own belongings in your home even though your stuff is still there.
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Go Light and Neutral
Believe it or not, neutral colors and natural light can improve the mood of a potential buyer visiting your house.
Neutral colors like white and light tan have a tendency to reflect sunlight rather than mute it, making the room appear even brighter. Studies have found that exposure to sunlight increases serotonin release, which makes us feel happier. If a potential buyer walks into a room in your house and immediately feels happier, they’re going to feel a lot more inclined to buy your house than if they feel gloomy.
Plus, it’s no real estate secret that natural light is a hot commodity. People love to live in homes that get tons of natural light during the day so they can reduce the use of artificial lights and get some extra vitamin D.
You can’t fill a house with natural light that doesn’t see much direct sun, but you can take down curtains, open up shades, and schedule your photoshoot and open house during times that your house is at its sunniest.
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Perform Some Basic Updates If Needed
Since you’re trying to sell your house now, you won’t have the time to perform massive renovations. You probably also won’t want to invest in things like new appliances when you don’t have much time to haggle for a higher final price.
However, basic updates can be quick and inexpensive ways to improve the appeal of your house. You might consider repainting certain rooms or even the front door. You may also decide to replace the knobs on the kitchen cabinets with something a little more modern.
If any rooms in your house look like they haven’t been updated in decades, think of little things you can do to bring them a little closer to the 21st century.
Skip All That and Sell As-Is
Does all of this sound like too much work? Are you not operating with cleaning and updating time? Consider skipping all of that and selling your house as-is.
The process is simple.
You tell us about your property and we go over the details. We write up an agreement outlining the amount that we can give you for your house and you review it with no obligation to sign. If it works for you, we can leave you with cash in hand in as little as one week.
We don’t function as an agency, which means that you don’t have to pay us any fees to work with us or give us a commission when your house sells. We’re buying the house from you which means that without spending a dime, you’ll be walking away with a handful of cash and no obligation to play the real estate game.
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Sell Your House Now With I Buy Pueblo Houses
Do you need to sell your house now and don’t have the time or desire to invest in your property? If so, you’ve come to the right place.
We buy houses in Pueblo, Colorado (and occasionally Colorado Springs) and we’re glad to help you get rid of the property that’s been weighing you down. Why wait another month or two when you could seal the deal in a week?
If you’re ready for your cash offer, contact us today. Fill out our online form or give us a call and we’ll take care of the rest.
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Advanced Guide: 7 Steps to Sell Your Home in 7 Days
What if you could actually sell your home in 7 days?
At first, the idea of selling a house in a week seems crazy. But if you know the right steps to selling a house, you can get everything done in record time.
Wondering what those 7 steps are and how you can get started? Keep reading to discover the answer!
1. Touch Up the Walls
The good news is that all of these steps are relatively easy. The bad news is that we must start with everyone’s favorite activity: painting the house!
While annoying, this step is necessary because it helps you to touch up any walls that look dirty or even damaged. And a new coat of paint remains the best way to change the look of a room that seems old and out of date.
On top of that, this is your chance to paint the rooms in colors that will attract new customers. Lighter colors such as cream and even white create a kind of “blank canvas” look that will have buyers fantasizing about their own plans for this space.
If you want to use color for a bedroom, consider light blue or light pink.
2. Renovate As Needed
It’s an open secret that 7 days is not a lot of time. However, you must complete any necessary repairs and renovations before listing the house.
If the house has needed the attention of an electrician or plumber for various reasons (such as HVAC or toilet problems), call a local professional ASAP. When a prospective buyer sees a problem they think will be expensive and time-consuming, they will most likely move on to a house they see as “easier” to buy.
Painting and repairs may be a pain, but it all comes down to putting your best foot forward whenever you show the home to a new person.
3. Clean and Clutter-Free
It’s important to really clean your home before showing it to buyers. Unfortunately, many sellers don’t understand how to make a home “clutter-free” without making it empty.
For example, if you clean a room of all furniture and accessories, it can be a turn-off for buyers. Having a few of these things in the room helps buyers see themselves as living in this place.
But having too many things sprawling all over the place cuts down on your home’s visual appeal. A ton of clutter can make even large rooms seem smaller (and therefore less valuable).
To get it “just right,” clean up all the clutter and remove personal items such as framed photos. But keep basics like furniture, beds, and television sets so buyers can imagine what they will do in that room.
4. Hire a Photographer
We’ve focused a lot on making the house look good on a tour. But before anyone tours your home, they are going to scope it out online first.
One of the quickest ways to set yourself apart from other sellers is to hire a professional photographer. They can quickly take beautiful and eye-catching photos of your home’s interior and exterior.
Most sellers are going to snap a few pictures with their iPhone and slap them on a listing. But unless the seller has a really good eye, hasty phone pics will make their house look drab and unappealing. Yours, meanwhile, will look dazzling.
Don’t forget that photos are good for cross-platform selling. You can post those photos to Zillow, Craigslist, social media, etc.
5. Do Your Homework
Now we’re coming up on the hard part: pricing your home. The trick here is to set a price that will attract buyers but also get you the amount of money you deserve.
Step one is to do your homework about home prices in your area. What are comparable homes selling for? Knowing this helps you set a price without severely underselling or overselling your residence.
Step two is to do your homework about the seasons. You’re likelier to sell a home in fall or spring: if you can afford to wait for those seasons, you should.
Finally, step three is to do your homework about buyer psychology. For example, most buyers will limit their searches in increments of $100,000. So, you’re better off listing something for $99,000 than $101,000 because more people will see it.
6. List For a Low Price
Now that you’ve done your homework, it’s time to list the home. But what price should you go with? Surprisingly, your best bet is to list your home for a lower price than comparable homes in your area.
On the most basic level, a low price attracts more prospective buyers. But why not sell a home for exactly how much you want?
The goal of a low price is to start a bidding war between interested buyers. When multiple people take the bait of a low price, they will help to drive the final price up without making you seem like the bad guy.
Ideally, you will sell the home for a high price. But even if you “only” get the amount you originally wanted, the low starting price helps to sell the home far sooner than an average price would.
7. Offer “Extras”
In some ways, selling a home is like selling anything else. To get a buyer’s attention, you should consider offering them some “extras” as an incentive.
One common incentive is to cover their closing costs. This can make a home particularly attractive, especially to first-time buyers.
If you have newer appliances in your home, offer to transfer the warranties over to the new owners. This offers peace of mind that they won’t be replacing major appliances soon after closing.
Finally, consider advertising an expedited closing process. While you were likely planning to do this anyway (hence, the 7-day goal), the prospect of moving in very quickly may motivate buyers (especially cash buyers).
Steps to Selling A House: Closing Time
Now you know the steps to selling a house. But do you know how to get an offer right away?
We buy Pueblo houses like yours each week. To see how quickly we can take a home off your hands, come get a cash offer today!
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Have you ever seen the program Grand Designs? The concept is quite simple. The cameras follow someone has they embark on a project either to completely renovate a property and sell it on or to live there themselves. Rarely do the projects ever go to plan, budget or time frame. It’s easy to see when you watch this program why selling a house that needs work might be a better option. But how do you claw back anymore you have already invested or go about selling a house in poor condition? Here’s all about selling a house that needs work.
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How to sell a house after inheriting a house full of stuff
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Why You Should Sell Your Home In 2020
In 2019 Millennials made up 37% of the homebuyer market — the largest demographic currently looking for homes.
There is such a demand to provide homes for this millennial demographic that it created a 2020 sellers market for homeowners and real estate agents. A sellers’ market lets the seller keep the price high due to the scarcity of goods.
So, if you’ve been holding out for the right selling market, then it’s time to sell your home. In this article, we’ll explain why it’s a good time to sell your home and help you decide if it’s the right choice for you.
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Reasons for Home Selling
The good news is that 2020 is shaping up to be an excellent year for selling your home. But, it might not stay that way for long. Here are some of the top reasons why you should take advantage of this sellers’ market while it lasts.
Large Market of Home Buyers
Remember that home-hungry millennial market from 2019? They haven’t gone away. One study found that nine out of ten millennials want to buy a house.
As such, homes that cater to these first-time and second-time property buyer’s price range will have a much larger chance of getting sold at a good price.
Prospective first-time millennial customers will most likely search for below-median homes. As such, homes that cost less than $275,000 will appeal to a broader section of the market.
If your home doesn’t lend itself to the new millennial market, don’t worry — there are still ways you can sell your home quickly.
Low Mortgage Rates
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In 2019 something unexpected happened to mortgage rates. Experts predicted that the rates would continue to rise, but instead, they dropped. Specifically, the 30-year fixed mortgage rate fell.
The 30-year loan is one of the most popular types of home mortgages. Sellers should rejoice when it drops. Throughout 2019 the loan rate encouraged many new loan applicants to buy homes they otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford.
But will the trend continue into 2020?
Experts predict that the mortgage rates will remain low, but may raise but 2 or 3 percent. As such, it’s important to take advantage of these low mortgage rates will you can. There will be fewer buyer options when they rise again.
You Can Make a Lot of Money
The price of homes has nearly doubled in the past decade. While this rapid rise in demand has petered out a bit, it remains stable.
As such, seller’s in 2020 can still make a lot of money off their homes — at or above their market value. However, these large home prices won’t last for long. Many homes had to make price cuts and you will too if you wait long.
Short Listing Times
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No one likes spending a long time with a ‘for sale’ sign in their lawn. Often buyers with new jobs for obligations need to sell their home fairly quickly. The longer it’s listed, the more likely you will need to cut the price until you find someone.
Luckily, over the past few years, long listing times haven’t been a problem. There’s been such a demand for new home inventory that bidding wars quickly ensue as soon as a new house goes up.
However, you shouldn’t expect these shortlisting times to last long. Experts predict there will be more home competition in the coming years.
When Should You Take Advantage of the Sellers’ Market?
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It can be difficult for some people to recognize the signs that they should sell their home. We listed some important reasons to consider selling fast.
You’ve Outgrown Your Current Property
If you move in with a partner or have kids, then you can’t stay in the same small, cramped house you started in. Upgrading to a larger house is one of the main reasons why people need to sell their homes.
Change in Job or Lifestyle
New jobs in a different city can be both a gift and a curse — they can present new opportunities while requiring you to sell your home. Unfortunately, if you need to move quickly, then you made need to take a price cut on your home.
Divorce also complicates living arrangements. Many couples find that they need to sell their house as soon as possible.
A Loved One Passed Away
When a family member dies they often pass their property on to their kin. Many times it isn’t realistic to keep the property. Sometimes the property causes family disputes or increases property taxes.
Regardless of the reason, many people in this situation sell their inherited property. If you decide you want to put the family house up for sale, then the first thing you need to do is deal with the furniture left behind by the deceased.
Read our guide for clearing out your inherited property so you can sell it.
Financial Problems
If you experience financial problems, then your property represents something you can liquidate.
If you or a loved one experiences a medical emergency or similar unexpected expense, then you may need to sell your property quickly to meet your debts. Selling your home and downsizing can help you pay off any loans or charges you need to make up.
Need to Sell Your Pueblo Home?
As you can see, 2020 will continue the sellers’ market in 2020. However, you shouldn’t expect this to last for long. We’re overdue for a buyers’ market and things could change as quickly as by the end of 2020 if you aren’t quick.
As such, you need to sell houses quickly. If you have a house that you need to get rid of quickly Southern Colorado, then contact me at I Buy Pueblo Houses.
Real estate agents can take months or even years to find a buyer — the sellers’ market won’t last that long. I can give you a cash offer on your home today. If you want to get a cash offer on your Pueblo household today, then visit this link here.
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5 Expert Tips On How To Sell Your House Fast In 2020
January 20, 2020
By zwilson13
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Are you looking to sell your house fast in 2020? Maybe you’re going through a divorce, are tired of having landlord duties, or maybe you can no longer afford the payments. There’s an endless list of reasons as to why you might need to sell a home quickly.
Unfortunately, the selling and buying process isn’t a simple one. There are many complex steps that you must take to ensure that everything is done in the correct manner. Aside from going through all of the necessary steps, you also want to get the most value for your house.
Knowing how to sell your house for a fair price in 2020 is essential. And doing so might be easier than you think. For expert tips on how to sell your house and get the most value for it, continue reading below!
Here’s everything you need to know about the process of selling your home fast!
1. Find a New Home
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It’s important to note that before you begin to look into the selling process, you should have an idea for your new home. Even if you don’t want to close on a new home too soon due to not wanting two mortgages, you at least need to start looking.
The last thing you want to do is find yourself in a situation where you have nowhere to live. If you’re moving out of your current home, then there’s most likely a reason for it. Are you looking to relocate?
Are you looking to downsize? Whatever your reason may be, use this to help you find your new home whether it be in a new neighborhood or in the same neighborhood but a smaller place. Having at least a few options for a new home is crucial when selling a house that you’re currently living in.
2. Remove All Items
Your next step is to remove all of the items in your current house. When selling to buyers who are looking to move into your house, you’ll want to clear out all personal items to allow them to see the house as a blank slate. When wanting to sell your house fast, it’s important to remove all of your items as soon as possible.
Waiting until the last minute to clear out your house is only going to set the timeframe back further. You’ll want to be ready to hand over the keys as soon as you accept a deal. If need be, consider purchasing a storage unit and keeping all of your items in storage.
To keep things at a minimum, take this as an opportunity to create three separate locations for your items. You should have items that you want to throw away, items to donate, and items to keep. This will help you spend less money on a storage unit and declutter for your new home at the same time.
3. Be Available When Needed
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If you want to sell your house fast and for a fair price, you’ll need to be available when needed. This could be to show the house to your potential buyer or to answer phone calls and emails regarding the sale. When selling to a cash buyer for a quick and fair sale, you’ll need to be available to contact the buyer and describe your property to them.
The next step is an appointment that takes around 10-15 minutes. You’ll need to be available for this appointment if you want to sell your home. A fair offer is then given and if you accept it, you’ll close at a local title company.
Selling your home is a lot of work at times. However, selling to a cash buyer will cut out many steps in the selling process. The most that you’ll need to do when selling to a cash buyer is be available.
4. Work with a Cash Buyer
Working with a cash buyer such as the “we buy houses” buyers in Longmont is the best way to get the most out of your home as-is. Selling to a cash buyer eliminates several buying processes when working with an agent. This includes making repairs and preparing your home in other ways, worrying about extra costs, and more.
A cash buyer will pay cash for your home without you having to make any adjustments to it, cleaning it, or staging it for buyers.
5. Prepare for the Move
Your final and last step is to prepare for the move. When selling to a cash buyer, your home will sell fast. This means that you need to be prepared for the move ahead of time.
Have your future home ready for you to move into. Have all of your documents in order and expect to make the move at any given time. The more prepared you are for the move, the less stress you’ll carry on your shoulders throughout the selling process.
Learn How to Sell Your House Fast with These Tips!
The selling and buying process isn’t always simple. There are a lot of steps and processes to walk through before the sale can be completed. To make things as simple as possible, know how to sell your house by working with a cash buyer who will buy your house as-is for cash!
If you’re going through a divorce, can no longer afford your payments, inherited a home, or something else that’s wanting you to sell fast, look no further than Longmont House Buyers.
To see how we can help you get your house sold fast for a fair price, contact us today!
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How to Sell After Inheriting a House Full of Stuff
When was the last time you inherited something?
If you inherit a house it can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you are grateful to have all the memories of your loved one and some extra cash that your relative has left you. It can be a portal to your childhood that can be hard to let go of.
But on the other inheriting a house full of stuff can be difficult to manage. What should you keep for yourself and the memories? What should you sell and what items are valuable and which ones are not?
Here’s what to about selling deceased estate property and inheriting a house full of stuff.
1. Make an Inventory
The first thing to do is to make an inventory that contains all of your deceased’s belongings including their house.
Go through each room individually. Be careful to ask your other relatives and friends what they would like and what you shouldn’t sell and should hang on to before you sell anything. Just selling everything could cause some family drama that you want to avoid and could appear insensitive.
Once you have established what is being kept and what can be sold start to try and understand the value of all of the items. It might be hard to determine the value of some of them so be sure to consult experts and the internet to see how much items are worth.
It is well worth having an expert look at jewelry to see what its value is worth if you are unsure. Other smaller items that are less valuable could be given away.
Remember this is a big task that could take several days. Don’t try to do the whole house at once. Go through the house room by room with a spreadsheet. Consider using a Google Docs sheet so that other family members can see what you are doing.
2. Box It Up
After going through the items in the house and listing them the next thing to do is to start boxing them up. You are probably going to need a fair few cardboard or plastic boxes.
Make sure you label them and perhaps start to organize them by value as well as by their size. This way you know where everything is. Again it is better to do this room by room sorting the objects as you go. As each room becomes clear, be sure to clean it up.
Dust everywhere and fix any minor problems like a leaking radiator or a broken light bulb in a light fixture. Gather all the items in one room of the house such as the living room or the garage. Consider storing them at another location such as a garage if you are in a hurry to clear the house
3. Sell the Items
What comes first the chicken or the egg? Do you sell the items in the house first or the house? It depends. If you are in a hurry perhaps sell the house first but remember, depending on location, this could take several weeks or even months.
Selling the items in the house can generate cash quickly. Reach out to friends who might want some of the items first and give them a good deal if they take them off your friends.
Also, be sure to use services such as eBay and Amazon marketplace as well as the Facebook market place. But be careful not to get ripped off and to decide in advance what your policy will be about the buyer coming to collect the items or postage and packaging.
If the house contained lots of valuable furniture and high-value jewelry then you might want to consider an auction. This can be fun and exciting and can generate the most amount of money. You could turn it into an exhibition celebrating the life of your loved one.
4. Sell the House
Selling the house can be the most stressful part of the process. You might feel the pressure to sell the house fast straightway to the first buyer that comes along to avoid paying high maintenance bills. Avoid this but be sure to read our tips about how to sell a property fast.
Remember young buyers have to save harder to get on the property ladder compared to previous generations so they are the best buyers to target. At the same time if the house belonged to an elderly relative it might need some renovations.
You need to decide if it is worth your time investing in these renovations or instead of selling it at a cheaper price but marketing it in such a way as to create a vision of what they could turn the house into.
You could ask an estate agent to sell for you or you could advertise it on our property search feature.
Inheriting a House Full Of Stuff? Don’t Despair Take It Step-by-Step
If you end up inheriting a house full of stuff it is easy to feel overwhelmed. If it was a close relative or friend then you will naturally be overwhelmed that you had to clear out all of their belongings.
But take it step-by-step. Clear out each room and make an inventory of all the items trying to evaluate what they might cost. Ask friends and other relatives to help you to lessen the burden.
When it comes to selling the house try not to get bounced into a quick sale so that you get the best deal. If you need to generate some cash quickly then remember you can sell the items before you sell the house.
If you are interested in our property selling services then be sure to click here to get a cash offer today.
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Selling A House As Is- Tips and Tricks
Selling An Old House
Do you own a house that’s been loved a little too much and now needs big-time repairs? Whether you’re in a hurry to move on, or you simply can’t afford the upkeep, you have options. All options lead to selling your home.
Depending on the severity of the home’s condition, you could make a few repairs and leave the rest up to the new owner. Or, you could look into selling a house as is.
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Worried your home isn’t sellable because it’s too far gone? Many homes have issues, but many buyers overlook those issues or at least are willing to work with a seller who doesn’t plan to make repairs.
Before you give up on even listing your home, read our guide to selling a home when it has a few too many bumps and bruises.
When You Sell a House as Is
When people shopping for homes see an as is listing they rightly assume they’re going to look at a home that could need some major repairs. It also means the seller doesn’t plan to make the repairs. In most cases, a buyer and their agent also know the seller won’t likely leave money on the table at closing for the buyer to take care of the repairs.
That said, if you decide to sell your home in as is condition, you still have a responsibility to prospective buyers. You’ll need to disclose everything you know about what's wrong with the home. Some sellers opt for a pre-listing inspection and share what the inspector includes in their report with buyers.
While there’s nothing wrong or illegal with selling a home that isn’t perfect, you do need to prepare for the likelihood of a lower sale price.
If you work with a real estate agent, your agent can market your home as a fantastic opportunity for buyers looking for a fixer-upper. Your agent can also position your home so it’s attractive to real estate cash house buyers.
Estimate the True Value of Your Home
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Even though your home may need extensive repairs, it still has value. Putting together a valuation for a home in need of renovations isn’t only about figuring out the cost of repairs and subtracting those costs from the fair market value of your home.
A home in as is condition isn’t considered turnkey. A turnkey home is usually most attractive to traditional buyers—that group of home buyers who want to move in without worrying about projects right away.
For your as is home sale, you’ll need to consider what the real estate industry calls aggravation costs. Buyers of as is homes typically calculate in their heads how much they'll pay in aggravation due to the necessity of making home repairs.
When you’re putting together your value assessment be aware that while sellers often underestimate the cost of repairs, buyers do the opposite. Buyers overestimate what they’ll need to do to get the home fixed up and how much it will cost them. Buyers may use this overestimation to justify a lower offer
Tackle Only the Biggies
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If you have resources to make a few but not all repairs, figure out the high priority items and take care of those.
You’ll find many buyers who can deal with the peeling paint or the funky retro linoleum in the kitchen. They know cosmetic fixes are more economical for them than major repairs like replacing a furnace or dealing with mold.
Leave the cosmetic issues alone and focus on the biggies—repairs that can make a buyer walk away from a deal. Major repairs include major appliance replacements (furnace, water heater), foundation damage, roof leaks, evidence of mold.
These are the big-ticket repairs the average buyer doesn’t have the funds to cover, especially after coming up with a down payment and closing costs. You’ll still sell the home as is but you’ll tackle perhaps one big repair.
If you don’t have the resources to pay for major repairs, consider the following alternative.
Go for a Spruce Up
If you can’t swing the majors, invest your time and money on curb appeal both inside and outside your home. Sprucing up a home in as is condition goes a long way toward drawing prospective buyers.
When determining which projects you’ll invest in, consider which ones are most cost-effective. Spending a weekend decluttering inside your home and another decluttering outside definitely improves curb appeal and costs practically nothing.
Do the deep clean! A clean home immediately increases in value (in the eyes of the buyer) and smells better too (another plus). If you can’t afford a professional steam cleaning, rent a machine at your local hardware store and clean your carpets.
After you clean, roll a neutral color of paint on the walls. There’s nothing like a fresh coat of color to spruce up a home in disrepair.
Look for a Real Estate Investor
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Whether you choose to take care of one or two big repairs, or you can only manage a light sprucing up, you’ll improve the chances of selling your home quickly.
One thing you should keep in mind is the fact that you likely won’t find a traditional buyer when you list your home in as is condition.  Investors, on the other hand, may come pounding on your door, excited to see what’s inside.
Real estate investors and cash buyers look for as is homes. The bigger the repairs, the more enticing your home will be to an investor. And while your home might not sell to an investor at the price you’ve come up with per your valuation process, you’re home is still marketable and attractive in this market.
Looking to Sell?
We hope after reading this post, you realize that despite your home’s condition, or your need to sell it due to financial hardship, it does still have value.
When you’re ready to sell a house as is, you’ll need a knowledgeable buyer who understands the value of your home. We’re that buyer! Contact us today and let’s get things rolling.
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Selling Your Home For Cash: What Upsides?
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Selling your home for cash has become a popular real estate trend in recent years. In fact, in several cities, the percentage of real estate transactions that are cash sales surpass the national average of 30 percent.
But should you sell your property to a cash home buyer? The answer may surprise you, but selling your home for cash does give the seller several advantages versus hiring a real estate agent. Here are the benefits of selling your home for cash.
It’s a Faster Sale Process
Selling your home for cash makes for a much quicker home selling experience. Cash house buyers don’t need a mortgage as they already have the money needed to purchase your home, which means they can forego the mortgage application and approval process. And because you’re not listing your home with a real estate agent, you don’t have to wait for them to take photos of your property, create a listing, and schedule open houses.
In many cases, once a cash buyer wants to purchase your home, the transaction is completed within a week or two. All that’s needed is to fill out some paperwork, and your home can be out of your hands quickly.
You Can Skip Making Repairs
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Going the traditional route to sell your home means prospective buyers can request that you make repairs or upgrades to areas of your home before they agree to purchase it. When selling your home for cash, however, you’re offering it in an as-is condition which usually means the buyer can take it or leave it.
While you may not receive as much money for your home when selling it for cash, you may find that not having to pay to make repairs and upgrades offsets the lower price. There are also no guarantees that making certain upgrades will help your home sell or increase its value, as it all depends on market demand and what home buyers are looking for in a property. Some home improvement projects can actually hurt your home’s resale value.
You Avoid Paying Closing and Realtor Fees
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Selling your home for cash means you get to keep all of it versus paying for a real estate agent’s commission. Commission fees can be as high as six percent, which means if you sell a home for $300,000, an agent will receive $18,000, a nice chunk of change being taken away from you. This fee gets paid regardless of whether your agent goes the extra mile to market and sell your home or not.
Some agents also charge a fee to list and advertise your home, which you’ll avoid when selling your house for cash.
You’re More Likely to See The Sale Close
So much can go wrong during the home selling process. A potential buyer may lose their financing or their job, or the home inspection may turn up something that needs to be repaired before the sale goes through. Many sale contracts include contingency statements that favor the buyer and legally allow them to pull out of the sale for a variety of reasons.
Cash sales, however, aren’t dependent upon contingencies. Cash buyers are aware that homes for sale may need repair work. It’s also tougher for them to get out agreeing to buy a home and once the money has been exchanged, there’s no turning back.
No Cleaning and Staging Required
Homes sold via real estate agencies have to be clean and presentable for showings and open houses to increase their chances of attracting a buyer. An agent may even recommend that you have your home professionally staged to receive more offers.
Cash buyers are aware that most of the properties they look at are being sold as-is. While it certainly doesn’t hurt to tidy up your home and make it look more presentable, there isn’t any pressure to make sure it’s spotless. You’ll save time and money, as you don’t have to worry about de-cluttering your home or hiring a cleaning service.
You Can Avoid Foreclosure
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If you’re unable to pay off your mortgage, selling your home for cash may help you avoid foreclosure and cut your losses. Sometimes you can negotiate with your lender for more favorable loan terms but if this isn’t approved, selling your property for cash can help you pay off your mortgage and start over.
It’s Great For Unwanted Inherited Homes
If you already have a home of your own and inherit a property from a deceased relative, you may find you don’t have the time and resources to fix up the vacant property. An unoccupied house tends to be more susceptible to break-in, theft, and vandalism. This can depreciate its value.
Selling the home for cash is an ideal solution to unload an unwanted property quickly. The only thing you may have to do is deal with family possessions before you sell the inherited house.
It Saves You Time
Selling your home via an agent can be very time consuming and stressful. There’s the task of finding the right agent to work with, cleaning and prepping your home for showings, and then the back-and-forth of receiving offers from buyers and agreeing to one or not.
Selling your home to a cash buyer frees up more time so you can look for a new place to live and move on with your life.
Consider Selling to a Cash Home Buyer
As you can see, there are many advantages of selling your property to a cash home buyer. It’s hard to beat the speed, convenience, and value that selling your home for cash can bring.
Do you need to sell your home quickly? Tell us more about your property by filling out our form. We’ll be happy to explain the advantages of selling your home for cash further and walk you through every step of the process!
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