purityran · 4 months
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No matter how buried it gets, or how lost you feel, you must promise me that you will hold on to hope. Keep it alive. We have to be greater than what we suffer.
indie. priv. selective. gwen stacy of earth-65 & earth-616. minors dni. promo by @romysrsrcs. ghosted saved by kaliya.
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purityran · 6 months
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They kept saying, “Time heals all wounds.” But that’s a lie. Time is the wound.
𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔢𝔰𝔢𝔴𝔫. 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐚 𝐬𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐚 𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧. 𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢-𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞. 𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢-𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩. 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐝𝐧𝐢. 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐤𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐲𝐚. 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲𝟒.
Takes you further and further from that place when you were happy.
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purityran · 7 months
source. (damn. mari's is ... intense?)
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purityran · 7 months
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and if you are feeling sinister, go off and see a minister, he'll try in vain to take away the pain of being a hopeless unbeliever!
a silly little writing blog :) penned by romy :)
> carrd. promo creds. <
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purityran · 7 months
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Valentine's Starter Call. [Accepting.] @scinglives
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⸻ ❝ You and Mickey doin' anything to celebrate tonight? ❞
Mariana browses Henrik's as she speaks to Rose; doing her best to seem like a regular customer rather than a personal friend so managers don't get irritated at Rose for chatting too much on the job. Valentine's Day was something that seemed to be important everywhere she went. Los Angeles to London, everyone was caught up in the energy of the love-filled holiday.
Mariana tried to suppress her slight Southern California accent, one that she'd adamantly deny having. She was from Oregon after all, wouldn't that take precedence over the cities she lived the past 3 years. Then she wound up in London, where she stuck out like a sore thumb.
❝ If not ... I found something cool to do 'round 7 o'clock tonight. ❞ She grins. ❝ Apparently this art gallery does a special event every Valentine's Day for just a few hours. It sounded pretty ace. That's ... how you use 'ace,' right? ❞
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purityran · 7 months
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Valentine's Starter Call. [Accepting.] @scftheartiisms
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⸻ A brown paper bag practically overflowing with red tissue paper awkwardly passes hands; Mariana pretends it's one of many gifts she's given on this day of love, but it's the only thing she's made.
❝ Someone told me that, um, that today isn't just about romantic love. ❞ Mariana clears her throat, finding the paintings on the wall to be far more interesting than the girl in front of her — or perhaps, she was just nervous? ❝ And, um. Well, you've become like a sister to me, so ... go ahead and open it. ❞ A beat. Once Valerie's attention is on the bag, rather than on her, she adds another statement. ❝ I love you. ❞
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purityran · 7 months
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⸻ ❝ Oh ... it's not-? ❞ She can't hide the disappointment in her voice as she flips the case of Hanging Rock over. ❝ ...but it said a bunch o' girls go missing. I thought it'd be, I dunno, slasher-y. Or something. ❞
She'll look up at him, smiling politely as he hands her My Bloody Valentine. This seemed promising. Something exciting enough to focus on with enough blood and thrill to distract her from how lonely this day of the year was. It wasn't like she was especially romantic or anything, but you could only see so many couples holding hands before you realized how empty yours were.
❝ Hmm. Bride of Chucky ... that one sounds familiar. It's the one with the dolls, right? [...] Probably better to watch a horror-romance with a plus one though, don'cha think? I mean, if I have to think about how a serial killing piece of plastic has a better love life than me, well, there are better ways to spend the holiday. ❞ She clears her throat; changing the subject. ❝ Thanks for the rec, though. This one seems cool. Haven't heard of this or the hospital one before. ❞ 
Looking over both cases in her hands, she decides internally that she'll most likely rent them both. Mysteries can be fun in their own right. And if there are any religious themes, they'll be especially terrifying for her -- it'll be like cinematic exposure therapy. Maybe she'll pick up.a third film as a chaser: some feel-good flick to balance things out. She even considers grabbing something out of her comfort zone, which brings her mind back to something she'd noticed prior to their conversation.
❝ There's gonna be a lot of Scorpios this year. The adult section was a barren wasteland today. Not that I was, I mean. I wasn't looking over there. I just noticed when I was browsing the shelf next to—. I'm no Valentine's hater, it just feels like a bit much. ❞ 
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of all days to not complain about working —— this day in specific would certainly take the cake , and he would find himself somewhat grateful for the distraction. of course , it couldn't possibly distract from the holiday itself ; the reminders were in every corner in the form of cheap party store decorations and in every film brought to the counter. but it gave him something to do , aside from moping in the dark cave of his bedroom by himself. the drawback would be the amount of couples entering the store hand in hand [ ... ] it was impossible to entirely avoid the thought of being single during the worst time of the year.
cheesy rom-coms were by far the most popular choice [ ... ] but don't worry , he's been taking a mental note of all the genres that were brought to the front for the last couple of hours —— making a game out of creating a backstory for each customer based on their selections. how they were going to be spending their night. it only made sense that titles with the words busty and hot were second runner ups and giving the romance section a run for its money ; or playmate of the year if they considered themselves too classy. those cases , however , were more difficult to decipher. whether they'd be alone for the evening... or in great company. but nevertheless —— he was keeping himself entertained on the clock at the expense of others.
a stack of returns was securely kept in place against his side beneath the weight of his arm as he roamed through aisles. busy pushing dvds into their designated slots and moving on to the next [ ... ] but his rush to get it over with always became much less urgent in the horror section. taking his time to look over for anything new that he might have overlooked —— or for anything that he might want to take home for himself. the voice nearby would suddenly drag him out of his thoughts ; and upon realizing they were meant for him , he turned to find her. lips initially parting to give response at the first half [ ... ] but she kept going.
neck gave a small tilt to get a better look at the film she currently had tucked away and he shook his head once getting the hint that she was done —— another shove went into the shelf. ❛❛ hanging rock isn't scary. ❜❜ it's stated painfully matter of fact [ ... ] not in a way meant to make her doubt her decision ; but he was nothing if not strongly opinionated. ❛❛ if you're lookin' for bloody and scary —— my bloody valentine is a classic. ❜❜ he'll turn away to allow painted index finger to browse for only a moment before pulling the 1981 film in question and handing it out towards her. ❛❛ hospital massacre is kind of the same vibe... but if you've never seen either , bloody valentine is definitely better. ❜❜ glancing back at the rows surrounding them ; he finished off the last case in his grip. ❛❛ and it doesn't take place on valentine's day but... bride of chucky is kinda romantic. ❜❜
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purityran · 7 months
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⸻ ❝ See, I want to say yes. ❞ 
Mariana pokes her tongue into her left cheek, a touch too far. It pulls at her skin and stings. She knows the feeling of not wanting things to get too serious; to be fearful of anything meaning too much before you knew what you were getting into ... before they knew the darkness that intertwined with your love; brambles and thorns that guard sweet summer berries, marking up the innocent hands of the hungry.
❝ But, the truth is: I can dish it, but I can't take it. I mean, I'll ghost for a million reasons, but if someone leaves me alone, I overthink. ❞ She shrugs. ❝ I mean, I wouldn't mind if you did it because I know that you do that ... but when it isn't someone's usual pattern, or I don't know that it is, my brain puts in for overtime at the dumb bitch factory. ❞
"is it just me or do you like, ever---....hope that the person your talkin' to ghosts you first?" she'll give a nervous grin, head tilting to the side. she knows how absolutely insane that sounds but she doesn't seem to care all that much. "'cause like---...you don't want it to be that serious but like, yanno---....you don't wanna keep being the bad guy?" // open rp.
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purityran · 7 months
I feel like Mariana would listen to a lot of Djo, especially in an altered state.
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purityran · 7 months
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⸻ ❝ . . . ❞
Her dry delivery only serves to cover the ignorance innocence her previously sheltered life curse her with. She often felt like an alien; not understanding euphemisms or pop culture iconography. Why wouldn't she have believed the guy she'd been on a couple non-committal dates with wouldn't want to give her some pearls for Valentine's Day? It was a cute gesture, wasn't it? Pearls were Old Hollywood glamour; they were retro; they were an element she hadn't tried working into her designs.
What a rude awakening.
❝ I mean, yeah. ❞ She pauses for a beat. ❝ Not his best angle, though. [...] Besides, isn't it supposed to be, like, good for your skin? ❞ She fishes a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket, reaching her other arm out towards him. Her hand opens and closes twice as she looks from his lighter to him; silently asking to borrow it. ❝ I mean, personally? A chocolate covered strawberry or, I dunno, a coffee with that corny heart-shaped foam art? Would've been nice. Or, uh, twenty bucks. Every holiday should involve giving me twenty bucks. I've earned it. ❞ 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ﹙ MARIANA ﹚ when he said he would give me a pearl necklace, i thought i was getting actual jewelry. | | | | | | @purityran.
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there's a moment of silence lingering between them as the statement sits perched in the air —— only a fleeting second of confusion etching his otherwise resting expression. but it wouldn't take too long before he realized where exactly she had gotten lost in translation , and his face twisted into something that was mixed with aversion and amusement [ ... ] resulting in scrunched features and a smile threatening corners of a slightly parted mouth. ❛❛ oh... nice. ❜❜ but perhaps that's where she went wrong —— who the fuck still wears pearls these days? at least the name offered an aura of romance ; for an act that could be considered.... well , less than.
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filter of cigarette was tucked between pierced lips [ ... ] the clutch of chapped skin and saliva keeping it hanging in place as he decided to pose his muffled inquiry and inevitably feed into curiosity. ( it didn't feel too inappropriate , ) seeing as she was the one to bring it up in the first place. he was just that nosey. hand brought his lighter towards the end of the stick without yet igniting the flame as he studied her. ❛❛ did you let him? ❜❜
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purityran · 7 months
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Valentine's Starter Call. [Accepting.] @coastercrushed
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⸻ It's embarrassing. In fact, she feels stupid doing this at all. It's her first time giving someone Valentine's Day chocolates and she's not even ALIVE to celebrate it. And if he didn't appreciate the sentiment, she'd still have to see him every day after this ... unless she walked outside of the park in broad daylight. Fantastic.
Mariana avoids eye-contact as she shoves the heart shaped box at his chest.
❝ ... I asked Vee to get these for you, so you should probably thank her. ❞ She looks down at her shoes, then back to the box. ❝ Happy Valentine's Day. ❞
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purityran · 7 months
i had to cancel my valentines day plans because i woke up very sick :')
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purityran · 7 months
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Valentine's Starter Call. [Accepting.] @00sgoth
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⸻ She peruses the video store; scanning the shelves for something worthwhile. She wanted something that registered as at least semi-romantic, but also wasn't looking for something that'd make her feel too lonely. Valentine's Day was just another day in the week. She enjoyed the holiday for the most part; dark chocolate and strawberries were plentiful and flowers always brightened her apartment.
However, she wasn't one to celebrate. ( She was consistently single this time of year and had found that the faux-romantic first dates leading to lack-luster one night stands weren't cutting it for her anymore. ) Mariana figured she'd just enjoy her own company, get a little high, and watch a movie tonight. Maybe she'd even treat herself to a massage later on. She did just get paid.
The rental store was pretty picked over. Seeing the 'adult' section throughly combed over was enough to make her chuckle: clearly, someone's vanilla-ass dad was about to get his world rocked. After a very mild wince, she made her way to another section.
Picnic at Hanging Rock took place on Valentine's Day, right? She tucks it under her arm, but continues her search for the right movie. Her knowledge of film and pop culture was seriously lacking, so she found herself asking the guy working there for help. She wanted something thrilling; something worth renting.
❝ Hey, you know movies right? ❞ Idiot. ❝ I mean. Obviously you do, you work here. Look. I want something bloody that takes place on Valentine's Day. Y'know. Something scary? I wanna participate in today's festivities... but I don't want to watch a flick that makes me cry or has super corny writing. I, I picked this up earlier, but it's more of a mystery, I think. Do you know any titles that fit that? Like, I dunno. A scary movie? Or just something interesting, I guess? ❞ She hated talking to people.
⸻ When did anybody ever know when to stop?
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purityran · 7 months
li'l valentine's day themed starter call? 🩷🦋🪻
(even if we haven't plotted dynamics, you can let me know if you want it to be shippy. tis the szn!)
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purityran · 7 months
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purityran · 8 months
⸻ Flattery was a weapon only those with the gift of gab could wield; one who could string their words together as if the weave could harness their vocal cords. Yes, she was quite certain the wizard could make magic with his vernacular alone. And yet, her smile drifts away as quickly as it had shown itself. ❝ Thank you. ❞
Was he being honest? Or was there something that he needed from her? Could his silver tongue be nothing but a way to charm her into providing him with something that he needed? Maybe he just wanted someone to be charmed by him?
Regardless, she does her best to play things cool. She was never all that good at reading others when it came to herself. She could read other people like a book, so long as they weren't meddling with her day to day life. A small pause.
❝ Was there something you need? ❞ She inquires. ❝ I appreciate the compliment, but not many are free. [...] What do you require of me? ❞
❝  You’ve got a smile that can light up this whole place. ❞
@purityran 𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒂 𝒐𝒏𝒆-𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒆.
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purityran · 8 months
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“My therapist will tell me that it’s best to let it be, but I wanna light fires, I wanna explode.” - @slateir said.
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⸻ Measuring tape unfurls like a young girl's first time holding a ribbon baton; it's more to distract the other, to allow her words to fall without there being too much attachment to them.
❝ One sec, angel. Let's get a good look at that wingspan; I think I wanna make you a duster. ❞ Mariana speaks in monotone; clearly more focused on the task at hand. However, as she moves out of sight to get a measurement behind her, she feels more comfortable sharing an emotion-- sharing unpleasant thoughts about the past always felt like putting on an itchy sweater for the approval of someone in the room.
❝ I want that too, Reese. God, you have no idea how badly I wanted to destroy everything, just to feel normal again. [...] Some forest fires, they happen naturally. Y'know, to improve the soil and stuff. Some days, I want to light a fire. And other days, I guess I want to be the fire. Uh, move your arms out like a little kid pretending to be an airplane for this one. ❞ Another beat. It was okay to empathize, so long as she didn't make things too personal. She jots down the measurement she talks, but hangs back. She doesn't want to look her in the eyes if she was gonna give some bullshit advice she was pulling out of her ass.
She still wasn't sure why anyone confided in her; maybe it was because she didn't gossip. Not that she knew enough people to gossip to anyways. It was hardly a noble thing if there wasn't another option. Yeah, she was just ... a person.
❝ Have you ever thought about, uh, I don't know ... writing everything down and burning that? We could go to the beach and have a fuckin' bonfire or something. Nobody gets the cops called on 'em for roasting marshmallows over messed up memories. And, uh, if it's really bad ... we'll just burn something no one'll miss. Like, someplace abandoned. Or something. I don't know, I'm bad at this. ❞
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