purpleolive17 · 4 years
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purpleolive17 · 4 years
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purpleolive17 · 4 years
I want more
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Some drawings of favorite superhero dorks 5 years later…🐞🐾
IG: yannafanart
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purpleolive17 · 4 years
Nora the awsome mom
Jaun the weird uncle
Ren the quiet dad
And oscar, the unfortunate child
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volume 8 really gonna be like
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purpleolive17 · 4 years
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In memories of @qinniart who fought for her life and lived her best as an artist until the very end.
I haven't been spending much time on social media so I didn't keep up with any artist. I knew she was going through some health issues with her heart but I didn't realize she also had stage 4 cancer.
It's so surreal that I won't be seeing her art anymore. It's hard to process this sadness, like a bad dream you'd expect to wake up to. In the back of my mind I always thought I would see her post about her heart getting better one day, like you would expect a happy ending. It's not fair what happened.
At least she's no longer in pain. Rest in peace.
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purpleolive17 · 4 years
This is just how queens live :)
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#Best scene ever
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purpleolive17 · 4 years
The figurines, or actual exes?
Because one of the two I've already done
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Collect them all
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purpleolive17 · 4 years
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Found this little guy in the dishwasher
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purpleolive17 · 4 years
Getting your driver's license is overrated
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purpleolive17 · 4 years
Clam man to the rescue
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purpleolive17 · 4 years
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this bitch empty, TWEET
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purpleolive17 · 4 years
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purpleolive17 · 4 years
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i present to you
because @whale-normus is going to commission a plushie for this and they needed a reference sheet
(from this previous drawing)
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purpleolive17 · 4 years
Eh. Nothing to lose
Hey look, actual "unique" questions
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purpleolive17 · 4 years
Questions for the Signs
Why do you hurt people without consideration?
Does it ever get tiring, keeping so many secrets?
Why are you scared of letting others help you?
Why do you jump so quickly into relationships only to leave just as quick?
Why do you need others peoples approval?
Why do you not believe in yourself?
Do you not think you’re worth more, do you not see all the value you have?
Do you like to feel broken or have you just learned to live with the pain?
Are you afraid of your flaws?
Do you fake your confidence so people can’t see how self conscious you truly are?
Have you ever stopped to think how others feel when you leave them behind because you got bored?
Why do you claim to be innocent when you are guilty of so much pain and abuse?
Can you not live independently?
Why must you jump into relationship before you are even aware of what love is?
Will you ever take responsibility for you own actions?
Why do other people’s opinions matter so much to you?
Why do you have to win ever argument you get into?
Will you ever be able to fully shown another person your flaws and insecurities and realize they still love you even if you’re not perfect?
Why do you see emotions as a vulnerability?
Are you so proud and mighty that you must go through life without ever letting others help you?
Why are you incapable of realizing you aren’t perfect, but it’s okay that youre not perfect?
Why do you try so hard to make sure nobody ever finds out who you really are?
Why does your social appearance dictate how you live your life?
Do you think you are only worth love if you conceal your true self?
Why do you hide your loneliness behind your humor?
Do you not see all the value you’re worth?
Why do you expect people to be honest to you when you always lie and deceive others?
Why do you have to one up people every single chance you get?
Why do you never take other people’s feelings into consideration?
Do you know how much of a narcissist you are?
Is there a reason you need to be better than everybody?
Why is it so hard for you to express your emotions to others?
Will you ever stop and realize other people can help you, you aren’t alone?
Why do you push yourself so hard and still never think you’re enough?
Why are you so scared of accepting the love people have for you?
How can you be so oblivious to other people’s emotions?
Will you ever learn that some things are better left unsaid?
Are you capable of being your own person instead of just following everybody else?
Why do you let others walk all over you?
Do you know that your opinions and feeling are just as valid as everybody else’s?
Will you ever let other people see who you truly are instead if putting on some “innocent” facade?
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purpleolive17 · 4 years
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Car sex just got a helluva lot easier.
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purpleolive17 · 4 years
Me-Oh how i miss the good days
My gf- you literally still do that
Me- yeah but now I have to also adult
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Well, that’s enough internet for me today.
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