pulchritudinxus · 7 years
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pulchritudinxus · 7 years
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it’s okay elsa- god bless you
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pulchritudinxus · 8 years
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pulchritudinxus · 8 years
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Disney Aesthetic: Frozen
Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on let’s go an play! I never see you anymore, come out the door, it’s like you’ve gone away. 
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pulchritudinxus · 8 years
OOC ||♕
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Now would you look at that. I’m actually doing drafts for once~
To all of the people who’re still waiting for my replies : My utmost apologies. I absolutely understand if you’d rather wish to drop our threads instead of keeping them going. If you, despite everything, still ARE going to reply, I’ll simply love you 5eva ok?? ‘Cause me & my lazy bum aren’t worthy of your patience. >w<
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pulchritudinxus · 8 years
¸¸.•*¨*• ѕ ρ α я t α η
The Spartan felt her hand reach his to pull and lift herself, it was small and fragile compared to his literal weapons that remained attached to his arms. For someone to touch the Ghost of Spartan and not feel terrified somewhat surprised him. His hands were deeply scarred, covered with ash… surely she would think that this man was unlike most.
But, another thought was brought from within him. As she let go, the vision of his wife, child had ceased in the sketches in his mind. Kratos knew that this encounter would not last forever. The Gods must have burdened him again with another innocent, who would be surely taken away or abandon him.
He cursed to himself. He had blanked out again, lost in the deep empty void of his nightmares.
“You not need to thank me. We still have to get away from here.” The man assured her, coming out as a low growl.
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He wasn’t sure what place would suite the both of them. But he doubted she wanted to go anywhere filled with creatures or was piled with filth and dirt.
“There is a Temple, not much far from here. Abandoned.”
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{ ♔ } ——
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[ A brisk, little tickle inside the tip of her finger is all that lingered before the arctic magic she'd summoned unwittingly afore completely died in her every fibre, as if someone had abruptly put an end to winter & none of it had ever happened at all. Although not visible, she could still feel the arctic poison pumping within her vessel, her veins, shaping her as the very being she'd never imagined to become. It was still like a dream { or more like a n i g h t m a r e she could not escape from, no matter how far she'd try & keep running }, so surreal & manic, simply hard to comprehend how such an sudden onslaught of ancient, inner history could awaken from one day to the next. Fragile, limp legs continuously quivered beneath her silken frame as if the earth itself would shaken with fear. & the way the sun greeted the erstwhile ice-shrouded sky again made her realize that her mind & spirit were truly present; her whole being attendant. She may had wished but, unfortunately, none of this were neither dream, nor illusion. The truth, the consequences she'd take from her actions rested before her cerulean stare -- but, thank God no one seemed to have gotten hurt all too badly. That's at least something to be glad about.
With half a mind, yet cognizant enough, did she absorb the warrior's words while staring in awe at the mess she'd created. It ached to believe that any of this could be real, let alone that she could've done something far worse to all of these people if she'd been in the wrong state of mind ... but, for the sake of everyone's safety, she'd take her leave, preferably right away. The Spartan didn't seem to purpose stalling here for longer than necessary anyway so she'd just follow suit, like a good, obedient dog. His help & guidance is about everything she could fully rely on at this shameful juncture anyhow. Who else could she confide in if not the one who'd witnessed everything & yet had not spat an ounce of abhorrence at the sight of her true nature. It did help her to not feel entirely alone, in an opaque kind of way. ]
     ❝ I have not often wandered outside these village walls, let alone visited other astonishing places that rest somewhere safe in the wide distance but ... if you'd be so kind to guide me to that temple you spoke of, I'd be more than grateful, Spartan. Your deeds will not be forgotten, that I assure you. ❞
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[ That cold & dim shine her eyes presented him housed utter nobility & gratitude of the finest sort. She's trying to play it smooth, underacting everything although that manifested shock from prior events still felt ever so presently within her heart & heavier than every burden. The Spartan would surely know, comprehend the pain & pressure that sends her insides trembling whenever she'd reminisce the moment her to-this-day dormant magic had its first & remarkably livid outburst & therefore endangered all these innocent lives she'd grown so attached to over all the fleetingly past years she'd spent with absolute content. Had he not lost a part of his existence by the same, fateful token? This whole time, she'd sensed an odd familiarity within his presence, seen voracious anger in his garish physiognomy & suspected a personal history so painful & profoundly along these ashen outlines the ordinary eye would never know, nor fully understand. She recognized him as the Spartan everyone feared & deliberately tried to avoid. A warrior branded by sin, a monster with a hunger for revenge. All Nadheliya saw, however, was someone just as b r o k e n & manipulated by a third party as she was.
That's why she believed that he, of all people, perhaps, would understand her grief best. Nothing but a bull's eye of a freshly chosen target to their murderous, blood instilled hands, that's all she was now. Ironic as it is, she roughly pondered the time where she used to hunt animals for flesh & ensured survival. A prey to the human beast. Now, that fate had chosen to revert the cards, she was the one being hunt like quarry by the very people she'd always consigned her trust to.
What funny, funny irony indeed. She would've laughed, if the thought of turning her back on the palce she used to call 'home' wouldn't be such a dagger thrust to the heart. She knew there'd be no way other than to avoid this village for the rest of her miserable life if she truly wanted to live & learn so much more about the powers she'd held imprisoned within for so long. So, before the first defrosted, human body would be able to speak & fully apprehend what'd happened, it'd be best for both of them to be miles away already. Another, brief glimpse towards the warrior was offered before she promenaded humbly past his rather bulky build, expecting him to lead the way from here on it. She, in fact, knew that the gates were the only way out of here but ... she wanted to leave this place last. To bid her silent, last & wistful goodbye. ]
     ❝ We could take the gate to the outside fields. Vast and rich lands will await us there, next to things I have heard tales and stories of, yet never seen for myself. But, do not worry. I can handle danger adequate enough to remain alive. I will not be in your way. ❞
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Meeting the Ice Queen
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pulchritudinxus · 8 years
¸¸.•*¨*• в я ι g н t  ¢ н ι ℓ ∂
     Her name? She’s expected every question to follow but not something so… personal. Though, on the other hand, this conversation would probably feel a whole lot more pleasant and less foreign if they’d just introduce themselves. And it’s just like she said, if they’d know each others name, they’d no longer be strangers so Uncle Hal’s worries would all be in vain. She’s still a little uncertain, intimidated and on the fence of whether to unravel her identity or not. Though, what misery could it bring? What mischief could this woman possibly harbor? She seemed alright, trustable and exceedingly nice, had a very child-oriented way to converse with minors and that’s probably what loosened that tight feeling inside her gut more and more. She’d just like to give it a try, to get to know someome outside the nomad. After all, she’s never really had the chance to make some friends that aren’t part of the Philanthropy Uncle Snake and Uncle Hal founded years ago. Such a life gets quite… tiring after a while. Oh but that didn’t mean she’s unhappy with her little, maybe not all too perfect family. She’s lucky to have them. More than that.
     “I-I’m… Sunny. It’s n-nice to meet you. Can I a-ask what your name is…?” That’d merely be an eye for an eye, right? There can be no adequate introduction if someone refuses to accomodate everybody else.
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{ ♔ } ——
[ War is in her bright matted niveous hair, her eyes are intense but so terrifyingly calm like there’s nothing in the world that could keep her from unfettering those chains that hold her close to a painful reality she’s never wished, nor dreamt of to ever experience on her own one day. The genetic farrago in the joints of her knees, this haunting curse devised by human hands that floats through her every fibre, had felt so cold for the past couple of months, & now more than ever. She & the girl -- they may share the same fleshly makeup but they’re nothing alike. No more’s she part of the human race. Perhaps never was, & most definitely never will be again. Such a thought pains her soul, pangs through her heart like a bullet where the powder spreads like venom, throws shadows of doubt where a light of hope should reign. Soon, she’d no longer feel pleasure or joy, sing the glorious song of a life she’s willed to sustain ‘til the bitter end. Those succinct, deep potholes would allow rage & pain to gain the upper hand, to reign her every thought, twist her mentality at its own convenience.
No one should ever underestimate her fury, that fiery temper burning ever so brightly when caught in the wrong mood for she seems like a long lost deity that wanders this planet with graceful set steps, oh but the danger that lurks in her vessel is so much more t e r r i b l e than one would except { a number of people have fallen victim to Nadheliya Frigus’ ire & her lips & silks grew redder with every hundred men while her socioeconomic empire gained on mass }. 
The breath that escapes her mouth evaporates into sound waves and ice. But a cajoling little smile etches across her face. Her silver tongue’s always a novelty, even when it’s the calm before the storm. But of course, she’s no intention to pace too close just now, nor to scare her away. The girl is a sweetie-pie, so innocent & pure, just like her sister. Bountiful, caring, sincere -- that’s how she’s always been. Nadheliya’s memories may be disastrously fragmented & torn like shattered glass but the longer she tries to reminisce the time of her vibrant youth, the time she’s still been given to spend with her sister in peace & quiet, the more does it seem as though the puzzle pieces stick themselves together by their absolute lonesome. If only she could reverse time ... There’s just so much she’d love to change, what she aches to turn for the better if only Lady Fortune wouldn’t be such a moody b i  t c h.
But she knows it’s not her responsibility to decide over fates & fortunes, to control time & change something of essentiality that perhaps could turn the tide for worse. It’s hard to believe that anything could actually be worse than the loss of a whole existence but, seeing as it is & knowing fully well how cruel & fickle this life can be, she’d not dare to cast a shade of doubt. There’s already enough sorrow housing inside her heart. She doesn’t need more of it. ]
     ❝ Sunny? ❞
[ She repeats the name as if to get a feel for it first, as it’d hold a very special & profound meaning to restore her memory. It is naught but a misleading feeling as she quickly realizes & so her mind wanders back to the actual conversation, lips parted & ready to release another set of words. ]
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     ❝ Just like the sun, only brighter. More honest. What a beautiful and fitting name for a young and sweet, little girl. Did your momma name you that way? Oh and I must apologize for not introducing myself to you first. The name is Nadheliya ... and certainly not as particularly unique as yours. ❞
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pulchritudinxus · 8 years
                            No matter what you do, I’ll  still  be there for you…
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pulchritudinxus · 8 years
Thread continuation from here : { X } || @thievingshadow
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{ ♔ } —— 
[ Sie gab sich augenscheinlich ruhig & besonnen, doch in ihrem Inneren tobte die Zorneswut; ein E I S S T U R M.
Es verlangte ihr einiges an Selbstdisziplin, die Nerven nicht an Ort & Stelle zu verlieren, sich der Eigenmächtigkeit ihrer zerstörerischen Kräfte hinzugeben & ihm die Strafe zukommen zu lassen, die ihm rechtlicherweise zustünde. Doch, nicht einmal ein verlauster Dieb wie er hätte es verdient, als eine Art menschliche Statuette, geformt aus Eis & der unerbittlichen Laune der Natur, elendigst zu verenden. Anstand schien für ihn ein widernatürliches Wort, Höflichkeit in seinem Wortschatz vollkommen fehl am Platz. & obgleich seine Präsenz sie zunehmendst an ihre Grenzen stieß, das ABSOLUTE von ihr forderte, so musste sie sich insgeheim eingestehen, von solch rebellisch & unsittlichem Verhalten ein klein wenig angetan zu sein.
Vielleicht war er ja doch nicht solch ein übler Schuft, wie alle immer behaupteten. Immerhin wusste sie, wer er war. Wie könnte sie auch nicht bei solch offensichtlicher ‘Anerkennung’ in den Straßen? Sein markantes Gesicht war auf jedem zweiten Flyer zu sehen, sein Name ein Dorn im Auge eines jeden Wachmannes. Ein jeder würde sich um das Kopfgeld reißen, das auf ihn ausgesetzt war, es genießen, ihn am Galgen baumeln & für das Buße leisten sehen, was er in diesem Leben verbrochen hatte. Garrett -- der M e i s t e r d i e b.
Er konnte sich glücklich schätzen, dass sie lediglich eines im Sinne hatte, nämlich die Wiederbeschaffung ihrer entwendeten Kleidung. Der Rest ... nun, der scherte sie kaum bis wenig. Die vagen Andeutungen, die er ihr zuwarf, waren jedoch keinesfalls hilfreich. Wenn dann allerhöchstens abschreckend! ]
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       ❝ Du weißt genau, wovon ich spreche, Meisterdieb. Bei deinem letzten Diebeszug hast du etwas von meinem wertvollen Besitztum mitgehen lassen. Und ich spreche wahrlich NICHT von Schmuck oder anderen Schätzen. Dieses Stück Wäsche nicht zu bemerken, wäre höchst ungewöhnlich. Besonders für einen Dieb mit solchem Ruf, nicht? ❞
[ Ihre Stimme war kalt & beißend, eisiger als jede noch so bitterliche Wintersnacht, ihr Blick durchdringend & scharf. Die Hände hielt sie stramm an die Hüften gestemmt, der Oberkörper sich leicht nach vorne beugend, woraufhin sie einen besseren Blick in des Mannes Gesicht erhaschen konnte. Eine Hälfte übersäht von auffälligen Narben, das rechte Auge einen sonderbaren, ja fast schon überweltlichen Schein verströmend. Wohlmöglich steckte doch mehr hinter dem berüchtigten Meisterdieb als anfangs vermutet. ]
       ❝ Ein Stockwerk weiter unten? Was meinst du damit? Hast du meine Korsage etwa für BARES vergeben?? ❞
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[ Ihre Augen verengten sich abrupt zu katzenartige Schlitze, ihre zierlichen Finger in feste Fäuste geballt. Sollte dies wahr sein, dann müsse sie sich arg zurückhalten, nicht den gesamten Gasthof in eine Schneepiste zu verwandeln. Er könne folglich als Eisbrunnen dienen, nahe des Vordereinganges. Würde sicherlich ein nettes Becken für durstige Vögel abgeben. ]
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pulchritudinxus · 8 years
                                             ι never нealed                                                        ι נυsт ℓεαяηε∂ тσ cαяяү тнε вυя∂εη
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pulchritudinxus · 8 years
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Fictional Aesthetics:
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight not a footprint to be seen a kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I’m the queen.
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pulchritudinxus · 8 years
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Elsa’s stomps/steps whilst revealing her powers (x)
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pulchritudinxus · 8 years
➶ slapping them //*winkwink* cx //
Schnell wie der Wind, huschte der schwarze Schatten durch die Korridore des unbekannten Schlosses, in welchem er sich gerade auf Beutezug befand. Hübsch eingerichtet und ganz nach seinem Geschmack. Immerhin baumelten schon einige der Wertgegenstände der hohen Herrschaften welche hier lebten an den schier zahllosen Laschen seines hautengen Lederoutfits.Schritte ertönten und der Meisterdieb hielt inne, zog sich sein schwarzes Tuch ein wenig weiter ins Gesicht. Die Wachen waren aufmerksamer geworden…hatten sie sein hier sein bemerkt? Vorsichtshalber tastete er mit seinen schlanken Fingern nach der Türklinke hinter sich und öffnete diese lautlos um seinen schlanken Körper in den Raum dahinter zu schieben.
Böser Fehler.
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Ein kurzer Frauenschrei und eine äußerst schmerzende Backe waren die Folge als er sich perplex umdrehte und auf die zierliche Blondine blickte, welche sich mit erschrockenem aber dennoch roten Wangen das blaue Kleid vor den Körper hielt um ihre Blöße zu bedecken. Keine Sekunde später hörte man das Klappern der Rüstungen und die Stimmen der Wachmänner welche den Korridor zu dem Zimmer näherten. Geistesgegenwärtig schnappte er sich einen Stuhl und klemmte ihn unter die Türklinke um den Wachen somit den Eintritt zu versperren.
„Das Blau betont deine Augen. Sehr gute Wahl~“
flüsterte er der blonden Hausherrin noch in betörender Stimmlage ins Ohr, als er an ihr vorbeischlüpfte und aus dem Fenster entfloh, raus aus dem Gemäuer des Schlossen und hinein in die Schatten der Nacht um genauso geisterhaft zu verschwinden wie er gekommen war.
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pulchritudinxus · 8 years
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pulchritudinxus · 8 years
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Elsa Repaint by gothic-icecream
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pulchritudinxus · 8 years
Tumblr’s Staff has posted about a third party obtaining access to select tumblr accounts. While they say there has been no evidence to prove this third party is trying to access these accounts, there have been multiple people who have been affected and hacked. Mitzu ( @mitzusins) was one of those hacked. Oolay ( @oolay-tiger) has also been affected, but not hacked.
Please listen to me folks. If you have been signed out of your account without your own doing so, D O  N O T click any links to reset a paaword on an email. You can do this on your own Tumblr, and clicking on any links can make your personal information available to this hacker. 
If you have clicked on a link and reset your password, I’m telling you right now: CHANGE YOUR TUMBLR AND EMAIL PASSWORD IMMEDIATELY UPON READING THIS. You can possibly save yourself from being hacked and blocked from your email account by doing this.
Please reblog and spread this as fast as you can. Many peoples’ accounts and personal information are at stake and this is a horrific event that is happening. If you know anyone who is being affected ESPECIALLY forward them this post. Thank you all for sharing, and please be safe.
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pulchritudinxus · 8 years
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