punchiiz3 · 4 years
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punchiiz3 · 4 years
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Translation (by the order of pictures): 3) (purple text) “Do you even realize what he (red text) is?” (green text) “No.” (purple text) “If you think me a monster, then he (red text) is definitely out of bounds for you. You can’t keep it up, Edd, do you hear me? You have no idea who he (red text) is.” 4) Matt: It doesn’t always work like that. You gotta understand, Tom. Tom: Honestly, your philosophizing gave me a stomachache. 5) Tord: And then they fucked. Edd: FOR REAL??!!!!!! Tord: The End. Edd: ALL SEVEN GNOMES?!?!! Tord: Yep. 6) Matt: What are you talking about? I’m the epitome of life!
7)  Tom: So, what’s the upshot? Matt: The upshot? Well, there’s none, I guess. Tom: No point? Matt: No. (Big ominous text: SOMETHING IS COMING) Tom: Are there names then, what do you think? Matt: For the stars? Yes, I bet there are. It’s for convenience anyway. Tom: Pathos. Matt: Pathos. Tom: So much pathos in this.
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punchiiz3 · 4 years
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641 notes · View notes
punchiiz3 · 4 years
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635 notes · View notes
punchiiz3 · 4 years
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punchiiz3 · 4 years
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punchiiz3 · 4 years
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Wanted to redraw a classic image.
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punchiiz3 · 4 years
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Wanted to redraw a classic image.
616 notes · View notes
punchiiz3 · 4 years
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Wanted to redraw a classic image.
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punchiiz3 · 4 years
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Wanted to redraw a classic image.
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punchiiz3 · 4 years
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A batch of Eddsworld doodle requests : )
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punchiiz3 · 4 years
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“I Want To Go Back.”
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punchiiz3 · 4 years
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HORNy boy

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punchiiz3 · 4 years
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punchiiz3 · 4 years
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Damn, i love him with all of my heart
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punchiiz3 · 4 years
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397 notes · View notes
punchiiz3 · 4 years
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Edd was already fed up with his situation. How had it come to this? Well, the events have not happened long ago, they were still fresh in his memory.
And it was that his parents didn’t saw with good eyes that, as he grew up, Edd developed a greater interest in cartoons and comics. Even traditional arts like painting and sculpture were alternatives they were willing to accept for their oldest son, but comics? Animations? He wasn’t even talented enough to stand out from the crowd and have a promising future. This is how, when Edd mentioned his intention to study animation after finishing his studies at school, his father didn’t hesitate to give him an ultimatum:
- Either you choose a traditional career as how it has to be, or you finance them by your own.
Edd already saw that answer coming, so he wasn’t discouraged by his father’s words. In a way he understood his fear, but that wasn’t going to stop him, he would prove to them that he could fulfill his dream with or without their help. He had already planned what to do in advance, because due to the great income of money from his family, he knew that the loan or grant options wouldn’t allow him to cover much of the cost of his studies if he continued living with them, so he was already focused in finding a part-time job. On the other hand, his friends Matt and Tom told him about their intentions to share a flat, in order to live in a more central place. Nothing could go wrong.
But there he was a year later, exhausted from the fifth merchandise landing of the night at the supermarket. Too tired to get home and get on with his college projects, he just wanted a shower and sleep. Wasn’t there another type of work that drained less of his energy? A job that didn’t take up so many hours of his day?
This is how Edd began to investigate in different places, increasingly corrupt sites, until in one of them reached at his ears the information of a certain business that was done in a night pool club, where in exchange for “requests” of clients a good sum of money was paid. Edd hesitated to try after seeing what kind of requests there were, but one in particular caught his eye.
“A guy on my campus constantly harasses me. I have denounced him repeatedly, but I haven’t received a response from the authorities since he has not physically attacked me. I just want to give him the scare of his life so he can leave me alone. I’m scared.“
Edd thought about it for a moment as he looked at the contact number attached to the application and the amount to be received for said service. He was tall, maybe not the most muscular boy, but he had knowledge of fights from his most rebellious school years. Plus, he had a pretty convincing dummy gun. Maybe
 he could try.
When the day came, Edd took one last look at the photo of a blond young man to confirm that it was the same one he was watching casually walking down the sidewalk in front of him. He crossed the street while pulling on his hood and shoved the boy shorter than him into the alley, away from the public view. He grabbed him by the neck almost lifting him off the ground as the guy emitted little screams of terror:
- I know you, George Smith. I know where you live, your boring schedule, and that you were now on your way to see your friends Tyler and Henry at the place a few blocks from here. Too bad I’ll have to spoil your fun.
Wide-eyed in sheer terror, the smaller guy watched as Edd took his gun from his back pocket, pulled the hammer and aimed it at George’s head.
- If I see you near Miss Emily Brown again, I will come for you again, and I will not be alone.
Between screeches and gasps from George from the tight grip, Edd slammed his knee into his stomach, completely knocking the air out of his lungs. Finally, before George could catch his breath, and with one swift movement, Edd hit George over the head with his gun, knocking him out instantly.
The tallest one looked at the scene for a second and felt the adrenaline rush inside him. He has never felt something like this. It reminded him a bit of the school fights of yesteryear but with a much greater intensity. He felt control and uncontrolled at the same time. He liked it.
Slowly, Edd began to take more and more requests from people he called “in a situation of need for not acting of the law” sometimes allying with others like him when the service required more than one individual, and even going so far as to buy a real gun and learn how to use it to take less risk. With this new inflow of money, he could leave his other job since in less hours he was earning much more, he could pay for his studies without problem, improve his work team and pay the rent for his home.
And so he did, the day his new computer and drawing tablet arrived was the happiest day of his life. Tom and Matt were undoubtedly happy for him and when he finally had everything set up he called them over to see his latest model equipment. Edd didn’t expect them to come into his room filming and celebrating the fruit of so much hard work. Between congratulations they took one last photo to keep for the memory.
- Thanks guys. You are the best.
Finally, already in the darkness of the night, an Edd could be seen without being able to sleep. Since, although in a couple of years he should no longer have the need to continue with this work, something had awakened in his being that said that what began as a need, was turning into an obsession.
Well here I brought the first promised backstory. I hope you like it. Please remember that this is fiction and that threatening people is bad, carrying weapons is bad, illegality is bad, etc asdfg.
And there is a small cameo of Ghost Friends since I will be part of the team as a character designer and that makes me happy 💖.
I take this opportunity to comment it is very likely that next week I will open commissions again, but I must adjust the prices and it will be probably 5 slots only for now.
Y para mi gente hispanohablante, abajo del Seguir Leyendo se encuentra la versiĂłn en español 😘
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