pumpedupkids2 · 3 years
Using educational toys to play
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Playing is a big part of children's motor skills, growth, and development. Playing with either parents, other children or even toys is needed for the healthy development of a child. Even researchers state “75 percent of brain development occurs after birth,” and play helps with that development. Playing stimulates the brain through the formation of connections between nerve cells. Stimulating these helps develop fine and gross motor skills. Which are actions like holding a crayon or pencil and jumping or running. It also helps develop language and socialization skills, learn to communicate emotions, to think, and be creative.
For younger children under the age of 2, introducing the right toys and activities to access all the different types of development is a big part of the overall development. For example as a child learns to walk one can incorporate learning numbers by counting steps. Although they won't fully understand they will get familiar with terms. Dolls and stuffed animals can also help with the development by incorporating noises with the dolls and stuffed animals. For example, making the noises of the animal stuffed dolls. Other toys of development are push cars, themed toys/books, and also walkers.
Children over the age of 2 can also build and develop skills but with a different type of play. Children 2 years of age and older are more active. Since they are more active things like basketball hoops, bowling sets, tricycles, and things of that sort can benefit them. Not only are they more active but they are more aware. At this age it would be a great time to start learning cognitive skills like writing their name or drawing images. 
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pumpedupkids2 · 3 years
How Can Child Care Help Children With Social Anxiety
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Social anxiety is a mental health condition. It is the continuous fear of being watched and judged by others which can affect work, school, and other day-to-day activities. It can also make it hard to make and keep friends. This can occur in both adults and children. 
When children have social anxiety they are usually shy, stay away from joining groups, and have very little to no friends. Sometimes they even get physical signs of social anxiety like nausea, stomach aches, and even blushing or trembling but it's not so easy to notice. Some may brush it off thinking it's only shyness and because most children with this disorder are very obiesent and quiet one may feel it's not a problem. Shyness in itself is not a problem only when it stops from everyday activities. 
Putting one's child in child care services would for one, get them out of their comfort zone and with other children and people. With the parents encouragement they'll be able to join and start new activities. It will also give children a place to speak for themselves instead of being sheltered by their parents. With the child care workers' knowledge of the disorder they can adjust and do things such as praise one's child for doing something outside of the social anxiety comfort zone. 
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pumpedupkids2 · 3 years
Starting a Non Profit Organization
When starting a nonprofit organization one must consider a variety of questions. One of those questions is “why” you're starting the non profit organization. Also what is the mission of the organization and what do you want to do with the organization. A few more of the questions when starting a nonprofit organization is, is it practical or viable. And lastly, another big question is, are you willing to stay in compliance. Each of these questions should always be considered in starting a non profit organization before starting the process. Answering these will help one see their own mindset before committing to something that they might not want to do in the long run.  
Running and starting a nonprofit organization is not an easy task. In a nonprofit organization, the owner must  think through how they’ll bring value to the public, obtain funds, attract staff and/or volunteers, build a board of directors, and comply with the various laws that regulate nonprofits. There are also certain steps in starting a non profit organization like finding a name that is appealing and interesting enough to attract attention. Appointing the board of directors is also a task that needs to be completed in starting a nonprofit organization. A board of directors is important because it gives everybody their roles and responsibilities and also gives them the responsibilities of certain legal duties. 
In starting a non profit organization there is a lot of homework to be done especially for the board of directors with learning all of the legal responsibilities. Although it is a nonprofit organization, certain things must be done in order to comply with state laws like taxes, registering with state agencies, annually reporting documents and more. Non Profit organizations usually file for 501(c)(3) tax exempt status which is a nonprofit organization in the federal law of the United States. Applying with the state agencies is also important because they oversee charitable organizations and charitable solicitations for the state. Non profit organizations which is exempt must file a 990 form with the IRS. The 990 form shows finances, activities, governance processes, directors, and key staff, and it is open to public inspection.
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pumpedupkids2 · 3 years
What does a Daycare Worker do?
1. A daycare employee cares for the primary wishes of children, whether it's changing their diapers and getting their food ready. They also hold children to schedules which includes play, nap, and meal times. Adding to that they provide overall supervision, help children with proper hygiene, organize activities, and are basically the substitute while the mother and father of the children aren’t able to be around.
2. Most daycare centers consist of tale time, organization of activities, play time, quiet/intellect-stimulating play, and theatrical/creativity-stimulating play. Some daycare's may also have song and dance time for the duration of the day. For younger children under the age of one, motor abilities are constantly growing so they may be doing a lot of walking, clapping, easy puzzles, and etc. Child care workers are able to make activities that strengthen different abilities and skills in growing children.
3. The different skills that child care workers may strengthen is social skills, self assurance, cognitive skills, and also discipline. Social skills may be teaching children to cope with different people and different personalities and roles of people. Child care workers may also teach self assurance by giving children a safe place for them to be separated away from their parents. Also cognitive and motor skills may be taught by daycare workers. Playing sports or organized outside activities all play a part in cognitive and motor skills. Lastly, discipline may be taught by daycare workers. Teaching children how to behave and also teach responsibilities.
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pumpedupkids2 · 3 years
How Daycare affects kids education and day-to-day actions
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  1. Memory: Children who spent more time in center-based care is played an early advantage. They tended to score higher on standardized tests of short-term memory. ...2. Cognitive development: Sensitive and responsive care-giving leads to academic achievement throughout the primary grades, as measured by tests of math, reading, and such cognitive processes as memory for sentences.3. Social skills: Early positive effects of high-quality care on cooperation, assertion, responsibility, and self control seemed to disappear at later ages—although the researchers point out that long-term positive effects on ...4. Behavior problems: Even high-quality care did not reduce the number of behavior problems among those in childcare.5.Conflictual relationships: More time spent in center-based child-care led to reports of more conflict—with parents and teacher. Work habits: The greater the amount of time children spent in childcare in kindergarten, the more their teachers later reported that they do not work independently, did not use their ...6. Memory: Children who spent more time in center-based care displayed an early advantage. They tended to score higher on standardized tests of short-term memory. 1. Daycare prepares kids for school. Sooner or later, your little one will have to leave the nest for school. If they’ve already been going to daycare for a while by the time preschool or kindergarten rolls around, the transition of leaving home for the day will be easier. 2. Daycare makes kids better communicators. Daycare offers a great opportunity for your kids to socialize at a young age, and in turn, it can help them learn communication skills as well. A study in 2013 found that kids in daycare have an improved ability to “adjust their non-verbal communication to take into account the age of the person they are playing with,” according to Science Daily, likely because they’ve been more exposed to kids of different ages. 3. Kids in daycare are more likely to go on to earn college degrees. A 30-year study led by the FPG Child Development Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found that adults who had been enrolled as infants in a high-quality childcare program were four times more likely to have earned a college degree, and were also more likely to remain consistently employed. www.psychologytoday.com/us/articles/200704/daycare-raising-baby
https://www.workingmother.com/surprising-ways-daycare-is-benefiting-your-kid https://www.simplemost.com/benefits-of-daycare-for-kids
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pumpedupkids2 · 3 years
Is Daycare a good thing for the children?
According to the U.S. Census, 16 percent of babies under the age of 1 are enrolled in center-based day care, while 26 percent of 1- to 2-year-olds are. Adding in family-based day care—day care out of someone’s home—and nannies, 33 percent of children under age 5 are regularly cared for by nonrelatives. This figure doesn’t even include the 18 percent of kids who have multiple child care arrangements. (Moyer,Melinda, 2013).
The problem would be the Cost of day care , the cost of day care can be very overwhelming and can take a toll.
The solution would be to provide a program for Low income families to provide service for them that wont cost them an arm and a leg ,
A few Pros to daycare:
1,Day Care created a scheadule and prepares the child for school.
Day care benefits the cognitive development for the child.
2,Builds gross motor skills and basic fine motor skills.
3.Teaches a child how to interact with their peers so that when they go to school they will not have a problem to get adjusted.
Three cons are :
1.The Cost of Day care, Can be excruciating for some single parents or even a couple who struggle to meet all of their home basic needs,
2. Child is exposed and has a chance of getting sick more than others.
3. Behavior issues can arise and mummy's home schedule for their child can get interrupted.
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pumpedupkids2 · 3 years
The average cost of daycare and how it effects parents.
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The poll surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,120 parents or guardians of children 5 years old or younger and not yet in kindergarten, who receive regularly scheduled care at least once a week from someone other than a parent."Cost continues to be an issue once parents find care, with many saying the cost is a problem for their families," says Gillian SteelFisher, research scientist and deputy director of the Harvard Opinion Research Program and the poll's academic leader. "This is especially true for those who feel their financial situation is not strong."(October 26, 20164:35 AM ET Heard on
Morning Edition
)1. The average cost of daycare is 11,000 dollars a year and the average parent is struggling with how they are able to pay to get there kids to a daycare. Parents are putting most of there monthly pay to afford daycare for their care.  
2. Parents would need to work a full-time job for 30 weeks to afford daycare and it is making it hard for both parents to work. It is said that it would just be cheaper for one parent to stay home that way they do not have to worry about paying for daycare.
3. The worst state for affordable daycare is California and they need to help parents. The states need to figure out a way to help parents so they don't have to spend their whole pay check to afford daycare. They also need to lower the amount for a family to send their child to preschool.  
'We Are Struggling': Cost Of Child Care Strains Many Families : Shots - Health News : NPR
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pumpedupkids2 · 4 years
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