purezaexistencial · 6 years
“Wednesday mornings, I spend the daylight snipping back the lilac tree. I thread the ends of a lavender bundle and hang it by the window to dry. The dog follows me out to the garden and lays under the yellow sun, dreams of deep mud puddles to roll in; and I am lost in the growing green leaves coming to life. I am lost in the glossy, ruby-backed beetles, the little green fingers of the sweet peas that wrap around the trellis. The garden thrives in all the simplicity I lack.”
— Schuyler Peck, Drying Lavender (via schuylerpeck)
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purezaexistencial · 6 years
“ i think i found true love.
it’s not a prince or a princess
it’s me.
it’s my scarred skin and
it’s my bad taste in music and
it’s my excitement over small things in life.
it’s knowing myself better than anyone.
it’s understanding my limits and
it’s knowing when to push them.
it’s not being quite sure what the future holds
and just knowing
that i am enough.
i am sufficient. “
-j.e.b. ((i am strong.))
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purezaexistencial · 6 years
from your friendly neighborhood librarian:
all books are good books.  you are not a “lesser reader” if you only read manga or comic books or a “better reader” for reading academic heavy texts.
reading is reading no matter what it is, be it a graphic novel, a romance, a classic, an audiobook, a picture book, a cookbook, fanfiction, fucking whatever, read what makes you happy
reading is supposed to be fun and don’t let elitism sap any joy out of it
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purezaexistencial · 7 years
Do not tell everyone your story. You will only end up feeling more rejected. People cannot give you what you long for in your heart. The more you expect from people’s response to your experience of abandonment, the more you will feel exposed to ridicule.
Henri J.M. Nouwen | wnq-quoteoftheday (via fyp-psychology)
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purezaexistencial · 7 years
A Ășnica arma tecnolĂłgica que teve um efeito importante na guerra em 1914-8 foi o submarino, pois os dois lados, incapazes de derrotar os soldados um do outro, decidiram matar de fome os civis do adversĂĄrio. Como todos os suprimentos da GrĂŁ-Bretanha  eram transportados por mar, parecia factĂ­vel estrangular as ilhas britĂąnicas mediante uma guerra submarina cada vez mais implacĂĄvel contra os navios.
Eric Hobsbawm, Era dos Extremos, Companhia das Letras, 2002, p.36
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purezaexistencial · 7 years
Contudo, Marx e os outros profetas da desintegração dos velhos valores e relaçÔes sociais tinham razão. O capitalismo era uma força revolucionadora e contínua. Claro que ela acabaria por desintegrar mesmo as partes do passado pré-capitalista que antes achava convenientes, ou até mesmo essenciais, para seu próprio desenvolvimento: acabaria serrando pelo menos um dos galhos em que se assentava.
Eric Hobsbawm, Era dos Extremos, Companhia das Letras, 2002, p.25
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