pugexpert-blog · 6 years
WOW. This is... WOW
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it’s true and she should say it
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pugexpert-blog · 6 years
Can I just...
In lieu of the new tumblr settings, can I make yet another plea with those of you who read fics and consume art on tumblr to please reblog them?   
Fics and art will die on a creator’s dash if they aren’t reblogged.  It’s never been more true than now. 
If you want to keep receiving content from creators, reblog the the content. If it’s something you enjoyed?  Reblog it.  It’s not hard.  I am going to make a point to reblog everything I read from now on.  (With the proper tags of course), as well as all the art that I see on my dash.  
I cannot make it simpler.  Posts WILL die unless they’re reblogged.  No one will see your ‘like’.  Your like is a bookmark for YOU to find it later.  Your reblog means the world to a creator because it means you are willing to go the little extra distance and recommend this to your followers.  
Don’t let creations die on the dash of those who created them.  
Reblog to save a creation.  
Reblog to keep a creator creating.
Reblog, please. 
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pugexpert-blog · 6 years
Will reblog till I die
Who is still apart of the Diabolik Lovers fandom?
Reblog if you are.
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pugexpert-blog · 6 years
Yui is best girl! In this house we support and love her!
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No ifs, ands, or buts.
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pugexpert-blog · 6 years
Emoji spell for extreme good luck for the next two months
Likes charge. Reblogs CAST
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pugexpert-blog · 6 years
Is anyone here looking at the picture and just thinking "Their kids would be so cute!" or is it just me?
I get what you're saying but there are still a lot of people who think the kiss was only a hug.
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Okay, while I’m all for letting people interpret things as they please, let’s consider a few things here. You know…for science.
Please measure the distance between Victor and Yuuri’s lips in the screencap above. Would you agree that they’re about the same distance apart as…say, maybe the width of one of their eyes? Maybe even a little less? The average human eyeball is about an inch across, or 2.5 centimeters.
Which means Victor and Yuuri’s lips are literally 2.5 cm away from each other.
That’s about the same length as one of the joints of your index finger.
Now please do me a favor and find a friend. Make sure it’s a platonic relationship so that you can really get a feel for what this would be like if Victor and Yuuri are indeed just friends.
Go up to this friend and put your mouth 2.5 cm away from theirs and see what happens. Does that feel like the beginning of a hug, or do you literally feel the heat from their breath and skin? Is your friend looking at you like “Oh boy, a hug!” or “Oh hey, I didn’t know you were into me like this”? I’m guessing the latter.
But wait. Our experiment isn’t done.
Now try this same thing while running full speed toward your no-homo-buddy-pal. Try to get that same 2.5 cm of distance between your lips and theirs, and see if it’s physically possible to move your mouth out of the way at the last possible second before you crash-kiss right into their lips.
Go on. Try it.
It’s for science.
I’ll wait.
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pugexpert-blog · 6 years
I was just thinking about polly pocket the other day and oml I can't even
what happened to polly pocket???? is she okay??? did she die????
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pugexpert-blog · 6 years
Well at least she was revived and Koga is no longer an ass! At least...
“Why don’t you like Koga as much as Inuyasha?”
Hmmmmmmmm WHY
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I don’t seem to remember!
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pugexpert-blog · 6 years
The first two and I wish I was a vampire 😂
reblog if you love vampires, have a healthy appreciation for vampire culture, or actually are a vampire
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pugexpert-blog · 6 years
Breathe if you think MikaYuu deserves to become canon.
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pugexpert-blog · 6 years
Let Izuru and Chiaki be each other’s practice buddy for when they confess their feelings to the person they like. They even practice holding hands, giving hugs, and giving compliments. Izuru does terrible of course because he doesn’t do affection and physical contact, and of course this frustrates Chiaki because she wants him to make an effort if he ever wants to capture the attention of the girl he likes, but then she realiizes that if he pretended to be something that he’s not, then he wouldn’t be happy.
So they practice every week, give each other pointers. Chiaki starts to lose confidence because she doubts if the guy that she likes would even accept her confession. She’s just some gamer girl after all. She can’t cook, but you bet your butt she can back you up in a battle. Izuru comments that at least she isn’t like him, a product of talent, who hardly shows any emotion. At least she gets to experience and feel new things without forseeing the result.
Chiaki doesn’t like it when Izuru starts talking this way, and tries to reassure him that despite what he is, she’s sure that it’s possible for him to find someone who would want to be with him. She’d even go out with him. Not out of pity, but because she genuinely enjoys being around him.
Izuru says that if they both end up getting rejected by the person that they like, would she be okay with going out with him.
Their deadline to confess is conveniently tomorrow. They’ve been practicing for months together. Just thought I put some time frames in there.
Chiaki goes quiet, and Izuru assumes what he said made her uncomfortable, so he tells her to forget what he said.
“…Kamukura-kun, do you know what day it is?”
Izuru doesn’t understand her question at first until he takes notice of her body language. She’s tense, her cheeks are red, her eyes are dowmcast.
Does that mean that she…
Okay story time over. Goodnight.
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pugexpert-blog · 6 years
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133K notes · View notes
pugexpert-blog · 6 years
Forever ME 😂
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pugexpert-blog · 6 years
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I actually don’t like this sketch but have some casual CelesGiri bc my future wife wanted it <3
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pugexpert-blog · 6 years
Yui is great! I wish people would stop calling her bad things 😞
New DL fans
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New DL fans who come in hating on Yui because they believe she’s dumb, weak, or has no personality all because of the anime: 
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 Hint: read 👏 the 👏 route 👏 translations 👏 and appreciation 👏 posts 👏 before 👏 you 👏 shallowly 👏 judge 👏 someone 👏 by their cover.
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pugexpert-blog · 6 years
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Name: Lila. Job: Destroying transphobes
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pugexpert-blog · 6 years
I will be drawing so much this week
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Hello! I will like to introduce Danganronpa Rare Pare Week!
That’s right! All underrated and rare ships will be finally appreciated in this event! From ships that have a small fan base, to a special pleasure only a couple people ship, it is time to let those ships come to light!
July 14th: Beach/Fireworks
July 15th: Flowers/Rain
July 16th: Ice Cream/Heat
July 17th: Stay In/Go Out
July 18th: AU/Beginnings
July 19th: Past/Kids
July 20th: Free Time
Due to the fact that only rare pairs are allowed, the following ships will not be allowed due to the fact that they aren’t rare (to be fair I’ve taken 6 of the most popular mlm, wlw, and m/f ships that will not be allowed)
Due to the fact that the majority of the fandom are minors, please do not make nsfw content for this week, R16 or lower. Also no Inc.est, Pedophil.a, or Abu.se
Lastly…HAVE FUN!!!
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