pupyzu18 · 2 years
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wickedwhimsmodic || basementaldrugsmodic
wickedwhimsmodic (wicked - whims - mod - ick) : a gender connected/related to the wicked whims sims 4 mod.
basementaldrugsmodic (basement - all - drugs - mod - ick) : a gender connected/related to the basemental drugs sims 4 mod.
flag/term created by me !
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pupyzu18 · 2 years
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cannabisculturagic (ah - vees - cultura - jick) : a gender related to cannabis horticulture: the art or science of cultivating cannabis. this may be considered an AGRIN gender.
flag/term created by me !
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pupyzu18 · 2 years
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hippiehallucigic || hippiehighic || hippietrippic
hippiehallucigic : a gender connected/related to hippie aesthetics and hallucinogens/hallucinogenic drugs.
hippiehighic : a gender connected/related to hippie aesthetics and getting high, being high, highs themselves, etc.
hippietrippic : a gender connected/related to hippie aesthetics and drug trips of some kind, tripping on drugs, etc.
etymology : -hallucigic / -highic / -trippic by @page-2-ids
colors : outer colors from the hippieaesic flag
flags/terms created by me !
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pupyzu18 · 2 years
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Stonerflux: A gender that fluctuates in intensity based off of how stoned/high on marijuana/weed one is (doesn’t have to be higher = weaker and more sober = stronger, just fluctuating/changing in tandem some how)
Potfluid: A gender that’s fluid between marijuana/weed related genders
Stonerflux comes from a common name for people who use weed a lot (stoners) a flux, to indicate gender fluctuation Potfluid comes from a semi-common name for weed (pot) and fluid, to indicate gender fluidity
The colors are green to represent weed in general and the wave pattern in general are meant to represent smoke floating up. For Stonerflux, the gray parts are meant to represent smoke, as smoking is a common way to get high on weed.
I’ll post a list of weed-related pronouns later that double as suggested pronouns for these (and any of my other weed-related genders, alongside any of that gender’s specific pronouns)
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pupyzu18 · 2 years
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Potheadaesic: A gender related to the pothead aesthetic
Stoneraesic: A gender related to the stoner aesthetic
Ganjaaesic: A gender related to the ganja aesthetic
Names are pretty much [name of aesthetic] + aesic
No suggested pronouns since it’s kinda broad (Plus I feel like it’s kinda hard to do pronouns for genders that are just related to an aesthetic and not the things shown in it, ya know?)
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pupyzu18 · 2 years
That List of Weed Pronouns I Promised Y’all a Few Months Back
Under the cut for drug mentions + probably length, IDK, I write these before I make the full posts
Keep reading
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pupyzu18 · 2 years
& alt flags:
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redmarlcigareic || goldmarlcigareic
redmarlcigareic : a gender related to marlboro red cigarettes.
goldmarlcigareic : a gender related to marlboro gold cigarettes.
etymology : -marlcigareic by @page-2-ids
colors : picked from packs
flags/terms created by me !
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pupyzu18 · 2 years
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redmarlcigareic || goldmarlcigareic
redmarlcigareic : a gender related to marlboro red cigarettes.
goldmarlcigareic : a gender related to marlboro gold cigarettes.
etymology : -marlcigareic by @page-2-ids
colors : picked from packs
flags/terms created by me !
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pupyzu18 · 2 years
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pridom || domcesse || royaldom
pridom (pri - dom) : a gender connected to being a dom prince; this gender is connected to being a dom, dom aesthetics, prince aesthetics, and non-binary boyhood.
domcesse (dom - cess) : a gender connected to being a dom princess; this gender is connected to being a dom, dom aesthetics, princess aesthetics, and non-binary girlhood.
royaldom (royal - dom) : a gender connected to being dom royalty; this gender is connected to being a dom, dom aesthetics, royal aesthetics, and being non-binary.
flags/terms created by me ; genderdom
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pupyzu18 · 2 years
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priverseric || versericesse || royalverseric
priverseric (pri - verseric) : a gender connected to being a verse prince; this gender is connected to being a verse, verse aesthetics, prince aesthetics, and non-binary boyhood.
versericesse (verseric - cess) : a gender connected to being a verse princess; this gender is connected to being a verse, verse aesthetics, princess aesthetics, and non-binary girlhood.
royalverseric (royal - verseric) : a gender connected to being verse royalty; this gender is connected to being a verse, verse aesthetics, royal aesthetics, and being non-binary.
flags/terms created by me ; verseric
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pupyzu18 · 2 years
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prisub || subcesse || royalsub
prisub (pri - sub) : a gender connected to being a sub prince; this gender is connected to being a sub, sub aesthetics, prince aesthetics, and non-binary boyhood.
subcesse (sub - cess): a gender connected to being a sub princess; this gender is connected to being a sub, sub aesthetics, princess aesthetics, and non-binary girlhood.
royalsub (royal - sub) : a gender connected to being sub royalty; this gender is connected to being a sub, sub aesthetics, royal aesthetics, and being non-binary.
flags/terms created by me ; gendersub
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pupyzu18 · 2 years
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bigenstoneric || abigenstoneric
bigenstoneric : a bigender which is related to being a stoner.
abigenstoneric/bxgenstoneric/biagenstoneric/librabigenstoneric : an abigender which is related to being a stoner.
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pupyzu18 · 2 years
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