puppyinasock · 1 hour
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puppyinasock · 1 hour
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puppyinasock · 1 hour
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listen i do not mean this in a furry way at all and i know the actual tread of this would be ass but let me say. i would very much like it if there were boots that made animal tracks instead of boot tracks. i just think thatd be neat
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puppyinasock · 1 hour
One of the biggest missed potentials for Danny Phantom was the fact that they basically never included any extinct animals ever. I am still bamboozled on how they never thought to make a ghost T.rex attack Amity Park or have Danny fly by a giant dunkleosteus in the ghost zone (although it would have been before we shrunk the dunk).
Even more shockingly I haven't seen any extinct animals in any fics or fanart. Where are all of the paleo nerds jam-packing their fanworks with as many obscure animals as possible? Next time I draw DP I'm putting a heterodontosaurus in the background.
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puppyinasock · 1 hour
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puppyinasock · 1 hour
You ever have a random thought that's not intrusive, but somehow simultaneously so instinctive and so detached from your regular everyday life, that you vaguely figure it was probably just an ancestral spirit possessing you for a second?
I was baking an apple pie for fun, freehanding cardamom by vibes alone. And a thought pops into my head, must not be wasteful with them, spices are expensive. And I had to halt right there for a second. Why would I feel financial guilt about the amount of seasoning in homemade goods, when I spend money on far more frivolous shit every single day? My own weight in cinnamon would cost less than my rent.
Thank you for your concern, Maarit from the 1600s, but trust me, we're good. I can measure this cardamom with my heart and not the scale.
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puppyinasock · 1 hour
wait do those tin can phones really work?? I thought this was all a myth.
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puppyinasock · 2 hours
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puppyinasock · 2 hours
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The empire will always been canon in my heart
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puppyinasock · 3 hours
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this is not even canon, we did this in March 2023, so like,, a lot has change ever since
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puppyinasock · 3 hours
but i stay silly! *←said in the most world-weary voice you ever did hear*
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puppyinasock · 3 hours
Back in 2017 I signed up for one of the Cards Against Humanity sillies and did their Cards Against Humanity Saves America. Basically they were like fuck Tr*mp and his border wall and used the funds from the campaign to buy land and to make all 150,000 contributors part owners of said land across the US/Mexico border.
It was fun and silly and I got a little certificate.
Today I got an email that Elon Musk illegally annexed that land for SpaceX and that CAH are suing him over it. So possibly I’ll get like $100 if they manage to win a lawsuit and stick it to Musk. It’s like even more bang for my original buck.
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puppyinasock · 22 hours
unskilled labor? noo you misheard. i said shes unfilled. lay her.
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puppyinasock · 22 hours
i sincerely believe that anyone who says "oh you can't cook with a microwave, you should only be cooking with the stove / toaster oven, everything you make in a microwave is gross" has never bothered to actually learn how to use the microwave for cooking.
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puppyinasock · 22 hours
Kind of a Reddit AITA post but sometimes it is a little funny to fuck with people in ways that deliberately conform to a stereotype of what they must think of you. the other day I was talking to my friend and I randomly said that I wanted a pet chimpanzee. I'd dress it in person clothes (dungarees and hats) and I'd teach it to love science fiction. And this girl nearby was like "you know how dangerous those things are, right? Also how unethical it is to keep an ape as your pet for your own amusement" and I was already seeing where the conversation was going so I was pretending ignorance like "yea but it wouldn't just be for my amusement. It would have practical points too." And she ignored that statement entirely to say "Well chimpanzees can rip faces off" and I was like. What's the most frustrating thing I can say now. Finally settled on "Mine wouldn't do that though." and you could tell she wanted to hurt me very very badly. Like a chimpanzee would if I had one as a pet
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puppyinasock · 22 hours
So I figure if you abolish the police, you just end up with millions of angry, unemployed racist guys with weapons training, which doesn't sound conducive to stability; so under my new plan, you keep the police but you take away their actual policing powers and force different police departments to fight each other to the death for the public amusement. Who would win, the LAPD or the NYPD? Surely an armed battle in the desert would settle this, and generate respectably high viewership numbers as well.
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puppyinasock · 22 hours
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