purpleflower04 · 4 years
A lot of who @Steelblaidd tagged are people I would’ve tagged, so that’s the only reason my list will be shorter. We have: @iwannacookie711 @jamariuhhh @inkstainedcoffeecup . Thank you for the compliment, Steel!
(If I didn’t mention you, I most likely don’t know you or congrats, you’re already tagged!)
REBLOG if you have amazing, talented WRITER friends.
Because I certainly do, and I love every single one of them and their work.
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purpleflower04 · 4 years
Future To Be Together
Finally got my Adrinette Soulmate AU posted! I’ve been waiting for forever to post it, and it’s finally here! Here’s the link!
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purpleflower04 · 4 years
Broken Keys, Mended Strings Ch8
This chapter took longer than expected, but it’s finally here! Marinette takes her miraculous back and also hangs out with Luka to build her confidence for when she asks him out.
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purpleflower04 · 4 years
Someone on Discord asked for Alya with the bunny miraculous, here you go! I decided her original hair color wouldn’t fit nicely with the color scheme of the miraculous, so her hair here is brown. Hope you all like it!
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purpleflower04 · 4 years
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Here's Adrien with the mouse miraculous! I thought it would be odd, but what if Adrien wanted to weild a miraculous outside of Chat to feel free when being Chat would be associated with fighting? I call him Vadrimouse! Hope you like it!
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purpleflower04 · 4 years
I got so bored I gave Adrien the rooster miraculous and designed him a hero outfit Because why not. Hope it makes your day!
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purpleflower04 · 4 years
Definitely worth reblogging! Can totally relate (it wasn’t family that did this, but it was equally discouraging).
Do not punish the behaviour you want to see
I mean, it seems pretty obvious when you put it like that, right?
But how many families, when an introvert sibling or child makes an effort to socialize,  snarkily say, “So, you’ve decided to join us”?
Or when someone does something they’ve had trouble doing, say, “Why can’t you do that all the time?” (Happened to me, too often.)
Or any sentence containing the word “finally”. 
If someone makes a step, a small step, in a direction you want to encourage, encourage it. Don’t complain about how it’s not enough. Don’t bring up previous stuff. Encourage it.
Because I swear to fucking god there is nothing more soul-killing, more motivation-crushing, than struggling to succeed and finding out that success and failure are both punished.
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purpleflower04 · 4 years
okay I’m v curious about this so fanfic writers reblog and put in the tags whether you title your fic before or after you write it
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purpleflower04 · 4 years
I put a mac & cheese cup in the microwave without water. The cup and mac & cheese burned, but the microwave wasn’t damaged, thankfully.
share your dumbest kitchen stories go
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purpleflower04 · 4 years
Yes, I needed to hear that, and I appreciate all the writing I’ve read, so chances are, someone out there enjoyed anything from the most popular to least popular!
actually @ every fanfiction writer whether you wrote something that got thousands of reblogs and comments and became a staple in your fandom, or you wrote one fic and deleted it, or you write mutilchaptered fics that never get a final update, or write short fics, or long fics, or used to write and now you don’t, or you deleted/orphaned your works, or you only share with friends:
thank you.
sharing your writing is hard. and sometimes it’s thankless. sometimes it’s such a negative experience that I wonder how anyone does it at all. but you are needed; you are wanted. whether or not we properly acknowledge it, you are a vital part of fandom culture. thanks for sharing.
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purpleflower04 · 4 years
A Future Dreamt
This fic is for @dot-dotdots, as they’ve been one of the most helpful and friendly person I know! It’s about Marinette getting prophetic dreams and then solving the timeline she dreamt about.
Here’s the fic! https://archiveofourown.org/works/28562940
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purpleflower04 · 4 years
Haha, this happens to me all the time!
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the inexplicably bizarre science of writing fan fiction. just me, or can anyone else relate?
this is the dumbest thing i’ve drawn with my bare minimum art skills but i am so mad right now, and i just… had a moment of insanity during my fanfic spiral.
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purpleflower04 · 4 years
I’m curious, what do you all think?
Reblog if you want your followers to tell you which of the following kinds of writer they think you are:
-the writer who always has to say everything in the most sophisticated and poetic ways
-the writer with not nearly enough self-confidence for their level of talent
-the writer that is always there to support others
-the writer that spends all of their time talking about their stories but never ACTUALLY working on them
-the writer with way too many blogs and who needs a blog for their cat, seriously?
-the writer that is also talented in everything else they try to accomplish
-the writer that could do anything they set their mind to
-the writer with the attention span of a fish
-the writer with WAY TOO MANY WIPs
-the writer that you can never really understand because they only do their writing when they’re too exhausted to think straight
-the writer that gets all of their ideas from tv shows/movies/books
-the writer that uses prompt blogs a little too frequently
-the writer that is perfectly content not being an “accomplished author” and just having fun with what they do
-the writer that could make you laugh and cry within the same sentence
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purpleflower04 · 4 years
Yep, I see you often, and I like it!
The person I reblogged this from is someone I enjoy seeing on my dashboard.
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purpleflower04 · 4 years
I love comments! If all I get is one word, I’ll be just as happy as getting a whole essay! I leave some too, and no one hated it, as long as it wasn’t negative (I’ve never been mean. Maybe “this doesn’t really make sense,” but never mean). I agree with this!
Why you don’t write comments on AO3 and how to start?
You should write comments because fandom needs to support our creators. But it’s not that easy, and a lot, statistically, most of the readers don’t do it.
I asked around, and fandom people have common reasons not to leave comments on fics. Some of the reasons are valid, some not so much, but if you want, you can overcome them.
Let’s examine the most popular of those reasons and look for solutions.
What if the author doesn’t want it?
I’m in fandoms for more than a decade. I write fics myself. I talk with authors, and no one, not a single author, had ever told me that they don’t like (appropriate) comments.
Everyone with whom I discussed it agreed that they adore comments, and getting comments notifications highlights their day.
There might be authors who disagree with that, but for them, ao3 has useful features — “turn off comment” and “moderate comments”.
I’m shy / socially anxious
I know, me too. I was scared so much that my first comments full of love and gratitude I left anonymously.
As with most of the things, you can start small. If you are afraid, just leave emojis - 💖  or 😍 works nice. Alternatively, you can search for kawaii emojis.
I got a string of hearts a few times and was thrilled.
Another non-verbal way is to leave img or gif instead of a comment. For that, you need to add HTML snipped <img src=“ling-to-your-img-or-gif”>
To overcome your fear, set a goal and increase it: Leave just one word — Thanks! or Great! Leave just one phrase - Wonderful chapter ;) Write at least 10 nice words — Thank you for this {nice/interesting/hot/excited} {chapter/work}. I had a great time reading it. — That’s it.
Start small and move at your own speed.
I don’t know what to say
Just say politely, what you liked about the fic.
Did you like the plot?
Say, “I like the plot. The story was {unexpected/thrilling/emotional}”
Did you like the characters?
“I like how you depicted character A. They were very {in character/relatable/realistic/hot/romantic/}
Did you like smut?
Well, say that too “The story was hot/passionate/kinky”
Describe how the fic makes you feel.
Were you sad? Happy? Scared?
Maybe you enjoyed the wording, how the author describes that one particular tree, the atmosphere, or style?
Mention everything you admire about that work.
It can be one word, one phrase, or a full essay, just do it, and you’ll improve the author’s day.
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purpleflower04 · 4 years
Reblogging because it might be helpful to someone else (or my future self).
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As a college student, currently really hungry with nothing to eat, I understand how hard it can be to get food. Sometimes you really just don’t have the money to eat and when you do, you waste it all on fast food instead of stocking up on cheap things because you’re so tired of Ramen Noodes and canned food you could barf. So, I’ve composed a list of recipes and resources that will fit a college kid’s budget and appetite. Don’t go hungry! <3
Ramen Noodle Recipes:
Ramen Noodle Stir Fry
Sirloin-Snap Pea Stir Fry
Chicken Noodle Soup
Chili Cheese Ramen
Egg Drop Ramen
Spinach and Ramen
Ramen Spaghetti
Ramen Alfredo
Cheesy Ramen Noodles
Mug Meals:
Cheesy Eggs Mug
Cheese and Broccoli Mug
Mac and Cheese in a Mug
Meatloaf in a Mug
Nutella Mug Cake
Cheesecake Mug
Coffee Cup Quiche
Coffee Cup Chilaquiles
Mug Egg Scramble
Microwave Recipes:
Potato Chips
Corn on the cob
Scalloped Potatoes
White Rice
Fried Rice
Baked Potato
Chicken Casserole 
Garlic Chicken
Chicken Soup Casserole
Caramelized Onion Baked Potato
Soft Chicken Tacos
Recipe Generators
My Fridge Food
Fire House Chef
Dinner in 15 Minutes
Advanced recipe Generator
Recipe Matcher
Super Cook
Recipe Puppy
Cook Thing
Recipes by Ingredient
Recipe Key
Not Beans Again
Ideas 4 Recipes
Big Oven
Other Resources
Actual College Student Cookbook
Restaurant Coupons [1] [2] [3] [4]
Free Birthday food [1] [2] 
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purpleflower04 · 4 years
This is a great review! I’m looking forward to next year’s content! You always write in such an amazing way!
Fanfiction Year in Review - 2020 by sagansjagger
Fanfiction Year in Review - 2020 by sagansjagger
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Whoo, I love me some tumblr ask games! Thanks for the tag, @ladyofthenoodle!
1 List of fics completed this year in the order they were finished:
I am so sorry about this, but I’m just going to link my entire profile because I started writing MLB fic in April 2020 and ended up with 72 fics. If I listed and linked them all, I’d be here all day.
My works (ao3 link)
I suppose what I could do is list out statistics.
As of January 2nd, 2021, I have to my name:
72 total fics - 4 long fics, 1 drabble series, 67 one shots
7 series - Domestic Cavities (married life fluff), Sex Education: Kwami Style, She Was Certainly the Spark for All I’ve Done (Crash universe), Kiss the Viper (Vipermouse), CYOA: Life is What You Bake It (Choose Your Own Adventure stories), It’s the End of the World as We Know It (Chat Blanc), Bad Dad’s Club (Adult XY & Adrien friendship
16 gen, 12 Lukanette, 6 DJWifi, 4 Riceflour (Tom and Sabine), 3 Adrigami, and 47 Lovesquare. If the math doesn’t add up in this it’s because sometimes these are background pairings.
2 Number of words written:
3 Your most popular fic:
Definitely Welcome to the Scene of the Crash, my first fic in the fandom and the birth of the Spark series. This is a 63k monster that I wrote in six days, focusing on the effects of starvation on the body and mind. Crash has two sequels, And He’s Gotta be Fresh from the Fight and Into Your Heart, I’ll Beat Again, both of which are complete.  
4 Your personal fav:
Tough choice… I’d probably have to say Crash because it’s my baby. As I’ve said before, I woke up at 4:30am with a song in my head (Take Me to the Hospital by the Prodigy) and the first line: “Adrien was starving.” Crash is what started me writing for the fandom and how I made almost all my new friends here.
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5 Your fav scene:
Oh, this is hard. I’ve actually written so much that I don’t recall all the scenes I’ve written? But I can say that I was so ready to write the last chapter of Heart. It’s tooth-rotting Christmas fluff that was Adrien and Marinette’s happy ending after 260k+ words of angst. That scene isn’t my favorite scene by far, but it was one of the most satisfying to write.
6 A fic or scene that challenged you:
Definitely Couffaine Coffee Conundrum, a Lukanette & Adrigami piece. My server anniversary giftee, Rikka, requested a fluffy double date with the pairings, but all my brain wanted to do was make it angsty. I had to write the fic twice.
7 A line of writing you’re proud of:
This is from my as of yet unpublished Sleeping Beauty AU (publication date: February 1st, 2021!). I’m proud of this line in particular because I don’t often write lines that are just… pretty. I nail body language, but most of my writing is straightforward and if not ugly, certainly not beautiful. 
Anyway, here’s the line:
Winter passed with one last, lingering gasp, the bony fingers of cold clinging to the days.
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8 A comment that touched you:
I’ve gotten several comments that have touched me, but the most recent one was from a reader of Fight. They told me they liked my use of therapy in the fic and that they were considering getting therapy because they could see how much therapy had helped Adrien.
Another comment along the same lines was someone who realized that they’d been starving after reading the symptoms of starvation Adrien experienced in Crash. Being able to educate someone while entertaining them blows my mind.
9 Something that inspired your writing:
Definitely the good people on the Miraculous Fanworks Discord server, specifically @ladyofthenoodle​, @sseagully​, Rikka, and Sibby. I’ve developed so many stories because of those lovely ladies, and have received so much support and encouragement from the members of the server. One of my most popular recent fics, have the stars blotted out in a brilliant Morse code, started based on a discussion in the #writing-chat on that server, and @theladylu​ even drew some lovely fanart for it (featured below).
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10 Your proudest accomplishment (that one scene; finally finishing that one fic; posting your first fic; etc):
Definitely finishing Heart. That happy ending was a long time in coming.
11. Do you have any writing goals for the next year?
Yes! I want to finish the second Choose Your Own Adventure story, a pre-reveal, post-relationship Adrienette fic focused on baking pies with Tom and Sabine. I also want to finish the Sleeping Beauty AU, which I’m on track for. Desperation would be a great fic to finish; I started that one, got to chapter 5, and quit because it was too sad, haha! And I’m working on an original work that started out as an Adrienette Witch AU titled Must Be the Season of the Witch that I’d like to finish sometime in the next six months.
Tagging @itsagrestebug​, @purpleflower04​, @torilovesmiraculous​, and @sseagully!
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