purebloodedmuttx-blog · 11 years
When Sirius was fifteen going back to Hogwarts was his goal most of the summer vacation. Though when he had been given the decision to go to school with his hair cut or not be allowed to go back. She had that power over him and thus... He ended up cutting his hair.
Though the only problem was she never said he couldn't grow a beard. So in losing his long locks he gained a goatee he sported rather well.
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purebloodedmuttx-blog · 11 years
Hogwarts home for all
"And here we are another year and another chance for Prongsy there to try and get Even's to love him." Sirius said teasing his best mate as they walked into the great hall for the first time in their sixth year. James being all gun-ho to go after Lily after a summer without her it was almost comical to see him running off as the flash of red hair caught his attention. The games had begun! 
Shaking his head Sirius couldn't be bothered chasing a bird. After all he was still young and honestly he didn't want to be held down by anyone. It was like walking into another trap. His mother had trapped his father and his brother after all. Why would he let another women trap him into their claw's and make a fool of himself? No. He'd rather love a thousand woman for one night then one for a thousand years. It was the sad truth of Sirius Black that he craved loved and yet never allowed anyone close enough to love him where it could hurt. Looking around the hall as he saw his fellow sixth year's and a few younger girl's who had been waiting for a chance to come after him. Oh yes. Another year of warm sheets.
Sitting at the Gryffindor table with Remus across him and Peter scurrying off he sighed as he waited for the headmaster's speech as well as the sorting hat to get on with his job. He just wanted to eat some dinner, go to the dorms to unpack and then sleep. He was tired from the night before he left as his mother had thrown him out again on his ass. After he had gone to get his thing's she had heard he was home and took it upon herself to knock him around. Might have cracked a rib which he was currently holding as he tried not to breath to hard.
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purebloodedmuttx-blog · 11 years
Walking into the place he didn't know what they were selling or really why he walked into the place.. Granted he didn't care what they sold anymore then who he worked for as long as he could have a paycheck and get a place till James could help him. That was something of a loose plan. Since he did enjoy the states more then England. The place was less stuffy about social conduct and really he did enjoy the clothing along with the culture it held. So much mixed up mashed up of a mess it was, but he fit in.
Hearing the girl who was working there come forth and speak he turned to see she was pretty. Very low key in her appearance, but she was soft on the eyes. Smirking he could tell that was a fake smile. He knew them well enough since he had been doing it himself since he could remember. Otherwise mummy would have whacked him around a bit more for not putting on a good front in public. Nodding his head as he glanced around Sirius shrugged. "Just curious if you had an opening for a job... I can do anything you like and willing to do anything needed. By the way I'm Sirius, Sirius Black." he said holding his hand out to her. His accent was thick, but it would be to anyone not from home.
Running a hand through his hair as he had grown it out he wondered if he'd have to cut it again... Cause honestly he would be ten times pissed if he had gone through all this trouble just to lose it. But, that was besides the point. Where he stood in the whole of thing's he needed to get himself together before worrying about his hair.
Only in the USA! | AU!No Magic
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purebloodedmuttx-blog · 11 years
{ - Out Of Firewhiskey -}
Okay... I've been up since the BF left me for two weeks for work. Which was at two this morning and it's freaking past seven in the morning. So I am going to go to bed since Sirius has already left me to snuggle up to a bottle of the firewhsikey. freaking drunk he is sometimes. G'morning loves and I'll be back later... Maybe. 
If not it's internet issues. Never know.
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purebloodedmuttx-blog · 11 years
[ ooc ] Holy jesus... My feels. OMG! MY FEELS! This video just ripped open a bigger hole that was once there in my heart for this fucking show!
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purebloodedmuttx-blog · 11 years
Only in the USA! | AU!No Magic
"Are you fucking kidding me!? You're that much a bitch aren't you?" Sirius Black said with his upper lip twitching as his credit card had just been denied. Granted he had been hoping his mum wouldn't be the wiser when it came to him leaving England and going all the way across the ocean during the summer just to get away from her. After all she had been nagging at him to get the hell out of the house and honestly he'd been trying. It just wasn't easy when he wasn't sure what Remus was going to do with his illness getting worse and he knew James was moving in with Lily. So he was screwed pretty much on all sides. Sure he could easily gather a few school mates, but he didn't want to be close enough to home nor did he want people he didn't know as well as his best mates.
Hearing the nagging bitch on the other line the nineteen year old growled as he could hear her next phrase coming. "Well why don't you stay there and learn how to be a man! At least Regulus know's how to get a pay check!" She shrieked and he had enough of this. Cocking a brow as he looked at the screen of his cell he just couldn't take anymore of her bitching. He couldn't deal with her comparing him to his younger brother who really only worked to show he could be even more perfect in their parents eyes. Licking his lips as he pushed the end button he would have thrown his phone. Chuck it into the side of a building somewhere just so he'd not have to hear from her again, but he knew better. He'd need it when he did have money so he could call James to help him out. Since... He was stuck.
Sighing hard as he pocket his phone and lifted his bag up onto his shoulder he glanced around. He was in the shop area and he had to find himself a job... Why not somewhere in here? He had paid for the room he was staying at for the month and he just needed to save the money he made so he could maybe get an apartment. Still he doubted the prices would be any better in the states then they were in jolly old England. 
Heading to one he hoped the girl working the place was nice and could help him out. If anything he might even get her number. Who knew? He had been known to get a few number's simply walking by. 
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purebloodedmuttx-blog · 11 years
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purebloodedmuttx-blog · 11 years
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"Overall I enjoy a certain anonymity. I live a very normal, very ordinary life."
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purebloodedmuttx-blog · 11 years
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And you can always find them, in here.
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purebloodedmuttx-blog · 11 years
Arching a brow over to Mallie he couldn't help shaking his head as she was a bit of a neat freak about her thing's. Well he shouldn't expect less from Professor McGonagall's daughter, but that was besides the point. As he was about to tie his hair off he quickly realized that it was all cut off... His mum had made him do it after five years of growing it out she'd had enough and here he was short haired, but with a beard. Might as well get her in some way he figured.
Checking his broom he pulled his gloves on as he sighed. "Well then hopefully that work you've done will do some good. otherwise James might have your head next to mine. C'mon. I can help you out before beating a bludger around for an hour." He said with a smirk as he knew no one else was coming out today. He had figured it would be him alone, but obviously Mallie was here and he couldn't let her practice alone.
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purebloodedmuttx started following you
Mallie blushed a bit when he called her love. Sirius alway knew how to charm girls, even someone who was more focused on books than boys, not that it stopped her from staring him down a bit when he took his school shirt off, only to replace it with his practice clothes. She shook off the awkward grin as soon as it had come on, undoing her braid, her hair going loose as she prepared to put it up in a bun for quidditch.
"Same as you. Wanted to make sure my broom was in tip top shape for the match. I was starting to slow down a bit with how messy my broom tail has gotten these past few practices." The last practice, leaving her soaked from head to toe was definitely what has caused her broom to get so messy and damaged. Nothing a little weather proofing wouldn’t fix."  
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purebloodedmuttx-blog · 11 years
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purebloodedmuttx-blog · 11 years
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Bmore 2011: Remus and Siriusby *stratosmacca
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purebloodedmuttx-blog · 11 years
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Remus Lupin and Sirius Black - 1980 - taken by Lily Evans
Marlene had just been found dead.  Sirius had been a member of the team that had been sent after her, when she had failed to check in with Dumbledore.
No one knew what to say when they returned and Sirius had wandered off by himself.
Remus was the only one who understood that Sirius didn’t need words; he needed touch, comfort, someone to hold him.
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purebloodedmuttx-blog · 11 years
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purebloodedmuttx-blog · 11 years
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purebloodedmuttx-blog · 11 years
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purebloodedmuttx-blog · 11 years
Oh Moony~
Sitting in the Gryffindor common Room Sirius was bored out of his mind. Not like he could go and pull a prank with James since the poor sod had gotten himself caught and was serving detention with Slughorn. Though he wouldn't be surprise if he was trying to get in good with Evan's as she was part of Slughorn's group of perfect students. Sighing softly he really hated knowing he was losing time with James. Sure he was happy the silly bastard was getting somewhere with his ginger love, but his best friend was starting to forget him it seemed. All he could hear was his mother's annoying voice along with his brother's snicker's of how he was a useless bastard. Not fit to even to be categorize as the scum of the world.
Then again he'd rather be at the lowest reaches of hell then be involved with his family. Scrubbing his face as he rolled off the couch of the common room and landed in a crouch he got to his feet before he decided to see what Moony was up to. After all with how the other had been going it would be about coffee time. Smirking as he walked around the couch an jogged up the stairs he paused at their door. Ruffling his hair as his mother had him cut it before going to school he sighed. It was that or he'd be locked up in that house and not permitted to go to school. That was not happening.
Licking his lips he opened the door to their dorm and smirked seeing Remus was deeply into a book. If it wasn't a book it was homework and if not that the poor fella was sleeping. Slipping into the room he shut the door quietly as to not get Remus on his arse for being loud before walking over and casually leaning on one of the four bed post. Coking a brow he could see Remus was doing one of his 'light reading' and he shook his head. 
"Remus.... Wanna go get some coffee? Or not and I'll bribe you with chocolate. Your choice."
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