purple-weirdo · 20 days
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purple-weirdo · 20 days
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Luke Newton & NIcola Coughlan | Teen Vogue Compliment Battle
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purple-weirdo · 3 months
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We gave them something to hope for.
REBECCA FERGUSON as Lady Jessica in DUNE: PART TWO (2023)
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purple-weirdo · 3 months
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I never wanted to be a god......
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purple-weirdo · 3 months
dune part two made me want to be one of those people who claps at the end of a movie. cinema has never been more back
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purple-weirdo · 3 months
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"May thy knife chip and shatter."
Dune: Part Two (2024)
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purple-weirdo · 3 months
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He who can destroy a thing has the real control of it. Dune: Part Two (2023) dir. Denis Villeneuve
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purple-weirdo · 3 months
can’t stop thinking about that shot where everyone in the room is kneeling and princess irulan, paul, and chani are the only ones standing. paul’s back to chani signifying his betrayal while princess irulan and chani are eye to eye - both heartbroken over what the man between them has done. my chest hurts that was so beautifully executed
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purple-weirdo · 3 months
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May thy knife chip and shatter. Dune: Part Two (2024) dir. Denis Villeneuve
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purple-weirdo · 3 months
Me on the inside while watching Dune part 2 because I was out in public and had to contain myself
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purple-weirdo · 3 months
There's just something so appealing about Problematic Chosen Ones y'know? Plus points if they've got wavy or curly hair!
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Plus points if they walk menacingly with a hood on.
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purple-weirdo · 3 months
What’s up, baby here, coming to you live from in-utero with another blazing hot question for this AMA with my mama: hey mama, they the fuck isn’t my bitchass brother accepting his status as the Messiah who will bring unto this world a Holy War which will leave millions dead and burning in the shadow of its wake?
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purple-weirdo · 3 months
One of my favorite parts of Dune Part 2 was the fight between Feyd and Paul, not only because it was epic, but because there was no background music or slow motion. It allowed you to be fully immersed in the scene without anything that made the scene over-dramatic, and I feel like that's not something that's common in current movies.
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purple-weirdo · 3 months
So I saw Dune Part 2 yesterday and I was initially super crushed because of the deviation from book canon but the more I think about it the more I sorta like it…
So without further ado here’s a list of stuff I liked about Dune Part 2:
- all the scenes initially of Paul growing closer to the Fremen. You can clearly see that they become friends, accept him as a Feydakin, that they’re laughing, joking, hanging out. (And contrast that to the end of the movie, where Paul has no more Fremen friends, only followers. In the book, this is echoed, where Paul recognizes that he has lost his friends to the Muad’Dib religion. Take book Stilgar, who truly embodies this… by the end of the book, Paul says: “I have seen a friend [Stilgar] become a worshipper.”
- giving Chani explicit rejection of Paul’s messiah status was an interesting choice. Chani’s main thought over part 2 is that they don’t need religion to save them, that through Fremen power and desert power, the Fremen can save themselves. She recognizes that this fanatical worship can be a vehicle to control and enslave her people, and I sorta wish we saw Paul lean into that more… that they found a way to stay together and ‘fight’ the prophecy together based on Chani’s ideals…
- also, I love how engrained this rejection of religion and prophecy is in her character. Book Chani takes no issue with her Fremen name, Sihaya (desert spring), but movie Chani hates it “because it’s part of some prophecy.” Later, we see that despite her rejection of prophecy and religion, that the prophecy does indeed come to pass— the tears of desert spring save Himx aka, Chani saving Paul after he drinks The Water of Life. (Interesting how Jessica has to force Chani to save Paul using the Voice… another example of Jessica explicitly forcing Paul to become the messiah).
- adding more depth to Fremen culture— the South being the more religious fundamentalist tribes vs the North being more secular. Early on, the movie paints this immediate divide between the tribes of Fremen who accept Paul and Jessica versus those who treat them as offworlders (who murdered Jamis). In the books everyone accepts Paul and Jessica after Paul bests Jamis and Jessica quotes some scripture, but I think it makes more logical sense that there’s be friction over these two random offworlders coming in
- I love love loved Paul speaking at the meeting of the Fremen tribe leaders in the South. He fully accepts his messiah status, exercises his power of the Voice + his prescience as a way to command all the Fremen under his name
- I’m a big fan of omitting the two-year time skip, so with that I’m glad Leto I was skipped over entirely. I always felt that Leto I was an unnecessary character addition to the book, especially when he just dies and everyone sort of goes “oh well” and moves on, so I’m glad it’s omitted.
- another interesting choice was to paint Jessica as a straight up villain in comparison to her book counterpart was. The Jessica we see here is seemingly corrupted by the Water of Life: she walks around talking to herself (Alia) and scheming Paul’s ascent to Lisan-Al Gaib. She knows about the Holy War, which is the very thing Paul is trying to prevent, yet she expresses no concern about bringing it to fruition. (Probably because Jessica knows it’s impossible to prevent, but still.) The very last line of the movie, where Alia asks Jessica what’s going on and Jessica says “The Holy War has begun” is just total villain in my mind— explicit acceptance of the Holy War, like it’s just another stepping stone in her plan. Plus, the fact that Paul has visions of Jessica leading him into this period of great starvation totally cements her as a villian.
- going off of that, I like that we see Jessica undergoing actual agony when she takes The Water of Life. When book Jessica and Paul take The Water of Life they accept it calmly and without obvious pain (book Jessica was sitting with her eyes closed, as if sleeping), so this physical reaction that Jessica has to the poison adds to the idea that The Water of Life did change her in a negative way.
- I feel like so far we’ve been introduced to Alia as just a weird talking fetus who’s been consorting with Jessica, so Paul’s vision where Alia says “I love you” really strikes home, that she really does care for Paul which we might not have understood otherwise
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purple-weirdo · 3 months
For those who are not hard Sci-fi fans, to help you understand just how monumental of a triumph Dune Part 2 is,
This is the Lord of the Rings of Sci-fi. The Empire Strikes Back of sequels. I haven’t been this impacted by a cinematic experience since The Return of the King. Every Sci-fi film made after this will likely be compared to it. It will inspire a generation of filmmakers. I know someone is sitting in the theatre experiencing this movie who now realizes they have a passion for film and sci-fi, and that is a beautiful thing. This is what the experience of seeing a film should be. Movies can change you—long live cinema.
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purple-weirdo · 3 months
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dune - frank herbert // dune part two dir. denis villeneuve
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purple-weirdo · 3 months
favourite straight people trope: cool interesting girl falls in love with the Devil. examples:
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