pup4chub · 16 days
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It’s Tuesday Knight!
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pup4chub · 1 month
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If I lie down on my back for more than 30 seconds she’s there it’s the comfiest spot in the house
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pup4chub · 1 month
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pup4chub · 1 month
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Any thigh roll fans here ? 👀
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pup4chub · 1 month
Can we see a video of a t shirt that fits you right?
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pup4chub · 2 months
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Truth or dare
Final part
Eli was rudely awoken as Josh plucked him out of his ass and brought him back out into the world. The bright light blinded him after being trapped in the dark so long. “Good morning little man, how was your sleep?”
Eli did his morning stretch “You know me big man, nothing i can’t handle.”
Josh sighed, “Nothing phases you huh?”
Eli shrugged.”I guess not, i mean i’ve never dealt with so much ass before but after the last two days i feel like a pro at this point”
Josh raised an eyebrow “Oh so you think you’re the ass master now?”
Eli chuckled, “Well not to toot my own horn but i’d say so, i’d like to see other tinies go through what i have and live to do it again.”
“Oh is that so?… say you up for one last dare?”
Eli was interested, what more could his giant friend have in store. “You dont even have to ask”
Josh grinned, “You know, Gio and I have been blessed to have these big butts of ours, and you’ve done good to be able to survive both of our asses.But! To consider yourself a pro, I'd like to see how well you can take my dads ass!”
Eli rolled his eyes. “Dude, i don’t see how different it could be.”
Josh scoffed.” Don’t think you know what you’re walking into little man, my dad is on another level if you can survive being under him then i’ll consider you a pro. But if you’re not up for it…”
Eli cut him off. “Now hold on, never said i wasn’t up for it!”
“Ok but! This time you’re on your own, no help from me. You got that?”
“pshh i didn’t need your help the last time anyways, i told you i could’ve lasted as long as Gio wanted to ok? You just set me in place and I'll last however long it takes.”
“Sounds like a done deal then. I’ll place you on the recliner in the living room. He loves sitting in that thing so i’m sure if you wait it out he’ll come around.”
Josh picked Eli up and walked him into the living room. As he’s placed on the seat of the recliner he notices how lumpy the seat was. Josh wasn’t kidding about it being his favorite spot, it seemed like there was a big dent in the middle of the chair. Not only that, a strong smell of musk was present in the fabric.
“Alright. I’ll see you when i see you, don’t let my dad be the one to take you out!” Josh said leaving the tiny alone.
Eli watched Josh leave and his eyes immediately followed down his back. “How can someone have a bigger ass than that?” he thought. But then again he’s never met Josh’s dad, at least in person.
Eli then started to get a little bored, about half an hour passed as he just paced around the seat of the chair waiting. In the distance, he could hear faint but approaching footsteps.
His heart started racing, he put his back against the arm rest to avoid being seen from the side. Eli was not the best at diffrituatuating giant’s footsteps, they all sounded the same to him! As the giant got closer he could hear the giant breathing heavily.
Finally the giant came into view, it was the dad! Eli could see the giant looked exhausted. As he turned around Eli was stunned. He didn’t think it was possible but Josh was right! His ass was fatter than the two brothers combined!
He couldn’t admire for long as the giant began to descend. Without a moment to lose, Eli sprung off the armrest into the middle of the seat. His quick thinking paid off as he successfully got the giant to sit on him.
He felt the ass grind him around as the giant was getting comfortable. “Ugh this stupid recliner is so old, one of the springs must be poking me in the ass.” said the giant dad.
Eli could smell the same scent of musk that was left on the seat coming straight from the giant above him. “Seems like he's really left his mark on this chair.” Eli thought. He had to admit he was getting turned on by the smell, even through the giant's pants he could clearly smell the stink coming off the big man.
Eli was blasted by a strong fart. Josh wasn’t kidding, the smell was worse than what he’s experienced before. His squirming from the smell caused the dad to adjust himself again. “That damn spring is still poking me…”
Another wave hit the tiny man. “WHEW that was a big one” the dad said chuckling to himself. Eli definitely met his match, but he was too determined to give up.
He endured an hour of endless barrage of farts and constant readjusting of the father trying to get comfy. “Alright this is getting ridiculous, what is poking me?”
Finally the dad gave in and stood up to check his seat. As he looked at the big imprint his ass left in the chair he could see little Eli laid flat in the middle.
The father bent down and met Eli at eye level go make sure he wasn’t seeing things. “What the fuck? how’d you get down there? “
Eli was nervous, If he was anything like Gio he won’t believe a word he said. “I’m one of Josh’s friends! It’s nice to meet you Mr… uh..”
“You can call me Joe”
“Right…. i was just um… doing a dare?” it came out sounding more like a question than a statement.
Joe laughed. “You know I think I remember Josh mentioning having a tiny as a friend. When he told me you were spending a couple nights with us i was worried i might step on you, let alone sit on you!”
Eli laughed with him. “Oh don’t worry sir i’m fine see? Nothing i couldn’t handle.”
Joe raised an eyebrow, just like Josh does, Maybe that’s where he got it from.
“Oh really? Even after all those farts?”
Eli shrugged. “Yeah it’s nothing new. Josh thought I would tap out, but there’s no way I would lose to him.”
An evil grin came across Joe’s face. “ I’m assuming the dare isn’t over until you tap out then right?”
“I guess so, we never set any real rules other than i was on my own.”
Joe stood up and began to unbuckle his pants. As he dropped them down he turned around revealing his bright orange underwear.
Eli’s jaw dropped. Joe's ass was so big the underwear was literally ripping at the seam trying to hold it all in. With no warning he plopped down all his weight on Eli.
“What kind of father would i be if i let my son lose? I’ll make sure you tap out!”
“Think you can handle that little man?”
“I can feel you squirming it must be rank down there”
“Oh god that one felt good, still holding up?”
“That one is definitely doing to leave a mark”
Eli was blasted with farts, each one stronger than the last. He could hear Joe laughing above him as he tried his hardest to make Eli forfeit.
“I can still feel you moving. I’m not getting up until you admit defeat!”
A couple minutes of this pass by as Eli can hear another giant approaching.
“Hey E- Oh? Hey dad when did you get home?” Josh said. He came to check up on Eli and see if his dare could even work. As he looked at his father he could see he was in his underwear, although this is nothing new to him. Deep down he knew this had something to do with him finding Eli.
Eli could feel Joe clench his ass as to muffle any scream that came from the tiny. “I would say a couple hours ago? Why?”
“Oh no reason. You… didn’t see my friend around did you? He’s the tiny guy I was telling you about a while ago.”
“No i haven’t but i’ll keep an eye out for him.”
“Alright… we’ll since you’re here I might as well let you know i’m going out with Caleb tonight, he invited me to drinks so I won't be home till late.”
“Sounds good son, have fun!”
Joe finally unclenched, letting Eli breathe. As Joe lifted up he bent down to meet the tiny at eye level again.”Did you hear that little man? Seems like you’re stuck with me until at least tomorrow. Still feel like going through with this dare?”
As much as Eli did not want to continue, he was in too deep. Even if he answered no he had a feeling Joe wouldn’t let him quit anyways. He stood up proud and confident. “You got that right old man, i still got some fight left in me.”
“Ouch that hurts man, just for that i’m going to do this!”. Joe snatched Eli up and swiftly stuff him deep inside his underwear. He pushed him deep in his crack up agaisnt his hole almost pushing in entirely.
“I gotta admit Eli. You’re pretty brave to be so tiny and feisty. If you thought the last couple hours was rough, the rest of tonight i s going to be twice as worse for you.”
The smell of sweat and shit was intense. It made Eli feel nauseous as he tried to stay conscious.
“Not putting up much of a fight now are you? Let me finish it off.”
a 10 second blast came at Eli straight from the source. This was finally enough to make the tiny pass out.
Joe clenched around Eli. “Feel like he’s passed out. Maybe i should take him out and give him to Josh….” he thought. “But actually… there’s no end to this little game. I’ll take him out when i feel like it then “
3 days pass by and Josh is starting to get concerned. He felt awkward asking his dad if he’s currently sitting on his friend at the time but he should’ve asked. A knock at his door startled him, as he went to open he looked around and didn’t see anyone. As he looked down he saw Eli.
Immediately he picked him and was grateful he was still alive. “Oh god i thought you were done for. What happened?”
Eli on the other hand had the biggest grin on his face. Josh already knew.
“No way… did you actually enjoy being stuck with my dad for three days?”
“You know me big man, there’s not an ass in this world that can break me. Although his was ass was a lot more juicer than yours… and his-
“Gross! I’m not trying to hear about my dads ass like that man!”
“Sorry but i’m keeping it real!”
Eli then nudged his thumb. “Alright big man, i wanna hear you say it.”
Josh rolled his eyes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh but i think you do!
Josh bit his lip. “Ugh fine…. as much as this deeply pains me. You win.”
Eli fist bumped the air. “You got that right big man, #1 ass master Eli!!”
Josh laughed. “Not sure if that’s a title you should be bragging about. “
“Whatever man you’re just jealous.” Eli said, sticking his tongue out.
The smell from Eli finally hit Joshs nose. It made him gag as he covered his nose to protect himself.
“Ah gross man you smell worse than last time! You need to take a bath immediately. I probably gotta wash my had now too yuck.”
“Alright but you already know i’m scared of falling down the drain, that’s one thing i can admit.”
Josh began to smirk. “Oh i think the upstairs shower is free, do you wanna go there.”
“Dude i see what you’re trying to do. You just want to use me as a sponge just say that.”
Josh began to blush. “Alright but i’m taking my time in there you got that?”
“Fine by me, you know what i’m capable off” Eli said smirking back at him.
The two showered again once more. As they finished Josh offered to walk Eli home, both agreeing on the condition of Eli being inside the giant's underwear for “safety” reasons. Their final act in the long game of truth or dare
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pup4chub · 2 months
Covering my belly in lube and giving it a good play. Full video on my OF link in bio😊
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pup4chub · 2 months
Gotta lotion up the belly, right? Can someone get my back ? 😏
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pup4chub · 2 months
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Was feeling big last night. :B
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pup4chub · 2 months
More bounce for the ounce.
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pup4chub · 2 months
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Pics from San Diego Pride 2011
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pup4chub · 2 months
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Extra soft
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pup4chub · 2 months
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pup4chub · 2 months
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pup4chub · 2 months
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359 notes · View notes
pup4chub · 2 months
I really stuffed myself at the buffet, I can’t move … what should I get for dessert ? 😈🐽
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pup4chub · 2 months
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Donut breakfast, breakfast of champions.
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