purplegeekypanda · 13 days
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What do immortals vow to on their wedding day?
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(The concept for Narinder's wedding outfit)
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purplegeekypanda · 21 days
Imagine if Bilbo lost his lil acorn once Smaug was dead.
Throin sees Bilbo looking around all panicked, digging through some pile of gold or gems, and asks about it, and this is where he learns about the acorn.
So of course he offers to help look, while they're looking for the Arkenstone, and eventually they've got the whole company looking for both. Thorin's head seems a little more clear suddenly, so everyone's more looking for the acorn than the arkenstone, because yeah they're looking for the arkenstone, but they'll know it when they see it, they have to CONCENTRAIT to find a lil acorn, and it's important they find IT soon or it'll get crushed, or die or rot. The arkenstone has lasted this long. It'll last a little longer.
And because they've all got he mindset if "yeah thats a bit of gold, but it's not an acorn. Sure sure some pretty gems but it's not an acorn!" In there heads, they stave of the gold sickness.
When Fili shouts, "I found it!" They're all rather disappointing when they realise he means the Arkestone. Thorin pockets it, but they return to their search for the acorn right away.
Then, one day, Thranduil shows up demanding the white gems and Thorin's standing up on the barracks like "Sure, if we come across them."
And Thranduil's like "what do you mean if you come across them?"
"There was a dragon in the mountain for over a century! He wasn't exactly cleaning and we're a bit preoccupied with our own search at the moment! I'll send them your way once we find them! If takes a day or a year, you'll live!" And then he disappears from Thranduil's sight.
Only to reappear after a moment, looking slightly irritated. The hobbit is by his side looking, perhaps hopeful? With a roll of his eyes, Thorin says, bitting out the words like they physically hurt to say "If you would like, perhaps you could send a select few of your most trusted guard, and if they might help us in our search, they can also look for your gems as well?"
Thranduil has never been more caught of guard in his life. Did a dwarf, one whom he'd had imprissoned in his dungeon less than a month ago, just invite his people into his most recently reclaimed treasurey?
"I'm sorry. What?" He blinks up at the dwarf- most elegantly, he assures you.
"Elves have very keen eyes, do you not?" Asks the little hobbit. "We're looking for my acorn, you see, that I got from Beorn the skin changer, I seem to have lost it in the dragon's chase, and we fear it'll be crushed. Throin says your box would likely be in the front of the treasurey, and we haven't searched there yet, though Smaug did follow us through there, so it's a fine place for your people to start. It would be greetly appreciated."
And really. The argument could go on, Thranduil's really not sure he believes there IS an acorn, but if it gets him those damned white gems, fine. He sends Tauriel and her guard, and Legolas volunteers himself.
When Bard shows up asking for aid for the town Thorin throws his hands up. "Your just as bad as the elves! We just got our montain back! Fah! At least you asked for nothing so specific!" And practically chucks a chest full of randomly scooped up gold and gems over at the man. "But if there is an acorn in there, you are to return it immediately!"
There isn't an acorn.
"Why would there be an acorn?" He asks Thranduil that evening as he takes tea with the Elven king who's made camp outside the Lonely Mountain as a statement to the dwarven king he doesn't mean to leave without what's rightfully his, regardless of their compliance.
"His husband appears to be rather attached to it." Thranduil shrugs. "I don't pretent to understand the ways of haflings, but if the hobbit has half so strong a love for that which grows from the earth, as the dwarves do that which is mined from it, and I was a king who'd dragged my consort half way across Middle Earth to risk his life battling a dragon for its hoard, I'd think it wise to have the Mountain turned upside down for one measly acorn as well."
Dain shows up and is about ready to storm the peacefully-aiding-the-humans-at-this-point-because-we're-here-what-else-do-we-have-to-do elves on principle, but Thorin puts a stop to it quick.
It takes Dain a day and a half to realised that Thorin did infact say "they were all looking for an Acorn," yesterday, and several minutes to understand that he was saying "no, we found the Arkenstone days ago," today.
And of course, the orcs and goblins show up and are defeated by the forced of them all, united under Acorn Peace Treaty of 2942
Sadly, weeks go by, and they do not find the acorn. They do eventually find the Gems, and Legolas and the majority of the elves return to Mirkwood, Legolas having made good friends with the Company, especially Gloin (this is a suprise tool that will help him later) but Tauriel remains, and if Thorin wasn't smitten with the hobbit, he might comment on just how close Kili is growing to her. At least she's respectful. Might just teach that boy a think or two. The opposite is, of course, true, and Tauriel becomes just as much a menace as the princes.
As the weeks go by and proper cataloging of the treasury commences, every dwarf who comes to help is shows a picture of the acorn every single morning, and promised a just reward for its discovery.
Eventually, Bilbo has to concede they aren't going to find it, but, well, by then he's not exactly planning to return to the Shire for long enough to care for a sprouting tree.
He does return long enough to stop all his things being auctioned off, no he's not a ghost, thank you very much, and have Bag End transfered to his cousin Drogo and his wife, before setting back out for Erebor with the things he intends to keep.
It's years before anyone thinks of the poor lost little acorn again, decades, infact.
One day, in the early morning of the 21st Durin's day after the reclaiming of Erebor, a dwarf comes rushing from the treasurey to find the Royals preparing for the celebration.
"Is it one of these, your highne- uh, Bilbo, your lost acorn?" He asks, stuttering over the title he knows the hobbit dislikes. "I can't really.... tell them apart."
And Bilbo just blinks, because in the cupped palms of the dwarf's are perhaps 15 or 20 little acorns...
"Where did you find these?" He asks.
"They were in the back."
"The back?" Thorin repeats, then catches himself and shoos the dwarf back the way he came "Show us."
They all- Bilbo and Thorin, the princeses, and a handful of the company who'd been present- follow the dwarf down into the treasurey, and then through the treasurey, past all the neat piles of gold and the many chests of organized gems and stones and all manner of other treasures, until they're presented with a very familiar back door.
Or rather, a hidden passage, tucked away in an alcove, where another handful of acorns' the few the Dwarf who'd brought them the first had likely missed- are scattered about.
"You did... just have the one, right Uncle Bilbo?" Fili asks.
"Or course I just had the one!" Bilbo retorts. "I couldn't have possibly carried that many with me all the way from Beorn's!"
With a resigned sort of sigh, as he begins to piece together the answer to a decades old mystery, Thorin steps forward and follows the tunnel up, up, up, and out of Erebor, the others- save the dwarf who brought them, dismissed by Bilbo with a smile, a thanks, and an oh, no, you may keep those- right behind.
As they walk, the acorns start to increase. Though there's never so many as to begin piling up in the tunnel, by the time they reach the end, the majority of the ground is covered in a solid layer if the little things, and the crunch underfoot as they all emerge onto the ledge which they had all once stood, with batted breath in the moon light as they realised they were at last, truly home.
"Was that here last time?" Kili asked, studying the impressive Oaktree shading the entire ledge that sat in front of the secret entrance to Erebor.
The trunk of the tree was wide and solid, sitting right up against the mountain side, and rather winning the battle of wills against the carved stone architecture of the dwarves. Its limbs grow twisted and wild, up and out in all directions. It's easily 250 or 300 feet tall. There is all sorts of life flittering about in its florishing branches, all covered in brilliant green leaves, and fresh green little acorns.
The growned all around them is covered in acorns as well, so many more than the tunnel.
"No." Thorin says, watching a squirrel dash down from the trunk of the tree, shove several acorns into its cheeks, and dash back up the trunk. "No it was not." He turns to Bilbo, and raises an eyebrow. "Lost it after the dragons chase, you said?"
Beet red and look quite flustered, all Bilbo can manage out is a squicky little "oops."
"'Oops' indeed." Thorin returns, smiling fondly.
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purplegeekypanda · 22 days
rip Jason Todd you would've loved crane wives - curses
animatic I've been working on for a few weeks now! i have many emotions about him.
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purplegeekypanda · 22 days
bringing you tears instead of A cups
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purplegeekypanda · 24 days
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purplegeekypanda · 24 days
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you haven't seen your ex in years and you want to show him how over him you are, but oh no, he went from a nerdy out-of-his-depth twunk to action hero GILF (grunkle i'd like to *REDACTED*)
commission info here
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purplegeekypanda · 24 days
The intro to Garrus in Mass Effect 2 is so slutty
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purplegeekypanda · 24 days
Prompt #7
When Sam and Tucker dared him to take a DNA test, Danny did not expect to see a completely different name from Jack Fenton.
The last thing Tony expected to happen today was FRIDAY announcing that "somebody by the name of Daniel Fenton wishes to see James Barnes."
He also wasn't expecting the kid to actually look like Bucky in any way. Yet he was wrong. He was almost a spitting image of the former Winter Soldier. The kid also had DNA test results. Of course, he would still be doing his own test on him, he's not stupid enough to believe they were real at first glance.
... Holy Shit. Bucky had a kid.
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purplegeekypanda · 25 days
I'ma be bold! Marvel Time!
Wakanda has Vibranium. An impossible mineral that does not see like it could form naturally, right? Or there would be far more in the wider universe then just the few bits we see.
You know what ELSE is impossibly rare, minerals wise?
Ectoranium. The disasteroid. And! From Wakandan oral history? The two seem to have appeared in the EXACT SAME WAY. Out of no where. Through, very possibly, the EXACT SAME rarely opening portal. If? On the other side? There was an asteroid belt of some kind?
It would only take things aligning just right, for one to slip through.
We KNOW materials from the Zone effect the living world in strange ways. Vibranium could very well just be the dead reflection of a mineral from a different, more durable, universe. The Zone is Infinite, so it would mix pretty much EVERYTHING together into a chaotic mess.
So there could be a considerable amount of Vibranium asteroids just hanging around.
But! And more importantly! Getting hit by, then LIVING OVER, a massive fuck off Zone Rock? Would expose Wakandans to generations of Ectoplasm. ESPECIALLY with how Vibranium, by nature, holds a "charge" if you will. It would be a heat lamp of Limnality. Making everyone near it?
Not superhuman. Not fully Limnal. Because Vibranium HOLDS a charge. That Ectoplasmic energy would be stuck INSIDE the metal. Unable to truely effect anyone who isn't directly touching it. Even then, BARELY seeping into them. But? It WOULD leech, slowly, into everything around it.
The air, the water, the soil.
The PLANTS. That precious, precious, SACRED Herb.
Over time? It would loosen the ties that bind. Those pesky human limitations. Sure, it would say, grow smarter. Stronger. Live longer, better lives. Knees that ache less, backs that do not bend, bones that do not succumb. You're still human! Your DNA no different.
It's just the strength of your SOUL poking through.
Would anyone notice, if it happened slowly? Over enough generations? It's normal. Everyone here is like this. It's not superhuman. Just... HEALTHY, right? A good diet and plenty of exercise? That is what makes our skin clear and eyes sharp, teeth strong and feet sure. Right?
That healthy diet of... what was it again?
Ah yes, Ectoplasmicly charged plants? Sweet fruits and healthy vegetables. Water purged of contamination by the Ectoplasm to devours all but itself? So very crisp! Is it not?
Houses made of materials charged with it. Resting in beds, beneath covers and cloth, woven with it. Walking upon streets paved with it. What in Wakanda is NOT touched by it? In some form? Some way? Gently bathing all who live there in its unseen light?
And, tell me, WHERE do you go again? When you fall? When you join your Panther God? Mmmhmm, pockets within pockets. Lairs and territories. The Zone itself may be green, but a Lair can be what ever it's Master chooses.
But! Why do I bring this up? That the Afterlives are no doubt connected? After all, it's not like the Master's of those Lair's, the Gods that are worshipped, would just... LET people leave. It defeats the purpose of creating an "Afterlife"!
But, again! Consider! The Panther God loves the Wakandan Royal Family. They are loyal worshipers. The Panther Gods responsibility. And? The rather newly dead T'Chaka, former monarch (and thus rather informed of all the major concerns of a nation) of Wakanda, has informed the Panther God that? Gasp!
The Vibranium is, at generations long last, about to run out.
Their people are in danger.
Please! Do something!
The God can not. Buuuut... the "ghost king" of the space between, can. He must go, on a Dangerous And Heroic Soul Pilgrimage(tm) to meet with this mysterious king. Negotiate for his son and people. T'Chaka, a brave and dignified king, will of course face this challenge with all that he is.
It's very Alice in Wonderland. (The poor man.)
But the Black Panther manages to get to the still under construction castle none the less. Lead by a delightful, if mischievous, young girl by the name of "Dani" (with an i). Who reminds him, somewhat painfully, of his daughter Shuri when she was younger.
The King of the Between is a... young man.
Busy putting constellations on the ceiling, he pays them little mind. Until Dani calls out to him. Revealing that exactly like Shuri, she was a princess all along. He can see the resemblance.
He explains his issue, prepared to argue his case for however long he must. Instead he is just met with long soul searching look, a glance to Dani (who appears to vouch for him), and a nod. He is baffled. It... so easily?
People need help, he is informed. That's reason enough. Besides, Dani says you're not a fruitloop. And the young king trusts her judgment.
Let's go get your people some rocks.
(You can imagine, the ABSOLUTE SHIT STORM. Mentally, Emotionally, Politically, when the GHOST of the FORMER KING just? Shows up! Broad daylight! In the royal yard in from of the palace with a GIANT piece of Vibranium and a foreign King of The Dead.
Father... WHY. Don't get T'Challa wrong, he is about to cry he's so happy to see you. But? In PUBLIC, Father? In front of his delicious Wakandan Salad? Stop being so amused you old cat! This isn't FUNNY! Now I have to deal with this! T^T )
@hdgnj @hypewinter @the-witchhunter @ailithnight @nerdpoe
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purplegeekypanda · 25 days
Dc x Marvel Prompt
Meme undercut.
Stark Industries is holding a robotic competition where they select 20 random schools from all across America to compete in and the winning robotics team gets full ride scholarships to any Ivy League collage of their choosing. One of the schools selected was Casper High a school from a nowhere small town named Amity Park. No one had any hope that the Casper High robotics team would place even in the top 15. The Casper High team saw what schools they were up against and decided to bring out the big guns, Tucker Foley, Danny Fenton and Valerie Gray.
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purplegeekypanda · 25 days
Dc x Marvel Prompt
Meme undercut.
Stark Industries is holding a robotic competition where they select 20 random schools from all across America to compete in and the winning robotics team gets full ride scholarships to any Ivy League collage of their choosing. One of the schools selected was Casper High a school from a nowhere small town named Amity Park. No one had any hope that the Casper High robotics team would place even in the top 15. The Casper High team saw what schools they were up against and decided to bring out the big guns, Tucker Foley, Danny Fenton and Valerie Gray.
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purplegeekypanda · 25 days
For @ace-in-disgrace and their prompt: Danny gets mistaken as the love child of the disasters known as Wolverine and Deadpool.
Okay, it was not Danny's fault, he swears!
He was just experimenting with his ice, playing around with some of the younger yetis in the Far Frozen for fun. So shaping his ice to cover his hands to copy the paws of the others and seeing how well he could cut through solid hard frozen ice was just a game. The rough housing was to be expected, everyone tossing each other to see how far they could be thrown was fun.
Being picked up and tossed at the right exact moment a portal opened up was not fun or expected and he blamed Clockwork. The entity had to be responsible somehow for him not being able to enjoy a day of hanging out with Frostbite and the others.
Landing right in the middle of a what looked like a swat happening in an abandoned warehouse, armored people instantly aiming their rifles at him as he stood up wasn’t even surprising given his luck.
Fair though, he was currently looking more on the feral side to match his playmates then his normal ghost form.
“Hey, what’s with hostility? Can’t someone just pop in somewhere without-“, and he was shot in the shoulder, cutting his sentence off, “rude.”
It was just a regular bullet, so it was easy for his form to just…push it out and heal the hole up.
One of the men reached up to touch a device attached on his ear, “Unknown possible mutant has breached the facilities, age around 12-15, regeneration showed, animal like features-“
“You know it’s really rude to talk about someone like that to their face, no manners at all.”
“Unfortunately satirical.”
There was a crash from above as red and yellow forms busted through the glass, the guns swinging their aim at the two men landed.
“Sassiness is always welcomed!”, the red man had his own guns out and was already firing as he talked.
Danny had decided to dodge over to a pile of crates as all the attention was on the new intruders, eyes wide as an arc blood barely missed him as the one in yellow unsheathed long blades from his knuckles.
He glanced at his own hands, he couldn’t make a working gun from ice but…concentrating…he slowly watched as ice built up into copies, looking very much like it was growing from his skin.
An armored body was flung his way and he instinctual reacted…there were now two halves of a one man and he was covered in the viscera.
He froze…did he…oh…oh no…he had to go, he had to go now.
“Ope, looks like someone's first kill! Look at you Jack Frost,” the red guy with guns was now standing above him on a bigger crate, waving down at the teen, “awe, tiny puppy claws!”
Danny took a swing at the crate, watching as it collapsed and the man fell, laughing the entire time he went down.
He quickly turned to run, only to run into a wide chest where he promptly bounced off and landed ass first on the floor, “What in the-I have literally ran into steel walls softer then you.”
Claw man snorted as he reached down and picked Danny up by the scruff, “You alright kid?”
Said kid just hissed at him.
Claws was chuckling, “Cute, now put back your claws, I think it’s time for a chat.”
“Is it finally our turn for the found family and misunderstandings trope,” the red man was back and had swaggered up to the other two, an arm being thrown over his partners shoulders, “Hi, there and welcome, I’m Deadpool and this is Wolverine and we’re your new dads.”
Danny smiled, all sharp teeth, “No,” and promptly went invisible and intangible, escaping out of the warehouse while he could, leaving the other two behind.
He had to find a portal home.
Wade went limp, using Logan as a brace, “But I wanted to pull a ‘Batman’…”
The response was a snort and Wolverine sniffing his own hand, growling as he took the child’s scent in, “Don’t know what your talking about but, I can track him down, we probably need to before more of these fucks show up and get their hands on him.”
Hope you enjoyed it!
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purplegeekypanda · 25 days
Because I just remembered, as author, I have power to do whatever the hell I want in fanfiction. The only powers in the universe that can stop me is my terrible ADD and terrible sleeping habits.
It’s a sequel to ‘Mistaken for Wolverine's and Wade's possible kid.'
There was a possible feral child running around with claws and a smart mouth.
“We'll take him home, keep him in the bathroom for a little while so Laura can get used to his scent and then slowly introduce them to each other.”
“…they aren’t cats…”
“Right, weasel family, close enough.”
Logan rolled his eyes with grunt, the smell of crushed ice and iron filling his nose, they had been following the kids scent for awhile now, enough for a quick change out of uniform to throw on street clothes.
Wade had thrown on an over large sweater with the hoodie pulled up with a face mask and glasses, Logan himself was dressed in one of his flannels.
“We look like the Unibomber and the Bounty Paper mascot have decided to go on a date at the local market.”
They were close, the tracks had lead them to a more public place, a small outdoor fruit market, but there was no sign of white hair anywhere. Though that didn’t matter if the kid could go invisible.
They were close though…
“So what’s the bet that baby wolvie can change his appearance to fit in?”
Wade nudged their shoulders together as he gave a subtle nod over to the next stall, black hair, blue eyes, different clothes…but the smell remained the same…
“Oh, boy, whoever made this designer baby knew what they were doing, still has those sharp claws and cute little fangs you both share. Congratulations to us? What we naming him?”
“Right, assuming gender, my apologies.”
The man actually snorted in brief amusement, getting what he knew was a wide grin even if it was covered up, he rolled his eyes as the usually red covered merc grabbed his bicep, “He could be a Void escapee, I don’t smell any other human smells on him, let’s stay up wind right now.”
Wade gave the arm he was attached to a small squeeze, “Led the way Mr. Paper Picker Upper.”
They moved slowly through the crowd, eyes on the kid but still keeping a distance incase he picked up the super senses trait.
Lightly clawed hands were picking up apples, sniffing them then placing them down, head would tilt and the ears would twitch, he was still listening for any kind of disturbance. Eyes would focus on a fruit, then dart to the side, still wary and still watching out.
“The face shape and features are the same…need better proof though.”
“Lucky you and the need for the plot to move forward, looks like someone has itchy knuckles and a case of peekaboo.”
Sure enough, one hand was rubbing at the knuckles were a slight sheen glinted in the sunlight before disappearing.
The kid was frowning down at his own hands, distracted enough to not notice Wade casually stroll up behind him, “Baby boy, is that you! You’ve been gone for two years! We thought you were dead!”
Logan sighed tiredly, accepting his fate as he watched his partner throw his arms around the child in a crushing hug, wailing dramatically how they would be so much better parents now, they would support his interest in professional knitting and how dare he leave with a note written in cursive.
Phones were out, people were clapping over the tearful reunion, the poor kid looked shocked to be manhandled over to him by Wade.
“It’s your Daddy, I know he is currently cosplaying a lumberjack, but he’s still the asshole we love.”
Logan could only shake his head, letting out a huff before staring down the kid, “Ready to have that chat?”
Bright blue eyes glared up at him on a level of unimpressed that only teens could reach, “I don’t know, are you ready to go save Goldilocks, I think you better go off and get lost in the woods looking for her.”
“Oh, he is just the Sassiness! He gets it from me, I swear! Just an absolute deee-light!"
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purplegeekypanda · 26 days
Arthur is familiar with the crushing weight of a crown he never asked for, so when he sees a young undead hero in the Tower, there for a debrief of a corrupt government organization, he recognizes it.
He'd heard that the High King of the Infinite Realms was coming to personally tell the Justice League, in great detail, about a secretive American government organization that had been targeting his people.
So Arthur had gone down to get a glimpse of the King in the Canteen, curious about what the Infinite Realms even meant in terms of species.
He found himself staring at a child.
The boy is putting on a front, clearly trying to appear professional and regal with a crown literally too big for him. His robes, made of the night sky, are made to hide how scrawny he is.
This is someone like Arthur. Someone who found themselves in a position of Royalty without any plans to do so.
Instead of sneaking off, like he'd planned, Arthur openly walked into the Canteen and made two mugs of hot chocolate.
The boy says nothing as he sits across from him, and pushes one of the mugs towards the small King.
"You can take a breather here," Arthur says softly, deliberately looking away and sipping at his own mug. "No one will take you any less seriously. I can't count the amount of times I needed to cry when I got the crown to Atlantis, and I was an adult. It's okay."
The boy lets out a wet sniff in response, before tugging the offered Hot Chocolate towards him and taking the moment of respite that Arthur had offered him.
Arthur hadn't expected to walk into another kid to mentor, especially not in a hero capacity, but he's not going to turn away from one that desperately needs his help.
After all, the weight of the Crown is a heavy thing to bear.
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purplegeekypanda · 27 days
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W H A T!?
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purplegeekypanda · 27 days
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purplegeekypanda · 1 month
Thanks, this is awesome
Ugh, man, things I want and have no money for:
New laptop
Neat Mop Set
New dish cabinet
Some summer clothes
Picnic basket
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