purrlncess · 4 years
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I love one (1) sleepy girl
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purrlncess · 4 years
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The RF Community Charity Raffle is a fundraising event to raise money to support the Black Lives Matter movement in the United States.
For every $5 donation to our selected charity, Reclaim the Block, you will be entered to win one of many prizes offered by various artists and writers in the Rune Factory community. 
Every additional $5 donated will give you a better chance of winning a prize! For example, a donation of $15 will have your name in the drawing three times. Please note that if you receive a prize, your name will be removed from the running for additional prizes.
There are 12 prizes in total graciously donated by the following individuals listed below. All samples of their work can be seen above. 
One sketch commission from @yvesaffection
Seven Rune Factory couple commission slots from @jackie-kawaii
One Dylas/Frey physical print from @purrmaid (Twitter)
One Clorica/Frey physical print from @purrmaid (Twitter)
One 2,000 word minimum Rune Factory or Bokujou Monogatari fanfiction commission from @tatertotarmy
One 5,000 word minimum Rune Factory fanfiction commission from @heaven-asunder
To enter into the raffle, you must:
Donate to Reclaim the Block (Link will be found in the notes). Donations must have been made on or after 6/9.
Forward the receipt of your donation to [email protected]. Please include an alias or your Tumblr/Twitter handle if you would like to be referred to as such.
The deadline to enter the raffle is June 20th at 9pm EST. 
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purrlncess · 4 years
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my favorite dylas mini-event c:  [ on twitter. ]
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purrlncess · 4 years
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- Rune Factory Big Bang - 
Hello everyone and welcome to the Rune Factory Big Bang!
For those of you who don’t know, a Big Bang is a fandom event that has writers create large fanfics, with artists creating art to accompany said fanfics, to be released in an explosion of content all in one specified posting period. We don’t think this kind of event has been held for the Rune Factory community before, and we’re excited to kick this one off for everyone to enjoy!
The goal for this event is for writers and artists in the community to collaborate to create the following to be posted on Rune Factory’s 14th Anniversary, August 24th, 2020:
Writers: One 10,000 word minimum fanfiction
Artists: One fully illustrated piece minimum to accompany an assigned fanfiction
Sign-ups are open to any writer in the community willing to put in the time to create a 10,000+ word fanfiction over the course of the next several months. Artists will be assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis to fanfics once their sign-ups are open. 
During sign-ups, writers will be required to provide an AO3-style summary of what they plan on writing for the Big Bang, which includes any pairings, characters, the planned rating, any significant tags, and a brief summary. 
Please note that a Discord account will be required for participation in this event. All organization will be held in a Discord server, as will all check-ins. Please make sure to create a Discord account before signing up for this event.
Will there be check-ins during the Big Bang?
Yes. There will be four check-ins for writers and three check-ins for artists. These will be very informal, as moderators will only be checking that they’re making good progress on the way to August 24th.
Are there any restrictions on what I can write?
There are only two restrictions. One, it must be a Rune Factory fanfiction. Two, your fanfic cannot contain any NSFW content or any content that would make your fanfic rated Explicit on AO3. Otherwise, go wild! AUs, original characters, self-inserts, and crossovers are more than welcome, as are characters and pairings from every game in the Rune Factory series!
How will Artists make their selections?
During artist sign-ups, a list of all AO3-style summaries will be provided on their form. Writer names will not be attached to the summaries, so this will be a blind selection. Both Writers and Artists will have an option to list anyone they do not wish to work with on their forms, and the moderators will check these preferences while assigning Artists. 
I already know which writer/artist I want to work with. Can I sign-up with them?
Absolutely! During sign-ups, Writers will be given the option to write in their Artist’s username. Then, when that Artist signs up, they only need to write in their Writer’s username to bypass the rest of the selection process. Writers and Artists must both write each other’s usernames during sign-ups to be paired together.
What happens if there are not enough Artists or too many Artists?
In the event of too few Artists, moderators may ask some to work with two writers at maximum, effectively giving them two separate illustrated pieces to create. Artists will be able to volunteer for this or opt-out during sign-ups. 
If there are more Artists than Writers, then the first who sign up will be assigned to Writers while the others will have the option to be pinch-hitters.
Do I need an AO3?
All pieces in the Big Bang will be compiled into a collection on AO3 and will be asked to be posted there. If you don’t have an AO3 account and require an invitation, one of the moderators has spare invitations and will provide a link for you on request. 
Of course, all pieces are allowed to be cross-posted on any other platform that they want, such as Tumblr.
If you have any additional questions leading up to the start of the Big Bang, please send a message to @rfweeks !
Please reblog to spread the word! Writers, please start preparing for sign-ups on March 13th, 2020!
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purrlncess · 5 years
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waggy tails
[ on twtr ]
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purrlncess · 5 years
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when i have my monster boys as party members while i do farmwork leon x frey x dylas is my ot3...
[ on twtr ]
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purrlncess · 5 years
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frey n leon dynamics
[ on twtr ]
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